Changelog for gcc-doc-4.5.2-2-mdv2011.0.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Feb 10 2011 Paulo Andrade 4.5.2-2mnb2+ Revision: 637182- Disable cloog as a package should be made for ppl/cloog/melt support- Actually enable plugins- Add workaround for rpm debugedit due to joining $TMP or $TMPDIR with a filename and having // in the pathname- Update to gcc 4.5.2. + Funda Wang - rebuild for new ppl + Thierry Vignaud - let the doc subpackage be noarch * Wed Aug 25 2010 Christophe Fergeau 4.5.1-1mnb2+ Revision: 573098- gcc 4.5.1 * Tue Aug 24 2010 Christophe Fergeau 4.5.0-1mnb2+ Revision: 572931- fix gcc-plugins group- revert previous commit which was bogus :-/- libstdc++ gdb python helper is always in /usr/lib whatever the arch is, and since it\'s a python script, it\'s \"noarch\", so we can unconditionnally put it in a directory ending in /usr/lib, no need to have both /usr/lib and /usr/lib64- make sure LTO is enabled- remove workaround for debugedit issue since it\'s now fixed in rpm thanks to Anssi :)- import gcc 4.5.0 + Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski - Move gdb.py to gdb data dir. * Tue Feb 09 2010 Funda Wang 4.4.3-2mnb2+ Revision: 502641- rebuild for new gmp * Sun Jan 24 2010 Funda Wang 4.4.3-1mnb2+ Revision: 495383- New version 4.4.3- CVE-2009-3736 patch merged upstream + Per ?yvind Karlsen - set interpreter path when using -muclibc to the one used by our uClibc (P304) * Mon Nov 30 2009 Oden Eriksson 4.4.2-5mnb2+ Revision: 471759- P303: security fix for CVE-2009-3736 * Fri Nov 27 2009 Christophe Fergeau 4.4.2-4mnb2+ Revision: 470667- update for gcc 4.4.2 + Thierry Vignaud - split checks in %%check - more more doc from libstdc++-devel and gcc-c++ into gcc-doc - use ln instead of cp (less disk usage, faster) * Tue Sep 29 2009 Christophe Fergeau 4.4.1-3mnb2+ Revision: 450840- another attempt at fixing the libgcj_bc stuff. The previous change wasn\'t a good idea because non-system compilers\' libgcj_bc would obsolete the system libgcj_bc which is a bad idea :) * Mon Sep 28 2009 Christophe Fergeau 4.4.1-2mnb2+ Revision: 450607- One more attempt at fixing libgcj_bc packaging- don\'t ship libgcj_bc shared libs both in libgcj10 and libgcj_bc1 should fix bug #54121 * Thu Jul 23 2009 Christophe Fergeau 4.4.1-1mnb2+ Revision: 398776- upload gcc 4.4.1 tarball- preparation for gcc 4.4.1 (couldn\'t find it on the mirrors yet) * Mon Jul 20 2009 Anssi Hannula 4.4.0-5mnb2+ Revision: 398069- remove python files from gcj-tools that conflicted with java-1.5.0-gcj-devel * Sat Jul 18 2009 Anssi Hannula 4.4.0-4mnb2+ Revision: 396976- enable libobjc_gc (Mika Laitio) * Wed Jun 03 2009 Christophe Fergeau 4.4.0-3mnb2+ Revision: 382395- enable cloog/ppl in the build- Don\'t install aot-compile and rebuild-gcj-db since it\'s part of java-1.5.0-gcj- remove meaningless comment, disable -Wformat=error :-/- only do try find locale files for libstdc++ if we actually build it- check if files are present before trying to sanitize their rpath- ada fixes- Revert wrong hunk from wformat-fixes (see comment above it in the source) * Tue May 19 2009 Christophe Fergeau 4.4.0-1mnb2+ Revision: 377476- Don\'t attempt to build ada docs when ada is disabled- Add cloog/ppl support to build (disabled for now)- Fix customization of gcc bug URL- Fix spec for ada support. Don\'t reenable ada build for now since we don\'t have a gnat compiler available in main to bootstrap it- enable java in build- spec update for gcj 4.4.0- Initial pass at a gcc 4.4 package, rediff patches and get working C and C++ compilers. java and ada and tests are disabled for now.- Fix one more format warning- Get rid of cputoolize- Rediff patches against gcc 4.3.3- Reset release counter- Disable ada for now- Add missing space in substitution, this bug has been here forever, dunno why it never showed up before...- Add patch 114 to fix -Wformat=error issues- Upload gcc 4.3.3 tarball + Helio Chissini de Castro - Add another wformat fix on current patch + Anssi Hannula - split libgcj_bc to a separate package to avoid future conflicts - fix libgcj_bc handling of non-system-compilers (ported from gcc4.3) - do not require libgcj-devel in gcj-tools + Per ?yvind Karlsen - only leave out libgcc_eh.a when building cross bootstrap (needs to be verified) - don\'t include libgomp.info when building without libgomp - libgmp-devel & libmpfr-devel is needed for building regardless of gfortran - sync some patches and configure options with gcc from gdium tree - fix bootstrap build of cross compiler - work around issue with xgcc ignoring --sysroot when cross-compiling - fix so that lsb-headers patches gets applied in correct location.. - * add mips stuff to lsb-headers for cross compiling (P1000) * sysroot headers should go to usr/include/, not include/ + Pixel - rebuild with gnat enabled * Fri Nov 07 2008 Pixel 