Changelog for bibletime-i18n-ua-1.5.1-1mdk.i586.rpm :
Wed Sep 14 12:00:00 2005 Buchan Milne 1.5.1-1mdk
- New release 1.5.1
- cleanups

Thu Feb 26 11:00:00 2004 Thierry Vignaud 1.4.1-2mdk
- fix dependancies

Tue Feb 24 11:00:00 2004 Brook Humphrey 1.4.1-1mdk
- updated for bibletime 1.4.1

Sun Feb 8 11:00:00 2004 Thierry Vignaud 1.4-2mdk
- fix groups and summaries
- sanitize license tag
- kill wrongly filled vendor/distribution tags (automatically filled)

Fri Nov 14 11:00:00 2003 Brook Humphrey 1.4-1mdk
- updated for bibletime 1.4

Fri Nov 14 11:00:00 2003 Brook Humphrey 1.3-1mdk
- cleaned up spec some
- seperated out packages into individual languages.

Sun Jun 22 12:00:00 2003 Joachim Ansorg
-Cleanup. We require no an Sword RPM file to be installed.

-Removed Mandrake menu stuff because there\'s an own SPEC file for this.

Fri Feb 14 11:00:00 2003 Joachim Ansorg
-Removed locales.d source and management of Sword files because we require a Sword RPM now.

Mon Apr 8 12:00:00 2002 Brook Humphrey bibletime-1.1
- Added to the spec to better handle mandrake menus during compile. Now should be compatable with all os\'s.

- added locals.d source to build. This removes dependecy on sword being installed. Will make seperate package for this later.

Sun Mar 31 12:00:00 2002 Joachim Ansorg
- Made including the book translations working finally.

- Fixed SPEC files to work with SuSE

Thu Feb 7 11:00:00 2002 Brook Humphrey bibletime-1.0.2
- changed compile time options to mach bibletime spec included with source files

- compiled on mandrake 8.2

Fri Sep 7 12:00:00 2001 Joachim Ansorg
- Added the bookname files in the file list

Tue Jul 10 12:00:00 2001 Brook Humphrey bibletime-1.0.1-Mandrake8.0.4mdk
- Recompile because of dependecy problems.

Tue Jul 10 12:00:00 2001 Brook Humphrey bibletime-1.0.1-Mandrake8.0.1mdk
- bug fix release bibletime-1.0.1

- adda extra compile options to spec file.

- Merged in suse changes for compileing on SuSE

Sun May 27 12:00:00 2001 Brook Humphrey
- Trying different variations of static compiles again.

- Still using cvs sources while waiting for 1.0 release.

Thu May 24 12:00:00 2001 Brook Humphrey
- Trying for x static and whatever else we can get into it.

- No X for today Got libz to compile in but it causes segfault.

Wed May 23 12:00:00 2001 Brook Humphrey
- Yet another try at static qt.

- Qt static works now.

Mon May 21 12:00:00 2001 Brook Humphrey
- Static is working for kde and a few other libs but not qt yet.

- Testing another patch today to try to get qt compiled static.

Sun May 20 12:00:00 2001 Brook Humphrey
- Cleaned up spec some more(stupid spelling error\'s)

- static compile not working today so added option to compile kde and sword as static seperately

Sat May 19 12:00:00 2001 Brook Humphrey
- Cleaned up spec some more and added a few more comments

- Changed spec to automaticly do parts concerning static and Mandrake menus

- All info can be set in defines at top of spec file no other changes should need to be made

- Fixed patch to compile static should now compile static with kde libs

- Test to compile with qt as static also

Sun May 13 12:00:00 2001 Brook Humphrey
- cleaned up spec file and added more comments for easier reading.

- changed sword.conf instelation to check for previous versions of sword.conf

- If found a new sword.conf is not created

- Made a patch to hopefully compile kde and other libs as atatic

- static compile didn\'t work for today.

Tue May 8 12:00:00 2001 Brook Humphrey
- Updated package to be relocatable

- added sword directories and sword.conf to install

Mon Apr 30 12:00:00 2001 Brook Humphrey
- Changed to build staticly

- added more mandrake macros to spec file

Mon Apr 23 12:00:00 2001 Brook Humphrey
- made changes to enable compile of cvs tree

Wed Mar 14 11:00:00 2001 Brook Humphrey
- updated to use mandrake menu sysem