Changelog for sane-backends-1.0.11-5mdk.i586.rpm :
Sat Feb 15 11:00:00 2003 Till Kamppeter 1.0.11-5mdk
- Now the \"epson\" backend should alsoi accept unknown USB vendor/product
IDs in \"usb ...\" lines in epson.conf.

Sat Feb 15 11:00:00 2003 Till Kamppeter 1.0.11-4mdk
- Really fixed bug that \"epson\" backend only accepted decimal USB
vendor/product IDs.
- Applied bug fix patch for the \"avision\" backend.

Fri Feb 14 11:00:00 2003 Till Kamppeter 1.0.11-3mdk
- Added support for USB scanners with the \"fujitsu\" backend, especially
also for the Fujitsu fi-4220C.
- Fixed documentation and config files of the \"epson\" backend to mention
USB scanner auto-detection support.
- Fixed bug that \"epson\" backend only accepted decimal USB vendor/product

Mon Feb 10 11:00:00 2003 Till Kamppeter 1.0.11-2mdk
- Updated \"snapscan\" backend (Support for Epson Perfection 660).

Mon Feb 10 11:00:00 2003 Till Kamppeter 1.0.11-1mdk
- Updated to SANE 1.0.11 (Security fix for saned).

Sat Feb 1 11:00:00 2003 Till Kamppeter 1.0.10-1mdk
- Updated to SANE 1.0.10 (New backends: \"artec_eplus48u\" for Artec E+ 48U,
Tevion/Medion MD 9693, Medion MD 9705, Trust Easy Webscan 19200, \"gt68xx\"
for Artec Ultima 2000, some Mustek BearPaws and other GT6801/GT6816-based
scanners; updated backends: \"avision\", \"canon\", \"coolscan2\", \"canon_pp\",
\"dc210\", \"dc240\", \"dc25\", \"dll\", \"epson\", \"gphoto2\", \"hp\", \"hpsj5s\",
\"microtek2\", \"mustek\", \"mustek_pp\", \"plustek\", \"sharp\", \"snapscan\",
\"test\", \"umax\", \"umax_pp\"; improved SCSI and USB handling. new translation
system for all backends having translations for the standard options now,
added translations for Portuguese, Russian and Swedish; various
documentation updates).
- Included \"gphoto2\" backend.
- Do not make /etc/sane.d/dll.conf empty.

Sat Jan 18 11:00:00 2003 Marcel Pol 1.0.9-4mdk
- buildrequires tetex-dvips for
- make saned a seperate package
- add saned user and xinetd entry

Sat Jan 11 11:00:00 2003 Till Kamppeter 1.0.9-3mdk
- Updated Plustek backend to version 0.45-1 (IMPORTANT UPDATE: Epson
Perfection 1260 can be damaged with older versions; New models supported:
Canon CanoScan N670U/N676U, N1220U, N1240U, LIDE 20, LIDE 30; new
functionality: TPA auto-detection on Epson Perfection 1260).

Sat Jan 4 11:00:00 2003 Stew Benedict 1.0.9-2mdk
- drop primax_support on PPC, drop patch10

Fri Jan 3 11:00:00 2003 Till Kamppeter 1.0.9-1mdk
- Updated to SANE 1.0.9 (Bug fixes, support for new scanner models).
- Let patch for sparc only be applied on sparc systems.
- Added \"niash\" (HP ScanJet 3300C, 3400C, 4300C, Agfa SnapScan Touch)
- Added \"viceo\" (E3 scanners: Genius Vivid Pro, Primax Colorado, Visioneer
OneTouch 6100/7600, IBM IdeaScan 2000, LG Electronics Scanworks 600U)
- Added \"hp4200\" (HP ScanJet 4200) backend.
- Added \"primax\" (Primax Colorado Direct 300, 600, 9600 Colorado 1200p,
Storm Totalscan, Network Scanny MM100, Genius Colorpage Vivid+, Visioneer
OneTouch 5300, 7300) backend.
- Added \"libusb-devel\" to \"BuildRequires:\", it is needed by the \"sm3600\"
backend (this was probably the problem why this backend missed in
Mandrake 9.0).
- Linked against \"libieee1284\" to enable \"canon_pp\" (CanoScan FB320P,
FB330P, FB620P, FB630P, N340P, N640P, N640P ex) and \"hpsj5s\" (HP
ScanJet 5S).

