Changelog for
libsamdb0-0.0.1-0.9.2.alpha21-mdv2011.0.i586.rpm :
* Tue Jun 05 2012 Zombie Ryushu
4.0.0-0.9.2.alpha21+ Revision: 802612- 2011 creates some files for python talloc deal wth them- 2011 creates some files for python talloc deal wth them- 2011 has a conflict between Samba ldb and system ldb- more adjustments so ldb can be its own rpm talloc.3- more adjustments so ldb can be its own rpm- build tevent for 2011- build ldb for 2011- build ldb for 2011 + Per ?yvind Karlsen - filter out incorrect devel() dependencies (TODO: improve dependency generator) - fix %%files
* Mon Jun 04 2012 Zombie Ryushu 4.0.0-0.9.1.alpha21+ Revision: 802261- typo n where there should be an s- accidentally swaped sbindir for bindir- this is not the system samba do some file renaming- this is not the system samba- comment out extra readme stuff- this is not the system samba- do not build Samba 4 as the system Samba- do not build Samba 4 as the system Samba- do not build Samba 4 as the system Samba- fix conflicts with Samba 3 for smbd nmbd and pam_smbpass
* Sun Jun 03 2012 Crispin Boylan 4.0.0-0.9.alpha21+ Revision: 802095- Dont package and if using system provided libs as they are also packaged by them Use private libraries for smbclient and wbclient as they now have versioned symbols + Zombie Ryushu - fix unpackaged files on 2011
* Sat Jun 02 2012 Crispin Boylan 4.0.0-0.8.alpha21+ Revision: 802036- No tdb2 yet
* Sat Jun 02 2012 Crispin Boylan 4.0.0-0.7.alpha21+ Revision: 802024- Use system ldb + Zombie Ryushu - socketwrapper patch already applies - Upgrade to alpha 21 - codebase changes - We don\'t have those swat icons comment them - We don\'t have those swat icons - Add a bunch of install stuff to the files stage - Add a bunch of install stuff to the files stage - Add a bunch of install stuff to the files stage - figure out how the paths have changed - pam_winbind.conf is absent - disable find_lang - disable find_lang - disable find_lang - change build options to build talloc internally - change build options to build talloc internally - recompile with fPIC - ncurses didn\'t like 64 bit - I forgot a percent sign again - Attempt at building Alpha 20 + Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Make it build - Build fixes - Fixes for system talloc, tevent, tdb - There\'s no such thing as file-devel... - Add missing files - Add workaround for compiler bug - Started updating spec file for 4.0.0a20 changes + Matthew Dawkins - new alpha version 18 - cleaned up spec some
* Sat Nov 05 2011 Zombie Ryushu 4.0.0-0.7.alpha15+ Revision: 717769- Increment release for rebuild
* Wed May 11 2011 Buchan Milne 4.0.0-0.6.alpha15+ Revision: 673644- Actually make the package work- depend on standalone copies of talloc,tdb,tevent,ldb- cleanups + Oden Eriksson - mass rebuild + Funda Wang - new version 4.0.0 alpha15
* Wed Nov 03 2010 Funda Wang 4.0.0-0.6.alpha11mdv2011.0+ Revision: 592930- delete file rather than exclude them- rebuild for py2.7
* Tue Mar 02 2010 Buchan Milne 4.0.0-0.5.alpha11mdv2010.1+ Revision: 513430- Dont use remote stylesheets for building docs- Build against standalone versions of talloc,tevent,tdb-Split more libraries out + Funda Wang - use configure2_5x - new version 4.0.0 alpha11
* Thu Oct 08 2009 Buchan Milne 4.0.0-0.4.alpha8mdv2010.0+ Revision: 456093- Fix linking of (and use no-undefined)- Make provision work (including not shipping an smb.conf by default)- Ship a working init script
* Thu Oct 08 2009 Buchan Milne 4.0.0-0.3.alpha8mdv2010.0+ Revision: 455864- Fix building of shared libraries (by pkgconfig file)- Fix most underlinking issues (except vs PyErr_SetLdbError)- Temporary hacks to get the devel symlinks correct- Fix directory locations- Fix compilation against shipped standalone libs (gives us ldb modules)- Ship shared development libraries correctly- Require -python in -servers and -common
* Thu Aug 20 2009 Buchan Milne 4.0.0-0.2.alpha8mdv2010.0+ Revision: 418539- New version 4.0.0 alpha8 + Gustavo De Nardin - Cruft cleanup: current/ inside current/.