Changelog for libglademm2.4_1-2.4.1-2mdk.i586.rpm :
Sun Jun 20 12:00:00 2004 Abel Cheung 2.4.1-2mdk
- Rebuild against new gtkmm
- fix source URL

Mon Jun 7 12:00:00 2004 Götz Waschk 2.4.1-1mdk
- fix source URL
- reenable libtoolize
- New release 2.4.1

Wed Apr 28 12:00:00 2004 Abel Cheung 2.4.0-1mdk
- New major release

Wed Apr 28 12:00:00 2004 Abel Cheung 2.2.0-1mdk
- New version
- Remove all patches (upstream or not needed)
- Only provides libglademm2.0(-devel), so other packages won\'t
require libglademm without indicating API version
- Please use UTF-8 for spec in the future

Sat Nov 1 11:00:00 2003 Abel Cheung 2.1.2-3mdk
- Revert previous change (Don\'t blindly add provides, libglademm and
glademm are entirely different thing)

Wed Oct 29 11:00:00 2003 Per Øyvind Karlsen 2.1.2-2mdk
- provides (lib64..)

Thu Oct 2 12:00:00 2003 Abel Cheung 2.1.2-1mdk
- 2.1.2
- Patch1: Make libtool 1.5 always search for staging libraries first
during relinking
- Provides plain package name

Wed Aug 13 12:00:00 2003 Abel Cheung 2.0.1-1mdk
- Rename glademm2.0 -> libglademm2.0, avoid confusion with
the real glademm package
- Build static library
- Build doc
- Need not provide glademm2.0{,-devel} since nothing require them
- Patch0: Fix doc/reference/Doxyfile (which was having old variable that
belongs to gnomeuimm package)

Sun Apr 6 12:00:00 2003 Austin Acton 1.3.10-1mdk
- initial package