Changelog for libisdn4k-utils2-devel-3.2p3-5mdk.i586.rpm :
Mon Aug 18 12:00:00 2003 Per �yvind Karlsen 3.2p3-5mdk
- enable ippp filter in config (Steffen Barszus)
- use %makeinstall_std
- force use of automake-1.4, won\'t build with newer automake:\\

Fri Jul 25 12:00:00 2003 Per �yvind Karlsen 3.2p3-4mdk
- rebuild
- don\'t use %mklibname for devel packages, screws up for some reason..

Wed Jul 9 12:00:00 2003 Per �yvind Karlsen 3.2p3-3mdk
- rebuild

Fri May 2 12:00:00 2003 Per �yvind Karlsen 3.2p3-2mdk
- use %mklibname for devel package
- fix permissions for libisdn4k-utils2\'s docs
- extract Source1 in %prep stage
- more correct way to fix FAQDIR

Mon Apr 28 12:00:00 2003 Per �yvind Karlsen 3.2p3-1mdk
- 3.2p3 (from cvs)
- use %mklibname macro
- rebuild against tcl8.4
- dropped Patch5, Patch6, Patch8 & Patch13 (merged upstream)
- regenerateed Patch2(changed name too), Patch10 & Patch12
- drop Patch12, it\'s much better to override the permissions with rpm than
hazzling with patches to makefile which is hard to maintain, also change
permissions on some of the files(eg. what\'s 754 or 740 good for?, let\'s
use the same permissions for all the files)
- fix summary (did\'nt make much sense)
- removed redundant buildrequires
- moved fix for invalid arch to the more appropriate %prep stage
- fix incorrect filename of isdnctrl_conf man page
- added own config file(Source1) to fix paths to mandir and docdir have
to do a workaround in %install stage (should fix #634), also activates
divertctrl (fixes #1594) and pppdcapiplugin (fixes #1595)
- only compile pppdcapiplugin for ppp-2.4.1 (Patch14) to avoid errors and
unnecessary time spent on compiling
- cleanups!!!!!!!!!!!!
- split utils into new packages: vbox, xtools, isdnlog & eurofile
- added examples to vbox\'s docs (fixes #636)
- added support for esendfile
- move stuff from /sbin to /usr/sbin
- move stuff from /usr/lib/isdn to /usr/share/isdn since it\'s data-files,
and no arch-dependant binaries
- a whole bunch of suggestions, fixes etc. thx to Steffen Barszus

Thu Sep 12 12:00:00 2002 Vincent Danen 3.1-1.pre1.10mdk
- P13: security fix for ipppd (only vulnerable when ipppd is suid)

Wed Aug 22 12:00:00 2001 dam\'s 3.1-1.pre1.9mdk
- corrected installation modes patch 12 (isdn4k-utils-chmod)

Mon Aug 13 12:00:00 2001 dam\'s 3.1-0.pre1.9mdk
- changed version/release.

Sun Jun 10 12:00:00 2001 Stefan van der Eijk 3.1pre1-8mdk
- BuildRequires: XFree86-devel

Fri Jun 1 12:00:00 2001 Stefan van der Eijk 3.1pre1-7mdk
- BuildRequires: kernel-source

Thu May 31 12:00:00 2001 dam\'s 3.1pre1-6mdk
- removed ioptions from the file list.
- corrected the patch 11 (define) from snailtalk to fit with new headers
- patch 11 (define) description: define ripped shamelessly from the value in isdn.h in kernel 2.4.4.

Sat May 26 12:00:00 2001 Geoffrey Lee 3.1pre1-5mdk
- Humm the new kernel seems to define ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS within
- libtoolize --copy --force before build to make it build with libtool 1.4.

Mon Apr 30 12:00:00 2001 dam\'s 3.1pre1-4mdk
- added isdnlog patch.

Tue Mar 27 12:00:00 2001 Jeff Garzik 3.1pre1-3mdk
- Fix build on glibc 2.2.2

Thu Jan 11 11:00:00 2001 dam\'s 3.1pre1-2mdk
- removed setgid-binary on xmonisdn
- removed vboxbeep. If setuid, it\'s a security hole. Without, unuseable.
from Alexander Skwar :
- Added missing buildrequires
- Added requirement for libisdn4k-utils2
- Some people like to have binaries... Added all the missing files

Mon Dec 4 11:00:00 2000 dam\'s 3.1pre1-1mdk
- new lib policy
- removed patch4 (isdn4k-utils.ipppd), it has been incorporated in sources
- removed patch3 (isdn4k-utils-3.1beta7-newisdninclude), it has been incorporated in sources
- version 3.1pre1
- corrected compilation errors : patch 8 (isdn4k-utils-isdnrep)
- corrected macros

Fri Sep 1 12:00:00 2000 dam\'s 3.1b7-13mdk
- added noreplace.

Sun Aug 27 12:00:00 2000 dam\'s 3.1b7-12mdk
- Corrected patch 6 (vbox).
- not creating nodes anymore.

Sat Aug 26 12:00:00 2000 dam\'s 3.1b7-11mdk
- added patch 7 (nomknod) to mknod at postinstall

Sat Aug 26 12:00:00 2000 dam\'s 3.1b7-10mdk
- Added patch 6 to correct vbox configure. Bad hack.
- Applying patch 2 again.

Tue Jul 25 12:00:00 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah 3.1b7-9mdk
- Remove dev entry moved to dev package.
- Add defaultroute feature.

Wed Jul 19 12:00:00 2000 Thierry Vignaud 3.1b7-7mdk
- remove duplicated /dev entries (old bug)
- use new macros
- BM (aka titi&&warly&&chmoul vs the whole world)

Mon Jun 19 12:00:00 2000 dam\'s 3.1b7-6mdk
- root rebuild to make it work.

Thu May 25 12:00:00 2000 David BAUDENS 3.1b7-4mdk
- Fix build for i486 & K6
- spec-helper
- Really use RPM_OPT_FLAGS
- Relocate doc in the right directory

Wed May 24 12:00:00 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah 3.1b7-3mdk
- Clean up specs.
- Fix compilation with last kernel.

Fri Mar 31 12:00:00 2000 dam\'s 3.1b7-2mdk
- Removed rootperm use (make.patch).

Sat Feb 5 11:00:00 2000 Jesse Kuang
- fixes missing

Sat Jan 29 11:00:00 2000 Jesse Kuang
- update to 3.1beta7

Thu Nov 11 11:00:00 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah
- Fix includes.
- Build release.

Thu Aug 19 12:00:00 1999 Jesse Kuang
- 3.0 doesn\'t work with 2.2.12/13, using CVS snapshot
- fix ipppX route when hangup, need /etc/ppp/ioptions

Tue Aug 17 12:00:00 1999 Bernhard Rosenkr�nzer
- fix security leak (xmonisdn needs setgid, not setuid)

Tue May 18 12:00:00 1999 Bernhard Rosenkr�nzer
- chown -R root.root

Mon May 17 12:00:00 1999 Bernhard Rosenkr�nzer
- rebuild with new kernel

Mon May 10 12:00:00 1999 Bernhard Rosenkr�nzer
- initial Mandrake SRPM