Changelog for libreoffice-l10n-da-3.4.3-3-mdv2012.0.i586.rpm :
* Sun Nov 06 2011 Rafael da Veiga Cabral 1:3.4.3-3mdv2012.0+ Revision: 722934- dropped %%undefine debug_package_and_restore as it breaks the install section- calling getNextStream instead of getRawStream in the patch- poppler 0.18.1 compatibility (DCStream) class dropped- glib2.31 requires a single include for glib.h instead of glib/g *.h- add poppler-glib-devel buildrequire required for poppler 0.18.1- uses mklibname to get the right arch lib- add poppler0.18.1.patch: makes sdext (pdfimport-extension) poppler 0.18.1 api compatible- add support for locales: as, bn, dz,fa, ga, gl, gu, hr, kn, lt, lv, mai, ml, mr, nr, nso, or, pa-IN, ro, sh, si, sr, ss, st, te, th, tn, ts, uk, ve, and xh- fix \"OpenOffice.org\" leftovers in packages description and summary #64658- fix --with-num-cpus- add hsqdl 1.8.0 bundled- increase rel- add java-sdk-openjdk buildrequires- add apache-ant-1.8.1, commons-httpclient, commons-codec, commons-lang bandles- for experimental building whenever java stack is broken--This line, and th s ebelow, will be ignored-- A svn+ssh://svn.mandriva.com/svn/packages/cooker/libreoffice/branches/libreoffice_javaless/current- temporary changes for building purposes: removes --with-system-hsqldb removes ant-apache-regexp buildrequire- imported package libreoffice + Oden Eriksson - fix deps (libwpd-devel[>= 0.9.0])) - more debug package deactivation magic - sync yet again with what\'s in cooker (duh!) - try to fix the build with iurt - avoid downloading all the sources (duh!) - build against system graphite2 and textcat libs - really use system libwpd, libwpg and libwps libraries - use system python-translate - reapply -r682801 (fwang) and add more virtual provides - don\'t pull libdbcxx >= 4.2.5-4mdk in vain - sync with libreoffice-3.4.2-2.src.rpm - sync with libreoffice-3.4.2-1.src.rpm from 2011 - sync with libreoffice-3.3.2-1.src.rpm in cooker - fix deps (libdbcxx) + Funda Wang - use virtual provides