Tue Oct 15 12:00:00 2002 Till Kamppeter 1.0.8-6mdk
- Introduced and enabled debug mode (macro \"%debug\").

Mon Aug 19 12:00:00 2002 Till Kamppeter 1.0.8-5mdk
- Added the new Epson Perfection 660, 1660 Photo, and 2400 Photo to the list
of supported scanner models.

Fri Aug 9 12:00:00 2002 Till Kamppeter 1.0.8-4mdk
- Replaced /etc/sane/dll.conf by a nearly empty file to accelerate the
startup of SANE frontends.
- Fixed /usr/lib/libsane.a.

Fri Aug 9 12:00:00 2002 Till Kamppeter 1.0.8-3mdk
- Removed support for the PTAL protocol (HP multi-function devices) from
the \"hp\" driver. HPOJ has now its own \"hpoj\" SANE driver.

Mon Jul 29 12:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.8-2mdk
- lib64 fixes

Sat Jun 1 12:00:00 2002 Yves Duret 1.0.8-1mdk
- 1.0.8 version.

Wed May 22 12:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.7-5mdk
- Automated rebuild with gcc 3.1-1mdk

Tue Mar 5 11:00:00 2002 Yves Duret 1.0.7-4mdk
- requires/provides on both %{version} and %{release}
- added packager tag on myself

Tue Mar 5 11:00:00 2002 Stew Benedict 1.0.7-3mdk
- rework PPC patches

Sat Feb 9 11:00:00 2002 Stew Benedict 1.0.7-2mdk
- bypass building parallel port drivers on PPC

Tue Feb 5 11:00:00 2002 Yves Duret 1.0.7-1mdk
- true version 1.0.7

Thu Jan 31 11:00:00 2002 Yves Duret 1.0.7-0.beta2.1mdk
- version 1.0.7-beta2

Mon Jan 28 11:00:00 2002 Yves Duret 1.0.7-0.beta1.2mdk
- rebuild against libusb 0.1.4

Tue Jan 22 11:00:00 2002 Yves Duret 1.0.7-0.beta1.1mdk
- version 1.0.7-beta1
- removed patches (merged upstream): scsi, microtek2 -1 pid, file names format

Wed Nov 28 11:00:00 2001 Stew Benedict 1.0.6-2mdk
- drop patch0 for PPC - not needed anymore
- disable umax parallel port scanner build PPC (patch10)

Tue Nov 27 11:00:00 2001 Yves Duret 1.0.6-1mdk
- the long awaiting 1.0.6 version
- temporaly disable gphoto2 support
- added some doc in devel and std rpm, compression of doc if needed
- fix some plugin place
- sane-config is now in the devel package
- add patch{1,2,3,9} from sane-develAATT ml

Tue Oct 9 12:00:00 2001 Yves Duret 1.0.5-3mdk
- added mustek usb support

Thu Aug 30 12:00:00 2001 Till Kamppeter 1.0.5-2mdk
- Added HP OfficeJet support

Fri Jul 6 12:00:00 2001 Yves Duret 1.0.5-1mdk
- the long awaiting 1.0.5 version

Thu Jun 14 12:00:00 2001 Yves Duret 1.0.5-0.20010610.1mdk
- pre-1.0.5, CVS snapshot 2001 10 06
beware that find-scanner is now called sane-find-scanner
- macros, spec clean up

Thu May 17 12:00:00 2001 Stew Benedict 1.0.4-3mdk
- patch for PPC, scsi/sg.h appears to get included twice, remove one of them

Thu Jan 4 11:00:00 2001 Francis Galiegue 1.0.4-2mdk
- libsane1-devel obsoletes sane-devel (lart me)

Wed Jan 3 11:00:00 2001 Francis Galiegue 1.0.4-1mdk
- New version
- Brand new spec file:

* split libsane1 to comply to new lib policy

* package sane-backends contains scanner backends

Thu Aug 24 12:00:00 2000 Thierry Vignaud 1.0.3-2mdk
- rebuild for new libgimp
- fix %config(noreplace)

Sun Aug 13 12:00:00 2000 Geoffrey Lee 1.0.3-1mdk
- s|1.0.2|1.0.3|.

