Changelog for :
Tue Apr 27 20:00:00 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-4mdv2010.1
- rebuild due to the stripping problem on the rpm-mandriva-setup

Mon Apr 19 20:00:00 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-3mdv2010.1
- ooo-build 3.2 official release ( bug fix)

Fri Mar 26 19:00:00 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-2mdv2010.1
- ooo-build 3.2 official release ( bug fix)
- build against icu44 and change requires to icu44

Fri Mar 12 19:00:00 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-1mdv2010.1
- ooo-build 3.2 official release ( bug fix)
- fix presenter-screen extension typo in the upgrading logic

Wed Mar 3 19:00:00 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-rc5.1mdv2010.1
- back deskto-file-install callings to properly configure desktop files
with X-MandrivaLinux-CrossDesktop

Tue Feb 23 19:00:00 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-rc5.0mdv2010.1
- ooo-build 3.2 rc5 official release
- add common and core requires on gnome package
- add more strict requires on all packages by requiring the release (#57650)
- typo at the update-alternative command in the l10-pt_BR post section
- rename unopkg3.2 to unopkg as extension packages scriptlets
are not using unopkg_version executable (#57700)
- get rid of the ooo version on desktop files (#57700)
- get rid of the deskto-file-install callings as desktop files are
normally generated during the build process (experimental)
- some spec clean up

Wed Feb 10 19:00:00 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-rc4.0mdv2010.1
- ooo-build 3.2 rc4 official release
- activates the Firefox plugin
- fixes #56439 (lack of icons in the dolphin context menu)
- fixes #56947 (iaoraqt crash)
- possible fix #57370 (crash when saving on ms formats)
- removes file from common since it is in the
style-oxygen package
- rediff mdv-desktop-japanese.patch
- add:
- remove (old/obsolete):

Tue Dec 15 19:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-beta3.0mdv2010.1
- ooo-build 3.2 beta3 official release

Fri Nov 27 19:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-beta1.1mdv2010.1
- removes the kde dependency from the core package #55791
- fixes the crash whenever using file->open on kde4 #52880

Tue Nov 10 19:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-beta1.0mdv2010.1
- ooo-build 3.2 beta1 official release
- remove ooo-build patch help-support-mdv.diff
- remove ooo-build patch mandriva-archflags.diff
- remove ooo-build patch msfontextract.diff
- disable mdv-fix-xdg-work-directory.diff
- disable ooo-build patch sw-header-inclusion.diff
- QT4DIR instead of QTDIR (building requires)
- add support to Portuguese Angola
- fix ISO4217 currency id code for Portuguese Angola (i18npool)

Tue Oct 20 20:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.1.1-2mdv2010.0
- add fashion menu icons
- remove paper-utils require #45804

Thu Oct 15 20:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.1.1-1mdv2010.0
- new 3.1.1 upstream plus ooo-build
- should solve release criticals bugs #54334 and #54592

Thu Sep 24 20:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.1-5mdv2010.0
- fix icu40 regression

Mon Sep 21 20:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.1-4mdv2010.0
- remove kernel-source build require
- remove libdb-java build require
- add mesaglu1 build require
- uses libjpeg from system, actually libjpeg7, remove exception require
fixes #53763
- uses hunspell from system
- fix update-alternatives
- add anssi\'s patches: drop-64bit-naming.patch and
move-to-ooo-and-drop-alternatives.patch to renaming openoffice.org64
packages to (it is no a requirement maintaining different
names to both archs anymore). Further his last patch changes
ooo-mdvsuffix dir to ooo - keeps easy maintenance

Fri Aug 14 20:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.1-3mdv2010.0
- fix kde dependence bug

Wed Aug 12 20:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.1-2mdv2010.0
- change icu40 require to icu42 since it was built against the last one
(due icu40 requires uneeded space on One product)

Fri Jun 26 20:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.1-1mdv2010.0
- ooo-build 3.1 official release

