Changelog for mkinitrd-6.0.93-6.3mnb2.i586.rpm :
Sun May 30 00:00:00 2010 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski 6.0.93-6.3mnb2 + Revision: 546561 - Fix nash firmware loading (see #53220).
Sat Jan 16 23:00:00 2010 Security Team 6.0.93-6.2mnb2 + Revision: 492299 - built for updates
+ Pascal Terjan - always use DRM_WHITELIST; previously currently-loaded drm drivers bypassed the whitelist, and all proprietary drivers matching the same hardware were also added to the initrd, causing obvious problems (fixes #55676) - only add DRM_WHITELISTed drm modules and their dependencies to the initrd (previously just one driver for a card being whitelisted caused mkinitrd to put all drivers to initrd, including proprietary ones) - Conflict with old dmraid as we use --rm_partitions which appeared in rc15 #55427
Tue Oct 13 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.93-6mnb2 + Revision: 456870 - Always emit plymouth
Tue Oct 13 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.93-5mnb2 + Revision: 456852 - Fix keyboard detection fix
Wed Oct 7 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.93-4mnb2 + Revision: 455284 - Improve keyboard drivers detection
Thu Oct 1 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.93-3mnb2 + Revision: 451768 - Create urandom for LVM - Detect devtmpfs support at boot time
Fri Sep 25 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.93-2mnb2 + Revision: 448468 - Workaround issue on dmraid 10 (#53653)
Wed Sep 23 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.93-1mnb2 + Revision: 447339 - Update to 6.0.93 - Drop splashy support - Document patch generation from git
Fri Sep 18 00:00:00 2009 Thierry Vignaud 6.0.92-12mnb2 + Revision: 444011 - patch 200: backport fix for radeon firmware loading from 6.0.93 (\"Move hotplug run to before gpu driver probing (airlied, #520730)\")
Tue Sep 15 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.92-11mnb2 + Revision: 439072 - Fix waiting on full disks (#53653)
Tue Sep 1 00:00:00 2009 Frederic Crozat 6.0.92-10mnb2 + Revision: 422846 - Fix plymouth detection when splashy is still enabled (Mdv bug #53264)
Sat Aug 29 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.92-9mnb2 + Revision: 421890 - Do not lookup UUID on full disks, some have
Fri Aug 28 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.92-8mnb2 + Revision: 421713 - Fix patch listing - Add drm detection if module is not loaded
Tue Aug 25 00:00:00 2009 Frederic Crozat 6.0.92-7mnb2 + Revision: 420429 - Own /usr/libexec (only used for mkinitrd) - Patch141: no longer uses daemonize to start plymouthd, upstream suggests it is a bad idea nowadays
Thu Aug 20 00:00:00 2009 Frederic Crozat 6.0.92-6mnb2 + Revision: 418006 - Patch140: really fix plymouth support on x86-64 (revert to /usr/libexec)
Wed Aug 19 00:00:00 2009 Frederic Crozat 6.0.92-5mnb2 + Revision: 417836 - Patch140: fix plymouth tool path for x86-64
Wed Aug 19 00:00:00 2009 Frederic Crozat 6.0.92-4mnb2 + Revision: 417810 - Patch139: disable KMS / drm support in DRM until kernel has agp built-in
Sat Aug 15 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.92-3mnb2 + Revision: 416333 - Add back patch fixing 1 minute delay - Fix dmraid handling to wait for disks
Fri Aug 14 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.92-2mnb2 + Revision: 416004 - Add back netlink patch which was not in git
Thu Aug 13 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.92-1mnb2 + Revision: 415580 - Update to 6.0.92 - Use patches from git - Support plymouth - look for plymouth script in /usr/lib not libexec - use readlink -f instead of manually computing directories
Tue Jul 28 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.86-7mnb2 + Revision: 400510 - Require only kprtx now that it is package separatly
Wed Jul 15 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.86-6mnb2 + Revision: 395865 - Require multipath-tools for kpartx, it is now used for dmraid
Wed Jul 8 00:00:00 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski 6.0.86-5mnb2 + Revision: 393329 - Drop mkinitrd-6.0.63-resume-md.patch: it fails to start md devices as read-only before nash-resume, and even if it worked, would break hibernate on machines that have swap partition as a md device, because hibernate magic wouldn\'t be reset after waking up from hibernate as md is in read only mode, causing machine to continue thinking it comes from hibernate even after shutting down or resetting it, which in turn results in file system corruption.
