Changelog for
librpm-devel-5.3.7-2mdv2011.0.i586.rpm :
Thu Jan 6 13:00:00 2011 Per Øyvind Karlsen
+ Revision: 629184
- do a fast --rebuilddb using \'nofsync\' at end of db conversion (~#61744)
- fix bug preventing ie. noarch subpackages to be installed on i586 etc. (#61746)
- use a valid group for -apiddocs package
- update to 5.3.7 final
- move comment on %clean to not end up in %scriptlet
* generate apidocs and a subpackage for it
* add build conditionals for ruby, tcl, embedding etc..
- add --with-valgrind for debug build
- temporarily disable conflicts on older librpm versions to work around crap
related to \'abrt\'
- new cvs snapshot, previous were missing argv.h, now required for build URPM
- emergency rushed update with patch fixing %config(noreplace) not being honored
- ditch explicit python dependency
- new cvs snapshot
- update to new snapshot
- add conflicts on librpm <= 5.3 to force upgrade of anything else linked against
it (mdv#61658, comment #136, thx to Ric!:)
- do a temporary workaround segfault with rpmdrake for now (#61658)
- explicitly enable openmp
- fix perl sign test to pass while building with rpm4
- new cvs snapshot:
o adds some of the missing perl bindings functionality
o adds missing RPMSENSE_
* enum constants required by rpmlint
- new cvs snapshot:
o rpmdb: minimalistic lock object scaling (jbj)
o rpmdb: re-open with DB_RECOVER iff DB_RUNRECOVER (jbj)
- force building against external popt
- don\'t do db conversion in %posttrans when package isn\'t an upgrade, as this
most likely means it\'s a fresh chroot install and urpmi won\'t be restarted
after perl-URPM & rpm has been installed, thus breaking install.
- add which & sed to Requires(post) as they\'re required by
- oops, wrong tarball submitted for previous release :(
- add conflict on perl-RPM4 for perl-RPM
- improve cosmetics of %files
- reenable perl bindings regression tests
- no longer any need for loading rpm5 specific macros from /etc/rpm5/macros.d
- update and automize ghost file creation of rpmdb files
- update to new cvs snapshot which should do more proper rpmdb conversion
- fix silly macro expansion for %_prefer_target_cpu
- update to latest from cvs
- fix assertion checkk eportred by shlomi and automatic rpmdv convrsion now ::)
- update to new snapshot which includes conversion script & fixes assertion error
- ship macros that\'s not strictly reserved for building with main package
- just add %mkrel to please filter
- just disable inclusion of bootstrap.spec for now, it sholdn\'t be needed for rpm
4.6 currently anyways :)
- fix conditional inclusion of bootstrap.spec
- move into right dir...
- create the right dirs..