Changelog for
libptexenc-devel-20110705-1-mdv2011.0.i586.rpm :
* Wed Aug 24 2011 Paulo Andrade
20110705-1mdv2011.0+ Revision: 696537- Update to official TeX Live 2011 release
* Wed Jun 22 2011 Paulo Andrade 20110312-5+ Revision: 686606- Avoid conflict with the vlna package CCBUG: 63171
* Thu May 05 2011 Paulo Andrade 20110312-4+ Revision: 668841- Provides kpathsea libs for evince ( #63192)
* Tue May 03 2011 Paulo Andrade 20110312-3+ Revision: 664189- Rebuild with new poppler- Disable xindy and asymptote build by default- Rebuild with gcc 4.6.0 and redirect scriptlets to /dev/null- Redirect posttrans output to /dev/null - only print messages sent to stderr
* Sun Mar 13 2011 Paulo Andrade 20110312-1+ Revision: 644407- Update to use texlive svn checkout dated 20110312
* Sat Mar 12 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-15+ Revision: 643994- Rebuild again now that it can build requires itself, after rebuild for poppler
* Sat Mar 12 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-14+ Revision: 643974- Rebuild with new poppler
* Thu Mar 10 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-13+ Revision: 643248- Add provides/obsoletes to ps2eps CCBUG: 62747
* Mon Mar 07 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-12+ Revision: 642404- Correct remaining broken symbolic links- Add tkinter to requires when enabling asymptote- Build with system poppler- Enable back build of asymptote and xindy- Correct broken symbolic links
* Fri Mar 04 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-10+ Revision: 641869- Change license tag to point to license file- Add basic infrastructure to allow test installs with tetex on older distro releases- Add gv as requires (default ps viewer for asymptote)
* Sat Feb 26 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-9+ Revision: 640010- Correct tex4ht provides/obsoletes- Correct xasy symlink
* Thu Feb 24 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-8+ Revision: 639733- Enable asymptote and xindy build
* Sat Feb 19 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-7+ Revision: 638745- Setup proper default values for kpathsea- Enable asymptote and xindy build- Move scriptlet from post to postrans
* Thu Feb 17 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-5+ Revision: 638288- Remove dependency loop of texlive and texlive-texmf
* Thu Feb 17 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-4+ Revision: 638246- Rebuild with proper post and updated Provides/Requires
* Tue Feb 15 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-3+ Revision: 637825- Correct build for asymptote and xindy, but still disabled- Correct post that was passing incorrect arguments to mktexlsr
* Mon Feb 14 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-2+ Revision: 637731+ rebuild (emptylog)
* Mon Feb 14 2011 Paulo Andrade 20100722-1+ Revision: 637669- Update to texlive 20100722
* Tue Feb 01 2011 Paulo Andrade 2007-22+ Revision: 634608- Update to match the fedora texlive package + Oden Eriksson - the mass rebuild of 2010.1 packages - sync security patches with fedora + Thierry Vignaud - rebuild for new poppler
* Wed Feb 17 2010 Lev Givon 0:2007-21.r6295.8mdv2010.1+ Revision: 507127- Fix compilation issue reported in Ubuntu bug #438031.- Cron job in texlive-fonts requires tmpwatch (#48739).
* Thu Jul 16 2009 Eugeni Dodonov 0:2007-21.r6295.7mdv2010.0+ Revision: 396656- Added patch to fix conflict with glibc getline(). Rebuild for new poppler.
* Wed May 20 2009 G?tz Waschk 0:2007-20.r6295.7mdv2010.0+ Revision: 378035- really fix bug #51077
* Wed May 20 2009 G?tz Waschk 0:2007-20.r6295.6mdv2010.0+ Revision: 377976- fix wrong deps of xdvi (bug #51077)
* Tue May 19 2009 G?tz Waschk 0:2007-20.r6295.5mdv2010.0+ Revision: 377705- fix build with gcc 4.4- fix build with new poppler + Paulo Andrade - o Correct a typo xdvv -> xdvi o Make texlive-xdvi provide xdvi o Make texlive-xdvi require missing font packages o This should correct #48029 (texlive-xdvi should Provides: xdvi), and to some extent, help in #38016 (texlive misses some fonts for xdvi)
* Thu Feb 12 2009 Rafael da Veiga Cabral 0:2007-20.r6295.3mdv2009.1+ Revision: 339794- added build fix patches: texlive-2007-buildfix2009.1.patch texlive-2007-buildfix2009.1-2.patch texlive-2007-buildfix2009.1-3.patch some of hunks are in disabled patches for further rediff- disabled patches: texlive-fix_epstopdf_invocation.patch texlive-builtin-searchpath-fix.patch texlive-pdftex.patch texlive-source-t1lib.patch- rediff texlive-libpoppler_new.patch- including libpng as build require + Colin Guthrie - Fix the release - Rebuild against new libxcb + Thierry Vignaud - rebuild early 2009.0 package (before pixel changes) + Pixel - do not call ldconfig in %%post/%%postun, it is now handled by filetriggers