Changelog for
boinc-client-6.10.59-1mud2010.2.x86_64.rpm :
Fri Mar 11 11:00:00 2011 Jens Ornot
- new version 6.10.59
Sun Jul 4 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.58-2mud2010.1
- rebuild
Thu Jul 1 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.58-1mud2010.1
- new version 6.10.58
Mon Jun 28 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.57-2mud2010.1
- rebuild
Thu May 27 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.57-1wbs2010.1
- new version 6.10.57
Sat May 15 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.56-1wbs2010.1
- new version 6.10.56
Thu May 13 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.55-1wbs2010.1
- new version 6.10.55
Wed May 12 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.54-1wbs2010.1
- new version 6.10.54
Mon May 10 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.53-1wbs2010.1
- new version 6.10.53
Fri May 7 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.52-1wbs2010.1
- new version 6.10.52
Sat May 1 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.51-1wbs2010.1
- new version 6.10.51
Wed Apr 28 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.50-1wbs2010.1
- new version 6.10.50
Mon Apr 26 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.49-1wbs2010.1
- new version 6.10.49
Fri Apr 23 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.48-1wbs2010.1
- new version 6.10.48
Wed Apr 21 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.47-1wbs2010.1
- new version 6.10.47
Tue Apr 20 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.46-1wbs2010.1
- new version 6.10.46
Sat Apr 10 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.45-1wbs2010.1
- new version 6.10.45
Mon Apr 5 12:00:00 2010 Jens Ornot 6.10.44-1wbs2010.1
- new version 6.10.44
Fri Mar 19 11:00:00 2010 Tomas Kindl 6.10.17-1mdv2010.1
+ Revision: 525287
- fix underlinking issue
- fix missing BuildRequires
- fix manpages generation
- Now really drop that patch...
- bump to 6.10.17 release
- frop gcc4.4 patch as it\'s no longer needed
+ Thomas Backlund
- fix typo in initscript
+ Thierry Vignaud
- rebuild
+ Emmanuel Andry
- New version 6.6.37
- use fedora spec and patches
Sat Feb 28 11:00:00 2009 Guillaume Rousse 6.6.1-1.svn20081217.2mdv2009.1
+ Revision: 345952
- rebuild
Tue Feb 10 11:00:00 2009 Zombie Ryushu 6.6.1-1.svn20081217.1mdv2009.1
+ Revision: 339118
- Upgrade to 6.6.1
- Upgrade to 6.6.1
- New Version 6.4.5
- New Version 6.4.5
Sun Jun 15 12:00:00 2008 Funda Wang 5.10.45-1.svn20080315.1mdv2009.0
+ Revision: 219256
- BR unicode version of wxgtk2.8
- fix version
- disable server
- add missing files
- covert to mandriva style
- import boinc-client
Sat May 17 12:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.45-14.20080315svn
- Fixed opening locales by adding boinc-locales.patch
Sat May 17 12:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.45-13.20080315svn
- Fixed boincmgr segfaulting on F9/x86_64 (#445902) by adding
boinc-parsecolor.patch (Patch2).
Mon May 12 12:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.45-12.20080315svn
- Do not ship ca-bundle.crt as it is already included in curl.
- Fixed the almost empty debuginfo package (do not strip anything).
- Patches documented according to the guidelines (PatchUpstreamStatus)
Sun May 4 12:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.45-11.20080315svn
- Fixed find command because starting with findutils-4.4.0-1.fc10, find
returns a non-zero value when \"-delete\" fails.
(for more details on this see bug #20802 on
Sat May 3 12:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.45-10.20080315svn
- Fixed handling stale lockfiles (#444936).
- Initscript fixed to be compliant with current SysVInit guidelines
(added condrestart, try-restart, force-reload actions).
Wed Apr 23 12:00:00 2008 Lubomir Kundrak - 5.10.45-9.20080315svn
- Do not expect chown of nonexistent files to succeed (#443568)
Mon Apr 14 12:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.45-8.20080315svn
- Fixed projects permissions (calling chown recursively).
