Changelog for
openstack-neutron-ha-tool-2014.2.4.juno-7.1.noarch.rpm :
Wed Apr 27 14:00:00 2016
- Update neutron server startup check for SSL connections
Thu Apr 7 14:00:00 2016
- Updated to latest version of neutron-ha-tool (42541341):
* Fix help message for --l3-agent-evacuate option (bsc#974420)
- Make neutron server startup synchronous i.e. blocking until
neutron really is ready, otherwise services which depend on it
(e.g. neutron-ha-tool) could fail unexpectedly. (bsc#965886)
- Includes fix for endless loop
Mon Apr 4 14:00:00 2016
- Updated to latest version of neutron-ha-tool:
* Retry on errors, not just NeutronExceptions (bsc#965886)
Tue Mar 29 14:00:00 2016
- Updated to latest version of neutron-ha-tool:
* Don\'t try to log an exception before logger is setup
* Make migrate_router() raise exceptions on error
* Fix handling of cases where no L3 agents are alive
* Fix handling of invalid agent to evacuate
* Require exactly one action to be specified
* Make neutron-ha-tool recovery operations retry (bsc#965886)
* Add metavar for --l3-agent-evacuate
* Make return values and exit codes consistent
Tue Mar 29 14:00:00 2016
- Take neutron-ha-tool source from more recent SUSE-Cloud repo.
Remove the patches that are already included in latest
Added python-retrying requirement for neutron-ha-tool.
Tue Mar 1 13:00:00 2016
- Set umask to 0022 in the plugin init script
Fix bsc#963938
Wed Feb 17 13:00:00 2016
- Do not apply 0001-Always-fill-UDP-checksums-in-DHCP-replies.patch
on SLE11: the iptables version there is too old for this and
doesn\'t support the --checksum-fill option.
Tue Feb 16 13:00:00 2016
- Fix ovs-cleanup dependency for openvswitch. Use the systemd unit
\"openvswitch\" instead of \"openvswitch-switch\" on openSUSE 13.1/SLES12
and newer (bsc#966299).
Fri Nov 27 13:00:00 2015
- Bump rpm package version to 2014.2.4.juno:
- a few months ago, we moved from versions like 2014.2.4.devX to
2014.2.4~a0~devX, which is technically a downgrade.
- as Juno code is now frozen upstream, there will be no 2014.2.5
release and so no new version that would help us avoid the
downgrade issue.
- 2014.2.4 got released upstream, so technically, 2014.2.4.juno
is correct and it is higher than both 2014.2.4.devX and
2014.2.4~a0~devX, so there\'s no downgrade issue.
Tue Nov 24 13:00:00 2015
- remove 0002-Add-non-isolated-network-metadata-server-route.patch, underlying
problem was fixed in Studio (bsc#917069)
Tue Nov 3 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev106:
* Resubmit of \"Remove bridge cleanup call\" fix
Tue Oct 20 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev104:
* Fix inconsistency in DHCPv6 hosts and options generation
Mon Oct 12 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev103:
* usage_audit: Fix usage_audit to work with ML2
Sat Oct 10 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev101:
* Do not log an error when deleting a linuxbridge does not exist
* Process user iptables rules before INVALID
Thu Oct 8 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev98:
* Wrap ML2 delete_port with db retry decorator
Wed Oct 7 14:00:00 2015
- Added: 0001-Always-fill-UDP-checksums-in-DHCP-replies.patch fixes
UDP offloading issue with virtio VMs (bsc#948704)
Mon Oct 5 14:00:00 2015
- Added requirement for python-taskflow, needed by the infoblox
Fri Oct 2 14:00:00 2015
- use a sle11 variant without the pam_session flags as the
SLE11 sudo is too old to recognize the flags
Thu Oct 1 14:00:00 2015
- don\'t create pam session for neutron-rootwrap to avoid
excessive logging
Tue Sep 29 14:00:00 2015
- Added juno based patch for Infoblox IPAM. The patch is generated
from the Infoblox repo at:
Mon Sep 21 11:56:51 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev97:
* Fix ipset can\'t be destroyed when last rule is deleted
* Add ARP spoofing protection for LinuxBridge agent
* ovs: don\'t use ARP responder for IPv6 addresses
Fri Sep 11 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev92:
* NSX-mh: perform appropriate pre-delete checks
Thu Sep 10 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev90:
* Stop device_owner from being set to \'network:
*\' (bsc#943648,
Tue Sep 8 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev89:
* Fix a wrong condition for the _purge_metering_info function
Fri Sep 4 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev88:
* NSX-mh: use router_distributed flag
Wed Sep 2 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev86:
* Remove bridge cleanup call
Sat Aug 29 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev85:
* NSX-mh: Failover controller connections on socket failures
Wed Aug 26 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev83:
* Updated from global requirements
Fri Aug 14 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev82:
* Modify ipset functional tests to pass on older machines
Thu Aug 6 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev80:
* NSX-mh: Prevent failures on router delete
Wed Aug 5 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev78:
* Add support for dhcp extra opt
Tue Aug 4 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev76:
* Allow to request metadata proxy only with redirection
* Allow IptablesManager to manage mangle table
* MH: Limit enabled versions for agentless mode
Mon Aug 3 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev70:
* Adds garp_master_repeat and garp_master_refresh to keepalived.conf
Sat Aug 1 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev68:
* Lower log level of errors caused by user requests to INFO
Wed Jul 29 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev66:
* NSX QoS ext: RXTX factor can be decimal
* NSX-mh: fix default l2 gw connections
Fri Jul 17 14:00:00 2015
- add 0001-Add-z-VM-mechanism-driver-definitions-to-support-IBM.patch
Wed Jul 15 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev62:
* Arista ML2 driver should ignore non-vlan networks
* Randomize tunnel id query to avoid contention
Sat Jul 11 14:00:00 2015
- Rebased patches:
+ 0001-ML2-Change-port-status-when-it-is-bound.patch dropped (merged upstream)
Sat Jul 11 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev58:
* In Arista ML2 driver Reconfigure VLAN on VM migration
* Hyper-V: Fix for ICMP rule deletion
* Refactor retry mechanism used in some DB operations
* Fixes Multiple External Networks issue with DVR
* ML2: Change port status only when it\'s bound to the host
Thu Jul 9 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev48:
* Allow to request metadata proxy only from internal interfaces
* L3 agent should do report state before full sync at start
Sat Jul 4 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev45:
* Hyper-V: Fixes Security Group Driver ICMPv6 rules
Fri Jul 3 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev43:
* Fixes Hyper-V agent stateful security group rules
Tue Jun 30 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev41:
* Fix tenant-id in Arista ML2 driver to support HA router
Wed Jun 24 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev40:
* Disable allowed_address_pair ip ::/0 for ipset
to prevent Neutron L2 agent DoS (bnc#935263, CVE-2015-3221)
Sun Jun 14 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev39:
* Fixes sync between Arista ML2 driver and EOS
Thu Jun 4 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev38:
* Ensure metadata network works with DVR
Mon Jun 1 14:00:00 2015
- Change neutron-ha-tool to read password from
/etc/neutron/os_password (bsc#922751)
Sat May 30 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev36:
* Process port IP requests before subnet requests
* Match order of iptables arguments to iptables-save
* Persist DHCP leases to a local database
* Defer creation of router JSON in get_routers RPC
Wed May 27 14:00:00 2015
- Add 0001-ML2-Change-port-status-when-it-is-bound.patch, bnc#926773
Fri May 22 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev28:
* Don\'t resync on DHCP agent setup failure
* Fixes Hyper-V agent port disconnect issue
Tue May 19 14:00:00 2015
- require conntrack-tools for SLE12
Sat May 16 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev25:
* Set IPset hash type to \'net\' instead of \'ip\'
* Fixes floating IP regression with multiple routers
* Router is not unscheduled when the last port is deleted
* Remove locking from network and subnet delete op
* Fixes race condition and boosts the scheduling performance
Fri May 8 14:00:00 2015
- add 0001-L3-agent-migration-should-only-choose-enabled-agent.patch
Fri May 8 14:00:00 2015
- fix upstream link of
Mon May 4 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev15:
* tests: confirm that _output_hosts_file does not log too often
* Updated from global requirements
* Remove double queries in l3 DB get methods
* Set loading strategy to joined for Routerport/Port
* VMware NSX: Fix DVR operations
* Missing entry points for cisco apic topology agents
* Fixes Hyper-V 2008 R2 agent VLAN Settings issue
- Create init script for neutron-cisco-apic-{host,service}-agent
and package the files in the plugin-cisco subpackage.
Tue Apr 14 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.4.dev3:
* Bump stable/juno version to 2014.2.4
Sat Apr 11 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.3.dev2:
* Return from check_ports_exist_on_l3agent if no subnet found
Fri Apr 10 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.3.dev64:
* Updated from global requirements
* Updated from global requirements
Sat Apr 4 14:00:00 2015
- Rebased patches:
+ 0001-Search-in-sys-class-net-for-network-devices.patch dropped (merged upstream)
Sat Apr 4 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.3.dev62:
* Search in /sys/class/net for network devices (bsc#939691)
* Ignore 404 error and lower a warning log to info
Thu Apr 2 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.3.dev58:
* Refactor logging in loop to only log debug messages once
* ofagent: Fix port_dead
* Improve exception handling in _process_router_update()
* Catch PortNotFound and SubnetNotFound during network_delete
* Fix extra-dhcp-opt on stateless dhcpv6 subnet
Mon Mar 30 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.3.dev48:
* Don\'t eagerly load ranges from IPAllocationPool
* lb-agent: use \'replace\' instead of \'add\' with \'bridge fdb\'
* Deal with PEP-0476 certificate chaining checking
Thu Mar 26 13:00:00 2015
- Add 0001-Use-j-NOTRACK-instead-of-j-CT-notrack.patch: do not use
\"-j CT --notrack\" iptables command that is not compatible with
SLE11. This is required to get DVR working.
- Apply 0001-Search-in-sys-class-net-for-network-devices.patch and
0002-Add-non-isolated-network-metadata-server-route.patch on
non-SLE11 too.
Fri Mar 13 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.3.dev43:
* CSCO:Tenants not to access unshared n/w profiles
* Use ryu.cfg.CONF for options from Ryu
* Hyper-V: Fixes security groups issue
* Make listing security groups faster
Wed Mar 11 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.3.dev35:
* attributes: Additional IP address validation
Tue Mar 10 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.3.dev33:
* Default route missing for IPv6 subnets in HA Router
* Make del_fdb_flow() idempotent
Mon Mar 9 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.3.dev29:
Fri Mar 6 13:00:00 2015
- Adds neutron patch to allow images with existing routes in the
network to access metadata server. (bnc#915245)
Sat Feb 28 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.3.dev28:
* Updated from global requirements
* Correctly mock-out \'ip route...\' calls in IPv6 test
* Make sure we don\'t introduce oslo_
* imports during backports
Wed Feb 25 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.3.dev23:
* Use HTTP BASIC AUTH exclusively (no longer use JSESSIONID)
* Updated from global requirements
* Setup br-tun in secure fail mode to avoid broadcast storms
* Updated from global requirements
* Configure IPv6 LLADDR only on master L3 HA instance
* SIGHUP keepalived if L3 agent restarts
* Fix IPv6 RA security group rule for DVR
* Don\'t crash when adding duplicate gre allocation
* Bump stable/juno version to 2014.2.3
* Pass \'--dhcp-authoritative\' option to dnsmasq
* Decrease rpc timeout after agent receives SIGTERM
* Fix floating-ips in error state in dvr mode
* Configures RADVD to send managed flag in RA for DHCP_STATEFUL
* Make prevent_l3_port_deletion handle missing port
* Arista L3 Ops is success if it is successful on one peer
* Fixes blocking of VRF config in Arista L3 Plugin
* Updated from global requirements
* Do not duplicate message consumers
* If router is HA, get current_cidrs from keepalived object
* Fix AttributeError during startup of ovs agent in DVR mode
* Fix IP allocation for multiple slaac subnets
* Fix IPv6 Subnet Slaac Check
* Catch StaleDataError in update_device_down
* Speed up initial L3 full sync time
* Make L3 HA VIPs ordering consistent in keepalived.conf
* Specify prefix length for IPv6 subnets
Tue Feb 24 13:00:00 2015
- Don\'t try to download from github. This was
removed from the master branch.
Tue Feb 10 13:00:00 2015
- Add 0001-Search-in-sys-class-net-for-network-devices.patch
Needed to recognize tap devices in the ml2+Xen+linuxbride case
Thu Feb 5 13:00:00 2015
- Make openstack-neutron-ovs-cleanup init script return \"unused\"
(exit code = 3) on status, since it\'s not really running anymore.
Thu Jan 22 13:00:00 2015
- Don\'t source /etc/sysconfig/neutron in the plugin/agent init
scripts. The agents don\'t need the plugin configuration.