4.3.2-5mnb2+ Revision: 300457- rebuild without gnat for now (we need to rebuild libgcj first) + Thierry Vignaud - rebuild since lib{,64}gcj9 depends on libxcb-xlib.so.0 which is no more * Fri Sep 12 2008 Pixel 4.3.2-3mnb2+ Revision: 284163- fix broken symlinks -gfortran and -gcj (#43341)- when not system_compiler: o handle conflicts with system_compiler o require manbo-files-gcc%%{branch} * Thu Sep 04 2008 Pixel 4.3.2-2mnb2+ Revision: 280693- rename libffi-devel back to libffi4-devel (cf #43381) * Fri Aug 29 2008 Pixel 4.3.2-1mnb2+ Revision: 277302- 4.3.2- drop db-pathtail patch (fixed upstream)- fix build when not system_compiler- fix build without libgomp * Fri Jun 27 2008 Pixel 4.3.1-2mnb2+ Revision: 229470- snapshot 4.3-20080626 (including fix for gccbz#36533)- do not call ldconfig in %%post/%%postun, it is now handled by filetriggers * Mon Jun 09 2008 Pixel 4.3.1-1mnb2+ Revision: 217093- gcc 4.3.1- workaround bug with redefined extern inline (mdvbz #41171, upstream #33763)- drop alternatives for anything but c,c++,cpp- so drop having %%version in binary names (eg: gjar instead of gjar-4.3.1), this implies gcj-tools conflicts with current classpath- libgcj-devel and libgcj-static-devel must obsolete libgcj9-devel and libgcj9-static-devel * Mon May 19 2008 Pixel 4.3.1-0.20080515mnb2+ Revision: 208957- snapshot 4.3-20080515- change version in java homedir to 1.5.0- drop logging.properties and classpath.security (bug #23693)- load java property files from /usr/lib instead of /usr/lib64 on 64-bit systems (patch130, see bug #23693)- add patch133 (db-pathtail) to fix build (??, from gcc4.3.spec)- drop patch 104 for now, may break cross builds (but hopefully it can be fixed differently)- drop old patch 117, hopefully unneeded (Ada only)- drop now unneeded patches 118, 120, 121, 123, 125, 128- rediff patches 202, 211- libgcj9 conflicts with libgcj8- gcc-java now requires eclipse-ecj- drop require for zip from libgcj-devel, gjar is now used- drop patch 104 for now, may break cross builds (but hopefully it can be fixed differently)- be the system_compiler on mdv2009.0- add support for building on distros where gcc4.2 is system_compiler- libxxx-devel which have files in %%{gcc_libdir}/%%{gcc_target_platform}/%%{version} and do not require gcc must own that directory- %%{gcc_libdir}/%%{gcc_target_platform}/%%{version}/include/bits must be owned by libstdc++-devel (otherwise it\'s not removed on upgrade to a new gcc version)- build libffi when building java, but remove the binaries in non-system-compiler builds- handle build_stdcxxheaders on non system_compiler (from gcc4.3.spec)- drop support for building on mdv2007.0 and older- drop mention of deprecated gcc-$(gcc%%{branch}-version) for non system_compiler from %%description- use %%{buildroot} instead of $RPM_BUILD_ROOT- handle building without libgcj_bc, and build with libgcj_bc and not system_compiler (from gcc4.3.spec) * Mon Mar 17 2008 Pixel 4.2.3-6mnb1+ Revision: 188307- add requires on specific manbo-files-gcc-xxx * Fri Mar 14 2008 Pixel 4.2.3-5mnb1+ Revision: 187793- increase release- gcc can\'t use %%check since we need to \"make check\" before %%install. but still allow \"--without check\" the standard way- %{base_release} is not needed anymore- revert gcc-core/gcc-other split- re-add Requires on manbo-files-gcc (no Requires(pre) needed since all files are not installed through the symlink)- revert gcc-core/gcc-other split (only keeping the fixes and manbo_mkrel)- revert gcc-core/gcc-other split- use manbo_mkrel for gcc-core- we must ensure manbo-files-gcc is installed prior to install of files in /usr/lib/gcc/ *-mandriva-linux-gnu// (otherwise manbo-files-gcc install will fail) * Wed Mar 12 2008 Pixel 4.2.3-3mdv2008.1+ Revision: 187140- use simple \"make bootstrap-lean\" instead of \"make profiledbootstrap\" (it fails, it is not very useful, and jakub disabled it in fedora too)- libjack-devel is needed to build libgjsmdssi- java: always build with dssi-devel for libgjsmdssi * Fri Mar 07 2008 Pixel 4.2.3-2mdv2008.1+ Revision: 181288- fix build on x86_64: do not create 32/libgomp.so if not build_libgomp- add script to sync gcc-other from gcc-core- new release: 4.2.3- use a fixed list of include headers to keep + Kiichiro Naka - use _real_vendor not _vendor - gcc requires gcc-manbo-files if the vendor is \"manbo\" - fix vendor name as \"manbo\" - fix a condition macro - added prereq for \"manbo-files-gcc\" - remove requirement for manbo-files - modify misc packages require not gcc but gcc-BRANCH - split the SRPM to \"core\" and \"other\" for Manbo packages - Rename the spec file - Renamed from \"gcc\" for Manbo packages + Thierry Vignaud - rebuild - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel\'s request - move huge (& mostly prehistoric) Changelogs in doc subpackage + Olivier Blin - restore BuildRoot