Changelog for
x11-data-xkbdata-1.1-3.1mdv2008.0.noarch.rpm :
Fri Dec 21 23:00:00 2007 Paulo Andrade
+ Revision: 136525
- Advisory:
\"The xkeyboard-config package distributed with Mandriva Linux 2008
had a different configuration for fr keyboards that prevented the
generation of ?\\197?\\147 through altgt-o.
This update to the xkeyboard-config package fixes the problem.\"
How to test
With Mandriva 2008 French installation prior to this update:
Generation of ?\\197?\\147 through altgt-o doesn\'t work.
Sat Sep 29 00:00:00 2007 Frederic Crozat 1:1.1-3mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 93539
- Rename specfile
- Fix naming of package
- Rebuild with new upstream tarball
- Add missing symlink for xkbcomp to work fine (Mdv bug #34195)
+ Paulo Andrade
- Update to xkeyboard-config 1.1. Conflicts when analyzing the changes regarding
to old patches are commented in the spec file.
- Update xkb-fix_uz patch, based on new patch proposed for Bugzilla #28918
+ Gustavo Pichorim Boiko
- Renaming x11-data-xkbdata to xkeyboard-config (to reflect the upstream naming)