Thu Jan 22 13:00:00 2015
- Don\'t generate and package hyperv agent init script, it\'s not
needed on linux
Thu Jan 15 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.2.dev26:
* Reset policies after RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP is populated
* Use stop() method on MessageHandlingServer
* Issue warning when running DHCP agent with dnsmasq < 2.67
Tue Jan 13 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.2.dev23:
* Use stop(
Thu Jan 8 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.2.dev22:
* Fix neutron hang for IPv6 allocation pool update
* ipv6: set OtherConfig flag for DHCPv6 stateless subnets
* radvd: pass -m syslog to avoid thread lock for radvd 2.0+
to avoid L3 agent denial of service (bnc#913369, CVE-2014-8153)
* return the dict of port when no sec-group involved
* Moves the HA resource creations outside of transaction
* Delete FIP namespace when last VM is deleted
* Fix race condition on processing DVR floating IPs
* Fix a race condition adding a security group rule
Sat Dec 20 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.2.dev9:
* Auto allocate gateway_ip even for SLAAC subnets
* Updated from global requirements
Wed Dec 17 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.2.dev6.g1e4b410:
* Updated from global requirements
Sun Dec 14 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.2.dev5.gb329598:
* BSN: Optimistic locking strategy for consistency
Sat Dec 6 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.2.dev3.g6068320:
* Fix enable_metadata_network flag
* Teach DHCP Agent about DVR router interfaces
* Bump stable/juno next version to 2014.2.2
* Updated from global requirements
Fri Dec 5 13:00:00 2014
- Include ml2 config in neutron-ovs-cleanup (remaining bit for
Fri Dec 5 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev71.g209160b:
* Fix hostname validation for nameservers
* Alter execute_alembic_command() to not assume all commands
* Updated from global requirements
* Fix handling of CIDR in allowed address pairs
Sat Nov 29 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev65.g4f36c5a:
* Updated from global requirements
Fri Nov 28 13:00:00 2014
- openstack-neutron-plugin.init: add missing NEUTRON_SYSCONFIG
Fri Nov 28 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev64.g92c23f1:
* Prevent an iteration through ports on IPv6 slaac
Thu Nov 27 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev62.g4e4110b:
* Fix metadata proxy start problem for v6-v4 network
* Convert all incoming protocol numbers to string
* linuxbridge-agent: make vxlan unicast check more efficent
* Subnet delete for IPv6 SLAAC should not require prior port disassoc
* Fix context.elevated
* Drop and recreate FK if adding new PK to routerl3bindings
Wed Nov 26 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev51.g463eb73:
* BSN: include missing data in floating IP call
* Cisco N1kv: Fix update network profile for add tenants
Tue Nov 25 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev47.g8ea580e:
* BSN: Set inconsistency record on delete failure
Thu Nov 20 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev45.gcfd3cd9:
* Fix hostname regex pattern (bnc#905104, CVE-2014-7821)
* Stop ignoring 400 errors returned by ODL
Sat Nov 15 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev41.g6c47622:
* fix event_send for re-assign floating ip
* Fix KeyError in dhcp_rpc when plugin.port_update raise exception
* rootwrap config files reference deleted quantum binaries
* Remove openvswitch core plugin entry point
* Fix L3 HA network creation to allow user to create router
* Batch ports from security groups RPC handler
* _update_router_db: don\'t hold open transactions
* Only fetch port_id from SG binding table
* Optimize query in _select_dhcp_ips_for_network_ids
* Improve performance of security group DB query
* Reduce security group db calls to neutron server
Thu Nov 13 13:00:00 2014
- openstack-neutron-plugin.init: always include the configured base
driver for ML2 support
Wed Nov 12 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev20.g44fe2d9:
* Set vif_details to reflect enable_security_group
Tue Nov 11 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev18.g6efe68b:
* Allow to add router interface to IPv6 SLAAC network
* Big Switch: Fix SSL version on get_server_cert
Thu Nov 6 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev15.g1bc5d40:
* Fix sleep function call
* Create DHCP port for IPv6 subnet
Thu Oct 30 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev12.g6e0597b:
* NSX: allow multiple networks with same vlan on different phy_net
* Cisco N1kv: Remove vmnetwork delete REST call on last port delete
* Race for l2pop when ports go up/down on same host
Tue Oct 28 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev6.gdd57281:
* Big Switch: Switch to TLSv1 in server manager
Mon Oct 27 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev5.g830142e:
* Big Switch: Don\'t clear hash before sync
* Use EUI64 for IPv6 SLAAC when subnet is specified
Fri Oct 17 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.1.dev1.g7ccb76a:
* Opening stable/juno
Fri Oct 17 14:00:00 2014
- switch to 2014.2
Wed Oct 8 14:00:00 2014
- fix install of ipset firewall rules
Tue Oct 7 14:00:00 2014
- fix requires of openvswitch subpackage
- switch to neutron 2014.2rc1 (no changes)
Thu Oct 2 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev256.ga1fdaee:
* ML2: move L3 cleanup out of network transaction
* fix dvr snat bindings for external-gw-clear
Wed Oct 1 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev252.g302331b:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
Tue Sep 30 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev251.gdd238d0:
* Do not assume order of report list elements
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Rename workers to api_workers and simplify code
Mon Sep 29 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev246.gff9745c:
* Fix broken port query in Extraroute test case
* Revert \"Cleanup floatingips also on router delete\"
* Fix KeyError when getting secgroup info for ports
* Deletes floating ip related connection states
* Do not lookup l3-agent for floating IP if host=None, dvr issue
* Remove RPC notification from transaction in create/update port
* Do not assume order of body and tags elements
* Remove the translation tag for debug level logs in vmware plugin
* Fix entrypoint of OneConvergencePlugin plugin
* Forbid regular users to reset admin-only attrs to default values
(bnc#896780, CVE-2014-6414)
* Security groups: prevent race for default security group creation
* Stop admin using other tenants unshared rules
* Eliminate OrderedDict from
* Add logging for enforced policy rules
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Fix 500 error on retrieving metadata by invalid URI
* Fix to delete user and group association in Nuage Plugin
* Supply missing cisco_cfg_agent.ini file
* Add unit tests covering single operations to ODL
- Add /etc/neutron/plugins/cisco/cisco_cfg_agent.ini
Fri Sep 26 14:00:00 2014
- add dependency on ipset/iptables
Wed Sep 24 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev208.g61762fe:
* Finish small unit test refactor of API v2 tests
* Mock out all RPC calls with a fixture
* Remove unnecessary _make_port function in BSN UTs
* Use dict_extend_functions to populate provider network attributes
* Fix foreign key constraint error on ml2_dvr_port_bindings
* Some clean up of code I\'m preparing to modify
* Indicate the begin and end of the sync process to EOS
* DVR to delete router namespaces for service ports
* Do not assume order of device_ids set elements
* Only setup dhcp interface if dhcp is not active on network
* HA routers master state now distributed amongst agents
* Rework and enable VPNaaS UT for Cisco CSR REST
* Update URL of Ryu official site in ofagent README files
* Set dsvm-functional job to use system packages
* Delete a broken subnet delete unit test
* Deletes FIP agent gw port when last VM is deleted
* Delete DB records instead of tables to speedup UT
* Separate Configuration from Freescale SDN ML2 mechanism Driver
* NSX plugin: set VNIC_TYPE port binding attribute
* Access correct key for template name
* Fix DVR to service DHCP Ports
* Tunnel ID range validation for VXLAN/GRE networks
* Remove AATTauthor(s) from copyright statements
* BSN: Add context to backend request for debugging
* Don\'t create unused ipset chain
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Avoid an extra database query in schedule_snat_router
* Add HA support to the l3 agent
* Fix a test_db_plugin unit test side_effect usage
* Imported Translations from Transifex
Sat Sep 13 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev86.gc7a0196:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* ofagent: Remove broken XenAPI support
* Passing admin tenant name to EOS
* Remove useless check in _rpc_update_firewall
* Use renamed _fail_second_call() in cisco nexus tests
* Add L3 VRRP HA base classes
* ofagent: Clean up logging
* UTs: Disable auto deletion of ports/subnets/nets
* Remove binding:profile update from Mellanox ML2 MD
Fri Sep 12 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev68.g4287463:
* Fix comments in api.rpc.handlers
* Remove second call to get_subnets in delete_subnet
* Changes to support FWaaS in a DVR based environment
* NSX: Correct allowed_address_pair return value on create_port
* Add the unit tests for ml2.rpc module
* Avoid auto-scheduling for distributed routers
* Remove absolute path in KillFilter for metadata-proxy
Thu Sep 11 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev54.g4283b16:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Call unbind_snat_servicenode from schedule router
* Neutron should not use the neutronclient utils module for import_class
* Fix AttributeError when setting external gateway on DVR router
* ofagent: Remove AATTauthor tags and update copyright notices
Wed Sep 10 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev44.gef03f88:
* Removed direct access to MessagingServer
* Remove subnet_id from check_ports_exist_on_l3agent
* Fix metadata agent\'s auth info caching
* Throw exception instances instead of classes
* Add scheduler unit tests to enable bug fixes and refactoring
* Stop tracking connections in DVR FIP Namespace
* Fixes formatting for debug output in neutron/agent/
* Avoid testing code duplication which introduced testing bugs
* Reset IPv6 detection flag after IPv6 tests
* Remove unused arg to config.setup_logging()
* Updated from global requirements
* Revert \"Skip functional l3 agent test\"
* Fix leftover Timeout effecting most eventlet calls
* Cleanup rename of get_compute_ports_on_host_by_subnet
* BSN: Bind external ports in ML2 driver
* Remove SELECT FOR UPDATE use in delete_firewall
* Implements sync mechanism between Neutron and Nuage VSD
* Big Switch: Bind IVS ports in ML2 driver
* Fix a bug in Mellanox plugin RPC caused by secgroup RPC refactoring
* Layer 3 service plugin to support hardware based routing
* Update DVR Binding when router_id changes
Fri Sep 5 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev2.ga47c6cf:
* Revert \"Cisco DFA ML2 Mechanism Driver\"
* Refactor security group rpc call
* Don\'t spawn metadata-proxy for non-isolated nets
* Fixes Hyper-V agent issue on Hyper-V 2008 R2
Thu Sep 4 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev528.gb6afc3c:
* Fix interface IP address for DVR with gateway
* ofagent: Implement physical_interface_mappings
* Implements ProcessMonitor to watch over external processes
* Skip functional l3 agent test
* Big Switch: Separate L3 functions into L3 service
* Cisco VPN with in-band CSR (interim solution)
* Fixed template of IPsecSiteConnectionNotFound message
* Remove status initialization from plugin\'s create_firewall
Wed Sep 3 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev512.geab2a21:
* Make log level in linux.utils.execute configurable
Tue Sep 2 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev510.g735d677:
* ofagent: Enable local arp responder for TYPE_LOCAL
* ofagent: Enable local arp responder for TYPE_FLAT
* ofagent: Local arp responder for VLAN
* Prevent SystemExits when running tests
* Apic drivers enhancements (second approach): Topology
* Add functional test for IptablesManager
* ML2: Fix release of network segments to allocation pools
* Fix a recent ipv6 UT regression
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Remove chain for correct router during update_routers()
* Improve some plugins help strings
* Remove SELECT FOR UPDATE use in update_firewall
Tue Sep 2 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev486.g622b3ca:
* Remove reference to cisco_cfg_agent.ini from setup.cfg again
* l2pop: Allow network types overridable
* ofagent: Enable local arp responder for local VMs
* ofagent: merge br-tun into br-int
* Apic drivers enhancements (second approach): Sync
* Apic drivers enhancements (second approach): L3 refactor
* ML2 Type Driver refactor part 2
* Adds router service plugin for CSR1kv
* Introduces a keepalived manager for HA
* Support for extensions in ML2
* Cisco DFA ML2 Mechanism Driver
* Provide a quick way to run flake8
* Apic drivers enhancements (second approach): L2 refactor
* Make SecurityGroupsRpcCallback a separate callback class
* Adding mechanism driver in ML2 plugin for Nuage Networks
* remove explicit include of the ovs plugin
* NSX: log request body to NSX as debug
* Datacenter moid should not be tuple
* Remove ovs dependency in embrane plugin
* Remove old policies from policy.json
* Inline \"for val in [ref]\" statements
* Networks are not scheduled to DHCP agents for Cisco N1KV plugin
* metering driver default value is different in code and config file
Sun Aug 31 14:00:00 2014
- Rebased patches:
+ 0001-Check-for-IPv6-file-before-reading.patch dropped (merged upstream)
Sun Aug 31 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev442.gc04bdd0:
* Fix state_path in tests
* Add functional test for l3_agent
* Block downgrade from icehouse to havana
* Check for IPv6 file before reading
* Fix heal_script for MySQL specifics
* Fix IpNetnsCommand to execute without root_wrapper when no netns
Sat Aug 30 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev430.gd07b175:
* Apic drivers enhancements (second approach): Backend
* Make DvrServerRpcCallback a separate callback class
* Make DhcpRpcCallback a separate callback class
* Adding support of DNS nameserver and Host routes for the Nuage Plugin
* Use lockutils module for tox functional env
* Do not use auto_schedule_routers to add router to agent
* Fix func job hook script permission problems
* Fix l3 agent scheduling logic to avoid unwanted failures
* Fix InvalidRequestError in auto_schedule_routers
* Heal script: Drop fks before operating on columns
* Refactor test_type_gre/vxlan to reduce duplicate code
* Increase ovsdb_monitor.SimpleInterfaceMonitor start timeout
* Set firewall state to CREATED when dealing with DVR
* Add config for visibility of cisco-policy-profile
* Change nexus_dict to accept port lists
* Fix config option names in ml2_conf_sriov.ini
Fri Aug 29 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev398.ge7d44d8:
* Raise NotImplementedError instead of NotImplemented
* Ensure assertion matches dict iter order in test
Thu Aug 28 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev394.g68a13b0:
* Add support for provider-network extension in nuage Plugin
* One Convergence: Skip all tests with \'v6\' in name
Thu Aug 28 14:00:00 2014
- add 0001-Check-for-IPv6-file-before-reading.patch to fix
no-ipv6 regression (lp#1361542)
Thu Aug 28 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev390.g6454ce0:
* Fix incorrect number of args to string format
* Make L3RpcCallback a separate callback class
* Minor refactoring for add_router_to_l3_agent
* Predictable iptables chains output order
