Changelog for libreoffice-postgresql-3.5.5-0.1-mdv2011.0.i586.rpm :

* Thu Aug 02 2012 Oden Eriksson 1:3.5.5-0.1- (fixes CVE-2012-2665)- new S64 (libvisio-0.0.18)- use system exttextcat libs
* Wed Jun 13 2012 Oden Eriksson 1:3.5.4-0.1- new S64 (libvisio-0.0.16)
* Mon Jun 11 2012 Oden Eriksson 1:3.5.2-0.1- backported for 2011
* Mon Jun 11 2012 Oden Eriksson 1:3.5.2-4mdv2012.0+ Revision: 804396- bump release- fix bogus deps- add backporting magic- sync with libreoffice-3.5.2-3.src.rpm:
* Wed Apr 11 2012 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 1:3.5.2-3mdv2012.0 + Revision: 790343- Drop GConf dependency from -core- Fix compatibility with ICU 49.1- Rebuild for icu 49.1- Update to Fix dependency on obsolete portaudio- + Rafael da Veiga Cabral - enables correct system directories parameters on script - adds libreoffice-3.5.1-kde-4.8.1-namespace.patch in order to correct build issue against kde 4.8.1 - enables the source as it was disabled by mistake - removes optsafe variable as it is not being used - some spec indenting - replaces configure script calling by the which already properly executes the configure (as an usual local build) and as well there is a problem calling directely configure which forces the make later to call however all configure options get lost - drop unrecognized configure options: --disable-qadevooo, --with-system-xrender-headers, --with-system-python, --with-system-xslt, --with-system-agg, --with-system-libtextcat, --with-system-translate-toolkit, --enable-broffice, --with-installed-ooo-dirname, --with-docdir, --with-system-sane-header - properly comments out defines - moving to current - current dir
* Sat Apr 07 2012 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 1:3.5.2-2+ Revision: 789752- Rebuild for icu 49.1
* Sat Feb 04 2012 Rafael da Veiga Cabral 1:3.4.5-1+ Revision: 771188- add libsuffix in the drop gtk thing- removes OOo leftover + Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Drop GTK dependency from -core - Update to 3.4.5 - Fix build in current environment
* Wed Dec 21 2011 Per ?yvind Karlsen 1:3.4.4-2+ Revision: 744059- add build dependency on newer rpm-build to avoid broken unpackage subdir check- don\'t own %%{_datadir}/mime{,/packages} + Rafael da Veiga Cabral - add further fixes for gcc 4.6.2 build issues (libreoffice34-gcc462.patch) - fix build issues with gcc 4.6.2 #64945 (experimental) - remove duplicate binfilter files (rpm 5 checkings) - add ORBit2 buildrequire for the shell module - fixes #64789, add help-images-mdv64789.patch tries all possible style files starting with oxygen - fix typo help-br to help-bs - uses javaless flag to deal with some java stack broken stuff - merges javaless branch fixes: - add buildrequire poppler-cpp-devel - pushes further poppler 0.18.1 fixes directly into poppler0.18.1.patch mostly api fixes already integrated into - check for qt 4.8.1 in disable-qtunixeventloop.patch - update to version - new icons for math and startcenter - dropped %%undefine debug_package_and_restore as it breaks the install section - poppler 0.18.1 compatibility (DCStream) class dropped - glib2.31 requires a single include for glib.h instead of glib/g
*.h - add poppler-glib-devel buildrequire required for poppler 0.18.1 - uses mklibname to get the right arch lib - makes rpmlint more happy: removes unversioned and unneeded Obsoletes add %%defattr(-,root,root,-) for some packages removes style-industrial package section as it is not provided anymore - fix \"\" leftovers in packages description and summary #64658 - fix --with-num-cpus, uses at most 4 parallel jobs - add hsqdl 1.8.0, apache-ant-1.8.1, commons-httpclient, commons-codec and commons-lang bundles