Wed Jul 8 00:00:00 2009 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski 6.0.86-4mnb2 + Revision: 393319 - Fixes to mkinitrd-6.0.86-waitdev.patch: * slaves variable isn\'t set anymore in mkinitrd; rename to waitblks and use it to get the list of all partitions that we must wait to appear. This also will fix a bug where boot is slow with dm/lvm devices, because we did \"waitdev --timeout=60000000 --rootdev $rootdev\" before running md/lvm commands that will in fact make $rootdev appear. But it should not be needed to wait on $rootdev if we already wait for all partitions that forms root and resume devices, thus remove this part and the wait from resumeCommand in nash. * If uuid is available, wait on uuid of partition instead of device node when using waitdev for partitions we must wait to appear (experimental).
Wed Jul 1 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.86-3mnb2 + Revision: 391021 - SYSFONTACM does not contain full file name (#51916)
Thu Jun 25 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.86-2mnb2 + Revision: 388884 - Fix handling of root=
+ Andrey Borzenkov - nash cannot hande udev netlink messages; restrict received groups to kernel messages ony to avoid false error message
Sat Jun 13 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.86-1mnb2 + Revision: 385467 - Fix path for kbd data - Reorganize patches - Update to 6.0.86
Wed Jun 10 00:00:00 2009 Frederic Crozat 6.0.63-18mnb2 + Revision: 384369 - Switch to libblkid-devel
+ Christophe Fergeau - release -17 - fix passing of mount options in nashmount
+ Andrey Borzenkov - remove hardcoded $rootdev from \"waiting for root to appear\" message to avoid confusion when different root= was explicitly given on command line
Wed Apr 8 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.63-16mnb2 + Revision: 365066 - Properly exclude dm/md devices from lvm pv to wait for
Wed Apr 8 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.63-15mnb2 + Revision: 365051 - Fix RAID handling
Tue Apr 7 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.63-14mnb2 + Revision: 364491 - Fix handling of root=
Sat Apr 4 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.63-13mnb2 + Revision: 363820 - Support root=301 (from lilo) in waitdev - use waitdev on underlying devices for lvm/dmcrypt/dmraid/...
Fri Apr 3 00:00:00 2009 Pascal Terjan 6.0.63-12mnb2 + Revision: 363551 - Wait (only) for needed devices when using dmcrypt
Wed Mar 4 23:00:00 2009 Frederic Crozat 6.0.63-11mnb2 + Revision: 348470 - Update patch147 to no use waitdev for crypted rootfs
Tue Feb 3 23:00:00 2009 Guillaume Rousse 6.0.63-10mnb2 + Revision: 337122 - keep bash completion in its own package
Wed Jan 28 23:00:00 2009 Frederic Crozat 6.0.63-9mnb2 + Revision: 334903 - Update 145 to copy all needed files for bootchartd
Thu Jan 22 23:00:00 2009 Frederic Crozat 6.0.63-8mnb2 + Revision: 332487 - Update patch145 to work with latest bootchart-logger package
Mon Jan 12 23:00:00 2009 Guillaume Rousse 6.0.63-7mnb2 + Revision: 328611 - bash completion
Sat Dec 27 23:00:00 2008 Funda Wang 6.0.63-6mnb2 + Revision: 319810 - rediff checkroot patch - rediff resume-md patch - rediff kbd patch - rediff dsdt patch - rebuild for new python
Thu Nov 13 23:00:00 2008 Frederic Crozat 6.0.63-5mnb2 + Revision: 302752 - Update patch 147 to display a little message before starting waitdev, reduce timeout to 1min and fix raid volume detection - Patch148: prevent ppoll overflow
Fri Oct 31 23:00:00 2008 Frederic Crozat 6.0.63-4mnb2 + Revision: 298847 - Patch146: disable usb by default, it will be auto-enabled when needed - Patch147: use waitdev to wait for rootfs and resume partition
Mon Oct 27 23:00:00 2008 Frederic Crozat 6.0.63-3mnb2 + Revision: 297726 - Patch145 (rtp): add support for bootchartd
+ Pascal Terjan - Do not use glib (saves about 400KB in compressed initrd)
+ Luca Berra - make encrypted system devices work in initrd (#44464)
Sat Sep 13 00:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.63-1mnb2 + Revision: 284255 - allow to run hooks from /etc/sysconfig/mkinitrd.d/ just before packing initrd image, to run OEM hacks (from Wanderlei Antonio Cavassin) - fix installation of symlinked files, even if this patch is probably wrong somehow (from Pascal Terjan, #43576) - rediff fix_usbstorage patch - rediff rmatch patch - remove merged upstream patch - 6.0.63
Thu Sep 11 00:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.62-6mnb2 + Revision: 283443 - kill nash-hotplug explicitely before running init, and make it abort nicely if it can\'t contact nash anymore (instead of taking all the cpu with finit)
Fri Sep 5 00:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.62-5mnb2 + Revision: 280604 - wait once only for driver initialization (patch from upstream)
Wed Aug 27 00:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.62-4mnb2 + Revision: 276214 - do not include splashy in initrd if splash is set to no in /etc/sysconfig/bootsplash - start splashy only if splash=silent is on command line (adding if-splash nash builtin)
Tue Aug 26 00:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.62-3mnb2 + Revision: 275666 - when probing devices, check device access since blkid now returns cached devices that may not exist (as of e2fsprogs commit 8bcaaabb1a023af4852dbf0dba76249982c62e40), this fixes boot with lilo
Thu Aug 21 00:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.62-2mnb2 + Revision: 274256 - fix resolving library deps (IF_RTLD can not be modified when get_dso_deps is called in a subshell...)