* Prefer \"val !=/== ref\" over \"val (not) in [ref]\" in conditions
* Fix DVR to service LBaaS VIP Ports
* Increase the default poll duration for Cisco n1kv
Wed Aug 27 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev376.g3f16a69:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* ext-gw update on dvr router improperly handled by l3-agent
* Fix for floatingip-delete not removing fip_gw port
* Change autogenerate to be unconditional
* Add template attr. for subnet, router create in Nuage plugin
* Implement ip_lib.device_exists_with_ip_mac
* Add _store_ip_allocation method
* Updated from global requirements
* Do not explicitly set mysql_engine
* Removing sorted() function from assertEqual()
* Minor refactoring of auto_schedule_routers
* Add ipv6 forwarding for router namespaces
* VPNaaS: Enable UT cases with newer oslo.messaging
* Do not log WARN messages about lack of L3 agents for DVR routers
* Add specific docs build option to tox
* Fix policy rules for adding and removing router interfaces
* Refactor type_tunnel/gre/vxlan to reduce duplicate code
* Assign Cisco nw profile to multi-tenants in single request
* Arista Layer 3 Sevice Plugin
* Use oslo.db create_engine instead of SQLAlchemy
* Ignore http_proxy while connecting to test WSGI server
* Do not assume order of parameters in OVSBridge.add_flow call
* Log exceptions inside spawned functions
Tue Aug 26 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev330.g0453144:
* Refactor plugin setup helpers out of test.base
* Raise proper exception in case duplicate ipv6 address is allocated
* Add hook scripts for the functional infra job
* ML2 Type driver refactor part 1
* Refresh rpc_backend values in unit tests to those from oslo.messaging
* Fix migration set_length_of_description_field_metering
* Set InnoDB engine for all existing tables
* Reorder operations in create_vip
* Use openstack.common.lockutils module for locks in tox functional tests
Mon Aug 25 14:00:00 2014
- use %_rundir if available, otherwise /var/run
Sun Aug 24 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev313.g00d3af4:
* Support Stateful and Stateless DHCPv6 by dnsmasq
* Implements securitygroup extension for nuage plugin
* Send HTTP exceptions in the format expected by neutronclient
Sat Aug 23 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev307.gecb296b:
* Join tables in query for down L3 agents
* Fixes Hyper-V issue due to ML2 RPC versioning
* Remove invalid or useless initialization in test_type_vxlan
* NSX: Avoid floating IP status reset
Fri Aug 22 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev299.g5bbb22a:
* A10 Networks LBaaS v1 Driver
* Ensure ip6tables are used only if ipv6 is enabled in kernel
Thu Aug 21 14:00:00 2014
- Fix directories not owned by a package
Thu Aug 21 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev295.g702967e:
* Rename range to avoid shadowing the builtin
* Remove unused network parameter from _allocate_ips_for_port
* corrects the typos in l3_router_plugin\'s comments
* Fix bigswitch setup.cfg lines
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Remove auto-generation of db schema from models at startup
* Cisco N1kv plugin to send subtype on network profile creation
* Implement namespace cleanup for new DVR namespaces
* correct getLoggers to use __name__ in code
* Skip FWaaS config mismatch check if RPC method is unsupported
* NSX: lift restriction on DVR update
* Updated from global requirements
* Remove INACTIVE status from FWaaS
* Fix PortNotFound error during update_device_up for DVR
* Option to remove routers from dead l3 agents
* Fix duplicate function: test_getattr_unallowed_attr
* SecurityGroupRuleExists should point out rule id inseand of group id
* Opencontrail plug-in implementation for core resources
* Do not assume order of new_peers list elements
* Fixing neutron-db-manage with some options other than upgrade/downgrade
* Replace nullable from primary keys in tz_network_bindings with default
* Define some abstract methods in VpnDriver class
* Expand arp_responder help text
- Add config plugins/opencontrail/contrailplugin.ini
- Update plugins/bigswitch README paths
Fri Aug 15 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev252.gf9981d0:
* Use jsonutils instead of stdlib json
* Fix interface add for dvr with gateway
* l2pop: get_agent_ports: Don\'t yield (None, {})
* ML2: Make get_device_details report mac address as well
* Delete DVR namespaces on node after removing last VM
* Remove SELECT FOR UPDATE use in ML2 tunnel driver add_endpoint
* Fix KeyError during sync_routers
* Fix PortNotFound exception during sync_routers
* VPNaaS: Cisco fix validation for GW IP
* Preserve link local IP allocations for DVR fip ns across restart
* Predictable field and filter ordering
* Fix session\'s InvalidRequestError because of nested rollback
* Remove ignored do_request timeout argument
Thu Aug 14 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev226.gd10a909:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Fix 404 error fetching metadata when using DVR
* Raise exception for network delete with subnets presents
* Make plugin and l3plugin available as mixin\'s properties
* add auth token to context
* Fixes an issue with FIP re-association
* NSX: unify the two distributed routing extensions
* NSX: fix wording for configuration option
* MLNX Agent: ensure removed ports get treated on resyncs
* Add delete operations for the ODL MechanismDriver
* Removes extra indents from TestSubresourcePlugin
* ofagent: Upgrade note about firewall_driver
* Return port context from _bind_port_if_needed
* MLNX Agent: Process port_update notifications in the main agent loop
* Remove unneeded device_owner field from l2pop tuple
* Enabled Cisco ML2 driver to use new upstream ncclient
* Remove duplicated check for router connect to external net
* Implement Midonet Juno Network Api calls
* ofagent: Update a comment in port_bound
Sat Aug 9 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev189.gec4f861:
* ofagent: Remove network_delete method
* Fix to throw correct error code for bad attribute
* Improve external gateway update handling
* Do not assume order of pci slot list
* DeferredBridge to allow add_tunnel_port passthru
* Fix to enable L2pop to serve DVR
* ofagent: Add a missing normalized_port_name
* Return 403 instead of 404 on attr policy failures
* Proper validation for inserting firewall rule
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Fix 500 error during router-update for dvr routers
* Simple refactor to stop passing around an unused parameter
* Make _build_uri_path output predictable
* Radware: When a pip is needed, reuse the Port
* Remove redundant topic from rpc calls
* l3_db: refactor L3_NAT_DB_mixin
* OVS flows apply concurrently using a deferred OVSBridge
* Do not assume order of network_uuid\'s
* Big Switch: Only update hash header on success
* ofagent: Stop monitoring ovsdb for port changes
* ofagent: Desupport ancillary bridges
* Add a tox test environment for random hashseed testing
* OFAgent: Implement arp responder
* Updated from global requirements
* Do not assume order of quotas dictionary elements
* Move Cisco VPN RESTapi URI strings to constants
* Move from Python logging to Openstack logging
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* NSX: remove duplicate call to set_auth_cookie()
* NSX: Correct default timeout params
- Add missing /usr/bin/neutron-cisco-cfg-agent file
Fri Aug 1 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev95.gf32c0eb:
* Add missing ml2 plugin to migration 1fcfc149aca4
Thu Jul 31 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev93.g4ab8740:
* Add L3 Scheduler Changes for Distributed Routers
* Pass filters in arrays in get_agent_gw_ports_exist_for_network
* Do not schedule network when creating reserved DHCP port
* Check that router info is set before calling _update_arp_entry
* Move ARP responder test to sanity command
* neutron.conf does not have the definition of firewall quotas
* Fix deprecated opt in haproxy driver
* Race condition of L3-agent to add/remove routers
* Replaced the strings with respective constants
* Make dvr_vmarp_table_update call conditional to dvr extension
* Functional tests work fine with random PYTHONHASHSEED
* Call config_parse in base test setup
* Fix ML2 Plugin binding:profile update
* Bump hacking to version 0.9.2
Wed Jul 30 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev65.ga43f74d:
* Fix wrong order of tables in downgrade
* Set nullable=False on tenant_id in apic_contracts table
Tue Jul 29 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev61.g30556c4:
* Updated from global requirements
* Set promote_secondaries when creating namespaces
* ML2 additions to support DVR
* Make test_l3_agent._prepare_router_data a module function
* Remove redundant code in tests/unit/test_l3_agent
* Set python hash seed to 0 in tox.ini
* Add definition for new VIF type
* Handle bool correctly during _extend_extra_router_dict
* Encapsulate some port properties in the PortContext
* Changes to remove the use of mapping tables from Nuage plugin
* Updated from global requirements
* Correct misspelled variable name
* Avoid RequestURITooLong exception in metadata agent
* Move loadbalancer vip port creation outside of transaction
* ML2 mechanism driver for SR-IOV capable NIC based switching, Part 2
* Modify L3 Agent for Distributed Routers
* OFAgent: Share codes of l2-population in OVS agent
* This patch changes the name of directory from mech_arista to arista
* ML2 mechanism driver for SR-IOV capable NIC based switching, Part 1
* Add rule for updating network\'s router:external attribute
* L2 Agent-side additions to support DVR
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* NSX: fix router ports port_security_enabled=False
* Add partial specs support in ML2 for multiprovider extension
* Add partial specs support in ML2 for gre/vxlan provider networks
* call security_groups_member_updated in port_update
Wed Jul 23 14:00:00 2014
- Fix plugin init script\'s description
- Execute db migrations before starting the daemon
Mon Jul 21 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev357.g2f7a2ae:
* Move plugin.delete_port call out of transaction
Sun Jul 20 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev356.gc82e6a4:
* Dnsmasq config files syntax issue when dhcp_domain is empty
* Validate expected parameters in add/remove router interfaces
* Mock out tunnel_sync in test to avoid sleeping
* Add a gate-specific tox env for functional tests
Sat Jul 19 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev348.ged8905f:
* Fix DVR regression for ofagent
* Allow to import _LC, _LE, _LI and _LW functions directly
* Fix incorrect default paramater in migration
Fri Jul 18 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev342.g68713c9:
* RPC additions to support DVR
* no quota for allowed address pair (bnc#887348, CVE-2014-3555)
* L2 Model additions to support DVR
* Fix a log typo in ML2 manager.bind_port()
* VPNaaS: separate out validation logic for ref impl
Thu Jul 17 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev333.ga173668:
* Big Switch: Remove consistency hash on full sync
* Add L3 Extension for Distributed Routers
* VPNaaS Cisco REST client enhance CSR create
* Fixes port update failure when device ID is not updated
* Use auth_token from keystonemiddleware
* Shamelessly removing commented print line
* L3 agent prefers RPC messages over full sync
* Database healing migration
* Fixed audit notifications for l3-agent-router ops
* Send network name and uuid to subnet create
* ML2: Bind ports outside transactions
* Freeze models for healing migration
* ofagent: Handle device name prefixes other than \"tap\"
* Add -s option for neutron metering rules
* Security groups extension for PLUMgrid plugin
* Change all occurences of no_delete to do_delete
* Add BSN plugin to agent migration script
* Added support for NOS version 4.1.0, 5.0.0 and greater
* Refactor \'if false do nothing\' logic in l3 scheduler db
* ofagent: Fix an argument mismatch bug in commit 9d13ea88
* l2-pop : removing a TODO for the delete port use case
Mon Jul 14 14:00:00 2014
- Remove unnecessary openstack-neutron-vmware-agent package
Mon Jul 14 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev290.g59da928:
* Use integer server_default value for multicast_ip_index
Sat Jul 12 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev289.g60f2967:
* Revert \"VPNaaS REST Client UT Broken\"
* Add \'server_default\' parameter
* Remove dead helper function from test_l3_plugin
* Remove reference to setuptools_git
* NSX: neutron router-interface-add should clear security-groups
* Fix missing migration default value
Fri Jul 11 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev277.gcbd89e7:
* Extract CommonDBMixin to a separate file
Thu Jul 10 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev276.g1cf3b80:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Do not mark device as processed if it wasn\'t
* Fix \'server_default\' parameter usage in models
* Add a link to a blog post by RedHat that discusses GRE tunnels in OVS
* Updated from global requirements
* Fixed spelling mistake in securitygroups_rpc
* Fix UnboundLocalError raised during L3 router sync task
Wed Jul 9 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev262.g8e600ec:
* Avoid notifying while inside transaction opened in delete_port()
* Omit mode keyword when spawning dnsmasq with some ipv6 subnets
* Fix isinstance assertions
Tue Jul 8 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev256.ga7f7378:
* VPNaaS REST Client UT Broken
* NSX: properly handle floating ip status
* Fix example for running individual tests
Sun Jul 6 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev250.g6e87794:
* Trigger provider security group update for RA
Sat Jul 5 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev248.g74daab5:
* Remove SELECT FOR UPDATE use in ML2 type driver release_segment
Thu Jul 3 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev246.g5933161:
* OVS agent: fix a comment on CANARY_TABLE
* Updated from global requirements
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Allow setting a rootwrap cmd for functional tests
* Fix OVSBridge.get_port_ofport to handle empty output
* Ignore variable column widths in ovsdb functional tests
* Add configurable http_timeout parameter for Cisco N1K
* NSX: fix indentations
Wed Jul 2 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev230.gd27e1d1:
* BSN: Remove db lock and add missing contexts
* Updated from global requirements
* Stop the dhcp-agent process when dnsmasq version is not determined
* lb-agent: ensure removed devices get treated on resyncs
* LBaaS new object model logging no-op driver
* validate flat networks physical name
Tue Jul 1 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev218.gb5cd4c7:
* Switch to using of oslo.db
* Replace occurences of \'test_tenant\' with \'test-tenant\' in tests
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* changes ovs agent to get bridges via ovs_lib
* Fix re-creation of the pool directory
* Big Switch: Lock consistency table for REST calls
Sat Jun 28 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev206.g3006ed1:
* Add sanity check for nova notification support
* Synced log module and its dependencies from olso-incubator
* Pass newly created router to _update_router_gw_info
* Updated neutron.conf to reflect new RPC options
Fri Jun 27 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev198.g52e281c:
* Use correct MAX_LEN constant in agent functional tests
* remove unsupported middleware
* Add config for performance gate job
* Exit rpc_loop when SIGTERM is recieved in ovs-agent
* ofagent: Use port desc to monitor ports on br-int
* Fixed dhcp & gateway ip conflict in PLUMgrid plugin
Fri Jun 27 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev186.g997f261:
* Use patch ports to interconnect integration/physical bridges
* Introduce bulk calls for get device details
* Remove __init__ method from TunnelCallback mixin
* OVS agent: Correct bridge setup ordering (bnc#883986)
Thu Jun 26 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev179.gb3063ed:
* Revert \"Revert \"ovs-agent: Ensure integration bridge is created\"\"
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* don\'t ignore rules that are already enforced
* Moved code back into
* ofagent: move main module from ryu repository
* NSX: return 400 if dscp set for trusted queue
* NSX sync cache: add a flag to skip item deletion
* Don\'t use root_helper when it\'s not needed
Wed Jun 25 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev163.gf6c32ba:
* Updated from global requirements
* Updated from global requirements
* Don\'t convert numeric protocol values to int
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Revert \"Check NVP router\'s status before deploying a service\"
* Remove the useless vim modelines
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Changing the poll_duration parameter type to int
* Add test cases for plugins/ml2/
* Removed local modification in incubator code
* Pass serializer to oslo.messaging Notifier
* Fix auto_schedule_networks to resist DBDuplicateEntry
* Control active number of REST calls from Cisco N1kv plugin to VSM
* ValueError should use \'%\' instead of \',\'
* Big Switch: Stop watchdog on interval of 0
* Ensure entries in dnsmasq belong to a subnet using DHCP
* Adding static routes data for members
* Improve vxlan type driver initialization performance
* Brocade mechanism driver depends on the brocade plugin templates
* changes ovs agent_id init to use hostname instead of mac
Sat Jun 21 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev124.g431937c:
* Removed \'rpc\' and \'notifier\' incubator modules
* Removed create_rpc_dispatcher methods
* Revert \"ovs-agent: Ensure integration bridge is created\"
* NSX: propagate network name updates to backend
* Renamed argument for create_consumer[s]
* Renamed consume_in_thread -> consume_in_threads
* Renamed start_rpc_listener -> start_rpc_listeners
* Port to oslo.messaging
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Pass \'top\' to remove_rule so that rule matching succeeds
* Remove old quantum scripts
* Move _filter_non_model_columns method to CommonDbMixin
* Check port value when creating firewall rule with icmp protocol
* linuxbridge-agent: process port updates in the main loop
* Consistently use jsonutils instead of specific implementation
* Change default netpartition behavior in nuage plugin
* Allowed address pair: Removing check for overlap with fixed ips
* Fix NVP FWaaS occurs error when deleting a shared rule
Fri Jun 20 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev88.g54104eb:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
Thu Jun 19 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev87.g24718e6:
* Updated from global requirements
* Ignore emacs checkpoint files
* Improve docstring for OVSNeutronAgent constructor
* Big Switch ML2: sync detection in port-update
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Add vlan type driver unittests
* Make sure we call BaseTestCase.setUp() first
* Don\'t explicitly call .stop() on mock.patch objects
* Don\'t instantiate RPC clients on import
* Configure agents using neutron.common.config.init (formerly .parse)
* NSX: revert queue extension name change
* Fix pool statistics for LBaaS Haproxy driver
* remove pep8 E122 exemption and correct style
* Big Switch: Remove unnecessary initialization code
* Big Switch: Import DB module in unit test
* Brocade mechanism driver should be derived from ML2 plugin base class
Wed Jun 18 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev56.g551d5a4:
* Notify systemd when starting Neutron server
* Added missing core_plugins symbolic names
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Add missing keyword raise to get_profile_binding function
* Add logging for NSX status sync cache
* ovs-agent: Ensure integration bridge is created
Tue Jun 17 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev44.gd379170:
* Introduced rpc_compat.create_connection()
* Copy-paste RPC Service class for backwards compatibility
* Introduce RpcCallback class
* Fix opt helpstring for dhcp_lease_duration
* Fix invalid IPv6 address used in FakeV6 variables
* Control update, delete for cisco-network-profile
* Big Switch: Catch exceptions in watchdog thread
* Increase default metadata_workers, backlog to 4096
* Big Switch: Add missing data to topology sync
* Return no active network if the agent has not been learnt yet
Mon Jun 16 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev24.gdbedfb7:
* Add \'ip rule ...\' support to ip_lib
Sun Jun 15 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev22.ge3725e8:
* When l2-pop ON, clean stale ports in table0 br-tun
* Check NVP router\'s status before deploying a service
* Removes unnecessary Embrane module-level mocks
Sat Jun 14 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev16.g8d268d7:
* remove E112 hacking exemption and fix errors
* Updated from global requirements
* NeutronManager: Remove explicit check of the existence of an attribute
* Added note to neutron.conf
* Sync service module from oslo-incubator
* Big Switch: Don\'t use MagicMocks unnecessarily
Fri Jun 13 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev4.g83461ee:
* Floatingip extension support for nuage plugin
* Big Switch: Call correct method in watchdog
* Cisco APIC Layer 3 Service plugin
* Use list copy for events in nova notifier
Thu Jun 12 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev658.gb5d6c5e:
* multiprovidernet: fix a comment
* extensions: remove \'check_env\' method
* Replace XML with JSON for N1kv REST calls
* OVS Agent: limit veth names to 15 chars
Wed Jun 11 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev650.g5c62a1a:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Fix race condition with firewall deletion
* Check the validation of \'delay\' and \'timeout\'
* Ensure routing key is specified in the address for a direct producer
* Support Subnets that are configured by external RAs
* Refactor code in update_subnet, splitting into individual methods
* Make allocation_pools attribute of subnet updateable by PUT
* Monkey patch threading module as early as possible
* Introduced transition RPC exception types
* Added RpcProxy class
* ofagent: Fix VLAN usage for TYPE_FLAT and TYPE_VLAN
* Use import from six.moves to import the queue module
* Start an unstarted patch in the hyperv unit tests
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Add an option to turn off DF for GRE and VXLAN tunnels
* Freescale SDN Mechanism Driver for ML2 Plugin
* ovs, ofagent: Remove dead code
* Default to setting secure mode on the integration bridge
* Allow neutron-sanity-check to check OVS patch port support
* Remove run-time version checking for openvswitch features
* Add flat type driver unittests
* Changed DictModel to dict with attribute access
* Pass object to policy when finding fields to strip
* Allow L3 base to handle extensions on router creation
* Refactor some router-related methods
* Add local type driver unittests
* add engine parameter for offline migrations
* Check DB scheme prior to migration to Ml2
* Improve module-level mocks in midonet tests
* Big Switch: fix capabilities retrieval code
Fri Jun 6 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev564.gac9c986:
* NSX: fix invalid docstring
Thu Jun 5 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev562.g68a9191:
* Add \'secret\' property for \'connection\' option
* ofagent: Add a missing push_vlan action
Wed Jun 4 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev558.g53b701a:
* LBaaS add missing rootwrap filter for route
* Remove function replacement with mock patch
* Remove unnecessary MagicMocks in cisco unit tests
* Make linux.utils.execute log error on return codes
* NSX: replace strong references to the plugin with weakref ones
Wed Jun 4 14:00:00 2014
- enable namespace deletion in dhcp_agent
Sat May 31 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev548.ge65b06f:
* Handle errors from run_ofctl() when dumping flows
* Sync periodic_task from oslo-incubator
Fri May 30 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev544.g446b13b:
* Added missing plugin .ini files to setup.cfg
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* FWaaS plugin doesn\'t need to handle firewall rule del ops
* Reprogram flows when ovs-vswitchd restarts
* Updated from global requirements
* Fix KeyError exception while updating dhcp port
* NSX: fix bug for flat provider network
* Restore ability to run functional tests with
Thu May 29 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev529.gf131d65:
* Revert \"fix openvswitch requirement check\"
* Disallow regular user to update firewall\'s shared attribute
* Support \'infinite\' dhcp_lease_duration
* NEC plugin: Bump L3RPC callback version to 1.1
* Synced jsonutils from oslo-incubator
* Install SNAT rules for ipv4 only
* Disallow \'timeout\' in health_monitor to be negative
* Remove redundant default=None for config options
* OFAgent: Fixing lost vlan ids on interfaces
* Set onlink routes for all subnets on an external network
* Log iptables rules when they fail to apply
* OFAgent: Avoid processing ports which are not yet ready
* Fix some typos in neutron/db and IBM SDN-VE plugin
* Delete DHCP port without DHCP server on a net node
Wed May 28 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev502.ga657c06:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* fix openvswitch requirement check
* Fix for multiple misspelled words
Tue May 27 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev496.g9a7a5c7:
* Fixes bugs for requests sent to SDN-VE controller
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Cisco APIC ML2 mechanism driver, part 2
* Allowed Addresspairs: Removing check for overlap with fixed ips
* Fix non-existent \'assert\' calls to mocks
* Reorg table ml2_port_bindings when db migration
* Add physical_network to binding:vif_details dictionary
Mon May 26 14:00:00 2014
- enable/configure fwaas driver
Mon May 26 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev482.gf69db60:
* Remove all mostly untranslated PO files
Sun May 25 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev480.gdd6f865:
* Extraroute extension support for nuage plugin
Sat May 24 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev478.g423ca75:
* Metadata agent caches networks for routers
Fri May 23 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev476.gfc832a0:
* NSX: get rid of the last Nicira/NVP bits
* Common decorator for caching methods
* Do not defer IPTables apply in firewall path
* Metaclass Python 3.x Compatibility
* NSX: allow net-migration only in combined mode
* NSX: Do a single query for all gateway devices
* NSX: Do not extend fault map for network gateway ext
Thu May 22 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev462.g797fa55:
* Make pid file locking non-blocking
* Remove hard dependency on novaclient
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Add missing translation support
* Restore GARP by default for floating IPs
Wed May 21 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev453.gd5c0a37:
* Provide way to reserve dhcp port during failovers
* Implement local ARP responder onto OVS agent
Tue May 20 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev450.g2930f42:
* Fix typos in
* Allow vlan type usage for OpenDaylight ml2
* NSX: do not raise on missing router during migration step
* NSX: fix error when creating VM ports on subnets without dhcp
* Remove unused parameter
* Add mailmap entry
* Ensure tenant owns devices when creating a gateway
* Fix issubclass() hook behavior in PluginInterface
* LBaaS VIP doesn\'t work after delete and re-add
* Adding tenant-id while creating Radware ADC service
* Unit test cases for
Sun May 18 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev429.gf80c2b8:
* Corrected the syntax of port_update call to NVSD agent
* OVS lib defer apply doesn\'t handle concurrency
* Performance improvement of router routes operations
Thu May 15 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev423.gff22dc1:
* Upgrade failure for DB2 at ml2_binding_vif_details
* Perform policy checks only once on list responses
* NSX: pass the right argument during metadata setup
* Improve ODL ML2 Exception Handling
Tue May 13 14:00:00 2014
- remove amqp/amqplib dependency
Tue May 13 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev415.gfab50bd:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Allow DHCPv6 solicit from VM
Sun May 11 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev412.g7021443:
* Make plugin deallocation check optional
* ML2 VxlanTypeDriver: Synchronize of VxlanAllocation table
* eswitch_neutron_agent: Whitespace fixes in comments
Sat May 10 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev406.g00d8785:
* Ensure core plugin deallocation after every test
* Updated from global requirements
* Big Switch: Check source_address attribute exists
* Revert \"Big Switch: Check source_address attribute exists\"
* NSX: ensure that no LSN is created on external networks
* Make VPNaaS \'InUse\' exception more clear
* Revert \"Disable debug messages when running unit tests\"
* Add support to dynamically upload drivers in PLUMgrid plugin
Fri May 9 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev390.gd61006d:
* Start ping listener also for postgresql
* Remove explicit dependency on amqplib
* Remove duplicate module-rgx line in .pylintrc
* Fix H302 violations
* lbaas on a network without gateway
* Reference new get_engine() method from
* Database exception causes UnboundLocalError in linuxbridge-agent
* Drop service
* tables only if they exist
Thu May 8 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev374.g6f68598:
* Disable debug messages when running unit tests
* Big Switch: Check source_address attribute exists
* L3 RPC loop could delete a router on concurrent update
* Allow test_l3_agent unit test to run individually
Wed May 7 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev366.g61edb74:
* Fix importing module in test_netscaler_driver
Tue May 6 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev365.gae3e92f:
* Fix H302 violations in plugins package
* Fix H302 violations in unit tests
* Optimize querying for security groups
Mon May 5 14:00:00 2014
- Change dependency on python-amqp instead of python-amqplib
Mon May 5 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev359.g098e50f:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
Sun May 4 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev358.g26182d6:
* Improve help strings for radware LbaaS driver
* LBaaS: Set correct nullable parameter for agent_id
Sat May 3 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev354.g8d2634f:
* Fix network profile subtype validation in N1kv plugin
* tests/unit: refactor reading neutron.conf.test
* Cisco VPN device driver - support IPSec connection updates
* Allow ML2 plugin test cases to be run independently
* Segregate the VSM calls from database calls in N1kv plugin
* Vmware: Set correct nullable for lsn_id, nsx_port_id
Fri May 2 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev342.gea61aaa:
* Don\'t print duplicate messages on SystemExit
* OVS and OF Agents: Create updated_ports attribute before setup_rpc
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Removed signing_dir from neutron.conf
* NSX: fix API payloads for dhcp/metadata setup
Thu May 1 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev332.g48647fd:
* Updated from global requirements
* Synced jsonutils from oslo-incubator