* Tue Oct 11 2011 Rafael da Veiga Cabral 1:3.4.3-3+ Revision: 704136- add support for locales: as, bn, dz,fa, ga, gl, gu, hr, kn, lt, lv, mai, ml, mr, nr, nso, or, pa-IN, ro, sh, si, sr, ss, st, te, th, tn, ts, uk, ve, and xh- temporary changes for building purposes: removes --with-system-hsqldb removes ant-apache-regexp buildrequire- imported package libreoffice + Oden Eriksson - fix deps (libwpd-devel[>= 0.9.0])) - more debug package deactivation magic - sync yet again with what\'s in cooker (duh!) - try to fix the build with iurt - avoid downloading all the sources (duh!) - build against system graphite2 and textcat libs - really use system libwpd, libwpg and libwps libraries - use system python-translate - reapply -r682801 (fwang) and add more virtual provides - don\'t pull libdbcxx >= 4.2.5-4mdk in vain - sync with libreoffice-3.4.2-2.src.rpm - sync with libreoffice-3.4.2-1.src.rpm from 2011 - sync with libreoffice-3.3.2-1.src.rpm in cooker - fix deps (libdbcxx) + Funda Wang - use virtual provides
* Sun Sep 18 2011 Oden Eriksson 1:3.4.2-1- don\'t pull libdbcxx >= 4.2.5-4mdk in vain
* Mon Sep 12 2011 Rafael Cabral 1:3.4.2-2-mdv2011.0- add --with-system-stdlibs, fixes #64224- remove clipart-openclipart requires, fixes #63634
* Thu Aug 11 2011 Rafael Cabral 1:3.4.2-1mdv2011.0- Version update to 3.4.2- drop lirebreoffice-build tarball as all ooo-build/go-ooo patches has been integrated (main change from 3.3 branch to 3.4 in terms of packaging) - add --without-fonts as we dont ship fonts in LibreOffice - add vbahelper.visibility.patch to solve build issues- drop patches are not needed anymore: mdv-package-ooo.patch mdv-build-apply.patch mdv-fpermissiveflag.diff libreoffice-gcc4.6.diff mdv-db51check.diff- remove pt_AO l10n is not supported - remove help pkgs are not supported: help-ta, help-zu, help-pt_AO help-cy, help-ar, help-af and help-br- files
*_list.txt were to file-lists dir-
*_list.txt packaging fixes are moved from mdv-package-ooo.patch to the end of the \\%%install secion- libreoffice tarball sources are directly extracted in the prep- script is not executed anymore as that is now valid only for plataforms- drops and scripts- add Mandriva Rosa desktop icons- general spec clean up
* Sat Apr 30 2011 Rafael Cabral 1:3.3.2-1mdv2011.0- Version update to 3.3.2- Disable system beanshell- Disable clipart-openclipart - Fix db5.1 build checking: mdv-db51check.diff
* Mon Feb 07 2011 Rafael Cabral 3.3.0-1mdv2011.0- LibreOffice 3.3.0 release.- Changed name to LibreOffice (Names, Summary and Description)- Removed epochs from provides,requires,sugests
* Mon Dec 27 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2.1-0.1mdv2010.1- ooo-build 3.2.1 official release ( bug fix)- fixes #59317 (unhides status bar itens, applies Novell patch mentioned on its bugzilla #567886, comment #21)- enables ubuntu-javadlx.diff ooo-build patch in order to advises user to install ooo-java-common package or either remove javasettings_Linux_
*.xml- fixes #61901 (viewing OOo documents on Firefox 64bits, some docs still make firefox does not open)- file sun-presentation-minimizer.oxt renamed to presentation-minimizer.oxt
* Fri Oct 29 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-4.1mdv2010.1- security fixes, using ooo-build hotfixes: CVE2010-0395 - CVE2010-2935-2936 - SA40775-3.1.1-cve2010-2935-2936.diff
* Mon Apr 19 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-3mdv2010.1- ooo-build 3.2 official release ( bug fix)
* Fri Mar 26 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-2mdv2010.1- ooo-build 3.2 official release ( bug fix)- build against icu44 and change requires to icu44
* Fri Mar 12 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-1mdv2010.1- ooo-build 3.2 official release ( bug fix)- fix presenter-screen extension typo in the upgrading logic
* Wed Mar 03 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-rc5.1mdv2010.1- back deskto-file-install callings to properly configure desktop files with X-MandrivaLinux-CrossDesktop
