Changelog for
firefox-it-3.5.1-0.2mud2009.1.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Jul 20 12:00:00 2009 Raphaƫl Gertz
+ Revision: 398154
- Update to 3.5.1 version
- Copy firefox l10n 3.5 translationt to branches
- Rebuild
- Update translation to 3.5 version
- Rebuild for firefox 3.5
+ Funda Wang
- drop merged patch
- New version 3.0.11
- 3.0.10
- prepare 3.0.9
- rebuild for old bug#14987
- New version 3.0.6
- New version 3.0.5
- New version 3.0.4
- New version 3.0.3
- New version 3.0.2
- prel=0
- 3.0 final
- fix invalid sq file
- New version 3.0 rc2
+ Gustavo De Nardin
- new version 3.0.8
- automate subrel definition when building for older distros
- adding big banner to the spec, to prevent people from messing it up, same thing as firefox
- don\'t build esperanto for now because the scheme using a template spec
seems to hit an RPM processing limit on x86_64 due to so many packages ...
+ Oden Eriksson
- 3.0.7
+ Pixel
- get rid of with___LANG__ and disabled_langlist since langlist must not include
disabled languages anyway. It allows some cleanup and so esperanto do not need
to be disabled to workaround rpm limits
- fix counter trick for SourceXX
+ Tiago Salem
- fix wrong estonian xpi name
- obsolete the old et_EE package
- bump release
- add suggests in firefox-fi to firefox-ext-mozvoikko
- bump release
- add estonian xpi.
- bump release
- Do not provide mozilla-firefox-
*, only obsolete them.
- bump release
- fixing migration from ff2 to ff3.
- Obsoleting old l10n packages
- bump release
+ Tomasz Pawel Gajc
- update all translations for firefox-3.0.1
- adapt mozilla-firefox-l10n spec file
- add translations for firefox-3.0
- Created package structure for firefox-l10n.