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* NSX: fix migration for networks without a subnet
* Wrong key router.interface reported by ceilometer
* Fix protocol value for SG IPV6 RA rule
Wed Apr 30 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev320.gffd0774:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Cisco APIC ML2 mechanism driver, part 1
* Use set_gateway from ip_lib
* Sync db code from oslo-incubator
* Fix incorrect change of Enum type
* Fix uninitialized variable reference
* Invalid ovs-agent test case - test_fdb_add_flows
Mon Apr 28 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev306.g930e18e:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
Sun Apr 27 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev304.g77a4451:
* NSX: change api mapping for Service Cluster to Edge Cluster
* NSX: add nsx switch lookup to dhcp and metadata operations
Sat Apr 26 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev300.ge8114d1:
* LBaaS: remove orphan haproxy instances on agent start
* Fixed floating IP logic in PLUMgrid plugin
* Re-submit \"ML2 plugin should not delete ports on subnet deletion\"
* Remove List events API from Cisco N1kv Neutron
* Exclude .ropeproject from flake8 checks
Fri Apr 25 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev290.g03176c1:
* Fix incorrect usage of sa.String() type
* IBM: set secret=True on passwd config field
* Fix H302 violations in extensions package
* Replace loopingcall in notifier with a delayed send
* Add 2-leg configuration to Radware LBaaS Driver
* Fix migration that breaks Grenade jobs
* Remove unused variable
* Fix unshortened IPv6 address caused DHCP crash
Thu Apr 24 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev274.gbd25dd1:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* NSX: Fix fake_api_client to raise NotFound
* Fix H302 violations in db package and services
* Make help texts more descriptive in Metaplugin
* OFAgent: Improve handling of security group updates
* OFAgent: Process port_update notifications in the main agent loop
* Check if bridge exists and make sure it\'s UP in ensure_bridge
* Fix Metering doesn\'t respect the l3 agent binding
* Enable flake8 E711 and E712 checking
* Delete disassociated floating ips on external network deletion
Wed Apr 23 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev254.gbfeb053:
* ip-lib : use \"ip neigh replace\" instead of \"ip neigh add\"
* Cisco: Set correct nullable for switch_ip, instance_id, vlan_id
* Ml2: Set correct nullable for admin_state_up
* Updated from global requirements
* ML2 Cisco Nexus MD: Improve Unit Test Coverage
* Add nova_ca_certificates_file option to neutron
* gw_port should be set as lazy=\'join\'
* Validate IPv6 modes in API when IP version is 4
* Remove RPC to plugin when dhcp sets default route
* ofa_neutron_agent: Fix _phys_br_block_untranslated_traffic
* Add support for https requests on nova metadata
Tue Apr 22 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev232.gf350f1a:
* allow delete_port to work when there are multiple floating ips
* NSX: sync thread catches wrong exceptions on not found
* Register LBaaS resources to quotas engine
Sat Apr 19 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev226.g7305ace:
* netaddr<=0.7.10 raises ValueError instead of AddrFormatError
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* netaddr<=0.7.10 raises ValueError instead of AddrFormatError
* Add \'ip neigh\' to ip_lib
* Notifier: Catch NotFound error from nova
* Switch over to FixedIntervalLoopingCall
* ML2 Cisco Nexus MD: Remove unnecessary Cisco nexus DB
Fri Apr 18 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev214.g9a1af60:
* Validate CIDR given as ip-prefix in security-group-rule-create
* Support enhancements to Cisco CSR VPN REST APIs
* Remove workaround for bug #1219530
* Use different name for the same constraint
Wed Apr 16 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev206.gf89d3fe:
* Nuage Plugin: Delete router requires precommit checks
* Improved quota error message
* Remove device_exists in LinuxBridgeManager
* Add support for multiple RPC workers under Metaplugin
* Security Group rule validation for ICMP rules
* Add functional tests to verify ovs_lib VXLAN detection
* Fixes Hyper-V agent security groups disabling
* Start using oslosphinx theme for docs
Tue Apr 15 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev191.g5ec4ec5:
* DHCP agent should check interface is UP before adding route
* Fix LBaaS Haproxy occurs error if no member is added
* Add nova_api_insecure flag to neutron
* Allow combined certificate/key files for SSL
* Reschedule router if new external gateway is on other network
Mon Apr 14 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev181.g3073496:
* Verify ML2 type driver exists before calling del
* Fix dangling patches in Cisco and Midonet tests
* Make default nova_url use a version
* Properly apply column default in migration pool_monitor_status
* Edge driver: Improve exception handling
* Typographical correction of Arista ML2 help
Sun Apr 13 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev169.g55fcddc:
* Edge firewall: improve exception handling
Sat Apr 12 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev167.g89b26ed:
* NSX plugin: fix get_gateway_devices
* Remove mock.patch.stop from tests that inherit from BaseTestCase
* Update ensure()/reconnect() to catch MessagingError
* Fix typo in comment
* VMware: log backend port creation in the right place
* BigSwitch: Create router ports synchronously
* lb-agent: fix get_interfaces_on_bridge returning None
Fri Apr 11 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev153.g2ddc62d:
* Remove \"reuse_existing\" from setup method in
* Fixes Hyper-V agent security group ICMP rules
* Fix typo in ml2 configuration file
* Set correct columns\' length
* ML2 Cisco Nexus MD: Support portchannel interfaces
Thu Apr 10 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev144.gce7e53e:
* NSX: Fix KeyError in sync if nsx_router_id not found
* Revert \"Hide ipv6 subnet API attributes\"
* BSN: Remove module-level ref to httplib method
* Set the log level to debug for loading extensions
* Add common base class for agent functional tests
* OFAgent: Avoid re-wiring ports unnecessarily
* Clean out namespaces even if we don\'t delete namespaces
* Remove duplicated tests for check_ovs_vxlan_version
* Add support for router scheduling in Cisco N1kv Plugin
Wed Apr 9 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev127.g69c99d2:
* NSX: ensure dhcp port is setup on metadata network
* Hide ipv6 subnet API attributes
* Enforce required config params for ODL driver
* Add L2 Agent side handling for non consistent security_group settings
* BigSwitch: Stop HTTP patch before overriding
* Fix wrong section name \"security_group\" in sample config files
* Updated from global requirements
* set api.extensions logging to ERROR in unit tests
* OFA agent: use hexadecimal IP address in tunnel port name
* Deals with fails in update_
*_postcommit ops
* Fix _validate_mac_address method
* Correctly inherit __table_args__ from parent class
Tue Apr 8 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev105.g26857d5:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Call policy.init() once per API request
* Sync service and systemd modules from oslo-incubator
* Delete routers that are requested but not reported as active
Mon Apr 7 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev97.g815e0ea:
* Add missing comma in nsx router mappings migration
* BigSwitch: Improves server manager UT coverage
Sun Apr 6 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev93.g0eb3a10:
* Fixed TypeError when creating MlnxException
Sat Apr 5 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev91.g908599a:
* BigSwitch: Don\'t import portbindings_db until use
* Don\'t emit log for missing attribute check policy
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Move bash whitelisting to pep8 testenv
* Fix test MAC addresses to be valid
* Redundant SG rule create calls in unit tests
* fixes broken neutron-netns-cleanup
* Cisco VPN driver correct reporting for admin state chg
Fri Apr 4 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev75.gf8ee7b0:
* ML2: ODL driver sets port status
* Add a note that rpc_workers option is experimental
* Fix Jenkins translation jobs
* Set ns_name in RouterInfo as attribute
* Replace HTTPSConnection in NEC plugin
* ignore build directory for pep8
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Explicitly import state_path opt in tests.base
* fixes tests using called_once_ without assert
* Remove invalid copyright headers under API module
* Permit ICMPv6 RAs only from known routers
* use floatingip\'s ID as key instead of itself
* Use os.uname() instead of calling uname in subprocess
* Restore NOT NULL constraint lost by earlier migrations
* Remove last parts of Quantum compatibility shim
* Fix quota_health_monitor opt name in neutron.conf
* Changed the message line of RouterInUse class
* De-duplicate unit tests for ports in Big Switch
* Advanced Services documentation
Thu Apr 3 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev39.gb3b4335:
* update doc string - correct typo
* Revert changes removing OVSBridge return
* Return 409 for second firewall creation
* Fixing Arista CLI command
* Use a temp dir for CONF.state_path
* Enable hacking H301 check
* Stop using portbindings_db in BSN ML2 driver
* NSX: Fix pagination support
* Removing vim header lines
* Only send notifications on uuid device_id\'s
* Update BigSwitch Name to its correct name
* NSX plugin: return 400 for invalid gw certificate
* Log configuration values for OFA agent
Wed Apr 2 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.2.dev14.g69c3892:
* Fix function parsing the kernel version
* Updated from global requirements
* BigSwitch: Semaphore on port status update
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Add missing DB migrations for BSN ML2 plugin
* Invoke _process_l3_create within plugin session
* Move test_ovs_lib to tests/unit/agent/linux
* Open Juno development
* Add unit test for add_vxlan in test_linux_ip_lib
Tue Apr 1 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev355.g64128cb:
* Add Icehouse no-op migration
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Add missing parameters for port creation
* Cancelling thread start while unit tests running
* Delete duplicate external devices in router namespace
* UT: do not hide an original error in test resource ctxtmgr
* Disable XML tests on Py26
* Synced rpc and gettextutils modules from oslo-incubator
* Delete subnet fails if assoc port has IPs from another subnet
Sun Mar 30 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev337.g10ce2f2:
* Fix namespace exist() method
Sat Mar 29 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev335.g7782739:
* BigSwitch: Move attr ref after error check
* Migrate data from cap_port_filter to vif_details
* Include cisco plugin in migration plugins with ovs
* Fix segment allocation tables in Cisco N1kv plugin
Fri Mar 28 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev327.g721830c:
* Make dnsmasq aware of all names
* Prevent cross plugging router ports from other tenants
* Adds OVS_HYBRID_PLUG flag to portbindings
* Subnets should be set as lazy=\'join\'
* nec plugin: allow to delete resource with ERROR status
* Import request_id middleware bug fix from oslo
* Correct OVS VXLAN version check
* LBaaS: make device driver decide whether to deploy instance
* VPNaaS support for VPN service admin state change and reporting
* Big Switch Plugin: No REST port delete on net del
Thu Mar 27 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev309.g96c0928:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
Wed Mar 26 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev308.g7443fdb:
* ML2 Cisco Nexus MD: Remove workaround for bug 1276395
* Replace a usage of the deprecated root_helper option
* Add enable_security_group to BigSwitch and OneConvergence ini files
Tue Mar 25 13:00:00 2014
- fix agent/plugin config ordering
Tue Mar 25 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev302.g4599e80:
* Add script to migrate ovs or lb db to ml2 db
* Remove extra space in help string
* Add nec plugin to allowed address pairs migration
* NEC plugin: Rename quantum_id column to neutron_id
* Return meaningful error message on pool creation error
* Log dnsmasq host file generation
* ML2 Cisco Nexus MD: VM migration support
Mon Mar 24 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev288.gda177ab:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
Sun Mar 23 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev287.g7d8fdae:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Updated from global requirements
* Log received pool.status
* NEC plugin: Allow to add prefix to OFC REST URL
* NEC plugin: Remove a colon from binding:profile key due to XML problem
* Use save_and_reraise_exception when reraise exception
* Avoid creating FixedIntervalLoopingCall in agent UT
* Add enable_security_group option
* Fix typo in lbaas agent exception message
* Fix duplicate name of NVP LBaaS objs not allowed on vShield Edge
* Added config value help text in ns metadata proxy
* Cisco Nexus: maximum recursion error in ConnectionContext.__del__
* NSX: lower the severity of messages about VIF\'s on external networks
* Fix bug:range() is not same in py3.x and py2.x
* Remove unnecessary call to get_dhcp_port from DeviceManager
Sat Mar 22 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev255.gf1c7054:
* Don\'t set priority when calling mod_flow
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Get rid of additional db contention on fetching VIP
* Fix usage of save_and_reraise_exception
* Cisco VPN device driver post-merge cleanup
* Sync excutils from oslo
* Fixes Hyper-V agent security groups enable issue
* cisco: Do not change supported_extension_aliases directly
* NSX: Make replication mode configurable
* Add missing ondelete option to Cisco N1kv tables
* Delete duplicate internal devices in router namespace
Fri Mar 21 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev233.g386aa20:
* ML2: Remove validate_port_binding() and unbind_port()
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* tests/unit: clean up notification driver
* add HEAD sentinel file that contains migration revision
* Fixes the Hyper-V agent individual ports metrics
* BigSwitch ML2: Include bound_segment in port
* Add update binding:profile with physical_network
* Enable to select an RPC handling plugin under Metaplugin
* LBaaS: small cleanup in agent device driver interface
* Ignore PortNotFound exceptions on lockless delete
* Fix misleading error message about failed dhcp notifications
* Bugfix and refactoring for ovs_lib flow methods
Fri Mar 21 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev209.g0ad5c04:
* Add a semaphore to some ML2 operations
* NEC plugin: Honor Retry-After response from OFC
* return false or true according to binding result
* Ensure to count firewalls in target tenant
* Mock agent RPC for FWaaS tests to delete DB objs
* Allow CIDRs with non-zero masked portions
* Cisco plugin fails with ParseError no elem found
* Don\'t use root to list namespaces
* ML2 BigSwitch: Don\'t modify parent context
* Change report_interval from 4 to 30, agent_down_time from 9 to 75
* Stop removing ip allocations on port delete
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Show neutron API request body with debug enabled
* Add session persistence support for NVP advanced LBaaS
* NSX: Fix router-interface-delete returns 404 when router not in nsx
* BigSwitch: Watchdog thread start after servers
* Remove individual cfg.CONF.resets from tests
* BigSwitch: Sync workaround for port del deadlock
* Process ICMP type for iptables firewall
