Changelog for :
Tue Sep 16 00:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.1-0.rc4.2mdk
- Really enable fixed Patch102 (bmp32)
- Patch40: Make font substitution algorithm match documentation (IZ #19591)
- Updates to wrapper script:
- Really use localized instdb.ins files for installation
- Reactivate font substitutions for now otherwise Japanese & Korean
help content is broken. This concerns (Andale Sans UI, Albany, Arial)

Sat Sep 13 00:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.1-0.rc4.1mdk
- 1.1rc4
- Nuke mutation of instdb.ins since it confuses updates and is now useless
- Refine selection of MySpell packages to install along with -l10n- packages
- Add Slovak help files, update Czech files to 1.1rc4 from OOo-cs project
- Make extra psprint filters work again
- Make sure we only handle 32-bit bmp images and don\'t default to that
format. Otherwise, we need to always copy/transform things around
and this slows UI down terribly
- Make doc defaults configurable through DOC_DEFAULTS variable in
/etc/openoffice/openoffice.conf or ~/.oofficerc. i.e. set it to \"MS\"
(default) for .doc formats or any other (e.g. \"NATIVE\") for OOo
- Revert to use Nimbus Roman No9L as default font for text since Vera
Serif doesn\'t have any oblique face yet
- Add more \"Word count\" translations (thanks Pablo, Giuseppe)
- Patch11: Don\'t install python-2.2 stuff for now
- Patch31: Update to make $HOME/Documents default only if it exists
- Merge in more Ximian patches:
- Patch101: Conditionalize use of MS defaults (default)
- Patch106: Startup notification fixes (IZ #18970)
- Updates to wrapper script:
- Try hard to update user install base even through different language
- Always default to one installed language set, preferably matching
the current locale

Tue Sep 2 00:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.1-0.rc3.2mdk
- Merge in some Ximian patches:
- Patch100: Add word count feature under Tools/Hyphenation item
- Patch101: Default to .doc for text documents
- Patch102: Add support for 32-bit bitmaps and icons
- Patch103: Correct typo in Options->HTML compatibility for sv (IZ #16437)
- Patch104: Export \'no color\' background to doc (IZ #18671)
- Patch105: Don\'t continually beep annoyingly (IZ #18440)

Sat Aug 23 00:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.1-0.rc3.1mdk
- 1.1rc3
- Default compiler is now any gcc >= 3.2 (thusly MDK >= 9.0)
- Use built-in Mozilla address book libraries
- Add localized UI strings for: Portugu�s do Brasil
- Temporarily remove localized help files for: Russian, Finnish, Czech
- Try to fix encodings of localized menu File/New entries
- Don\'t install (unlocalized) readme & license files to user dir
- Patch11: Don\'t build crashdump reporter
- Patch30: Fix broken inclusions of STL headers
- Patch31: Make $HOME/Documents the work directory
- Patch32: Look for additional templates in share/templates/extra/
- Patch33: Don\'t export crazy symbols from svunzip (IZ #17841)
- Patch34: Remove unneeded sched_yield calls (IZ #9277)
- Patch35: MySpell dictionaries are shared in /usr/share/dict/ooo
- Patch36: Enable automatic spellchecking by default
- Patch37: Use better default fonts available in the distribution
- Patch38: Fix crash in ExtendedFontStruct::HasUnicodeChar()
- Patch39: Disable KDE screensaver during presentations
- Patch405: Use system Vera fonts
- Deprecate UI_FONT & FONT_SCALING in openoffice.conf and don\'t handle
them any longer (should be handled automatically with new font
substitution facilities)
- Updates to wrapper script:
- Handle CTL layouts (Arabic)
- SAL_FONTPATH_USER is gone, SAL_FONTPATH should still work though
- Only merge in new configuration data if we are switching locales
- Attempt to update an existing installation and let OOo merge user

*.xml files to new
- Drop XML::Twig parser as configuration files format is now
overkill to handle. Better user configimport tool to merge in new
config bits

Tue May 20 00:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.1-0.beta2.1mdk
- 1.1 beta 2