Wed May 6 20:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.1-0.beta6.1mdv2010.0
- first 3.1 (beta6) ooo-buid upstream
- remains using old 3.0.1 package-ooo
- disable mdv-exceptcxx-include-string.diff (build fix uneeded anymore)
- change all references to bases3.0 to bases3.1 dir via mdvsuffix

Fri Mar 20 19:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.0.1-5mdv2009.1
- fix crash on certain table configurations from Office documents #48629
backported sw-table-crash-fix-i99564.diff

Tue Mar 17 19:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.0.1-4mdv2009.1
- fix file conflicts in and

Thu Mar 12 19:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.0.1-3mdv2009.1
- Upstream maintenance update (ooo-build version
- Patches mdv-xdgmailasmailer.diff, mdv-sysui-disableslack.diff were
integrated in this upstream release
- Changed to new Mandriva splash and about screens
- Added desktop-utils and libxtst6-devel as build requires

Tue Mar 3 19:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.0.1-2mdv2009.1
- Revision 347802
- split out pdf import extension from common to a new package:
- new enabled extension packages:
- remove kde-libs from build requires
- change qt3-devel to qt4-devel in build requires since the build
scream about that even we are not using qt things yet.
- rebuild to cooker

Thu Feb 5 19:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.0.1-1mdv2009.1
- Revision 337782
- New upstream version 3.0.1 (official stable release)

Mon Jan 12 19:00:00 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.0.1-0.rc1.1mdv2009.0
- Revision 332829
- New upstream version 3.0.1 (ooo-build call this release as rc1)
- Changed to use libicu40 from the system (--with-system-icu)
- Rebuild for Python 2.6
- Fix build (lots of rintf aruments clean up) ooo-build patch buildfix-fmtargs.diff

Thu Nov 20 19:00:00 2008 Rafael Cabral 0:3.0-1mdv2009.0
- Revision 332829
- ooo-build 3.0 based on stable upstream
- Fix OOo Greek crash on start up - #44821
- PyUno loadComponentFromUrl comes out - regression #45445
- It doesn\'t get clipart-openclipart - regression #45196.
- Suggests help-en_US which is default l10n language - releated #44809
- As suggested xdg-mail as default mailer - #43917
- Remove misplaced ooobuildtime.log
- PDF-import extension must to work even OOo will be update

Fri Oct 3 20:00:00 2008 Frederic Crozat 0:3.0-0.rc2.2mdv2009.0
- Add epoch to fix upgrade from Mdv 2009 RC2 and allow gnome subpackage to be installed

Tue Sep 30 20:00:00 2008 Rafael da Veiga Cabral 3.0-0.rc2.1mdv2009.0
+ Revision 290159
+ Using new ooo-build-3.0 svn branch based on rc2
+ Remove svn revision from package name
- Ooo-build has migrated it 3.0 sources to a new stable branch and that svn
revision info doesn\'t make sense anymore for us and further naming package wasn\'t
following Mandriva standards as well.
+ Path of Python Uno integration fixed
+ Calc fixes
- Formulas was not being saved - #44032
- Formulas onto spreadsheets of old OOo versions was not being showed - #44010
+ Improving build
- exporting nodep, NO_HIDS, MAXPROCESS
+ Spec clean ups

Mon Sep 22 20:00:00 2008 Rafael da Veiga Cabral 3.0svn13581-3mdv2009.0
+ Revision 287960
- New menu icons - #43937
- New mime types icons
- Rename desktop icons file name - #43922
- Calc hangs on sorting (reversed sc-sort-cell-note-position.diff) - #43932
- Added conflicts on common package with gnome why
has been moved - #43920