Mon Apr 14 12:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.45-7.20080315svn
- Fixed running the boinc daemon as boinc user instead of root, file
permissions changed accordingly.
Mon Apr 7 12:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.45-6.20080315svn
- Using --with-boinc-platform=i686-pc-linux-gnu on i386 instead of --build,
--host, --target
- Added bash completion script.
Fri Apr 4 12:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.45-5.20080315svn
- Fixed build on i386 since it needs to be configured as i686-pc-linux-gnu
and not i386-pc-linux-gnu.
Mon Mar 24 11:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.45-4.20080315svn
- Removed unnecessary slash before the {_localstatedir} macro.
Sun Mar 23 11:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.45-3.20080315svn
- Logs moved to /var/log so that all SELinux related things could be removed.
- The error.log file has been renamed to boincerr.log.
Sun Mar 16 11:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.45-2.20080315svn
- Fixed typo in the semanage command (missing boinc subdirectory and quotes).
- Fixed installing empty log files.
- Fixed Patch1 (has been created before propagating the flags using the
_autosetup script).
Sat Mar 15 11:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.45-1.20080315svn
- Updated to 5.10.45
- Added Patch1 removing -fomit-frame-pointer and -ffast-math compiler flags.
- Updated Patch0 (/lib/boinc_cmd.C changes have been merged in upstream).
- Log files (/var/lib/{boinc,error}.log) are touched during the installation
so that correct(?) SELinux context can be set on them.
- Added Requires(post, postun): policycoreutils because of previous point.
Sat Mar 8 11:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.40-8.20080206svn
- Added missing Requires: mysql-devel for the -devel subpackage
Fri Mar 7 11:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.40-7.20080206svn
- Removed unnecessary client stopping when upgrading.
- Removed unnecessary ldconfig calls.
- A few changes unifying macros usage.
- Fixed missing directory ownership of {_localstatedir}/lib/boinc
- Added missing Requires: openssl-devel for the -devel subpackage
Wed Feb 27 11:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.40-6.20080206svn
- Added patch making the sources compatible with GCC4.3
Mon Feb 25 11:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.40-5.20080206svn
- Added the \"stripchart\" source directory to be trimmed.
- Removed all translations (will be added later through l10n specspo module).
- Fixed logrotate in case that boinc won\'t be running at the logrotate time.
- Changed summary and description according to upstream\'s choice.
- Fixed wrong SELinux context on error.log and boinc.log.
- Removed .svn directories from the source.
- Fixed missing Short-Description field in the init script.
- Service disabled by default.
- Fixed missing reload action in the init script.
- Changed the way of using the subsys directory for locking so that
rpmlint doesn\'t complain.
- Added script converting non-unicode files into UTF8.
- Added script removing execution rights on documentation files.
- Added documentation: checkin_notes_2007
- Init script behaves polite now when starting/stopping the service which
has been already started/stopped (i.e. exits with 0).
Sat Feb 16 11:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.40-4.20080206svn
- Fixed locales installation path
- Fixed missing Provides: boinc-client-static in the -devel subpackage
Thu Feb 14 11:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.40-3.20080206svn
- Fixed the init script (now using the daemon function properly)
- Fixed missing chkconfig setup
- Added Requires: chkconfig
Tue Feb 12 11:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.40-2.20080206svn
- Fixed missing boinc user and group
Wed Feb 6 11:00:00 2008 Milos Jakubicek - 5.10.40-1.20080206svn
- Updated to 5.10.40.
- Fixed unpackaged files: libboinc_graphics
- Fixed missing BuildRequires: mysql-devel, libXmu-devel, libjpeg-devel.
- Added locales.
- Added script trimming binaries and other unnecessary code from the source.
- Added ldconfig call for the -devel subpackage.
- Added Czech and German translation.
Wed Jan 9 11:00:00 2008 Debarshi Ray - 5.10.32-1.20080109svn
- Initial build. Imported SPEC written by Eric Myers and Milos Jakubicek.
- Disabled parallel make to prevent failure with -j3.