Wed Apr 30 00:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.3-2mdk
- Patch0: Fix vcl printer code that may have caused a crash (
- Patch29: Update to add a generic PostScript distillable output (Giuseppe)
- Patch50: Reintroduce fix, it got mis-integrated upstream
- Patch53: Install OOo Impress templates
- Introduce UI_LANG variable to /etc/openoffice/openoffice.conf or
~/.oofficerc in order to force a specific language for the user or
system wide. This helps if you have a mismatch between the system
locale (which the ooffice script uses) and what you actually have
installed as OOo-l10n-
* package

Thu Apr 10 00:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.3-1mdk
- BuildRequires: xpm-devel for nas library build
- Rework Patch400 (system-db) to fit libdb4.0 and lib64 on MDK >= 9.2
- Use zh_{CN,TW} instead of zh-{CN,TW} in package names so that
rpmsrate can auto-expands the filelist
- Patch599: Colateral, induced by previous 64-bit patches on 32-bit arches
- Patch49: Enable user to set priorities among embedded bitmaps,
auto-hinting and anti-aliasing. Backport from OOo 1.1. Variables are
SAL_AUTOHINTING_PRIORITY to be set with numerical values. Defaults
are 2/1/1, respectively. i.e. preferring embedded bitmaps first.

Mon Mar 10 23:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.2-7mdk
- Patch1: Ignore Xerrors from XSetInputFocus() for now (IZ #10779)
- Patch25: Update to handle Kerkis as default font for Greek. Also add
better/available candidates for Asian locales
- Patch44: Update to get correct condition for PPDKey::eraseValue()
- Patch45: Update to immediately cache the PPD file to user\'s psprint
- Patch46: Handle SAL_DEBUGGER in soffice script
- Patch47: Make soffice script handle chdir to dirs denoted relatively
- Patch48: Always enable antialiasing if the font is antialias capable
- Patch109: Update to really enable Slovak localization
- Patch405: Update to match current CVS sources
- Fix localized help/err.html mutation, only special case for Finnish
- Updates to wrapper script:
- Handle CJK locales configuration better
- Handle new --debug(ger) and --help options
- Handle language -> font mappings better
- Use KerkisSans as UI font for Greek
- Also substitute Albany and Arial UI fonts, if not available
- Make LC_CTYPE an alternative to set UI localization, not LC_MESSAGES
- On user installation, make sure that ~/.mime.types doesn\'t contain
any duplicates. i.e. don\'t let it grow constantly

Tue Mar 4 23:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.2-6mdk
- Remove ~/.openoffice/user/work symlink if target is user\'s HOME dir
- Requires: 1.1 for -help and -l10n packages
- Patch44: Keep ordering of original PPD file values in Printer Properties
- Patch45: Use CUPS to grab the corresponding PPD file

Mon Mar 3 23:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.2-5mdk
- Patch43: Use light hinting for freetype2 >= 2.1.3-3mdk (RH)
- Patch0: Take care of selected directory in Save dialogs (IZ #8928)
- Main package now owns help/en/err.html file to suggest a help
package to install if it is not localized yet
- Default font scaling to 100 if FONT_SCALING is not set correctly

Fri Feb 28 23:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.2-4mdk
- Force OOo Draw styles in English for main package
- Patch42: Use MDK colors
- Patch41: Fix crash with a PPD file that does not specify the DPI
resolution in the string version of the \"Resolution\" option. (IZ #11616)
- Updates to Source5 (wrapper-script):
- Handle Arabic UI fonts and language
- For language selection, prefer LC_ALL which has higher priority
- If FONT_SCALING variable is not set, don\'t change user\'s config either

Fri Feb 21 23:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.2-3mdk
- Add localized UI strings for: Arab, Slovak
- Add localized help files for: Russian, Finnish, Czech, Japanese,
Korean, Chinese (simplified and traditional)
- Patch39: Hack up scpzip so that it doesn\'t duplicate everything 17
or more times than necessary (RH). Also make sure to handle
localized help files.

