Changelog for
lib64xulrunner1.9.1.1- :
Fri Jul 17 12:00:00 2009 Tomasz Pawel Gajc
+ Revision: 396930
- setup version
- update to latest version
- lower optimizations flag to -O2
- Patch15: fixes against latest gtk
- set general.useragent.vendor to %{distribution}
- do not blindly follow Fedora\'s way in splitting devel packages for stable and unstable, in case of ff-3.5 this quite pointless from my point of view
- clean spec file
- parallel compiling causes java.lang.OutOfMemoryError error on x86_64, so disable it
- take care of gre config stuff on x68_64
- define version in easy way
- Patch1: rediff
- Patch10: rediff
- merge Patch0 into Patch10
- Patch7: rediff
- fix file list
- take care of local macros and defines in a nicier way
- add br on libalsa-devel
- fig gre install on x86_64