Changelog for apcon-0.2.3-25.2andyrtr.i586.rpm :
Sun Feb 6 11:00:00 2005 AndyRTR 0.2.3-25.2andyrtr
- menu integration
- doc integration

Sat Feb 5 11:00:00 2005 AndyRTR 0.2.3-25.1andyrtr
- rebuild for Mandrake 10.1

Mon Jan 31 11:00:00 2005 Clemens Nafe
- changelog from Andreas Pohl:

* added option for authentication mode

* fixed connect script (detection of hex/string key)

Thu Jan 27 11:00:00 2005 Clemens Nafe
- update to version 0.2.3
- changelog from Andreas Pohl:

* fixed disconnect script

* first start wizard runs correctly now

* improved expert settings dialog
- show all variables (defaults too, from /etc/apcon/defaults)
- make different variable types visible (user defined, defaults
and overwritten defaults)

* removed usage of sudo

* new tool to run scripts as root

* fixed status script for use with different languages of ifconfig

* added color definitions for different variable types to the
expert settings

Wed Dec 15 11:00:00 2004 Clemens Nafe
- update to version 0.2.0
- changlog from Andreas Pohl:

* new wizard to create profiles

* new configuration dialogs for configurating profiles

* new generic connection/disconnection/status scripts

* improved profile management

* removed cisco and vpnc predefined profiles

Wed May 12 12:00:00 2004 Clemens Nafe
- initial creation of SPEC file