Wed Jan 29 23:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.2-2mdk
- Remove (obsolete) specfile nonsense
- Handle/skip -g in fake javac wrapper
- Patch37: Don\'t use obsolete CLK_TCK macros in debug=true mode
- Patch38: Fix rsc code in debug=true mode
- Updates to Source5 (wrapper-script):
- Don\'t nuke away other installations info from sversionrc

Tue Jan 28 23:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.2-1mdk
- Update to 1.0.2 final
- Patch16 (no-stlport): Remove bits merged upstream
- Add yet another fix to errno (Patch32)
- Patch406: Use system zlib + master truanderie
- Patch407: Directly link against system Xrender library
- Patch408: Fix conflict with system zlib brought in by recent
freetype2 packages

Wed Jan 15 23:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.2-0.1mdk
- Update to OOO_STABLE_1 2002/01/13
- Mostly get rid of tcsh use during main build
- Stop symlink\'ing /user/work, since user Common.xml is now
correctly generated with user Work dir being his home

Thu Jan 9 23:00:00 2003 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.1-10mdk
- Let extra templates be found by OOo in $(insturl)/share/template/extra
- Enforce dependency on perl-XML-Twig with a version known to work
- Add Requires: libsane1, Xaw3d
- Really make it ExclusiveArch: i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon ppc
- Patch34: Enable dmake clean (Debian patch)
- Patch35: Enable RTTI & other optimizations on PPC (CVS, 1.0.2)
- Patch36: Fix bridges on PPC with gcc3 (CVS, 1.0.2)
- Patch37: Add Finnish localizatin, use \"35\" as prefix code
- Patch38: Fix references to errno
- Patch51: Fix build with recent Mozilla LDAP API changes
- Patch404: Correctly load system libsane
- Patch405: Fix build with newer FreeType 2.1.X libraries (Red Hat)
- Source21: Fix OpenSymbol font encoding table (RH #69996)

Thu Sep 12 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.1-9mdk
- Patch33: Stop forwarding to stderr things we don\'t actually care of
while testing for spooler availability. No longer Requires: lpddaemon
- Patch32: Add PDF converters both suitable for either view or press
purposes as printer option to global psprint.conf (Giuseppe)
- Update wrapper script to reflect that change (auto page size selection)
- Make it run on \"msec level 4\" systems:
- Patch30: Get command line arguments the regular way and not from
- Patch31: Stop trying to read directories up to the root to
determine the full path of a file. Instead, use a derivative from

Sat Sep 7 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.1-8mdk
- Fix calling of create-instdb script for future releases
- Requires the right set of font packages in -l10n- packages
- Make oo
* wrapper scripts actually a link to real ooffice wrapper
- Updates to Source5 (wrapper-script):
- Handle switch to zh-{CN,TW}
- Handle more and correct language => UI font mappings
- No longer expand fontpath from chkfontpath since OOo does exactly
the same since, well, probably OOo 1.0.0.
- Workaround MDK::Common::update_gnomekderc bug where a new
PPD_PageSize entry was not added on a new line, if there was no
previous user psprint.conf available and the last section didn\'t
terminate with a newline character
- Handle oo --lang to actually start
in selected

Wed Sep 4 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.1-7mdk
- Don\'t provide nor require any libraries from OOo at all.
- Patch29: Make setup look for a \"localized\" instdb.ins script
specified by a new -LANG: option. Hackaround until I find a way to
do that in scp or autoresponse files.
- Source20: Add script to generate localized instdb.ins files from
setup.ins. Aka let the right files to be installed for a user
installation in his language.
- Updates to Source5 (wrapper-script):
- Add more mappings to Language -> Country table
- Add --lang option to override default from locale
- Use \"localized\" instdb.ins file as mentioned above, for a user

Tue Sep 3 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.1-6mdk
- Add support for Mozilla addressbook and LDAP sources
- Fix permissions on thesaurus files
* packages now depends on locale-
* as an DrakX hack
- Don\'t forcibly Requires: as it works with the
right language package you want alone.
- Don\'t forcibly Requires:
* in -help- packages as
Help can work without. e.g. Having English help with only Russian UI
localization installed.
- Make hint about the help package to
install in instead of ugly with some fonts.
- Merge with Red Hat releases:
- Start Xvfb in %{init_xdisplay}
- Set default document fonts to Nimbus Roman No9 L, Luxi Sans and
Luxi Mono instead of the non existant Thorndale
- Make sure New/Wizard menus and OfficeObjects are localized