* Tue Feb 23 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-rc5.0mdv2010.1- ooo-build 3.2 rc5 official release- add common and core requires on gnome package- add more strict requires on all packages by requiring the release (#57650) - typo at the update-alternative command in the l10-pt_BR post section- rename unopkg3.2 to unopkg as extension packages scriptlets are not using unopkg_version executable (#57700)- get rid of the ooo version on desktop files (#57700) - get rid of the deskto-file-install callings as desktop files are normally generated during the build process (experimental) - some spec clean up
* Wed Feb 10 2010 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-rc4.0mdv2010.1- ooo-build 3.2 rc4 official release- activates the Firefox plugin- fixes #56439 (lack of icons in the dolphin context menu)- fixes #56947 (iaoraqt crash)- possible fix #57370 (crash when saving on ms formats)- removes file from common since it is in the style-oxygen package- rediff mdv-desktop-japanese.patch- add: --with-system-zlib --with-system-openssl --with-system-expat --with-system-libxml --with-system-python --with-system-saxon --with-system-xslt --with-system-curl --with-system-vigra --with-system-neon --with-system-agg- remove (old/obsolete): --with-system-xml-apis --with-system-xerces --with-system-xalan --with-system-xt --with-system-xmlsec --with-system-libsvg --with-system-sablot --with-system-gcc --with-system-glitz --with-system-nas --enable-java --enable-gstreamer --with-firefox --without-system-mspack --disable-kde --enable-kde4 --without-git --without-binsuffix --with-dynamic-xinerama --enable-access --enable-split-app-modules --enable-split-opt-features --with-db-jar
* Tue Dec 15 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-beta3.0mdv2010.1- ooo-build 3.2 beta3 official release
* Fri Nov 27 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-beta1.1mdv2010.1- removes the kde dependency from the core package #55791 - fixes the crash whenever using file->open on kde4 #52880
* Tue Nov 10 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.2-beta1.0mdv2010.1- ooo-build 3.2 beta1 official release- remove ooo-build patch help-support-mdv.diff- remove ooo-build patch mandriva-archflags.diff- remove ooo-build patch msfontextract.diff- disable mdv-fix-xdg-work-directory.diff- disable ooo-build patch sw-header-inclusion.diff- QT4DIR instead of QTDIR (building requires)- add support to Portuguese Angola - fix ISO4217 currency id code for Portuguese Angola (i18npool)
* Tue Oct 20 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.1.1-2mdv2010.0- add fashion menu icons- remove paper-utils require #45804
* Thu Oct 15 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.1.1-1mdv2010.0- new 3.1.1 upstream plus ooo-build should solve release criticals bugs #54334 and #54592
* Thu Sep 24 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.1-5mdv2010.0- fix icu40 regression
* Mon Sep 21 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.1-4mdv2010.0- remove kernel-source build require- remove libdb-java build require- add mesaglu1 build require- uses libjpeg from system, actually libjpeg7, remove exception require fixes #53763- uses hunspell from system- fix update-alternatives- add anssi\'s patches: drop-64bit-naming.patch and move-to-ooo-and-drop-alternatives.patch to renaming openoffice.org64 packages to (it is no a requirement maintaining different names to both archs anymore). Further his last patch changes ooo-mdvsuffix dir to ooo - keeps easy maintenance
* Fri Aug 14 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.1-3mdv2010.0- fix kde dependence bug
* Wed Aug 12 2009 Rafael Cabral 0:3.1-2mdv2010.0- change icu40 require to icu42 since it was built against the last one (due icu40 requires uneeded space on One product)