Changelog for
apache2-mod_gnutls-0.8.3-1.4.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Dec 20 13:00:00 2017
- updated to 0.8.3
- Use GnuTLS\' default DH parameters by default
- Handle long Server Name Indication data and gracefully ignore
unknown SNI types
- Send SNI for proxy connections
- Deprecate OpenPGP support like GnuTLS did (will be removed
completely in a future release)
- Do not announce session ticket support for proxy connections
- Minor documentation updates (SSL_CLIENT_I_DN, reference for SNI)
- Bugfix: Use APR_SIZE_T_FMT for portable apr_size_t formatting
- New: Support for OCSP stapling
- Bugfix: Access to DBM cache is locked using global mutex
- Bugfix: GnuTLSSessionTickets is now disabled by default as described
in the handbook
- Fixed memory leak while checking proxy backend certificate
- Fixed memory leaks in post_config
- Safely delete session ticket key (requires GnuTLS >= 3.4)
- Improved error handling in post_config hook
- Various handbook updates
- Internal API documentation can be generated using Doxygen
- Unused code has been removed (conditionals for GnuTLS 2.x and Apache
versions before 2.2, internal Lua bytecode structure last used in
certificate authority
- Sunil Mohan Adapa reported retry loops during session shutdown in
cleanup_gnutls_session() due to gnutls_bye() incorrectly returning
errno in mgs_transport_write() fixes the problem.
- Import Daniel Kahn Gillmor\'s patches for GnuPG v2 support from the
Debian package.
- Build system improvements that allow VPATH builds and get \"make
distcheck\" to work
- Support SoftHSM 2 for PKCS #11 testing
- Increase verbosity of test logs
- Update test suite for compatibility with GnuTLS 3.4, which has
stricter key usage checks and priorities than 3.3.
- Write non-HTML output to mod_status reports if AP_STATUS_SHORT is
set (mod_status sets it for requests with the \"auto\" parameter, e.g.
- Register \"ssl_is_https\" function so the special mod_rewrite variable
%{HTTPS} works correctly with mod_gnutls. The new test case for this
requires Wget or curl. Fixes Debian bug #514005.
- Support for local Apache drop-in config files in the test suite
(e.g. to load additional modules needed on Fedora).
- Try to use markdown to build HTML documentation if pandoc is not
- Disable use of flock if it is unavailable or does not support
timeouts (the latter caused the build to fail on Debian Hurd).
- New test: Disable TLS 1.0 (regression test for Debian bug #754960).
- Bugfix: Non-blocking reads in the input filter could lead to a busy
wait in the gnutls_io_input_read function, causing high load on
Keep-Alive connections waiting for data, until either more data
could be received or the connection was closed. The fix is to pass
EAGAIN/EINTR results up to the input filter so they can be handled
- Close TLS session if the input filter receives EOF (mostly relevant
for proper termination of proxy connections).
- Remove dependency on APR Memcache, which is replaced by the newer
version included in the APR Utility Library (libaprutil).
- Remove dependency on bc. It was used for floating point arithmetic
in the test suite, the calculations have been changed to use
integers and pure bash code.
- Improved handling of PKCS #11 modules: mod_gnutls now loads either
modules specified using GnuTLSP11Module, or the system defaults, but
not both. Thanks to Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos for the report and
initial patch!
- Initialize variables to safe defaults during client certificate
verification. Certain error code paths did not set them, but they
should never be hit due to config validation. This adds another line
of defense.
Tue Mar 14 13:00:00 2017
- reverted to 0.7, because 0.8.2 needs gnutls >= 3.3.0 which is
currently satisfied only by Tumbleweed
Mon Mar 13 13:00:00 2017
- updated to 0.8.2
- fix build with new gnutls
+ apache2-mod_gnutls-no-error-deprecated-declarations.patch
- add a true example in %check
Wed Sep 9 14:00:00 2015
- test module with %apache_test_module_load
Wed Sep 9 14:00:00 2015
- updated to 0.7
Thu Jul 16 14:00:00 2015
- Requries: %{apache_suse_maintenance_mmn}
This will pull this module to the update (in released distribution)
when apache maintainer thinks it is good (due api/abi changes).
Fri Oct 31 13:00:00 2014
- call spec-cleaner
- use apache rpm macros
Fri Sep 27 14:00:00 2013
- update to 0.6.0 from git
Fri Nov 26 00:00:00 UTC 2010 - clauded1
- update to version 0.5.9.
Sun Feb 7 13:00:00 2010
- Initial build for SuSE Linux. (Testing State)