Changelog for
libsablotron0-devel-1.0.3-1mdv2007.1.i586.rpm :
Tue Feb 13 23:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin
+ Revision: 120628
- use a perl one-liner to replace previous patch for lib64 tests
- don\'t require expat package
- 1.0.3 (and drop now useless patches)
- Import sablotron
Wed Aug 24 00:00:00 2005 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.2-2mdk
- lib64 fixes
Sun May 22 00:00:00 2005 Oden Eriksson 1.0.2-1mdk
- 1.0.2
- rediffed P0
- added the test suite
- use new rpm-4.4.x pre,post magic
Wed Mar 16 23:00:00 2005 Oden Eriksson 1.0.1-7mdk
- make it find the headers
- fix deps and conditional %multiarch
Sat Jul 17 00:00:00 2004 Christiaan Welvaart 1.0.1-6mdk
- add BuildRequires: perl-XML-Parser
Tue Jul 13 00:00:00 2004 Oden Eriksson 1.0.1-5mdk
- rebuild
Wed Jun 9 00:00:00 2004 G�tz Waschk 1.0.1-4mdk
- patch for new g++
Sun May 23 00:00:00 2004 Oden Eriksson 1.0.1-3mdk
- might as well let it provide sablotron-devel
Sun May 23 00:00:00 2004 Oden Eriksson 1.0.1-2mdk
- disable readline support
Fri May 21 00:00:00 2004 Oden Eriksson 1.0.1-1mdk
- use the %configure2_5x macro
- sync with the spec file by Petr Cimpricg
- spec file cleanups