Wed Aug 20 00:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.62-1mnb2 + Revision: 273923 - package initrd-functions - rediff fix_usbstorage patch - rediff fb0 patch - rediff gz-modules patch (because some code has been moved to a functions lib) - rediff relatime patch - rediff dsdt patch (and remove hunk importing unused dsdt_file) - rediff ide patch - rediff fix-modules-check patch - rediff resume patch - rediff source-sysconfig-later - rediff nonetwork and rmatch patches - 6.0.62
Sat Aug 2 00:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.52-5mnb2 + Revision: 259706 - wait for USB devices initialization when usb_storage is builtin too (from Arnaud Patard) - fix detection of usb_storage module (for device wait, from Arnaud Patard)
Fri Jul 25 00:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.52-4mnb2 + Revision: 245145 - exit splashy if boot fails - check that /dev exists in new root, not to wrongly clean old root since we need /dev to stop splashy and show error messages
Thu Jul 24 00:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.52-3mnb2 + Revision: 243616 - initial splashy support - create /dev/fb0 in initrd (for splashy)
Sat May 10 00:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.52-2mnb2 + Revision: 204811 - force sd_mod and ide-disk loading when needed (not to depend on current kernel, #38825) - do not unconditionally load ide-disk - handle install/probeall modprobe commands for scsi_hostadapter
Thu May 8 00:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.52-1mnb2 + Revision: 202678 - buildrequire libelf-devel - package lsinitrd - remove handleraid awk patch (fixed upstream) - rediff noselinux/nonetwork/dsdt patches - 6.0.52
Mon Mar 24 23:00:00 2008 Per Øyvind Karlsen 6.0.37-2mnb1 + Revision: 189807 - fix incorrect awk syntax that broke handling of raid devices (P132)
Tue Mar 18 23:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.37-1mnb1 + Revision: 188600 - remove UUID/LABEL hack, it\'s now better handled upstream (might fails with encrypted partitions though) - rediff DSDT patch - 6.0.37 (should fix device-mapper issues, #37777)
Mon Mar 17 23:00:00 2008 Makoto Dei 6.0.34-2mnb1 + Revision: 188349 - nash didn\'t handle the return value of dm_task_run correctly. (#38723)
Mon Mar 10 23:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.34-1mnb1 + Revision: 183423 - remove mkliveinitrd - 6.0.34 - rediff noselinux patch
Sun Feb 24 23:00:00 2008 Andrey Borzenkov 6.0.29-6mnb1 + Revision: 174443 - update patch106 - nash-resume truncated kernel command line so any argument after resume=... was lost (e.g. init=/bin/sh)
Sun Feb 24 23:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.29-5mnb1 + Revision: 174340 - fix mount options list for relatime in testing mode - rediff resume-md patch - run nash-resume (nash builtin, instead of resume binary directly) when trying to trigger resume - install resume as /bin/resume (to match path from nash)
Fri Feb 22 23:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.29-4mnb1 + Revision: 173956 - drop parted requirement in nash, only the lib is required - drop explicit lib requirements - fix installation of /usr/sbin/resume
Thu Feb 21 23:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.29-3mnb1 + Revision: 173426 - fix resume= handling
Tue Feb 19 23:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.29-2mnb1 + Revision: 173044 - handle root= from lilo (#37718)
Mon Feb 18 23:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.29-1mnb1 + Revision: 171282 - 6.0.29 - drop patches from upstream - add modules listed in ide-controller alias (and allow to force/forbid inclusion with --force-ide-probe and --omit-ide-modules options) - fix modules check (i.e. allow to add piix even if ata_piix is already in the modules list)
Mon Feb 18 23:00:00 2008 Thierry Vignaud 6.0.28-7mnb1 + Revision: 171226 - replace %mkrel with %manbo_mkrel for Manbo Core 1