Mon Sep 1 20:00:00 2008 Rafael da Veiga Cabral 3.0svn13581-2mdv2009.0
+ Revision 271602
- Change Andromeda theme name to Galaxy - #42801
- Vendor/Packager filled out
- Split misplaced help files out of l10n packages
- Split misplaced en_US help files out of common to a new package
- Java-common changed to base Suggests
- None writing aids fixed (using system hunspell) - #42885
- Drop printer-properties-disable patch - #40834
- Moved to provides exception (ksnapshot) - #42927
- New splash and about banners
- Added PDF Import extension in common package (installed by default) - #42885
- New ooo-build 3.0.0 version (revision 13581)
- For a better look has been moved to common package
We\'ve got gtk layouts as default
- to provides exceptions (ksnapshot/amarok) - #42927
- Linking with neon 0.27 - #43368
- Calc hangs whenever adding a new sheet from Insert menu - #43405
- Impress and Draw hang by using zoom from menu View - #43384
- Weak dependency of Mono (mono and libmono0 is now as requires exception) - #43484
- New user directory changed to .openoffice.org3 (it\'d have solve #42800, #41228)
- Default toolbar icon size was changed to small as default to a better look
- and to provides exceptions

Mon Aug 4 20:00:00 2008 Rafael da Veiga Cabral 3.0svn13475-1mdv2009.0
+ Revision 13471
- New 3.0 beta 2.

Fri Apr 4 20:00:00 2008 Ademar de Souza Reis Jr.
+ Revision
- new ooo-build upstream version:
Closes: #38874 (Some numbers are shown in Eastern-Arabic)
Closes: #39799 (oowriter: broken \"idents & spacing\" in \"format paragraph\")
Closes: #39789 (oowriter spellcheck doesn\'t work)
- hunspell support is upstream, so remove unecessary sources and flags

Fri Mar 28 19:00:00 2008 Ademar de Souza Reis Jr.
+ Revision 191275
- Remove some ghost entries from -common package which were causing it to
own files from the application subpackages (Closes: #38412);
- Since we\'re installing icons on the system, add %clean_icon_cache calls
to -common %post and %postun sections (spotted by Frederic Crozat);
- Fix icons names on x86_64 .desktop files (Closes: #39508);
- Remove menu entries for \"\" and \"Web/Writer\". They\'re not
real applications and we don\'t have new icons for them (see #26311#c33);
- Minor spec cleanup (XXX comments, etc).

Wed Mar 26 19:00:00 2008 Ademar de Souza Reis Jr.
+ Revision 190514
- New version: (ooo-build, ooo 2.4.0-rc6 - same as 2.4.0)
- Added unopkg files (ooo extensions manager)
- New splash screen (Closes: #38720)
- Added OOXML mime-types to .desktop files (Closes: #36465)
- Changed some conflict rules (due to the split) from \'= 2.2.1\'
to \'<= 2.2.1\', so that we can upgrade mdv-2007.1 (Closes: #38891)
- Added new icons for both apps and mimetypes (part of #26311)
- Added OpenDocument entries for KDE \"create new\" context menu
(Closes: #16983)
- minor spec cleanup

Fri Mar 14 19:00:00 2008 Ademar de Souza Reis Jr.
+ Revision 187680
- New version: (ooo-build, ooo 2.4.0-rc5)
- Minor spec cleanups

Wed Feb 20 19:00:00 2008 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner
- Use system-db and system-boost for both archs, as gengal does not segfault anymore.
- Enabled usage of OpenGL.
- Enabled lockdown system.
- Use tons of java stuff from the system. (beanshell, xml-apis, xerces, xalan and xt)
- Use system sablot.
- Enabled cairo/canvas for x86_64.
- Imported the changelog in the meanwhile, while we don\'t submit the package through
the buildsystem.
- Do not mark template
*.desktop as ghost in the same package we ship it,
otherelse it is not shipped.
- Updated oox and writerfilter to 20080229.
- Suggest java-common at, as it may be used by some macros.