* Kill \'Skipping unknown group key: firewall_driver\' log trace
* API layer documentation
* BigSwitch: Use eventlet.sleep in watchdog
* BigSwitch: Widen range of HTTPExceptions caught
* NSX: Sync do not pass around model object
Wed Mar 19 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev161.g0009e47:
* NSX: Ensure gateway devices are usable after upgrade
* Added missing l3_update call in update_network
* Validate multicast ip range in Cisco N1kv Plugin
Tue Mar 18 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev155.g43ccae0:
* Calculate stateless IPv6 address
* Create new IPv6 attributes for Subnets
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* ML2 plugin involves in agent_scheduler migration
* Check vxlan enablement via modinfo
* NVP LBaaS: check for association before deleting health monitor
Mon Mar 17 13:00:00 2014
- switch over to non-openstack-prefix\'ed users
Mon Mar 17 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev143.gcde3da2:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Avoid long transaction in plugin.delete_ports()
Sun Mar 16 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev140.gb76c9e8:
* Fix KeyError except on router_info in FW Agent
* NSX: fix intermetting UT failure on vshield test_router_create
* NSX: Propagate name updates for security profiles
Sat Mar 15 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev134.g8c86961:
* NSX: remove last of unneed quantum references
* Send fdb remove message when a port is migrated
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Send network-changed notifications to nova
* Notify nova when ports are ready
* Skip radware failing test for now
* Fix in admin_state_up check function
* Fix ml2 & nec plugins for allowedaddresspairs tests
* Fixing lost vlan ids on interfaces
* Adds state reporting to SDN-VE agent
* NSX: nicira_models should import model_base directly
* Remove legacy quantum config path
* Add extraroute_db support for Cisco N1kv Plugin
Fri Mar 14 13:00:00 2014
- Install neutron-ha-tool without the .py suffix
Fri Mar 14 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev111.gc989fc1:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Embrane LBaaS Driver
* Fix unittest failure in radware lbaas driver
* Removes calls to mock.patch.stopall in unit tests
* Create agents table when ML2 core_plugin is used
* Fix usage of sqlalchemy type Integer
Thu Mar 13 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev100.g3067748:
* Stop mock patches by default in base test class
* Query for port before calling l3plugin.disassociate_floatingips()
* Optimize floating IP status update
* NSX: Allow multiple references to same gw device
* VPNaaS Device Driver for Cisco CSR
* Updated from global requirements
* Call target plugin out of DB transaction in the Metaplugin
* After bulk create send DHCP notification
* NSX: Add ability to retry on 503\'s returned by the controller
Wed Mar 12 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev82.g288e312:
* BigSwitch: Fix certificate file helper functions
* Fix ml2 db migration of subnetroutes table
* N1kv: Fixes fields argument not None
Tue Mar 11 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev77.ge17a903:
* Updated from global requirements
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Fix lack of extended port\'s attributes in Metaplugin
* BigSwitch: Fix rest call in consistency watchdog
* Fixed Spelling error in Readme
* Fix unittest failure in radware lbaas driver
* Cisco Neutron plugin fails DB migration
* One Convergence Neutron Plugin l3 ext support
- New sub-package nvsd-agent for the One Convergence NVSD Controller
pluging agent. The plugin is still part of the base package (same
as with most other plugins)
Mon Mar 10 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev62.ga3e7e26:
* Migration support for Mellanox Neutron plugin
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Updated from global requirements
* Add support for tenant-provided NSX gateways devices
* NSX: fix nonsensical log trace on update port
* BigSwitch: Fix cfg.Error format in exception
* BigSwitch: Fix error for server config check
* Floatingip_status migration not including Embrane\'s plugin
* Nuage plugin was missed in floatingip_status db migration script
* Drop old nvp extension file
* Makes the Extension loader behavior predictable
* Enhance GET networks performance of metaplugin
* Developer documentation
Fri Mar 7 13:00:00 2014
- Add and create the openstack-neutron-ha-tool
subpackage for it.
Fri Mar 7 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev36.g005fec6:
* One Convergence Neutron Plugin Implementation
* NEC plugin: delete old OFC ID mapping tables
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Fix typo in migration script
* BigSwitch: Add SSL Certificate Validation
* BigSwitch: Auto re-sync on backend inconsistencies
* Add OpenDaylight ML2 MechanismDriver
* Replaces network:
* strings by constants
* NSX: passing wrong security_group id mapping to nsx backend
* ovs-agent: use hexadecimal IP address in tunnel port name
* Fix DetachedInstanceError for Agent instance
- Drop unused python-coverage and python-pyudev requirements
- Package /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_odl.ini and
Thu Mar 6 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev458.g17698d6:
* Adds the missing migration for gw_ext_mode
* VPNaaS Service Driver for Cisco CSR
* Updated from global requirements
* Do fip_status migration only for l3-capable plugins
* Fix race condition in update_floatingip_statuses
* Implementaion of Mechanism driver for Brocade VDX cluster of switches
* Avoid unnecessarily checking the existence of a device
* Refactor netns.execute so that it is not necessary to check namespace
* Minor refactoring for Hyper-V utils and tests
* Adds Hyper-V Security Groups implementation
* Adds multiple RPC worker processes to neutron server
* NEC plugin: PFC packet fitler support
* Remove unused method update_fixed_ip_lease_expiration
* NSX: make sync backend run more often
* Use database session from the context in N1kv plugin
* ML2 mechanism driver access to binding details
* Reset the policy after loading extensions
* L3 agent fetches the external network id once
Wed Mar 5 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev422.g9c47fa1:
* Rename migration lb_stats_needs_bigint to match revision number
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Different class names for VPNaaS migrations
* ML2: database needs to be initalized after drivers loaded
* replace rest of q_exc to n_exc in code base
* Fix NVP/Nicira nits
* Embrane Plugin fails alembic migrations
* Implement Mellanox ML2 MechanismDriver
* Remove unused \'as e\' in exception blocks
* Improves Arista\'s ML2 driver\'s sync performance
* Remove pyudev dependency
* Fix class name typo in test_db_rpc_base
Tue Mar 4 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev398.g78366ad:
* Remove nvplib and move utility methods into nsxlib
* BigSwitch: Add address pair support to plugin
* Support advanced NVP IPsec VPN Service
* Fix NVP FWaaS errors when creating firewall without policy
* Avoid using \"raise\" to reraise with modified exception
* BigSwitch: Stop using external locks
* Make sure dnsmasq can distinguish IPv6 address from MAC address
* Move db migration of ml2 security groups to havana
Mon Mar 3 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev383.ge99f84c:
* Remove vim line from db migartion template
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Implement OpenFlow Agent mechanism driver
* Log configuration values for OVS agent
* BigSwitch: Asynchronous rest calls for port create
* Openvswitch update_port should return updated port info
* Change tenant network type usage for IB Fabric
Mon Mar 3 13:00:00 2014
- add ibm-agent and restproxy-agent subpackages
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev369.g4e4c894:
* Remove call to addCleanup(cfg.CONF.reset)
* nec plugin: Avoid long transaction in delete_ports
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Finish off rebranding of the Nicira NVP plugin
* Introduce status for floating IPs
* BigSwitch: Add agent to support neutron sec groups
* Adds the new IBM SDN-VE plugin
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Nuage Networks Plugin
* Fixes spelling error Closes-Bug: #1284257
* Updated from global requirements
* Change firewall to DOWN when admin state down
* NSX: add missing space \'routeron\'
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Update License Headers to replace Nicira with VMware
* Renaming plugin-specific exceptions to match NSX
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* DB Mappings for NSX security groups
* NSX: port status must reflect fabric, not link status
* Typo/grammar fixes for the example neutron config file
* NSX: Pass NSX uuid when plugging l2 gw attachment
* stats table needs columns to be bigint
* Remove import extension dep from db migration
* Fix get_vif_port_by_id to only return relevant ports
* Fix NSX migration path
* Add user-supplied arguments in log_handler
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* NSX: Fix newly created port\'s status should be DOWN
* Rename/refactoring of NVP api client to NSX
* Rename DB models and related resources for VMware NSX plugin
Mon Feb 24 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev253.g07a467d:
* Updated from global requirements
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Raise max header size to accommodate large tokens
* NSX: get_port_status passed wrong id for network
* remove pointless test TestN1kvNonDbTest
* Use \"!=\" instead of \"is not\" when comparing two values
* ML2/vxlan/test: remove unnecessary self.addCleanup(cfg.CONF.reset)
* Adds https support for metadata agent
* wsgi.run_server no longer used
* Implements an LBaaS driver for NetScaler devices
* Improve unit test coverage for Cisco plugin model code
* ipt_mgr.ipv6 written in the wrong ipt_mgr.ipv4
* Update help message of flag \'enable_isolated_metadata\'
* Fix invalid facilities documented in rootwrap.conf
* Remove dependent module py3kcompat
* Use six.StringIO/BytesIO instead of StringIO.StringIO
* remove unused imports
* Ensure that session is rolled back on bulk creates
* add router_id to response for CRU on fw/vip objs
* Sync latest oslo.db code into neutron
* Extending quota support for neutron LBaaS entities
Sun Feb 23 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev211.gbd55a52:
* Reset API naming scheme for VMware NSX plugin
* Rename Security Groups related methods for VMware NSX plugin
* Rename L2 Switch/Gateway related methods for VMware NSX plugin
* Rename Router related methods for VMware NSX plugin
* Plugins should call __init__ of db_base_plugin for db.configure
* Fixes broken documentation hyperlinks
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Add support to request vnic type on port
* Fix typo in service_drivers.ipsec
* Add additional unit tests for the ML2 plugin
* Don\'t document non-existing flag \'--hide-elapsed\'
* Removes an incorrect and unnecessary return
* L3 Agent restart causes network outage
Sat Feb 22 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev186.g4d72fe0:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Don\'t require passing in port_security=False if security_groups present
* Use different context for each API request in unit tests
* Sync minimum requirements
* Copy cache package from oslo-incubator
* BigSwitch: Move config and REST to diff modules
* tests/unit: Initialize core plugin in TestL3GwModeMixin
* Fix request timeout errors during calls to NSX controller
* Fix ValueError in ip_lib.IpRouteCommand.get_gateway()
* LBaaS: move agent based driver files into a separate dir
* Refactor to remove _recycle_ip
Fri Feb 21 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev165.g9f1bdec:
* vshield task manager: abort tasks in stop() on termination
* Revert \"Skip a test for nicira service plugin\"
* Validate rule uuids provided for update_policy
* Add update from agent to plugin on device up
* Parse JSON in ovs_lib.get_vif_port_by_id
Thu Feb 20 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev155.gf0182a1:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Remove unused RPC calls from n1kv plugin code
Wed Feb 19 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev151.g7fb2d57:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Add and update subnet properties in Cisco N1kv plugin
Tue Feb 18 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev148.g40832a9:
* Skip a test for nicira service plugin
* Remove DEBUG:....nsx_cluster:Attribute is empty or null
Mon Feb 17 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev144.gb2ac45e:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
Sun Feb 16 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev143.g6e8aeba:
* Avoid processing ports which are not yet ready
Fri Feb 14 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev141.gb70dce2:
* Add DB mappings with NSX logical routers
* Use save_and_reraise_exception when reraise exception
* nec plugin: Compare OFS datapath_id as hex int
* Rename Queue related methods for VMware NSX plugin
* Lowercase OVS sample config section headers
* Fix log-related tracebacks in nsx plugin
* mailmap: update .mailmap
* Remove unused code
Thu Feb 13 13:00:00 2014
- update dependencies
Thu Feb 13 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev128.g4d63a13:
* Add DB mappings with NSX logical switches
* NSX: Fix possible deadlock in sync code
* Raise an error from ovs_lib list operations
* Imported Translations from Transifex
Wed Feb 12 13:00:00 2014
- add dependency to openvswitch-switch
Wed Feb 12 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version neutron-2014.1.dev120.gc900327:
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Add migration support from agent to NSX dhcp/metadata services
* NSX plugin: fix floatingip re-association
* Re-enable lazy translation
* Do not append to messages with +
* Remove psutil dependency
* Fix binding:host_id is set to None when port update
* Return request-id in API response
* Skip extra logging when devices is empty
* Improve handling of security group updates
* ML2 plugin cannot raise NoResultFound exception
* Fix typo in rootwrap files: neuton -> neutron
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Prepare for multiple cisco ML2 mech drivers
* ML2 Cisco Nexus MD: Create pre/post DB event handlers
* Support building wheels (PEP-427)
* NVP plugin:fix delete sec group when backend is out of sync
* Use oslo.rootwrap library instead of local copy
* Fix misspellings in neutron
* Allow multiple DNS forwarders for dnsmasq
* Fix passing keystone token to neutronclient instance
* Fix race condition in network scheduling to dhcp agent
* add quota support for ryu plugin
* Imported Translations from Transifex
* Enables BigSwitch/Restproxy ML2 VLAN driver
* Fix error message typo
* Configure floating IPs addresses after NAT rules
* Add an explicit tox job for functional tests
- Rebased patches:
+ 0001-Only-enable-IP6Tables-managing-if-IPv6-is-available.patch (manually)
- Dropped patches:
+ unlimited-psutil.diff (doesn\'t make sense anymore)
- Remove python-psutil dependency
- Replace git_tarballs source service with download_files and set_version
+ Use upstream URL as source (enables verification)
- Don\'t install /var/run/neutron twice
- Add /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/restproxy.ini and /usr/bin/neutron-nsx-manage
Sun Feb 9 13:00:00 2014
- set firewall_driver also in linuxbridge ini
Fri Jan 31 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev3.gba12cc8:
+ Fix the migration adding a UC to agents table
Thu Jan 30 13:00:00 2014
- move lock_path to /var/run
Wed Jan 29 13:00:00 2014
- configure signing_dir / lock_path
Wed Jan 29 13:00:00 2014
- Package /var/lock/neutron.
