Changelog for wxPythonGTK- :

* Thu Jun 23 2011 Per Øyvind Karlsen 1: Revision: 686806- don\'t ship eggs for other python versions (prevents python(abi) deps to be generated on those other versions)
* Tue Jun 21 2011 Funda Wang 1: Revision: 686470- install binary
* Tue May 17 2011 Paulo Andrade 1: Revision: 675929- Correct assertion to allow handler as None, as it is a valid argument.
* Sat May 07 2011 Funda Wang 1: Revision: 672197- add fedora patch to fix aui loading- fix linkage- build with system wxgtk + Oden Eriksson - mass rebuild + Lev Givon - Update to
* Sun Oct 31 2010 Ahmad Samir 1: Revision: 590914- rebuild for python-2.7
* Mon Sep 13 2010 Lev Givon 1: Revision: 578036- Update to Remove patches that were merged upstream.
* Thu Apr 29 2010 Paulo Andrade 1: Revision: 541038- Correct 64 bits crash in wx cairo interface
* Wed Mar 03 2010 Götz Waschk 1: Revision: 513778- build with system expat (bug #57960)
* Sun Jan 10 2010 Oden Eriksson 1: Revision: 488811- rebuilt against libjpeg v8
* Mon Dec 14 2009 Lev Givon 1: Revision: 478645- Update to
* Sat Oct 03 2009 Götz Waschk 1: Revision: 453180- enable graphicx_ctx (bug #54129)
* Sun Aug 16 2009 Oden Eriksson 1: Revision: 416902- adapt the fedora patches from wxgtk2.8
* Thu Feb 19 2009 Götz Waschk 1: Revision: 342816- new version- update file list
* Tue Jan 27 2009 Funda Wang 1: Revision: 334021- add gl
* Tue Jan 27 2009 Funda Wang 1: Revision: 334020- spcify exception one by one
* Sun Dec 28 2008 Adam Williamson 1: Revision: 320093- bunch more string literal fixes- another string literal fix- add literal.patch: fix a string literal error- obsolete wxpython2.6 + Funda Wang - rebuild for new python
* Tue Oct 14 2008 Götz Waschk 1: Revision: 293665- rebuild
* Sat Oct 11 2008 Götz Waschk 1: Revision: 292359- new version
* Mon Jul 21 2008 Götz Waschk 1: Revision: 239366- new version
* Thu Jun 26 2008 Götz Waschk 1: Revision: 229258- fix buildrequires- new version + Pixel - rpm filetriggers deprecates update_menus/update_scrollkeeper/update_mime_database/update_icon_cache/update_desktop_database/post_install_gconf_schemas - do not call ldconfig in %%post/%%postun, it is now handled by filetriggers