Tue Feb 19 19:00:00 2008 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner
+ Revision 171536
- Merged our ooo-build with upstream ones: we submitted all our fixed to upstream.
- New version:
- New ooo-build:
- Fixed master name for main alterantives.
- Re-enabled mono bindings
- Added new mono files to %files
- Disabled debug pacakges.
- Updated conflicts tag from -core to -common prior to 2.3.1-1mdv
- Made ooo-dtd-officedocument1.0 not require ooo, and it doesn\'t require.
Closes: #37559
- Made suggest ooo-dtd-officedocument1.0. Closes: #37559
- Added java requires to ooo-base package.
- Removed qstart patch, as we ship it in -gnome package now.
- Added proper obsoletes/conflict for upgrading old -qstart packages.
- Updated oox and writerfilter to 2008-01-29
- Updated cli_

Thu Jan 10 19:00:00 2008 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner 2.3.1-2mdv2008.1
+ Revision 147621
Changes at the spec:
- Split the helps out of l10n packages.
- Added oodraw to alternatives catalog. Closes: #36618
- Forces compressing payload with lzma/maximum compression(9).
- Fixes to build with icedtea. Thanks to Anssi for helping with this move.
- Add a missing Suggests to tango style at gnome package. Closes: #36519
Changes from ooo-build tree:
- Do not merge the help listings with l10n ones.

Fri Dec 14 19:00:00 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner 2.3.1-1mdv2008.1
+ Revision 133876
Changes at the spec:
- New upstream: 2.3.1 Closes: #34236, #34724, #34274 and #35835
- Fixed alternatives for handling BrOffice support.
- Fixed wrong dependency for Closes: #35354
- Link against internal xmlsec, as linking with the system one is broken.
Closes: #35067
- Fix wrong require for at -draw subpackage. Closes: #35354
- Removed alternatives for handling BrOffice support: we simply don\'t need it.
- Added update_desktop_database/clean_desktop_database calls to all subpackages
that holds .desktop files.
- Disabled mono bindings, as current cooker mono-devel seems broken.
- Build against system hsqldb.
- Enhanced /etc/profile.d scripts handling regarding multi-arch support.
Closes: #35402
- Added dependencies to java stuff on ooo-base, as it depends on it.
- Fix alterantives handling for BrOffice support. They were conflicting if you
had installed both 32 and 64b in the same box.
- From guillomovitch:
- bash completion file don\'t have .sh suffix
Changes from ooo-build tree:
- Enhanced packaging. Closes: #35853
- Fixed wizards path. Closes: #35619
- Speed up Hungarian fixes processing.
- Fix msfontextract tools. Closes: #24314

Fri Nov 23 19:00:00 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner
+ Revision 111340
Changes at the spec:
- Remove support for old menu system.
- Added BrOffice support.
- Moved alternatives scripts to -common package, as it must affect systems
without the main meta-package.
- As now we are using alternatives for the .desktop files, update the desktop
database only after dealing with alternatives.
- Added patch gtk: fixes wrong free commands in OOo. Closes: #34724
- Converted openintro_mandriva64.bmp to a 24 bit bitmap, as current splash
can\'t handle anything different than that.
- Using ooo-build tarball from our soft/ repository now.
- Removed patches angola, force_downloads, ooqstart, xdg and wizards, as they
are already merged in the tarball.
- Disable patch firefox-xpcom for now, as seems it can be handled via configure
- Place mdvsuffix in bash_completion and profile.d scripts, so we can have both
archs installed.
- Check if PYTHONPATH is empty and properly set it, thus avoiding including the
current dir on the path.
- Added back support to build without l10n packages (although seems not working
- Our ooo-build 20071122
- Uncompressed FontOOo
- Merged -evolution and -gtk into -gnome
- Merged -filter-mobiledev into -filter-binfilter
- Splitted -pyuno
- Splitted -testtool
- Moved file listings to ooo-build scripts.
- Fix alternatives handling for BrOffice support
- Fix wrong dependency for Closes: #35354
Changes from ooo-build tree:
- Merged a lot of our patches from the package.
- Also apply patches from sets CairoFonts, CalcSolver, Split and NotDebian.
- Merged some patches from ooo-build upstream, including
gnome-vfs-read-only-smb.diff for our #35183.