- Use correct group name for directory ownerships.
- Do not make /var/{cache,run}/neutron readable by others.
Mon Jan 27 13:00:00 2014
- adjust logrotate script
Mon Jan 27 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev1.gb78eea6:
+ Remove and recreate interface if already exists
Thu Jan 23 13:00:00 2014
- Allow specifying multiple additional config files in
/etc/sysconfig/neutron. This is e.g. needed when using
ml2_conf_cisco.ini for the cisco_nexus mechanism driver
Wed Jan 22 13:00:00 2014
- set interface_driver for LoadBalancer
Tue Jan 21 13:00:00 2014
- set state_path to /var/lib/neutron
Sun Jan 19 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev209.g49efd60:
+ VMware NSX: add sanity checks for NSX cluster backend
+ Clean up ML2 Manager
Fri Jan 17 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev205.g06a2684:
+ Fix negative unit test for sec group rules
+ Configure plugins by name
+ Update RPC code from oslo
Thu Jan 16 13:00:00 2014
- remove flake8/pep8 requires, they come from hacking now
Thu Jan 16 13:00:00 2014
- fix openstack.neutron.init to not start before DB and rabbitmq
Thu Jan 16 13:00:00 2014
- fix ovs-cleanup being run without config file
Thu Jan 16 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev199.gf89cf12:
+ LBaaS: synchronize haproxy deploy/undeploy_instance methods
+ Add binding:host_id when creating port for probe
Tue Jan 14 13:00:00 2014
- Rebased patches:
+ 001-Fix-pip-install-failure-due-to-missing-nvp-ini-file.patch dropped (merged upstream)
Tue Jan 14 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev195.gab1f474:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ VMware NSX: Fix db integrity error on dhcp port operations
+ Make timeout for ovs-vsctl configurable
+ L3 Agent can handle many external networks
+ Fix pip install failure due to missing nvp.ini file
Mon Jan 13 13:00:00 2014
- switch to ML2 network plugin by default (with linuxbridge)
- add unlimited-psutil.diff
- also load loadbalance and vpn plugin
Mon Jan 13 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev185.gd739291:
+ Remove FWaaS Noop driver as default and move to unit tests dir
+ Fix race condition on ml2 delete and update port methods
+ Fix mistake in usage drop_constraint parameters
+ Update lockutils and fixture in openstack.common
Sun Jan 12 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev177.gc9bfbbd:
+ Add test to port_security to test with security_groups
+ Add VXLAN example to ovs_neutron_plugin.ini
+ Remove extra whitespace
+ Fix extension description and remove unused exception
Sat Jan 11 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev169.ga848204:
+ Fix Migration 50e86cb2637a and 38335592a0dc
+ Remove dupl. for get_resources in adv. services
Fri Jan 10 13:00:00 2014
- add 0001-Only-enable-IP6Tables-managing-if-IPv6-is-available.patch
- fix check_migration call on start
Fri Jan 10 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev165.gffa8f68:
+ Update the descriptions for the log cfg opts
Thu Jan 9 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev163.g641e7c6:
+ Add security groups tables for ML2 plugin via migration
+ neutron-rootwrap-xen-dom0 handles data from stdin
+ Remove plugin_name_v2 and extension_manager in test_config
Tue Jan 7 13:00:00 2014
- Add 001-Fix-pip-install-failure-due-to-missing-nvp-ini-file.patch
Tue Jan 7 13:00:00 2014
- remove 0001-Fix-install-after-nicira-vmware-folder-rename.patch
- adjust obsoletes to 2014.1
Tue Jan 7 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev157.g9ebb84c:
+ Corrects broken format strings in
Tue Jan 7 13:00:00 2014
- Add Provides: and Obsoletes: for %package vmware-agent
Tue Jan 7 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev155.g59c078f:
+ Rename nicira configuration elements to match new naming structure
+ Enables quota extension on BigSwitch plugin
+ Use base.BaseTestCase in NVP config test
- add 0001-Fix-install-after-nicira-vmware-folder-rename.patch
- rename subpackage to vmware-agent
Sun Jan 5 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev151.g5317b9e:
+ Fix race in get_network(s) in OVS plugin
Sat Jan 4 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev149.g9f4ba03:
+ Start of new developer documentation
+ Mock looping_call in metadata agent tests
Thu Jan 2 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2014.1.dev145.g40210e5:
+ Add post-mortem debug option for tests
+ Remove redundant codes
+ Rename check_nvp_config utility tool
+ nicira: fix db integrity error during port deletion
+ Fix NoSuchOptError in lbaas agent test
+ Add missing quota flags in the config file sample
+ Remove unused imports
+ Fix empty network deletion in db_base_plugin for postgresql
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Tue Dec 24 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev128.g84aeb9a:
+ BigSwitch: Fixes floating IP backend updates
+ Send DHCP notifications regardless of agent status
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Mon Dec 23 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev122.g8d13b71:
+ Fixes missing method in Hyper-V Utils (Metering)
Sun Dec 22 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev120.g2f49d05:
+ extra_dhcp_opt add checks for empty strings
Fri Dec 20 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev118.gf7dc0ca:
+ Remove start index 0 in range()
+ Do not trigger agent notification if bindings do not change
Thu Dec 19 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev114.ga7bdec1:
+ fix --excluded of meter-label-rule-create is not working
+ ml2: gre, vxlan type driver can leak segment_id
+ Change default eswitchd port to avoid conflict
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Midonet plugin: Fix source NAT
+ ml2/type_gre: Adds missing clear_db to
+ Add support for NSX/NVP Metadata services
Wed Dec 18 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev100.gdcad22f:
+ Updated from global requirements
+ Updates tox.ini to use new features
+ Revert \"move rpc_setup to the last step of __init__\"
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ NVP plugin: Do backend router delete out from db transaction
+ Nicira: Fix core_plugin path and update default values in README
+ Switch to using spawn to properly treat errors during sync_state
+ Update common network type consts to same origin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ NVP plugin: Avoid timeouts if creating routers in parallel
+ Include lswitch id in NSX plugin port mappings
+ NVP: propagate net-gw update to backend
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
- remove sqlalchemy-08x.diff, not needed atm
Thu Dec 12 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev77.g60b43ce:
+ Fix a race condition in agents status update code
+ move rpc_setup to the last step of __init__
+ Add X-Tenant-ID to metadata request
Wed Dec 11 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev71.gdbd6d45:
+ change variable name from plugin into agent
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix str2dict and dict2str\'s incorrect behavior
+ LBaaS: unify haproxy-on-host plugin driver and agent
+ Sync global requirements to pin sphinx to sphinx>=1.1.2,<1.2
Tue Dec 10 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev63.gaa5b4f6:
+ Add vpnaas and debug filters to setup.cfg
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix misspells
+ Handle exceptions on create_dhcp_port
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ atomically setup ovs ports
+ Fix metering iptables driver doesn\'t read root_helper param
+ Improve unit test coverage for Cisco plugin base code
+ Fix bad call in port_update in linuxbridge agent
+ metaplugin: use correct parameter to call neutron client
+ Midonet to support port association at floating IP creation
+ Improve unit test coverage for Cisco plugin nexus code
+ Fix MeteringLabel model to not clear router\'s tenant id on deletion
+ Ensure NVP API connection port is always an integer
+ Fix downgrade in migration
+ Change to improve dhcp-agent sync_state
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Sync dhcp_agent.ini with the codes
+ Handle failures on update_dhcp_port
+ Fix a typo in log exception in the metering agent
+ Sync rpc fix from oslo-incubator
+ Do not concatenate localized strings
+ Fix unable to add allow all IPv4/6 security group rule
+ Improve unit test coverage for Cisco plugin common code
+ Add request timeout handling for Mellanox Neutron Agent
+ Removed erronus config file comment
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add fwaas_driver.ini to setup.cfg
+ Preserve floating ips when initializing l3 gateway interface
+ Remove dead code _arp_spoofing_rule()
+ l3_agent: make process_router more robust
+ Add LeastRouters Scheduler to Neutron L3 Agent
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Remove root_helper config from plugin ini
Wed Dec 4 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev384.g0b2d56c:
+ Move MidonetInterfaceDriver and use mm-ctl
+ update error msg for invalid state to update vpn resources
+ Sync Log Levels from OSLO
+ Adds id in update_floatingip API in PLUMgrid plugin driver
+ Fix downgrade in migration
+ Cisco nexus plugin fails to untrunk vlan if other hosts using vlan
Tue Dec 3 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev372.gfbfa21e:
+ Improve OVS agent logging for profiling
+ Pass in certain ICMPv6 types by default
+ Updates .gitignore
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Sun Dec 1 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev364.g426ada7:
+ Revert \"ML2 plugin should not delete ports on subnet deletion\"
+ Add support for NSX/NVP DHCP services
Sat Nov 30 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev360.g512b4e7:
+ Mock the udevadm in the TunnelTestWithMTU test
Fri Nov 29 13:00:00 2013
- fix requires
Fri Nov 29 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev358.g771f4fa:
+ Avoid dhcp agent race condition on subnet and network delete
+ Handle IPAddressGenerationFailure during get_dhcp_port
+ Fwaas can\'t run in operating system without namespace feature
+ Stop logging unnecessary warning on context create
+ Fix showing nonexistent NetworkGateway throws 500 instead of 404
+ Optionally delete namespaces when they are no longer needed
+ Rebind allowed address pairs only if they changed
+ Add test_handle_router_snat_rules_add_rules
+ Do not add DHCP info to subnet if DHCP is disabled
+ Fix random unit-test failure for NVP advanced plugin
+ Avoid loading policy when processing rpc requests
Thu Nov 28 13:00:00 2013
- add init script for neutron-ovs-cleanup (bnc#848790)
- always run neutron-ovs-cleanup first
Thu Nov 28 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev336.g8f361a6:
+ Enforce unique constraint on neutron pool members
+ Call _destroy_metadata_proxy from _destroy_router_namespaces
+ Update Zhenguo Niu\'s mailmap
+ fixes test_kill_pids_in_file conflicts
+ Send only one agent notification on port update
+ Fix format errors seen in rpc logging
+ Mocking ryu plugin notifier in ryu plugin test
+ Fix downgrade in migration
+ Rebind security groups only when they\'re updated
+ Added check on plugin.supported_extension_aliases
+ Apply six for metaclass
Wed Nov 27 13:00:00 2013
- add sqlalchemy-08x.diff
Wed Nov 27 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev315.g4b47717:
+ Sync openstack.common.local from oslo
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Tue Nov 26 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev311.g15d5f16:
+ remove repeated network type definition in cisco plugin
+ Replace stubout with fixtures
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Mon Nov 25 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev304.gc655156:
+ MidoNet: Added support for the admin_state_up flag
Sun Nov 24 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev302.g75ac6c1:
+ NVP plugin:fix connectivity to fip from internal nw
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Sat Nov 23 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev298.gf0bd2dd:
+ Use correct device_manager member in dhcp driver
+ Correct handling mock.patch.stop method
+ Linux device name can have \'AATT\' or \':\' characters
+ Catch PortNotFound exception during get_dhcp_port
+ Add request-id to log messages
+ Adds tests, fixes Radware LBaaS driver as a result
+ LBaaS UT: use constants vs magic numbers for http error codes
+ Adds delete of a extra_dhcp_opt on a port
+ Fix OVS agent reclaims local VLAN
+ Fix sqlalchemy DateTime type usage
+ Add state reporting to the metadata agent
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ ML2 plugin should not delete ports on subnet deletion
Fri Nov 22 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev272.g67f4c6c:
+ LBaaS: when returning VIP include session_persistence even if None
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Thu Nov 21 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev268.gac260f0:
+ LBaaS: fix reported binary name of a loadbalancer agent
+ Replace mox in unit tests with mock
+ Reduce the severity of dhcp related log traces
+ Ensure get_pid_to_kill works with rootwrap script
+ Move Loadbalancer Noop driver to the unit tests
+ Add configurable ovsdb monitor respawn interval
+ Enable polling minimization
Mon Nov 18 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev256.gbc18247:
+ Add log statements for policy check failures
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Removes unused nvp plugin config param
+ Round-robin SVI switch selection fails on Cisco Nexus plugin
+ Do not run \"ovs-ofctl add-flow\" with an invalid in_port
Sun Nov 17 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev247.g313fdd1:
+ Lower severity of log trace for DB integrity error
Sat Nov 16 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev245.gec5ed3e:
+ Refactor configuring of floating ips on a router
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Fri Nov 15 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev241.g836d2d5:
+ Fix DB integrity issues when using postgres
+ Tune up report and downtime intervals for l2 agent
+ Arista ML2 mech driver cleanup and integration with portbindings
+ Replace a non-existing exception
+ Remove deprecated fields in keystone auth middleware
+ Cleanup HACKING.rst
+ Fix import log_handler error with publish_errors set
Thu Nov 14 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev227.g0e2198e:
+ Remove the warning for Scheduling Network
Wed Nov 13 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev225.g1fa79ce:
+ Updated from global requirements
+ Remove database section from plugin.ini
Tue Nov 12 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev221.g5392ec0:
+ ExtraRoute: fix _get_extra_routes_by_router_id()
+ Don\'t shadow str
+ Simplify using external routers and metadata
+ Remove confusing comment and code for LBaaS
+ DHCP agent scheduler support for BigSwitch plugin
Sat Nov 9 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev211.gad97c96:
+ Support uncompressed ipv6 address and abbreviated ipv4 address
Thu Nov 7 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev209.gb1d56ed:
+ Fix segment range in N1KV test to remove overlap
Sat Nov 2 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev207.gcdad785:
+ sync log from oslo
+ Fix query error on dhcp release port for postgresql
Fri Nov 1 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev203.g97308f1:
+ Creates multiple worker processes for API server
+ Avoid dhcp agent race condition on subnet and network delete