Thu Feb 14 23:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.28-7mdv2008.1 + Revision: 167199 - add missing newlines in suspend2 messages - remove wrong usbdriver call if usbhid is needed, set withusb instead
+ Thierry Vignaud - fix summary case
Tue Feb 12 23:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.28-6mdv2008.1 + Revision: 166509 - fix summary ended with dot - rephrase --dsdt help in man - use result of \"uname -r\" in usage - do not drop support for non-gzipped modules (#37633) - source sysconfig later (from Eric Pielbug, #37673) - rediff dsdt patch accordingly
Fri Feb 8 23:00:00 2008 Thierry Vignaud 6.0.28-5mdv2008.1 + Revision: 164148 - remove bogus doble require added by blino
+ Olivier Blin - require util-linux-ng instead of file require /sbin/losetup - drop /bin/sh requires
Fri Feb 8 23:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.28-4mdv2008.1 + Revision: 164102 - make nash conflict with old mkinitrd package that used to contain nash
+ Thierry Vignaud - kill again fileutils requires added in 6.0.28 which is already covered by coreutils require
Fri Feb 8 23:00:00 2008 Olivier Blin 6.0.28-2mdv2008.1 + Revision: 163998 - fix regexp match with bash-3.2, notably to fix RAID with mdadm (similar to initscripts bug: Mdv #32501, RH #220087) - resolve UUID/LABEL with /dev devices, not /sys (so that resolved LVM devices can be used with lvs) - use gzipped modules by default - rewrite use-both-ahci-ata_piix patch - remove some explicit lib requires - drop cdrom label mount patch - create /etc/blkid in initrd, so that cdrom mount by label can be done after running \"showlabels --removable\" - rediff resume-md patch (not tested) - rediff fstab-auto patch - drop --omit-ide-modules (not really appropriate with current detection scheme) - rediff relatime patch and add some MS_RELATIME definitions - move suspend2/tuxonice support in nash (to be tested) - rediff resume patch (to be tested) - fix nonetwork patch - do not build network and dhcp support - do not link with selinux - merge atkbd patch and ps2 kbd from old mdk patch in new kbd patch - merge initramfs-dsdt and dsdt part of mdk patch in a new dsdt patch (with initramfs support only) - drop big old mdk patch (dropping --debug-busybox and fatx support) - drop initrd fs patch, we use initramfs by default - drop uuid lvm patch (allegedly supported in new upstream version, but will require another patch) - drop uuid mount patch (handled by blkid support) - remove modprobe -k patches, upstream already uses modprobe --set-version - drop /dev/rtc creation patch - drop scsi_wait_scan patch (handled upstream) - drop deprecated uuid patch related to volume_id (blkid is now used instead) - remove deprecated switchroot arguments fix - drop raid456 patch (handled in new upstream mkinitrd) - drop deprecated usb_storage/sbp2 patch - drop ide modules patch (resolved by modalias) - remove scsi driver fallback patch (not useful since we resolve driver through modalias) - drop evms support - drop dmraid patch (handled in upstream mkinitrd) - update closedir patch - drop migration from mptscsih to mptspi and mptfc (automatically handled through modaliases) - drop label patch (upstream uses blkid) - do not build with -Werror (from Fedora) - merge packaging with RH: o split nash, bdevid-python, devel packages o update requires/buildrequires - drop dietlibc support - add lvm/rtc patches from upstream - 6.0.28 - license is GPLv2+
Sat Jan 26 23:00:00 2008 Andrey Borzenkov 4.2.17-57mdv2008.1 + Revision: 158319 - Current dietlibc returns \"unsigned long long\" for major() and minor() device numbers. Cast them to proper type when using printf(); while at it, use %u (for unsigned) instead of %d, which is actually expected by kernel. This fixes resume from hibernation, because without it resumeCommand sometimes attempted to set wrong resume device in kernel.
