Changelog for
erlang-cosEventDomain-R12B4-2xos2.0.i586.rpm :
Thu Sep 4 12:00:00 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc
+ Revision: 280749
- __cputoolize is still needed :(
- drop patch 3, fixed upstream
- disable __cputoolize
- update to new release R12B-4
- compress sources with lzma
- disable buildrequires on java-gcj-compat-devel
Mon Jun 16 12:00:00 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc R12B3-1mdv2009.0
+ Revision: 219352
- merge rpath and sslrpatch patches into patch 2
- Patch3: fix glibc version
- disable strict-aliasing
- enable dynamic linking for ssl
- use macro for configure script
- update to new version R12B-3
+ Pixel
- do not call ldconfig in %post/%postun, it is now handled by filetriggers
Sun May 4 12:00:00 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc R12B2-2mdv2009.0
+ Revision: 201009
- fix ESS script (#39562)
Tue Apr 22 12:00:00 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc R12B2-1mdv2009.0
+ Revision: 196412
- new version
Wed Feb 27 11:00:00 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc R12B1-1mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 175750
- add buildrequires on libgd2-devel
- make it build
- add more symlinks to %_bindir
- new version
- drop not applied patch 5
- get rid of buildroot inside erlang files
- new versioning
Mon Feb 18 11:00:00 2008 Thierry Vignaud R12B-7mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 170819
- rebuild
- fix \"foobar is blabla\" summary (=> \"blabla\") so that it looks nice in rpmdrake
- fix description-line-too-long
Tue Feb 5 11:00:00 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc R12B-6mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 162904
- enable dynamic linking for ssl
Tue Jan 29 11:00:00 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc R12B-5mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 160002
- fix requires for erlang-edoc
Sun Jan 27 11:00:00 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc R12B-4mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 158782
- fix requires for erlang-edoc, this closes mdv bug #37227
Mon Jan 7 11:00:00 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc R12B-3mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 146344
- remove redundant provides on subpackages
- obsolete erlang-mnesia_session and erlang-mnemosyne - gone with the upstream wind
+ Olivier Blin
- restore BuildRoot
+ Thierry Vignaud
- kill re-definition of %buildroot on Pixel\'s request
Sun Dec 16 11:00:00 2007 Anssi Hannula R12B-2mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 120808
- buildrequires java-rpmbuild
+ Tomasz Pawel Gajc
- add missing buildrequires
- subpackages mnesia_session and mnemosyne are gone
- welcome common_test, percept and test_server subpackages
- move man files to the %{_mandir}
- new version
+ Thierry Vignaud
- fix summary-ended-with-dot
Sat Sep 29 12:00:00 2007 Pascal Terjan R11B-11mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 93867
- Don\'t provide emacs...
Tue Aug 21 12:00:00 2007 Tomasz Pawel Gajc R11B-10mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 68696
- provide emacs support (bug #32318)
- man pages are now compressed with lzma
- remove some dead entries in spec file
- own missing dirs
Sun Jul 8 12:00:00 2007 Tomasz Pawel Gajc R11B-9mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 49833
- use %serverbuild macro
- fix bug #31636
- correct summary and description for erlang-hipe
Sun Jun 17 12:00:00 2007 Tomasz Pawel Gajc R11B-8mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 40525
- fix typo in requires
Sat Jun 16 12:00:00 2007 Tomasz Pawel Gajc R11B-7mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 40379
- adjust modules versions
- new module docbuilder
- requires tcl
- use distro conditional -fstack-protector
- enable smp support
- new version
- update documentation
Sun Apr 29 12:00:00 2007 Tomasz Pawel Gajc R11B-6mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 19311
- update to erlang-R11B-4
- disable P0
- spec file clean :(
Sat Sep 30 12:00:00 2006 Michael Scherer R11B-5mdv2007.0
+ Revision: 62756
- fix build on x86_64
- add a switch for building without java
- do not requires java in erlang-stack if it was not built
- Import erlang