Changelog for
openssl-debug-0.9.8f-2mdv2008.0.i586.rpm :
Thu Feb 28 23:00:00 2008 Guillaume Rousse
+ Revision: 176243
- enable TLS extension, for SNI support
- copy 0.9.8f release in 2008 backports tree
+ mandrake
- %repsys markrelease
version: 0.9.8f
release: 1mdv2008.1
revision: 100300
Copying 0.9.8f-1mdv2008.1 to releases/ directory.
+ Oden Eriksson
- 0.9.8f
- rediffed P2
- drop upstream implemented fixes for CVE-2007-3108, CVE-2007-5135
- drop upstream implemented fixes; P4, P14, P16, P17, P18
+ Anne Nicolas
- bump release
+ Andreas Hasenack
- patch to fix security issues CVE-2007-5135 and
CVE-2007-3108 (#34405 and #32376 respectively)
- fix sigill during make test (#32769)
- make c_rehash handle .crt extensions (#32621)
- fixed 3des cipher bug in openssl (#30431)
+ Thierry Vignaud
- add missing buildrequires for test suite
- kill file require on perl-base
- rebuild with -fstack-protector