Fri Jan 25 23:00:00 2008 Andreas Hasenack 4.2.17-56mdv2008.1 + Revision: 157909 - consolidate mkrootdev and use it once instead of \'n\' times
Tue Jan 8 23:00:00 2008 Andreas Hasenack 4.2.17-55mdv2008.1 + Revision: 146560 - fix for when / is in LVM and using UUID (#36457)
+ Olivier Blin - restore BuildRoot
+ Thierry Vignaud - kill re-definition of %buildroot on Pixel\'s request
Sun Sep 23 00:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-54mdv2008.0 + Revision: 92215 - fix inclusion of usb controller modules when usb_storage is used (#33259)
Sun Sep 23 00:00:00 2007 Luca Berra 4.2.17-53mdv2008.0 + Revision: 92203 - fix location of 64bit shared libraries (#33849) - add requires for recent modules-init-tool (modinfo -k)
Fri Sep 21 00:00:00 2007 Thomas Backlund 4.2.17-52mdv2008.0 + Revision: 91534 - readd tuxonice support without removing old suspend2 support - revert tuxonice support
Fri Sep 21 00:00:00 2007 Thomas Backlund 4.2.17-51mdv2008.0 + Revision: 91264 - fix suspend2 support due to upstream renaming to tuxonice
Thu Sep 20 00:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-50mdv2008.0 + Revision: 90912 - fix uuid display in nash
Sat Sep 15 00:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-49mdv2008.0 + Revision: 85521 - fix UUID detection when device has no label
Sat Sep 8 00:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-48mdv2008.0 + Revision: 81723 - do not make scsi_wait_scan module mandatory (i.e. fix titipo to allow rebuilding initrd with 2.6.17)
+ Thierry Vignaud - workaround --debug-busybox by defaulting to ext2 when used since for some unknown reason, busybox doesn\'t start from ramfs
Thu Aug 30 00:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-47mdv2008.0 + Revision: 73536 - hide some errors - fix findmodule() when called recursively
Thu Aug 30 00:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-46mdv2008.0 + Revision: 73360 - fix looking for module deps when the module name contains underscores
Wed Aug 29 00:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-45mdv2008.0 + Revision: 72295 - fix module copy broken by latest patch
Tue Aug 28 00:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-44mdv2008.0 + Revision: 71971 - use modinfo to find module filename (should fix loading modules with underscores in modname and dashes in filename, such as usb_storage) - add pata drivers in initrd if listed in scsi_hostadapter (when mkinitrd is run from a kernel with legacy IDE modules) - pass kernel version when running modinfo to find the module if it does not exist for running kernel
Sat Aug 25 00:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-43mdv2008.0 + Revision: 70871 - drop bundled volume_id source code, use libvolume_id static dietlibc archive instead - drop strnlen patch, link with dietlibc libcompat instead - revert usage of label_raw introduced in commit 49761, this breaks iso9660 label detection
Sat Aug 25 00:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-42mdv2008.0 + Revision: 70843 - create /dev/rtc when /dev is mounted as tmpfs as well
Tue Aug 21 00:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-41mdv2008.0 + Revision: 68047 - pre-create /dev/rtc in initrd (hwclock is started before udev in rc.sysinit, #30401)
+ Thierry Vignaud - kill file require on perl-base
Thu Aug 16 00:00:00 2007 Andrey Borzenkov 4.2.17-40mdv2008.0 + Revision: 63740 - patch25: --omit-ide-modules; useful for migrating from IDE kernel
Tue Aug 14 00:00:00 2007 Thierry Vignaud 4.2.17-39mdv2008.0 + Revision: 62598 - load scsi_wait_scan driver for SCSI devices (see rh #220470) - kill support for kernel > 2.6.x
Sun Aug 12 00:00:00 2007 Andrey Borzenkov 4.2.17-38mdv2008.0 + Revision: 61998 - support relatime mount option (requires updated dietlibc to build)
Mon Aug 6 00:00:00 2007 Luca Berra 4.2.17-37mdv2008.0 + Revision: 59138 - fix sysconfig file placement
Sun Aug 5 00:00:00 2007 Andrey Borzenkov 4.2.17-36mdv2008.0 + Revision: 58943 - update patch6: fix extraction of resume= argument - remove patch20 (getKernelArg), it was wrong
Mon Jul 9 00:00:00 2007 Andrey Borzenkov 4.2.17-35mdv2008.0 + Revision: 49766 - bump release - patch22: new libvolume_id returns textual representation of UUID; use it. It probably should be just merged in label patch. - update patch2: trivial fix for new libvolume_id. - update patch1: use libvolume_id from udev 113. This enables mkinitrd correctly recognize different suspend signatures. - patch21: add strnlen(), required by new libvolume_id. - patch20: getKernelArg() is supposed to return single kernel argument, not rest of command line starting from the requested arg. - updated patch0: smartmknod() always failed for existing device nodes. Use st_rdev instead of st_dev when comparing to device files.
