Changelog for
kernel-rsbac-desktop586-devel-2.6.31-2mdv-1-1mdv2010.0.i586.rpm :
Fri Sep 18 00:00:00 2009 Lonyai Gergely
+ Revision: 443899
- fix %{_kerneldir}/tools packaging
- update the rsbac code
- The RSBAC developers provide a 2.6.31 patch to Mandriva Linux 2010.0 release.
I modify the SPEC to yours files.
- 2.6.31
Sat Sep 5 00:00:00 2009 Lonyai Gergely
+ Revision: 430326
- rebuild
- rebuild
- rsbac verzion update to svn-781
- rebuild
+ Thomas Backlund
- bump release
- nuke all obsoletes/provides that conflicts with main kernel
(they dont belong in kernel-rsbac anyway)
Wed Aug 26 00:00:00 2009 Lonyai Gergely
+ Revision: 420846
- rebuild
- fix \"without\" contitions
- rebuild
- update to
- update kernel-rsbac patches
Sat Aug 8 00:00:00 2009 Lonyai Gergely
+ Revision: 411131
- rebuild
- Add Makefile
- move the rsbac patch to PATCHES dir
- The rsbac patch
- Add rsbac patch
- fix distsuffix
- initial release
- Kernel version:
- RSBAC patch version: 1.4.2 (svn: 779)
- not include other patch (exclude compiling helper diffs)
- create kernel-rsbac
+ Thierry Vignaud
- typo fix