Changelog for kadu-debug- :

* Thu Feb 03 2011 Funda Wang Revision: 635620- remove unpacked files- add fedora patch to make it build- tighten BR + Oden Eriksson - the mass rebuild of 2010.1 packages
* Sat May 15 2010 Tomasz Pawel Gajc Revision: 544854- drop requires on powiedz
* Sun Mar 07 2010 Tomasz Pawel Gajc Revision: 515520- update to new version update modules globalhotkeys, kde_notify and tabs- update themes- add tango theme- enable modules qt4-sound, speech dbus, mpris- disable modules mail
* Sat Nov 14 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc Revision: 466055- fix file list- enable mediaplayer modules
* Sat Oct 10 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc Revision: 456532- rebuild for new libgadu
* Thu Oct 08 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc Revision: 455871- rebuild for new curl SSL backend
* Sun Sep 20 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc Revision: 445732- fix instalation on x86_64- update to new version drop patch 8, fixed upstream- new module kde4-notify- update modules: o anonymous_check o globalhotkeys o mail o mime_tex o plus_pl_sms o panelkadu o powerkadu o sent_history o water notify o weather o tabs
* Sat Jun 06 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc Revision: 383347- update to new version disable profiles module for now- Patch8: fix compiling against gcc-4.4.0- add missing buildrequires on qca-devel- new module - idle- fix file list
* Sat Dec 20 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc 0.6.5-2mdv2009.1+ Revision: 316458- module miastoplusa_sms is obsoleted by plus_pl_sms module- fix sound theme install directory- use %%define Werror_cflags
* Sat Dec 13 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc 0.6.5-1mdv2009.1+ Revision: 313865- fix building on x86_64 (cmake stuff doesn\'t obey lib64 ?)- update modules anonymous_check and mime_tex- disable module weather- kill devel subpackage- fix file list- few external modules was adopted by upstream, which means these are now in tarball o exec_notify, filedesc, filterning, firewall, pcspeaker, profiles, screenshot, spellchecker, antistring, auto_hide, cenzor, parser_extender,word_fix, last_seen and autostatus- do not check for upstream new releases- fix libdir- set up proper DETAILED_VERSION- use %%define _disable_ld_no_undefined 1- fix file list (that was a real mess :)- Patch6: rediff- still work in progress- disable autodownload moudules/themes etc.- update to version 0.6.5 o work in progress o kadu uses now Qt4 toolkit- add buildrequires on cmake and libpng-devel- disable all patches
* Fri Jul 18 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc Revision: 238060- fix missing kadu entry in KDE menu (#42101)
* Sat Jul 12 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc Revision: 234090- do not change dataPath, as it is working fine(hard to tell why i\'ve modified this :| )- remove not working configure options
* Fri Jul 11 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc Revision: 233661- add buildrequires on sqlite3-devel- new module desc_history- tar is quite smart, it can figure out what kind of archive it is dealing with ;)- update to new version + Pixel - rpm filetriggers deprecates update_menus/update_scrollkeeper/update_mime_database/update_icon_cache/update_desktop_database/post_install_gconf_schemas
* Wed May 28 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc Revision: 212734- update to new version new modules o autostatus o globalhotkeys- update modules o firewall o last_seen o mime_tex o panelkadu o powerkadu o tabs- disable arts module- spec file clean
* Sat Mar 08 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc 0.6.0-1mdv2008.1+ Revision: 182160- drop patch 0, use sed instead- add new icons themes: o tango o oxygen- new modules: o anonymous o antistring o auto_hide o cenzor o last_seen o mime_tex o parser_extender o split_messages o word_fix- obsolete module-xqf- update to the stable version 0.6.0- use conditionals for building modules- rediff patches 4 and 5- drop patch 2- tune up desktop file- new release candidate- new module: panelkadu- update osdhints_notify module
* Sun Feb 17 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc 0.6.0-0.rc3.1mdv2008.1+ Revision: 170057- add water_notify plugin, which enables notifications by water effet in compiz- add patch 7, which enables building of water_plugin on x86_64- export -DDBUS_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE- update modules o agent o filtering o firewall o mediaplayer o osdhints_notify o tabs- update to latest release candidate
* Fri Feb 08 2008 Tomasz Pawel Gajc 0.6.0-0.rc2.1mdv2008.1+ Revision: 164208- update to the latest release candidate rc2- update modules- enable modules o osdhints_notify o pcspeaker- update modules o filtering o led_notify o mediaplayer o pcspeaker o weather