Sun Jun 17 00:00:00 2007 Luca Berra 4.2.17-34mdv2008.0 + Revision: 40381 - use sys interface for suspend2 (#31322) - provide a default /etc/sysconfig/mkinitrd (#30872) - remove insmod-DIET program and requirement for insmod.static, not needed on kernel-2.6 (#30673) - probe devices to find filesystem if we have auto in fstab (#30873) - give a more friendly error message when fstab is broken (#31206) - dmraid: support for group sets, e.g. isw. (fix #30982)
Thu May 17 00:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-33mdv2008.0 + Revision: 27319 - fix switchroot when used without --movedev (#30441)
Tue Apr 24 00:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-32mdv2008.0 + Revision: 17600 - drop make nash run udev when called as hotplug (udev is not in the initrd anymore) - do not create /dev/.udevdb anymore (deprecated path)
Sun Apr 22 00:00:00 2007 Luca Berra 4.2.17-31mdv2008.0 + Revision: 16541 - fix --force_evms on x86_64 (#29904) - support md raid10 (#28171) and combined raid456 module - probe for i8042 with modular ps2 keyboards (#27030) - support LABEL= and UUID= mounts in /etc/fstab (#28184) - fix infinite loop when parsing /proc/scsi/scsi (#27221) - fix detection of udev since udevstart was removed (#30358)
Fri Mar 23 23:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-30mdv2007.1 + Revision: 148683 - check if resume device exists before resuming (to avoid prompts from resume binary)
Fri Mar 23 23:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-29mdv2007.1 + Revision: 148236 - do not conflict with suspend-scripts to ease upgrade, pm-utils will take care of the proper package ordering
Sun Mar 11 23:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-28mdv2007.1 + Revision: 141319 - allow to resume if device is specified in suspend.conf instead of command line
Thu Jan 18 23:00:00 2007 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-27mdv2007.1 + Revision: 110304 - fork when running userspace resume, so that the boot can go on if not resuming - userspace resume support
+ Luca Berra - 25mdv - * From Anssi Hannula (#26393) - Fix adding usb/1394 host drivers in certain situations - fix copying of libgcc_s.so.1 when using EVMS (#26492) - fix copying of libgcc_s.so.1 when using EVMS
Sat Sep 16 00:00:00 2006 Luca Berra 4.2.17-24mdv2007.0 + Revision: 61508 - support resume when booting from md - support for raid10 fakeraids support for lvm and md over dmraid - resume before resume2 - use patch from rapsys for suspend2 support - support swsuspend2 - add support for modular ps2 keyboard - fix dsdt_file parameter name change - uncompressed patches workaround for ide controllers defined as scsi_hostadapter - changelog is now stored in SVN - fix case where DSDT file is a symlink
+ Andreas Hasenack - renamed mdv to packages because mdv is too generic and it\'s hosting only packages anyway - dummy test commit
+ Luiz Fernando Capitulino - Initial mkinitrd import
Thu May 11 00:00:00 2006 Luca Berra 4.2.17-19mdk - remove dmraid conflict as it will block upgrades - make ide-controller entries in modprobe.conf optional
Sun Apr 23 00:00:00 2006 Luca Berra 4.2.17-18mdk - fallback nicely when probing of scsi adapter fails - use ignorelocking when invoking dmraid, so it works on readonly initrdfs - conflicts with dmraid built with dietlibc on x86_64 due to ContraPolice problem
Wed Apr 12 00:00:00 2006 4.2.17-17mdk - allow using --initrdfs=xxxx again - fix --force-evms flag
Wed Apr 12 00:00:00 2006 Gwenole Beauchesne 4.2.17-16mdk - re-enable initramfs as default - conflicts: bootsplash < 3.1.12 - handle dsdt override support in initramfs (rtp)
Tue Apr 11 00:00:00 2006 Luca Berra 4.2.17-15mdk - default to initramfs only when using kernel 2.6 (but hold the patch since i cannot boot initramfs on my test machine) - fix missing closedir prevenitng umount of /initrd/sys (#16699) - fix another silly dmraid command line option bug - fix evms detection and add --force-evms flag (#12467) - fixes verif_scsidriver when mkinitrd knows more than modprobe.conf (#20877)
