Changelog for
nagios-1.0-7mdk.i586.rpm :
Sun Mar 9 11:00:00 2003 Oden Eriksson
- argh!!! forgot to update requires and buildrequires for the
conditional builds!!!
Sun Mar 9 11:00:00 2003 Oden Eriksson 1.0-6mdk
- argh!!! forgot to provide the pid dir!!!
- might as well restart apache... (using the advx macros)
Sun Mar 9 11:00:00 2003 Oden Eriksson 1.0-5mdk
- fixed S2 & S3 (this should work right out of the box...)
Sat Mar 8 11:00:00 2003 Oden Eriksson 1.0-4mdk
- remove rude stuff in %post, let apache2 handle it...
- added S3
- relocate the /nagios url to /admin/nagios
- fix pid dir in S1 and in the spec file
Thu Jan 16 11:00:00 2003 Oden Eriksson 1.0-3mdk
- build release
Sat Dec 7 11:00:00 2002 Oden Eriksson 1.0-2mdk
- PreReq: nagios on the nagios-www subpackage (should generate the
nagios user and prevent errors)
- ship my minimalistic config files (S2) in %{_sysconfdir}/nagios/,
people expects nagios to work right out of the box..., well there
you have it..., now it should...
- simplified the sysv script (S1)
- major spec file fixes
Mon Nov 25 11:00:00 2002 Oden Eriksson 1.0-1mdk
- new version
Sat Nov 23 11:00:00 2002 Olivier Thauvin 1.0b6-2mdk
- fix missing/unpackaged files
Tue Sep 17 12:00:00 2002 Oden Eriksson 1.0b6-1mdk
- new version
Sun Sep 15 12:00:00 2002 Oden Eriksson 1.0b5-2mdk
- fixed a bug where restart did not work as pointed out
by Guillaume Bourque
- misc spec file fixes
Thu Aug 15 12:00:00 2002 Oden Eriksson 1.0b5-1mdk
- initial cooker contrib
- misc spec file fixes, used the provided spec file but used spec
file voodoo magic from Vincent Danens qmail package to be able
to rebuild with either MySQL or PostgreSQL support.