Thu Aug 29 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.1-5mdk
- Patch19: Make WM_CLASS property for ICCCM compliant, aka don\'t have
\"VCLSalFrame\" showing up in taskbar of KDE 3.0 (IZ #4830, CVS HEAD)
- Add Catalan localization:
- Source17: Catalan strings (Jesus Corrius, Jordi Mas)
- Patch25: Add Catalan localization as POSTAPP2TARGET
- Patch26: Various fixes/additions for Catalan support
- Patch27: Catalan is only implemented as ca-ES (Jesus Corrius)
- Source18: Add global ooffice configation file
- Updates to Source5 (wrapper-script):
- Define user work directory to $HOME
- Use XML::Twig to parse and generate XML code. That\'s cleaner, more
flexible but surely not the fastest way
- Handle global ooffice config in /etc/openoffice/openoffice.conf
and users\' in ~/.oofficerc
- Automatically define font to use for user interface based on the
current locale. Overridden with UI_FONT config variable
- Possibly set UI font scaling based on current display resolution
(Jakub Jelinek, Red Hat). However, as this is not enabled by
default, you need to properly set FONT_SCALING first
- Define paper size to use based on the current locale, and provided
you don\'t have any printer configured yet. Otherwise, printerdrake
will still generate the right default values.

Wed Aug 28 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.1-4mdk
- Fix BuildRequires: for xmlparse (Ian C. Sison)
- Patch17: Add POSTAPPTARGET to be executed after APP targets are built
- Patch18: Add Czech localization as POSTAPP1TARGET
- Updates to Source5 (wrapper-script):
- Correctly set default language for documents. Aka, transmute user
Linguistic.xml, or create it if it doesn\'t exist yet
- Merge with Red Hat releases (5 new patches):
- Patch{20,21,24,26}: Add Czech localization
- Patch22: Fix language list for some languages
- Patch{40,41,42}: Add some patches from

Tue Aug 27 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.1-3mdk
- Move localized help files to new
* subpackages
- Add localized help files for Spanish, Italian, Swedish, German
- Make help/ a real directory, possibly empty
- Patch16: Check that we have the necessary help files. The rationale
is if help//err.html exists then, we have localized help data,
possibly not installed. Otherwise, we won\'t have localized help and
we try to fallback to English

Sat Aug 24 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.1-2mdk
- Add C/J/K UI localization. Likewise for Danish, Greek, Turkish
- bzip2 helpcontent even if bigger than tgz. We don\'t want binaries in CVS
- Don\'t handle upgrade, from 1.0-Xmdk with links from help/$ISOCODE to
help/en, to 1.0.1-Ymdk where we sometimes have a real directory for
help/$ISOCODE. Language packages PreReq: = %{version}
UPDATE: That still doesn\'t work. As a workaround, you can update
with l10n-en first. Then, install proper l10n-
*. That way works.
- Updates to Source13 (gen-langpack):
- Fix %description, don\'t redefine variables correctly set
- Map zh-{CN|TW} to zh. Aka. correctly Requires: the right locales-
* package
- Updates to Source5 (wrapper-script):
- Fix silly typo introduced post-tests in versions file
regeneration. If you installed 1.0.1-1mdk, you\'d have better luck
to rm -rf ~/.openoffice prior to rerunning \"ooffice\".
- Add current version tag if it does not exist already. This occurs
when you upgrade from 1.0 to 1.0.1 for example.
- If the user installation exists, then the versions file is likely
to exist too. Otherwise, if we (or the user) nuked it away, then
simply regenerate it.