Thu Apr 6 00:00:00 2006 Gwenole Beauchesne 4.2.17-14mdk - default to initramfs - handle migrations from mptscsih to mptspi and mptfc (#21648) - handle ahci/ata_piix through new migrate_scsidriver() infrastructure - handle automatic resume (detected through resume= option parsed from cmdline)
Tue Feb 28 23:00:00 2006 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-13mdk - Patch2: don\'t fail when multiple CD-Rom drives are detected (#21304)
Thu Dec 22 23:00:00 2005 Thierry Vignaud 4.2.17-12mdk - patch 0: fix EVMS support (obvious bug)
Fri Dec 16 23:00:00 2005 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-11mdk - check all scsi drivers, not only the first one (#20057, Luca Berra)
Thu Dec 15 23:00:00 2005 Olivier Blin 4.2.17-10mdk - Patch1 (updates): o fix weird bug that makes nash segfault when some read() fail because of a typing issue (it actually appears to be fixed in latest libvolume_id, but nash uses an old one) o fix buffer overflow that may blank device names found by label - Patch2: add label support for CD-Rom devices
Thu Nov 17 23:00:00 2005 Pixel 4.2.17-9mdk - have both ata_piix and ahci (so that you can still boot after changing in the BIOS)
Thu Oct 6 00:00:00 2005 Gwenole Beauchesne 4.2.17-8mdk - use dietlibc on ppc64 too
Tue Oct 4 00:00:00 2005 Erwan Velu 4.2.17-7mdk - Adding a better label support using vol_id
Sat Sep 17 00:00:00 2005 Pixel 4.2.17-6mdk - fix nash\'s mkdevices to create /dev/cciss/c0d0 for /sys/block/cciss!c0d0
Fri Sep 16 00:00:00 2005 Pixel 4.2.17-5mdk - verif scsidriver() returns scsi drivers belonging to scsi_hostadapter (=> fixes missing BusLogic for vmware) (=> wildcatch fix for things like mptscsih which says it is mptbase)
Fri Aug 5 00:00:00 2005 Luca Berra 4.2.17-4mdk - fix silly bug when using lvm and intird is a readonly filesystem (#16936)
Thu Jul 7 00:00:00 2005 Luca Berra 4.2.17-3mdk - create fb0 device if we are using graphics boot and udev
Wed Jul 6 00:00:00 2005 Luca Berra 4.2.17-2mdk - create /dev/tty0
Sat Jul 2 00:00:00 2005 Luca Berra 4.2.17-1mdk - sync with rh 4.2.17 don\'t use udev/udevstart do it internally remove files from initramfs before executing the new init. reworked \"console=\" handling - man page fixes (#16439) - really load all device mapper modules - support loopback root over fatx on xbox (Stew) - load sd_mod when using dmraid (Pixel) - hack to workaround stacked md devices - revert the \"allow changing root device from command line\"
Thu May 5 00:00:00 2005 Luca Berra 4.2.12-1mdk - merge rh 4.2.12 - work correctly with noclobber set - add dm-mirror, dm-zero, dm-snapshot modules when using lvm2 - allow changing root device from command line when using lvm/dmraid - better support for initramfs - require cpio for initramfs - allow mounting root by uuid - nash: expand environment variables on command line - nash: Don\'t copy \"console=\" arguments from /proc/cmdline to init - use an even bigger udev tmpdir - lvm1/2: activate only the root vg - lvm2: use --ignorelockingfailure for vgmknodes - lvm2: use a better lvm.conf - rework the boot scsi controller detection for 2.6 kernels using sysfs - move the iteraid hack so it doesn\'t interfere with other drivers - add an option to spawn a busybox for debugging initrd - nash: fix a bug causing mount to ignore the --ro parameter if rw was specified in fstab - remove the remountdev hack, use switchroot --movedev
Sun Mar 20 23:00:00 2005 Luca Berra 4.1.12-9mdk - fold p1 (iteraid) into p0 - fix boot from usb drive (#14144) - support dmraid as a root device (lvm over dmraid is not yet supported) - preliminary support for evms as a root device (needs testing)
Mon Mar 7 23:00:00 2005 Thierry Vignaud 4.1.12-8mdk - patch 0: some system needs quite large /dev (#14092)
Mon Feb 28 23:00:00 2005 Thierry Vignaud 4.1.12-7mdk - patch 0: make all boot messages use the same case
Mon Feb 14 23:00:00 2005 Thierry Vignaud 4.1.12-6mdk - do not increase basesystem size (Stefan van der Eijk)
Fri Feb 11 23:00:00 2005 Thierry Vignaud 4.1.12-5mdk - patch 0: support udev-051
Fri Jan 28 23:00:00 2005 Thierry Vignaud 4.1.12-4mdk - patch 0: use a larger tmpfs for /dev like done in udev package (udev-048+)
Thu Jan 20 23:00:00 2005 Thierry Vignaud 4.1.12-3mdk - patch 1: it821x relaced both it8212 and iteraid
Thu Nov 4 23:00:00 2004 Gwenole Beauchesne 4.1.12-2mdk - manually fix IT8212 -> iteraid