Mon Nov 5 19:00:00 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner
+ Revision 106021
- New upstream: (oog-m7)
- Disabled linking against system xmlsec, as it (the linking) is currently
- Removed patch xmlsec, as it\'s not used.
- Added conflicts to the previous release, as thousands of files were moved.
- Remove BuildRequires to inkscape: seems to not be needed.
- Removed german dicts lines, as of commit #104173 we don\'t need it anymore.
- -l10n packages should require now, and not the whole
- Removed BuildRequires for thousands of locale- packages, as they are not
- Removed support to build the \"tiny\" langset, as it won\'t be used.
- Removed all thes/hyph/dict from the package: they should be available by
general packages.
- Updated DicOOo and decompressed it.
- Make out -clipart package require openclipart one.
- Try to avoid urpmi question by making all application packages also require
explicitly -core.
- Do not force requires for freetype, odbc, sndfile and portaudio, as rpm is
getting them automatically.
- Dropped support for < 2007.1
- Fully disable QA tools for now. We will work on that after release a first
build for cooker.
- Main package should also require -impress module.
- -impress must require -draw
- Added Suggests for the theme styles on gtk/kde packages.
- Puts proper dependencies between the subpackages
- Added libsvg-devel buildrequires.
- Removed patchs neon and neon2: already fixed in upstream.
- Removed patch CVE-2007-2834: already fixed in upstream.
- Updated patch ooqstart
- Enhanced the detection of the number of processors to use by using
- Move the entire gallery collection to openclipart subpackage.
- Move FontOOo and DicOOo from share/dicts/ooo/ to share/dicts/ at least.
- Do not include the whole myspell stuff in OOo again, as we are already
requiring myspell- packages.
- Fixed icecream paths.
- Fixed missing trailing \\ on hunspell configure option.
- Do not run configure twice: do not run configure on autogen, as it was being
done without any option.
- Enabled ccache.
- Updated FontOOo

Thu Oct 18 20:00:00 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner 2.2.1-4mdv2008.1
+ Revision: 99960
- Remove localwidget patch, it off already.
- Rediffed ooqstart patch.
- Fix syntax error in Closes: #34423

Fri Sep 21 20:00:00 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner 2.2.1-3mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 95418
- Fix patch22 order, as used for the build.
- Added patch force_downloads: force downloading of documents from the web
and/or other IOs (KIOs). Closes: #26983
- Adds back \'64\' tag to .desktop filenames when it\'s build on x86_64. Closes: #33825
- Added support for /etc/profile.d/{c,}sh. Closes: #33475
- Updated thes_es_ES. Closes: #33536.
- Updated thes_bg_BG_v2.tar.bz2 and thes_en_US_v2.tar.bz2 in thes-2.tar.
Closes: #33537, #33538
- Added patch Closes: #33824
- Force enable gstreamer backend. Closes: #27580
- Fix Icon tag on desktop files.

+ Anssi Hannula
- fix removal of old alternative when mdvsuffix changes

Wed Sep 5 20:00:00 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner 2.2.1-2mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 80050
- Added neon2 patch. Closes: #25204
- Implemented .desktop categories changes as requested by #32902
- Added patch desktop_files: do not versionate stable .desktop files.
- Use ooo-build ver move on step further on svn version for using
stable libwp
- Added requires to fonts-ttf-liberation.
- Forced linking against libneon >= 0.26: linking against 0.24 is even more
unstable (UI freezes).
- Removed patch libwpg: already applied on ooo-build-2.2.1-10110.
- New design for Mandriva 2008.0.
- Added neon patch: closes #32121
Fixes handling URL\'s with wierd chars due to new libneon behaviour change.
- Fix path for icu tools.
- Import

