Changelog for
silk-ipset-devel-3.18.0-1.fc29.i686.rpm :
* Thu Dec 13 2018 Lawrence R. Rogers
- 3.18.0-1
* Release 3.18.0-1 rwsetcat When --ip-format includes zero-padded and CIDR prefixes are being printed, also apply zero-padding to the prefix. Fix a bug when using --ip-format=decimal,zero-padded that caused an extra leading 0 to appear for IPv6 addresses. libskipset changes Add function skipaddrCidrString() to get a string representation of an IP address and its CIDR designation. Add function skipaddrCidrStringMaxlen() to compute column width. Add macro SKIPADDR_CIDR_STRLEN for defining minimum buffer size.
* Sun Apr 29 2018 Lawrence R. Rogers - 3.17.0-1
* Release 3.17.0-1 rwsetcat POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY. Default to using the IPv4 format for IPv6-addresses in the ::ffff:0:0/96 netblock. Add new values to the --ip-format switch and change how some values (zero-padded) work. libskipset changes Add new values to skipaddr_flags_t. Add function skipaddrStringMaxlen() to compute column width. Mark the num2dot0() and num2dot0_r() functions as deprecated. Do not export the structures used by SiLK header entries.
* Thu Feb 15 2018 Lawrence R. Rogers - 3.16.1-1
* Release 3.16.1-1 rwsetcat Print an error message when rwsetcat is unable to read an IPset.
* Fri Jun 30 2017 Lawrence R. Rogers - 3.16.0-1
* Release 3.16.0-1 libskipset changes Internal changes rwsetbuild, rwsetcat, rwsetmember, rwsettool Enhance the manual pages.
* Sat Mar 25 2017 Lawrence R. Rogers - 3.15.0-1
* Release 3.15.0-1 libskipset changes Add a second argument to skOptionsIPFormatRegister(). Remove functions that operate on an IPset Header Entry. Fix a potential bug in skIPSetWrite() by ensuring that the IPset file\'s header is set to use native byte order. rwsetcat Add the --output-path switch to specify the output file. Do not use the the pager when the output contains only the count of the number of IPs in a singe IPset.