Fri Aug 23 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0.1-1mdk
- 1.0.1
- Requires: libunixODBC2
- Requires: virtual package myspell-dictionary
- Add fully versioned Requires: libgcc
- BuildRequires: gcc3.2 >= 3.2-0.3mdk
- Build with STLport 4.5.3 everywhere
- New \"libs\" subpackage with libraries
- Really make dictionaries stuff go to /usr/share/dict/ooo/
- Add localized helpcontent for French
- Update Source7 (dpack-lang) to extract help files in some cases
- Merge Source6 (xlate-lang) with Debian 1.0.1-5
- Automatically regenerate Source6 (xlate-lang) data, add resource names
- Remove support for inexistant Finnish localisation
- Rewrite Source5 (wrapper-script) in full perl. Hopefully, it\'s now
more flexible and readable. Also add or fixes the following:
- Fix paths returned by chkconfig
- Remove older dictionary symlinks that are now global
- Don\'t remove user dictionaries however
- Add ability to change UI localisation dynamically (merge ideas
from both Debian and Red Hat people). You have to make sure the
* package is installed however
- Source1[01]: Add additional templates and gallery files from upstream
- Source13: Automatically generate language subpackages
- Patch12: Add parallel from CVS HEAD (tune later)
- Patch14: Fix set_new_handler() exception specifications, if necessary
- Patch100: Add support for gcc3.2 to UNO
- Patch101: Any gcc >= 3.1.1 has versioned libstdc++ headers location
- Patch303: Add support for any gcc >= 3.1.1 includes dir in STLport
- Patch304: Add EXTRA_CXXFLAGS for RPM_OPT_FLAGS, some fixlets for STLport
- Patch400: Use system db3 library, but only on MDK 9.0 builds
- Patch403: Load libodbc library, not linker name library (from -devel package)
- Make sure we have a correct tcsh when building on MDK 9.0
- Nuke dependency on Sun JDK, use gcj instead (Jakub Jelinek)
- Use perl regexp for postprocess in xmlparse replacement (sed loops otherwise)
- Merge with Red Hat releases (12 new patches):
- Don\'t uglify HTML for iso 8859-2
- Don\'t catch SIGSEGV and SIGILL
- Don\'t die if we cannot write registry cache
- Don\'t build internal STLport when using gcc3
- Make sure we don\'t do -I/usr/include, it\'s evil
- Add support for compiler variables to configure script
- Add support for new compiler variables to makefiles (COMPCC, COMPCXX)
- Add debug for setup so that the /tmp directory is not removed
- Fix broken inline assembly
- Fix broken makefiles
- Nuke STLport badlink
- Use system getopt()

Thu May 30 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0-5mdk
- Add Russian localization
- Build with gcc3.1 for all supported arches in MDK 9.0
- Remove Patch3, Patch4, Patch13, Patch19, Patch22
- Merge Patch22 (gcc31-misc) and Patch13 (gcc3-linker) in Patch5 (mdkconfig)
- Patch3: Add support for gcc3 on PPC
- Patch4: Workaround gcc3.1 bugs on PPC
- Patch19: Don\'t copy nor install at setup time standard libraries
- Patch22: Improve font server discovery (OOo 1.0-branch)
- Patch23: Updates to lingucomponent from OOo 1.0-branch:
- Register own hypenation dictionaries (IZ #45555, IZ #4687)
- Fix segfault under Thesaurus (IZ #4435)
- Enable shared spellchecking capabilities
- Update Source4 (local autoresponse) to disable Java detection
- Update Source5 (wrapper script):
- Better detection of setup failure for user installation
- Remove any reference to en_US dictionaries for now since OOo
provides shared ones that work
- Better handling of broken links in the ~/.openoffice/user/worbook/
directory. Also possibly unregister the previous dictionary

Thu May 23 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0-4mdk
- Patch22: Misc patches for gcc3.1 (experimental)
- Rebuild with gcc3.1-1mdk in Cooker

Thu May 16 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0-3mdk
- Default to gcc3.0 in Cooker/x86 for now
- Only build STLport 4.5.3 with gcc-3.0+ builds
- BuildRequires: blackdown-j2sdk = 1.3.1 on PPC (Stew)
- Patch20: cpputools regcomp workaround on PPC (Stew, IZ #3980)
- Patch21: Move OOo Math into the correct GNOME integration module
- Use official 1.0 menu icons
- Update and clean %description to notify language packs available
- Update KDE and GNOME integration
- Update OOo Math document association
- Update Source4 (local autoresponse file) to detect Java Runtime
- Disable desktop (KDE, GNOME, CDE) integration at user\'s level

Wed May 8 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0-2mdk
- Build Mozilla Address book on X86. Later for PPC
- BuildRequires: freetype2-devel
- Patch17: Minor fontcache fix (copy weight attribute) from CVS
- Patch18: Build with system FreeType 2 library
- Patch19: Don\'t install standard libraries (libgcc_s, libstdc++)
- Update Patch8 (no-mozab) to not install mozab and runtime from setup
- Update specfile to remove hackage now done by the above two patches
- Update Patch9 (user-fontpath) to apply to the new oounix/ directory
- Update Source5 (wrapper script):
- If ~/.openoffice user directory is not detected, remove any
reference to that directory in ~/.sversionrc, if that file exists
- Check that user installation succeeded. Exit 1 otherwise

Sat May 4 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0-1mdk
- 1.0
- Epoch: 1 since openoffice is obsoleted
- Remove Patch10 (psprint-euro) since merged upstream
- Patch10: Fix configure script with NULL statement for X check on Darwin
- Update KDE applnk files, icons and MIME associations unpacking
- Update Source5 (wrapper script) to patch new version tag if a
previous installation of 641-series is found