Mon Aug 7 12:00:00 2000 Frederic Lepied 1.0.2-5mdk
- automatically added BuildRequires

Thu Jul 27 12:00:00 2000 Francis Galiegue 1.0.2-4mdk
- BMacros
- Some spec file changes

Wed Apr 5 12:00:00 2000 Francis Galiegue 1.0.2-3mdk
- Fixed group for sane-devel

Fri Mar 17 11:00:00 2000 Francis Galiegue 1.0.2-2mdk
- Changed group to match 7.1 specs
- Some spec file changes
- Let spec-helper do its job

Tue Mar 7 11:00:00 2000 Daouda LO
- 1.0.2

Mon Nov 15 11:00:00 1999 Florin Grad

* Tue Sep 21 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah
- Recompile with gimp-1.0.4.

Thu Aug 19 12:00:00 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah
- Rebuild with gimp-1.1.8.

Thu Aug 19 12:00:00 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah
- Fix broken %post %postun broken scripts.

Tue May 25 12:00:00 1999 Bernhard Rosenkr�nzer
- recompile in a GIMP-friendly environment
- fix some rather stupid spec bugs

Tue May 25 12:00:00 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah
- 1.01.
- Mandrake adaptations.

Mon Nov 23 11:00:00 1998 Jonathan Miller
- upgraded to 1.00 (and made description less space-consuming)
- included the post 1.00 fixed \"configure\" script available 22 Nov 1998.

Sat Aug 8 12:00:00 1998 Arne Coucheron
- added /etc/sane.d to %dir in file list

Sat Aug 1 12:00:00 1998 Arne Coucheron
- devel Group: reverted back to Development/Libraries
- some changes to the %defattr and %attr usage in file list

Tue Jul 28 12:00:00 1998 Binaire

Fri May 22 12:00:00 1998 Arne Coucheron
- added use of %{name} and %{version} macros
- added a %postun for running ldconfig after uninstall
- using BuildRoot properly now
- using %defattr and %attr macros in filelist, allows non-root build
this means that RPM 2.5 is required to build this spec file now!
- devel Group: changed to X11/Libraries
- added using RPM_OPT_FLAGS during make
- added striping of programs and libraries
- added Requires: gtk+ >= 0.99.13 to main package
- added Requires: %{name} = %{version} to devel package
- added a %clean section for removing the buildroot dir
- simplified the filelist and added %config for sane-style.rc
- moved lib
*.so to %files devel and dropped the
*.la files
- added -q parameter to %setup
- removed some older changelog entries
- removed the \"fix ldconfig brokenness...\" stuff
- removed the Packager: line; use /etc/rpmrc if you want your name in
- if GIMP is installed, make symlink from xscanimage to plug-ins dir
- install the find-scanner program from the tools dir

Mon May 18 12:00:00 1998 Hugo van der Kooij
- Version 0.73 was created: May 13 1998
- gimp (original was build against 0.99.29)
- gtk+ (original was build against 1.0.1)
- dlh (original was build against 0.7d)
- X11 development tree including xpm libraries.

Wed Apr 22 12:00:00 1998 Hugo van der Kooij
- Binaries are now BuildRoot proof.

Wed Apr 22 12:00:00 1998 Hugo van der Kooij
- Binaries are not BuildRoot proof. release 3 is done without BuildRoot!

Tue Apr 21 12:00:00 1998 Hugo van der Kooij
- Temp. fix for some documentations problems with BuildRoot.

Sat Apr 11 12:00:00 1998 Hugo van der Kooij
- Formal 0.72 now made as RPM! (Build against GTK+ 0.99.10 and GIMP 0.99.24)
- Original package was released: Tue Apr 7 1998