Changelog for libldap2.4_2-devel-2.4.25-5.1-mdv2011.0.i586.rpm :

* Sat Aug 11 2012 Oden Eriksson 2.4.25-5.1- P60: security fix for CVE-2012-1164 (rhel6)
* Mon Jun 20 2011 Oden Eriksson 2.4.25-5mdv2011.0+ Revision: 686320- avoid pulling 32 bit libraries on 64 bit arch + Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz - fixes to let compile under 2010.2
* Tue May 17 2011 Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz 2.4.25-3+ Revision: 675900- make openldap less restrictibe requiring db
* Wed May 04 2011 Oden Eriksson 2.4.25-2+ Revision: 666954- mass rebuild
* Thu Mar 31 2011 Buchan Milne 2.4.25-1+ Revision: 649407- Fix contrib test/install with internal berkeley db- Dont build kinit overlay on releases without krb5 1.8.x (requires Fast negotiation)- Disable test/install of dsaschema, it is broken on 32bit- Relax db buildrequire to allow newer releases- Fix nssov linking without openldap development libraries installed- New version 2.4.25-Put all work regarding contrib overlays in a single patch intended for upstream that makes make targets consistent, and adds a sanity-check \'test\' target- Reload syslog instead of restart, and take care of rsyslog as well- Add patch adding install targets to overlays with makefiles but no install target- Fix backports to systems with db4- Re-order building of contrib overlays- Enable nssov + Per ?yvind Karlsen - build against berkeley db 5.1.25
* Thu Feb 17 2011 Buchan Milne 2.4.24-1+ Revision: 638083- New version 2.4.24- Rename %%sql to %%build_sql, to prevent crashing rpm- Speed up database host backup (Richard Soderberg)
* Thu Dec 02 2010 Buchan Milne 2.4.23-4mdv2011.0+ Revision: 604757- Fix dependencies for db-5.x (s/db4/db/g)
* Thu Nov 25 2010 Buchan Milne 2.4.23-3mdv2011.0+ Revision: 601162- Allow db5.1
* Thu Nov 25 2010 Buchan Milne 2.4.23-2mdv2011.0+ Revision: 601144- Improve default client SSL settings Bundle the correct Berkeley DB copy, but build against 4.8.26 for 2010.1 Try and correct some nssov issues, but disabled for now as it is still broken + Funda Wang - update dbver + Oden Eriksson - 2.4.23 - drop P7, it\'s added upstream
* Wed Apr 28 2010 Christophe Fergeau 2.4.22-2mdv2010.1+ Revision: 540359- rebuild so that shared libraries are properly stripped again
* Tue Apr 27 2010 Buchan Milne 2.4.22-1mdv2010.1+ Revision: 539539- Add patch from head fixing proxy control propagation (r1.259 in back-ldap/bind.c)- clean some rpm-helper deps- New version 2.4.22- Re-enable nssov by default without any nss-ldapd hacks- Tighten schema requires to avoid errors in pre- Ensure group is added even if private groups are not enabled (Eugeni)
* Tue Apr 06 2010 Funda Wang 2.4.21-5mdv2010.1+ Revision: 531957- rebuild for new openssl + Oden Eriksson - rebuilt against openssl-0.9.8m + Guillaume Rousse - adapt to new %%_post_syslogadd behaviour
* Wed Dec 30 2009 Buchan Milne 2.4.21-2mdv2010.1+ Revision: 483941- Update to db-4.8.26
* Tue Dec 29 2009 Buchan Milne 2.4.21-1mdv2010.1+ Revision: 483295- New version 2.4.21- init script fixes for SSL with back-config (Leo Bergolth)- Try harder to use db4.8 by default
* Sun Nov 29 2009 Buchan Milne 2.4.20-1mdv2010.1+ Revision: 471347- New version 2.4.20- Switch to db4.8- Use syslog helper macro if available- Use SSL cert helper macro if available- Move SSL certs from /etc/ssl/openldap to /etc/pki/tls/private
* Tue Nov 24 2009 Frederik Himpe 2.4.19-3mdv2010.1+ Revision: 469777- Add support for rsyslog
* Mon Oct 12 2009 Buchan Milne 2.4.19-2mdv2010.0+ Revision: 456810- Use a pseudo-random base port for tests- Use a newer killproc options (delay, pid file) if available, and fall back to an internal version that is new enough if not
* Tue Oct 06 2009 Buchan Milne 2.4.19-1mdv2010.0+ Revision: 454919- New version 2.4.19
* Mon Sep 07 2009 Buchan Milne 2.4.18-1mdv2010.0+ Revision: 432771- New version 2.4.18- rediff patches for fuzz- Require new enough openldap-mandriva-dit to avoid missing schema that were in openldap-servers before- Run tests on all backends available, not just bdb- Update to db (for build with internal copy)