+ Anssi Hannula
- require instead of myspell-hyph-fi in for better Finnish support
- fix use_systemboost build option

+ Thierry Vignaud
- convert prereq
- kill file require on update-alternatives

+ Ademar de Souza Reis Jr
- remove PreReq for chkfontpath (apparently a legacy requirement,
since it\'s not used anywhere)
- change fonts-ttf-vera requirements to fonts-ttf-dejavu
(Dejavu is the preferred default font)

Fri Jun 29 20:00:00 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner 2.2.1-1mdv2008.0
- Updated to 2.2.1
- Renamed to
- Not using lzma for now
- Enabled SMP usage.
- Dropped support for <= 2006.0
- Added requires to paper-utils, due to paperconf.
- libwpd, libwpg, libwps, libicu and libmdbtools are now linked externally.
- Added patch xdg: fix complaiment about MultipleArgs on template2.2.desktop
- Added patch libwpg: fix missing config variable SYSTEM_LIBWPG during build
- Added patch kde: moves to -kde package, otherwise OOo gets
confused about kde/gnome dialogs.
- Added patch ooqstart: fixes ooqstart.desktop exec command line.
- Many fixes for java/x86_64 from Anssi Hannula, including patch

Sat Mar 24 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.2.0-4.rc4.1mdv2007.1
- ooo-build 2.2.0_cvs20070323.
- use oof680-m14 (RC4).

Wed Mar 21 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.2.0-3.m13.2mdv2007.1
- ooo-build 2.2.0_cvs20070321.

Mon Mar 19 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.2.0-3.m13.1mdv2007.1
- Rebuilt against latest clipart-openclipart (fixes bug #29568).
- ooo-build 2.2.0_cvs20070319.
- use system libwpd.

Mon Mar 12 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.2.0-2.rc3.2mdv2007.1
- ooo-build 2.2.0_cvs20070312.
- Removed X-MandrivaLinux-Office-Spreadsheet from base
*.desktop (bug #29381).
- Don\'t use splash screens with transparencies (report by Hélène).

Fri Mar 9 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.2.0-2.rc3.1mdv2007.1
- ooo-build 2.2.0_cvs20070309.
- use oof680-m11 (RC3).

Tue Mar 6 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.2.0-2.m10.2mdv2007.1
- ooo-build 2.2.0_cvs20070306.
- Fixed splash screen.

Sat Mar 3 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.2.0-2.m10.1mdv2007.1
- ooo-build 2.2.0_cvs20070304.
- merged Felipe Arruda\'s fixes for brazilian .desktop files translations.
- merged Funda Wang patches for VCL.xcu for chinese menus (bug #29026).
- force building with system sane.
- Updated Splash Screens (thanks to Hélène Durosini).

Mon Feb 26 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.2.0-1mdv2007.1
- ooo-build 2.2.0_cvs2007025.
- renamed to
*go-ooo to distinguish from main

Sat Feb 24 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.1.0-5mdv2007.1
- removed mimelnk subpackage
- ooo-build 2.1.6_cvs20070224 (fix problem when saving in PPT).
- added update-alternatives for ooffice links into /usr/bin.
- moved docdir (to allow coexisting between i586 and x86_64 packages).

Fri Feb 16 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.1.0-4mdv2007.1
- ooo-build 2.1.6_cvs20070216.
- Removed Patch8 (merged upstream).
- Removed Patch9 (merged upstream).
- Rebuilt Patch10 (partially merged upstream).

Mon Feb 12 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.1.0-3mdv2007.1
- Updated Source15 (updates for de_DE, it_IT, pl_PL,
new thesaurus for pt_PT, nb_NO, ru_RU).

Sat Feb 10 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.1.0-2mdv2007.1
- ooo-build 2.1.5_cvs20070210.
- Added Patch7 for serializer.jar for problems with gcj.

