Changelog for xscreensaver-4.03-1rh71.i386.rpm :
Thu May 16 02:00:00 2002 Ryan Weaver [xscreensaver-4.03-1] - New hack, `spheremonics\'. - Minor updates to `webcollage\', `cage\', `moebius\', `morph3d\', `boxed\', `circuit\', and `helix\'. - `pulsar\' and `extrusion\' can now load texture JPEGs. - `rubik\' now does non-square cubes. - `fluidballs\' now does various sizes of balls. - `menger\' and `sierpinski3d\' now also show polygon counts in -fps mode. - `molecule\' displays real subscripts in the formulae. - GTK internationalization/localization support. - Better detection of the various versions of libxml. - Upgraded to autoconf 2.53 (from 2.13.)
Wed Mar 20 01:00:00 2002 Ryan Weaver [xscreensaver-4.02-1] - Plugged a few minor leaks in `xscreensaver\' and `xscreensaver-demo\'. - New hacks, `cubenetic\' and `fluidballs\'. - Sped up `pipes\'. - Fixed sphere projection error in `glplanet\'; installed a better image of earth. - Added Win2K and MacOS 1 crashes to `bsod\'. - Put back previous (better) version of `forest\' that was accidentially downgraded in the last release. - New version of `bumps\'. - Made FPS computation in GL hacks more efficient: it will influence the results less, thus resulting in higher (but more accurate) reported frame rates.
Tue Feb 26 01:00:00 2002 Ryan Weaver [xscreensaver-4.01-1] - New hacks: `twang\', `glsnake\', `boxed\', `sballs\', and `glforestfire\'. - New hacks `apollonian\', `euler2d\', `juggle\', `polyominoes\' and `thornbird\', from xlockmore. - Merged recent xlockmore changes into `ant\', `braid\', `demon\', `discrete\', `drift\', `fadeplot\', `forest\', `grav\', `hopalong\', `ifs\', `laser\', `lightning\', `lisa\', `lissie\', `loop\', `mountain\', `penrose\', `rotor\', `sierpinski\', `slip\', `sphere\', `spiral\', `strange\', and `vines\'. - Fixed the `gltext\' bug that sometimes caused horizontal lines to vanish again. This time for sure. - Sped up `webcollage\' by adding a C helper program to replace the PPM pipeline. It also pastes images semi-transparently now. - Added support for the gdk_pixbuf library: if this lib is available, then `blitspin\', `xflame\', and `flag\' can load GIF, JPEG, and PNG images in addition to XPM and XBM. - Fixed a rare race condition where the desktop-grabbing hacks could sometimes leave the screen wedged, if the user moved the mouse exactly when they were grabbing the screen image (it would un-wedge the next time the saver timed out or was activated.) - Fixed incorrect colors in the screen-grabbing GL hacks (`gflux\' and `flipscreen3d\'.) - Made SIGHUP restart the daemon process (though using `xscreensaver-command -restart\' is still the preferred way.) - Tweaks to `xspirograph\'. - Minor configure and portability tweaks.
Tue Jan 15 01:00:00 2002 Ryan Weaver [xscreensaver-4.00-1] - Redesigned `xscreensaver-demo\' GUI. - Added three new modes of operation: `One Screen Saver\', `Blank Screen\', and `Don\'t Blank\' (in addition to the historical `Random Screen Saver\'). - Configure now defaults to installing the hacks in /lib/xscreensaver/ instead of /bin/. (Most distros already did it this way.) - New GL hacks, `menger\', `engine\', `flipscreen3d\'. - Made `sierpinski3d\' be more colorful. - New versions of `xmatrix\' and `nerverot\'. - Fixed a bug in `starwars\' that made the font be drawn with thin lines in -root mode. - Fixed a bad colormap bug in `crystal\' that could make *subsequent * hacks malfunction! - Made `gflux\' able to grab screen images (`-mode grab\'). - Updated `webcollage\' for recent search engine changes. - Removed most command-line options to `xscreensaver\': just edit the ~/.xscreensaver file instead. - Improved behavior on multi-screen and Xinerama systems: the mouse now stays on the screen where the user left it, and the password and splash dialogs always appear on the screen that has the mouse. - Made the splash dialog use more Gtk-like colors; made it have only two buttons, \"Settings\" and \"Help\". - Made `sonar\' understand `.ssh/known_hosts2\' format files, and be better about stripping out illegal addresses.