Wed Apr 17 00:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 1.0-0.1mdk
- Update to 641d
- Package is now called Full transition for the file
hierarchy and revamp of \"ooffice\" wrapper script will happen later
though. As this ChangeLog is becoming bigger and bigger ;-)
- ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} ppc
- Update %description to clarify myspell purposes
- Add northern languages: Swedish, Finnish, Polish
- Revamp compiler selection:
- Use gcc-2.95.x on Mandrake Linux 8.2/PowerPC
- Use gcc-3.0.4 on Mandrake Linux 8.2/Intel x86
- Use gcc-3.1 on Mandrake Linux 9.0/Intel x86 [LATER]
- Split Patch2 into Patch1 (CLK_TCK), Patch[34] (gcc3[01]-libs)
- Remove Patch6 (bison-1.30+) since merged upstream
- Regenerate Patch3 (MDK config) into Patch5
- Regenerate Patch4 (exceptions specifications) into Patch6
- Update Patch6 with more excp-fixes for bridges test programs
- Update Patch8 (no-mozab) to remove dependency on moz module
- Patch11: Add support for gcc-3.1
- Patch12: Add support for gcc-3.1 to STLport-4.5.3
- Patch13: gcc3+ linker should be g++ instead of gcc
- Patch14: Fix main() return values in bridges tests
- Patch15: Workaround _STL to std:: for gcc < 3.0
- Patch16: JDK 1.3 does exist on PPC too
- Fix /net installation under Xvfb in %install
- Fix instdb.ins to get rid of $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
- Remove workaround for English wordbook in %install
- Update \"ooffice\" wrapper script to reflect this change
- Also make sure to remove (possibly update) broken links to dictionaries

Wed Mar 13 23:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 6.0.41-6mdk
- BuildRequires: jdk = 1.3.1 exactly
- Disable strict aliasing for all gcc builds. aka. Fix copy-pasting in
Calc component.

Wed Mar 6 23:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 6.0.41-5mdk
- Add mimetypes item to menu entries
- Fix component wrapper scripts
- Fix %post to get language from LC_MESSAGES environment variable
instead of /etc/sysconfig/i18n
- Update the ooffice wrapper script to get rid of possible
/usr/share/fonts/ttf/japanese/ font path that could cause to crash

Mon Mar 4 23:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 6.0.41-4mdk
- Update %description to note the existence of myspell-
* packages
- Fix %post and enhance instdb.ins mutation
- Source5: Updates to the ooffice wrapper script to support
registration of dictionary files in the user\'s installation

Mon Mar 4 23:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 6.0.41-3mdk
- Patch9: Fix printing of Euro symbol (Till, Giuseppe)
- Source5: Updates to the ooffice wrapper script:
- Enhance even more to take the result of chkfontpath into account,
if installed. Otherwise, default to the old method
- Remove any entry in ~/.sversionrc if was not
provided from this package
- Workaround location of English workdbook

Thu Feb 28 23:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 6.0.41-2mdk
- Clean rebuild with more languages: Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Portugese
- Add KDE icons and MIME associations
- Patch8: Support extra font paths with the SAL_FONTPATH_USER variable
- Source5: Enhance with extra font paths (TrueType and Type1 fonts)

Tue Feb 26 23:00:00 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne 6.0.41-1mdk
- Release 641c
- Support (experimental) auto-selection of language pack
- 5 new sources:
- Source3: Global autoresponse file for rpm build
- Source4: Local autoresponse file for user setup
- Source5: wrapper script (setup if necessary)
- Source6: Misc hashes related to language sets
- Source7: Unpack language sets
- 8 new patches:
- Patch0: Add support/fixes for gcc-\"2.96\"
- Patch1: Add support/fixes for gcc-3.0.4
- Patch2: Exception patch for STLport 4.5.3 and gcc3
- Patch3: MDK config (CFLAGS et al.)
- Patch4: Fix exception specifications here and there
- Patch5: Hackery around zipdep
- Patch6: Hackery for new bison (1.30+)
- Patch7: Don\'t build Mozilla Address Book

Tue Oct 24 00:00:00 2000 Frederic Crozat 6.0.5-1mdk
- Initial Release