Thu Feb 8 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.1.0-1mdv2007.1
- ooo-build 2.1.3_cvs20070208.
- use 2.1 for mdvsuffix.
- Removed Patch5 (no longer needed).
- OpenOffice 2.1.0.
- Added Patch7 (temporary disable patch for chinese, as it
doesn\'t apply anymore and need to be rediffed).
- Added BuildConflicts for libportaudio2 (Florian Hubold).

Tue Jan 30 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.4-4mdv2007.1
- ooo-build

Mon Jan 29 19:00:00 2007 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.4-3mdv2007.0
- BuildRequires for libportaudio0-devel instead libportaudio-devel
(libportaudio2-devel is broken?).

Thu Jan 4 19:00:00 2007 Vincent Danen 2.0.4-2.1mdv2007.0
- build for updates, includes the fix for CVE-2006-5870

Wed Dec 20 19:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.4-2mdv2007.0
- added mime-types \'application/;application/x-msworks-wp;
zz-application/zz-winassoc-wps\' to writer
*desktop (bug #27616).
- cosmetics to the SPEC file.

Wed Dec 20 19:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.4-1mdv2007.0
- OpenOffice to 2.0.4.
- ooo-build 20061220 cvs.

Tue Sep 19 20:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.3-6mdv2007.0
- ooo-build 20060919 cvs: fix cjk fonts (bug #22018, #25701).

Fri Sep 15 20:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.3-5mdv2007.0
- Rebuilt against mozilla-firefox

Thu Sep 14 20:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.3-4mdv2007.0
- Changed .desktop entries categories according to bug #25641.
- Fixed splash screen (ooo-build 20060914 cvs).

Mon Sep 11 20:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.3-3mdv2007.0
- use libforunixODBC_(from- added mk in language list.
- fixed csh path in setsdk_unix.csh script.
- Updated FontOOo.sxw wizard to release 1.6.
- Updated DicOOo.sxwd wizard to release 1.6.1.
- Removed Patch5,6 (unused).
- Removed Patch7, merged ooo-build upstream (ooo-build 2.0.3-20060911).
- Added mimetypes for old OpenOffice formats (missed in kdelibs-common),
Source53 and mimelnk subpackage.
- Removed kaffe from \"Conflicts\" (seems not conflicting in runtime)
(from D.Walluck).

Mon Aug 21 20:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.3-2mdv2007.0
- ooo-build 20060821 cvs.
- Merged Anssi Hannula\'s fixes (and added -devel and -devel-doc subpackages).
- Added Patch7 for dbus-0.91.

Thu Jul 6 20:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.3-1mdv2007.0
- Release 2.0.3.
- ooo-build 20060706 cvs.

Mon Jun 26 20:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.3-0.m6.2mdv2007.0
- ooo-build 20060624 cvs.

Wed Jun 21 20:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.3-0.m6.1mdv2006.0
- Release oooc680-m6.
- Added Breton language.

Mon Jun 19 20:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.3-0.m5.1mdk
- 2.0.3-m5.
- ooo-build 20060619 cvs.
- Removed hunspell subpackage (was empty).
- Renamed package to (warly).

Sat May 6 20:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.2-6mdk
- ooo-build
- Added Patch6 to allow building with neon library version 0.26.

Sat Apr 15 20:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.2-5mdk
- ooo-build (fixes also bug #21869).
- fix typo in Requires when --with systemdb is used (thanks to Richard Houser).
- Disable default cairo rendering for 2006.0 (cause jittering/slow down under
Impress presentations).

Sat Mar 18 19:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.2-4mdk
- ooo-build

Sat Mar 11 19:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.2-3mdk
- Removed Patch3 (merged into ooo-build upstream).
- ooo-build 2.0.2.cvs20060311.

Sat Mar 11 19:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibr 2.0.2-2mdk
- Modified Patch3 (set OOO_EXTRA_ARG to empty string which is
not the same as unset).

Thu Mar 9 19:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.2-1mdk
- Release 2.0.2 final.
- ooo-build 2.0.2.

