Changelog for
psad-1.2.3-1mdk.i586.rpm :
Tue Sep 23 12:00:00 2003 Lenny Cartier
- mandrakized specfile
Fri Sep 12 12:00:00 2003 Michael Rash
-Added interface tracking for scans.
-Bugfix for not opening /etc/hosts.deny the right way in
-Bugfix for psadfifo path in syslog-ng config.
-Better format for summary stats section in email alerts.
-Bugfix for INIT_DIR path on non-RedHat systems.
-Bugfix for gzip path.
-Make installed last of all perl modules installed
by psad.
-Added additional call to incr_syscall_ctr() in psadwatchd.c
Mon Jul 28 12:00:00 2003 Michael Rash
- Initial version.