Tue Sep 28 00:00:00 2004 Luca Berra 4.1.12-1mdk - merge bits from rh 4.1.12 - workaround case where you have more than one different scsi controllers, and root fs is not on the first. - detect non-scsi disk drivers (DAC960, cpqarray, cciss, ...) - manpage fixes
Tue Sep 21 00:00:00 2004 Luca Berra 4.1.9-4mdk - copy udev.conf again, or udev will not work - also copy permission file so devices will have correct mode - merge p1 into p0
Fri Sep 17 00:00:00 2004 Christiaan Welvaart 4.1.9-3mdk - patch1: load ieee1394 controller driver(s) and use 5s delay for sbp2
Fri Sep 10 00:00:00 2004 Frederic Lepied 4.1.9-2mdk - don\'t copy udev.conf to avoid having devices in 600 mode by default
Wed Sep 8 00:00:00 2004 Luca Berra 4.1.9-1mdk - big merge from redhat\'s 4.1.9 initramfs support (NOT TESTED) use new mount magic instead of pivot_root (NOT TESTED) nash update - udev support, without breaking devfs - use klibc version of udev tools if available - remove handledevfs function (kernel does it anyway) - manpage update - load usbhid module if we have an usb keyboard and no ps2 keyboards
Sun Sep 5 00:00:00 2004 Frederic Lepied 3.5.24-4mdk - remove modprobe loop not needed anymore
Sat Sep 4 00:00:00 2004 Frederic Lepied 3.5.24-3mdk - fixed typo in scsi driver function - added a fallback for scsi drivers that aren\'t populating /proc/scsi correctly - modprobe loop
Mon Aug 30 00:00:00 2004 Luca Berra 3.5.24-2mdk - rework driver detection look deeper for stacked md arrays chose only needed scsi controllers remove most usb-storage related kludges - use stat instead of ls to find major numbers - check for modular initrdfs and choke - remove the --omit-lvm-modules option - other small cleanups
Mon Aug 30 00:00:00 2004 Luca Berra 3.5.24-1mdk - merge bits from redhat 3.5.24 fix usb-storage detection with 2.6 add support for RAID6 quiet mode for nash - internal insmod command, use external insmod only for 2.4 kernels - remove mkinitrd-helper, keep only insmod-busybox - rework erwan patch, use character classes instead of bare tabs in regexp. - use of dietlibc is chosen by the spec file. - update manpages with code changes - other minor fixes
Thu Aug 26 00:00:00 2004 Erwan Velu 3.5.18-19mdk - Patch 5 : A wrong ident in moduledep() brakes the modules dependencies on the 2.4 kernel series when you own more than 3 dependencies ! It sounds silly but that\'s real !
Sat Aug 21 00:00:00 2004 Olivier Blin 3.5.18-18mdk - add INITRDDSDT321DSDT321 after the dsdt file for 2.6 kernels
Mon Aug 16 00:00:00 2004 Christiaan Welvaart 3.5.18-17mdk - fix patch4 for 2.4 usb hcd module names in /etc/modprobe.conf
Sun Aug 15 00:00:00 2004 Christiaan Welvaart 3.5.18-16mdk - patch 4: load usb interface drivers for usb-storage
Sun Aug 1 00:00:00 2004 Thierry Vignaud 3.5.18-15mdk - fix broken boot-from-USB that pixel gratuitously broken in -14mdk (#10471) - patch 3: rediff since pixel inserted patch prior w/o bothering checking other patches
Wed Jun 30 00:00:00 2004 Pixel 3.5.18-14mdk - mkinitrd doesn\'t add splash by itself anymore - conflicts with old bootloader-utils and bootsplash
Thu Jun 10 00:00:00 2004 Thierry Vignaud 3.5.18-13mdk - patch 2: load scsi_mod too for 2.4.x kernels
Thu Jun 10 00:00:00 2004 Thierry Vignaud 3.5.18-12mdk - patch 2: add support for boot from USB for 2.4.x kernels
Sun May 9 00:00:00 2004 Thierry Vignaud 3.5.18-11mdk - merge patch 5 into patch 0 (simplify patch)
Sun May 9 00:00:00 2004 Thierry Vignaud 3.5.18-10mdk - patch 0: do not gratuitously drop root=LABEL=foobar support - patch 5:fix root=LABEL=foobar support - require a fixed dietlibc in order to have working root=LABEL=foobar
Sun Apr 11 00:00:00 2004 Thierry Vignaud 3.5.18-9mdk - drop patch 4 (merged into simplified patch 0)
Wed Apr 7 00:00:00 2004 Thierry Vignaud 3.5.18-8mdk - patch 4: enable to boot with root on usb
Mon Apr 5 00:00:00 2004 Luca Berra 3.5.18-7mdk - Fix for broken sprintf in dietlibc - Fixed nplanel\'s changelog
Tue Mar 23 23:00:00 2004 Frederic Lepied 3.5.18-6mdk - make the source declaration rpmbuildupdate compatible - added --force-usb option - source /etc/sysconfig/mkinitrd to be able to set permanent options