Mon Mar 6 19:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.2-0.rc4.3mdk
- moved ooqstart to a standalone subpackage (Patch4).

Sat Mar 4 19:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.2-0.rc4.2mdk
- ooo-build 2.0.157.cvs20060304 (fixes bug #21428, IZ#62068).
- Added Patch3 (fixes OOO_EXTRA_ARG env var when it\'s not set and
called from ooffice2.0 wrapper).

Fri Mar 3 19:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.2-0.rc4.1mdk
- ooo-build 2.0.157.cvs20060302.
- Disable direct quickstart call for now.

Thu Mar 2 19:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.2-0.m5.2mdk
- ooo-build 2.0.157.cvs20060301.
- Added Conflicts: kaffe.

Wed Mar 1 19:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.2-0.m5.1mdk
- Release oob680-m5.

Tue Feb 28 19:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.2-0.m4.1mdk
- Release oob680-m4.

Mon Feb 6 19:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0.1-1mdk
- Release 2.0.1
- remove --with-system-db-version in configure because doesn\'t exists anymore.
- added --with-systemdb conditional flag.
- added --with-tiny_langset conditional flag
- ooo-build-
- Added --with gcj switch for building with gcj instead of Sun JDK.
- Added Patch1 for supporting .lzma tarballs.
- Added Patch2 to fix bug #19111 (from Eskild Hustvedt).
- Moved Patch5 into ooo-build tree.

Sat Jan 14 19:00:00 2006 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-7mdk
- fixed bug IZ#47323.
- removed de-DE.tar.bz2 from Source15 not Source14.
- ooo-build-cvs20051026 (fix bug IZ#52047).
- renamed menu name to (Gwenole).
- Added bulgarian l10n subpackage.
- ooo-build-cvs20060114.
- Lowered optimization to -O1, as -O2 causes segfaults (with gcc 4.0.2-1mdk) in the libs from javaldx executable during package building.

Thu Oct 20 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-1mdk
- 2.0 final.

Fri Oct 14 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.rc3.1mdk
- 2.0-rc3.

Mon Sep 26 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.m129.3mdk
- ooobuild cvs 20050924.
- moved,,,, to provides exceptions (Pascal Terjan).

Sat Sep 24 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.m129.2mdk
- ooobuild cvs 20050921.
- Removed Patch4 (fixed in upstream).
- Added,, to require exceptions
(bug #17262).

Sat Sep 17 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.m129.1mdk
- 1.9.129.
- ooobuild cvs 20050918.
- Removed Patch0->3 (merged upstream).
- Added Patch4 (disable patch for i54709), because it doesn\'t apply correctly.
- White progressbar.
- Added Gwenole Patches for having OOo2 working under X86_64 in 32bit mode

Wed Sep 14 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.m128.5mdk
- Fix bug #18581 (libportaudio).
- Move to -kde package (pterjan).

Wed Sep 14 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.m128.4mdk
- ooobuild cvs 20050914.

Wed Sep 14 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.m128.3mdk
- added Patch0 for spellchecker
- Updated Source16.

Mon Sep 12 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.m128.2mdk
- binfilters, mono.

Thu Sep 8 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.m128.1mdk
- 1.9.128.

Mon Jul 25 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.m121.1mdk
- 1.9.121.

Mon Jul 11 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.m116.1mdk
- 1.9.116.

Mon Jul 11 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.m114.1mdk
- 1.9.114.

Fri Jun 24 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.m110.1mdk
- Updated ooo-build to cvs 20050624.

Thu Jun 23 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.m108.2mdk
- Updated ooo-build to cvs 20050623 (fixes problem with
icon sets).

Wed Jun 22 20:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 2.0-0.m108.1mdk
- 1.9.110.

Wed Mar 23 19:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 1.1.4-1mdk
- 1.1.4.

Fri Jan 21 19:00:00 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò 1.1.3-1mdk
- Initial release.