Changelog for
python-pep8-1.3.1-1.3.i586.rpm :
Tue Jun 26 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 1.3.1:
+ Explain which configuration options are expected. Accept and recommend
the options names with hyphen instead of underscore. (Issue #82)
+ Do not read the user configuration when used as a module (except if
config_file=True is passed to the StyleGuide constructor).
+ Fix wrong or missing cases for the E12 series.
+ Fix cases where E122 was missed. (Issue #81)
- Changes from version 1.3.0:
+ Remove global configuration and refactor the library around a StyleGuide
class; add the ability to configure various reporters. (Issue #35 and #66)
+ Read user configuration from ~/.config/pep8 and local configuration from
./.pep8. (Issue #22)
+ Fix E502 for backslash embedded in multi-line string. (Issue #68)
+ Fix E225 for Python 3 iterable unpacking (PEP 3132). (Issue #72)
+ Enable the new checkers from the E12 series in the default configuration.
+ Suggest less error-prone alternatives for E712 errors.
+ Rewrite checkers to run faster (E22, E251, E27).
+ Fixed a crash when parsed code is invalid (too many closing brackets).
+ Fix E127 and E128 for continuation line indentation. (Issue #74)
+ New option --format to customize the error format. (Issue #23)
+ New option --diff to check only modified code. The unified diff is read
from STDIN. Example: hg diff | pep8 --diff (Issue #39)
+ Correctly report the count of failures and set the exit code to 1 when
the --doctest or the --testsuite fails.
+ Correctly detect the encoding in Python 3. (Issue #69)
+ Drop support for Python 2.3, 2.4 and 3.0. (Issue #78)
- Don\'t package empty TODO.txt
Wed Jun 6 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 1.2:
* Add E121 through E128 for continuation line indentation. These
checks are disabled by default. If you want to force all checks,
use switch ``--select=E,W``. Patch by Sam Vilain. (Issue #64)
* Add E721 for direct type comparisons. (Issue #47)
* Add E711 and E712 for comparisons to singletons. (Issue #46)
* Fix spurious E225 and E701 for function annotations. (Issue #29)
* Add E502 for explicit line join between brackets.
* Fix E901 when printing source with ``--show-source``.
* Report all errors for each checker, instead of reporting only the
first occurence for each line.
* Option ``--show-pep8`` implies ``--first``.
Wed May 23 14:00:00 2012
- Add python 3 package
- Clean up spec file
- Update to release 1.1
* Add E901 for syntax errors. (Issues #63 and #30)
* Add E271, E272, E273 and E274 for extraneous whitespace around
keywords. (Issue #57)
* Add ``tox.ini`` configuration file for tests. (Issue #61)
* Add ``.travis.yml`` configuration file for continuous integration.
(Issue #62)
Fri Apr 13 14:00:00 2012
- Update to release 1.0.1 For more details regarding changes since
release 0.6.1 please consult CHANGES.txt
* Fix inconsistent version numbers.
Thu Sep 22 14:00:00 2011
- Remove %clean section
- Require python-distribute instead of python-setuptools
Fri Sep 9 14:00:00 2011
- Add Requires on python-setuptools.
Fri Jul 8 14:00:00 2011
- Removed some unneeded macros
Fri May 6 14:00:00 2011
- Initial package (version 0.6.1)