Thu Oct 31 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev199.gac545c5:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Tue Oct 29 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev198.g919f688:
+ Modified configuration group name to lowercase
+ Fix required enum\'s name in migration
Tue Oct 29 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.dev194.g99da250:
+ Fix incorrect indentations found by Pep 1.4.6+
Mon Oct 28 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.a192.ga8c3c0c:
+ Fix TypeError:
+ Updated from global requirements
+ Fix argument mismatch failure for neutron-check-nvp-config
+ Handle 405 error codes correctly in NVP plugin
+ Enable one disabled tests in NEC plugin that blocked by 1229954
+ Fix update_device_up method of linuxbridge plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Remove uneeded variable AGENT_NAME
+ Fix a copy&paste typo
+ Make test_nvp_sync.SyncLoopingCallTestCase reliable
+ fix nvp version validation for distributed router creation
+ Removing workflows from the Radware driver code
+ Utilizes assertIsNone and assertIsNotNone
+ NVP: Correct NVP router port mac to match neutron
+ Ensure OVS plugin is loaded in OVS plugin test
+ LBaaS: Fix incorrect pool status change
+ Fix error while creating l2 gateway services in nvp
Sun Oct 27 13:00:00 2013
- remove 0001-Fix-update_device_up-method-of-linuxbridge-plugin.patch
Fri Oct 25 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.a158.gd7ee301:
+ change assertEquals to assertEqual
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Thu Oct 24 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.a155.g30ba5b3:
+ Spawn arping in thread to speed-up floating IP
Wed Oct 23 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.a153.g7ce5368:
+ Update send_arp_for_ha default in l3_agent.ini
+ change NetworkVxlanPortRangeError to base NeutronException
Tue Oct 22 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.a149.g0dd9315:
+ change seld into self
Sun Oct 20 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.a148.ga04e91d:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix to not send fdb updates when no port changes
+ Updated from global requirements
+ Add error log for SystemExit in dhcp-agent
+ Fix lb doesn\'t remove vxlan int. if no int. map
Sat Oct 19 14:00:00 2013
- fix requires of vpn-agent
Sat Oct 19 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.a139.g71b5ccf:
+ Fix L2pop to not send updates for unrelated networks
+ Set wsgi logger to use __name__
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ avoid changing the rule\'s own action
Fri Oct 18 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.a132.g1db88c3:
+ Detect and process live-migration in Cisco plugin
+ nvp:log only in rm router iface if port not found
Thu Oct 17 14:00:00 2013
- update requires
- add 0001-Fix-update_device_up-method-of-linuxbridge-plugin.patch
Thu Oct 17 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.a129.gb94b4b0:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Thu Oct 17 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.a128.g85e798d:
+ Removing rpc communication from db transaction
+ Handle VLAN interfaces with Linux IP wrapper
+ Add port bindings to ports created in Midonet
+ use proxy mode on vxlan interface only when l2-population is activated
+ Fix IP recycling on exhausted pool
+ Update Cisco N1KV plugin to VSM REST api calls
+ Cleanup and make HACKING.rst DRYer
Wed Oct 16 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.a114.gd63ef8e:
+ Updating address pairs with xml doesn\'t work
+ Remove obsolete redhat-eventlet.patch
+ Improve ovs_lib bridge management
+ Add the option to minimize ovs l2 polling
+ Avoid suppressing underlying error when deploy.loadapp fails
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix access to lifetime dict in update_ipsecpolicy method
Tue Oct 15 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.a101.g8ed9b2c:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ cisco/nexus plugin doesn\'t create port for router interface
+ Add support for managing async processes
Mon Oct 14 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.a96.g6e71f90:
+ Raise ConfigFilesNotFoundError if CONF.api_paste_config not found
+ Utilizes assertNotIn
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Utilizes assertIn
+ Add quota table in PLUMgrid plugin
+ BigSwitch: correct net to backend on floating IP disassociation
+ Correct the typo %{edge_id)s
+ Fix dhcp_release lease race condition
+ Correct the exception message
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fixes port status hanging to build status
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix migration
+ Fix auto-deletion of ports when deleting subnets in ML2
+ Fallback to Quota Conf Driver if Quotas table is not defined
+ DB migration upgrade/downgrade not employed for brocade-plugin
+ Use L3 api from vpn ipsec driver via service plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Wed Oct 9 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2014.1.a61.gc7db907:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Disassociate floating IPs from port on terminate
+ Prevent L3 agent looping calls from hanging
Sat Oct 5 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.rc1:
+ Cisco plugin should check for switch - vlan bindings
+ Disable lazy translation
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Should not add metadata filter rules if disable metadata proxy
+ add greenthread.sleep to increase yields
+ Updated from global requirements
+ create milestone migration for Havana release
Wed Oct 2 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a780.gb94a602:
+ Increase number of concurrent_connections to nvp
Tue Oct 1 14:00:00 2013
- set log to verbose by default
- require dnsmasq-utils on 13.1 or newer
Tue Oct 1 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a778.g6d089df:
+ Fixes Hyper-V agent RPC calls for ML2 support
+ Fix auto-deletion of ports and subnets in ML2
+ Add error log for SystemExit in l3-agent
+ Add missing migration for fields in Cisco Nexus table
+ ML2 Cisco Nexus mech driver portbinding support
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Ensure that security group agent is bound prior to accessing
+ Reverse the order of interface update and DNAT rule config
+ Fix to enable delete of firewall in PENDING_CREATE state
+ Improve ml2_conf.ini
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Sun Sep 29 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a757.g5527e76:
+ Add host routes and dns nameservers to Midonet DHCP
+ Fix adding identical metering rules on two labels
+ Pythonic method names for l3_agent unit tests
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Sat Sep 28 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a750.g4f14217:
+ Sync rootwrap with code from oslo
+ Ensure router exists when auto_schedule_routers
+ Add an option for always synchronizing status
+ Allowed Address Pairs support in NEC plugin
+ Send proper exception info as expected by the neutron client
+ Redefine behavior for NvpAdvancedPlugin during network creation
+ Raise an exception if no router_id provided
Fri Sep 27 14:00:00 2013
- switch to crudini
Fri Sep 27 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a736.gbf7a895:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Allow sharing of firewall rules and policies in policy.json
Thu Sep 26 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a732.gae56b4e:
+ Ensure nullable=False for netid in packetfilters table
Thu Sep 26 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a730.g0836aab:
+ Properly synchronize status for ports deleted from backend
+ Port Cisco nexus subplugin UT to ML2 mech driver UT
+ Require oslo.config 1.2.0 final
+ Fix FWaaS plugin to allow one firewall per tenant
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ add portbinding host into vip port
+ Remove code that bypasses some midonet plugin unit tests
+ Fix port deletion in NEC Plugin
+ Sync gettextutils from oslo
+ Change hard coded numbers to constants in security group tests
Wed Sep 25 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a711.g81f69ca:
+ LBaaS: include inactive members when retrieving logical config
+ Apply VPN migration to correct plugin
+ Neutron network delete fails with brocade plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Tue Sep 24 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a703.g868fcea:
+ Handle long integer conversion in NEC portinfo validation tests
+ Use built-in print() instead of print statement
+ Flip to pythonic method names for context unit tests
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix usage of _fields method in
+ Ensure names are truncated to accommodate NVP limit
+ Port Cisco nexus and network db UT to ML2 mech driver UT
+ Fix for status always in PENDING_CREATE for Edge service router
Mon Sep 23 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a687.g4fa69a1:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Sun Sep 22 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a686.gd000a92:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Remove ununsed method update_providers
+ Fix URL used in NCS mechanism driver sync_full() operation
+ NVP plugin: Set default max_lp_per_bridged_ls to 5000
Sat Sep 21 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a679.g76112fe:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Allow non-admin user to list service providers
Fri Sep 20 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a676.g177bfb0:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix bridge logical chaining
+ FWaaS - fix reordering of rules in policy
+ Sync gettextutils from oslo
+ Cisco plugin portbinding extension support
+ Change header from LLC to Foundation
+ Fix ovs-vsctl call in add_tunnel_port()
+ Fix handling of floating IP association info in Nicira plugin
+ Do not apply security groups to logical ports
+ Change daemon Pidfile class to not use root_helper
Thu Sep 19 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a657.g289d353:
+ Support for NVP advanced FwaaS service
+ Support advanced NVP LBaaS Service
+ BigSwitch plugin: passes context to all update_network calls
+ Fixing two comments regarding bind_port in ml2
+ Prevent update_port ip_address from matching address_pair
+ Port binding registration with NeutronDbPlugin causes Neutron crash
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Make router-interface-delete work in N1kv plugin
+ BigSwitch plugin: allow \'external\' keyword in router rules
+ Dynamically adjust max number of leases
+ Fix KeyError for NVP plugin during portbinding update
Wed Sep 18 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a636.g6aa2312:
+ Fix failure in multi-chunk state sync for nicira plugin
+ Fixes hyperv neutron agent test, and removes exit
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Increase size of peer_address attribute in VPNaaS
+ Fix error raised when router-interface-delete on no-snat routers
Tue Sep 17 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a626.gcabcabd:
+ Don\'t need to init testr in
+ Enhance exception translation to better handle NeutronExceptions
+ Fix haproxy agent unit test to be runnable alone by tox
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ FWaaS - fix policy association of firewall rule
+ _validate_network_tenant_ownership must be less strict
Mon Sep 16 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a614.g289524b:
+ Stop popen patch correctly in test_agent_linux_utils
+ Don\'t add neutron metadata_nat_rules if disable metadata proxy
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Using constant error codes instead of hard-coded
+ Add router ownership check on vpnservice creation
Sun Sep 15 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a604.g28b52f8:
+ Prevent stale DHCP directories for dhcp agent nodes
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Use same hostname function as nova
+ Add new L3 RPC topic support to Ryu plugin
Sat Sep 14 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a597.g932e5b5:
+ pass default l3_gateway_service_uuid if not specified
+ Fix ovs_lib\'s issue of parsing flow proto field
+ Fix error code for deletion of router which is in use by vpnservice
+ Fix incorrect NotImplementedError
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Hash device_id only if it is longer than the allowed MAX size for NVP
+ Fix incorrect comment re:distributed router in nicira plugin
+ Add NvpPluginV2 to migration 4a666eb208c2
+ Fixes Hyper-V agent unsopported network_type issue
Fri Sep 13 14:00:00 2013
- fix package requires
Fri Sep 13 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a579.g497a9a6:
+ Add l2 population base classes
+ OVS agent implementation of l2-population
+ Vxlan / L2population support to Linuxbridge Agent
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fixed typo defult_tz_uuid
+ Fix LinuxBridge test name from Openvswitch
+ Add (useful) missing headlines to nvp unit test files
+ Clean up code of virt_phy_sw_v2 module
+ Avoid performing extra query for fetching qos bindings
Thu Sep 12 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a563.gdbf051d:
+ Adds help text to brocade configuration options
+ Register an extend_dict function for ext_gw_mode extension
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Adds support for L3 routing/NAT as a service plugin
+ Ensure pid file is removed when metadata ns daemon receives SIGTERM
+ Support for NVP advanced service router
+ bp: pxeboot-port, provide pxeboot on ports
+ Fix unable to ping floating ip from internal_ip
Wed Sep 11 14:00:00 2013
- fix linux bridge plugin name
Wed Sep 11 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a550.g72c969f:
+ Avoid KeyError \'distributed\' exception when using NVP <3.x
+ add missing comma to supported alias string list
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Tue Sep 10 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a546.gd785562:
+ Move declaration of int_br_device_count earlier
+ LBaaS: Fix healthmonitor disassociation for non-admin
+ Fix message i18n error
+ Enhance unittest for hyperv_neutron_agent
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Make neutron.common.log.log print module path
Sun Sep 8 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a534.g57ce39f:
+ Fix IF checks on spawned green thread instance
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Enclose command args in
Sat Sep 7 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a528.g0f81818:
+ Load ML2 mech drivers as listed in ml2_conf.ini
+ Replace assertEquals with assertEqual
+ Prevents 400 NVP errors caused by a None display_name
+ Mock midonetclient in test_midonet_lib
Fri Sep 6 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a522.g394741c:
+ VCNS driver implementation
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Ensure unit tests do not let looping calls roam freely
+ Allow None for binding:profile attribute
+ Add method to get iptables traffic counters
+ Iptables metering driver
+ Implement MidoNet Neutron plugin for Havana
+ Use admin context to retrieve metadata ports in NVP plugin
+ Implement Allowed Address Pairs
+ Add sub-type field to VXLAN network profiles for Cisco N1KV plugin
+ Fix NVP plugin to send notifications for gateway-less subnets
+ fix conversion type missing
+ LBaaS: make haproxy stats parsing more safe
+ Install metering_agent.ini and vpn_agent.ini
+ Allow default network and policy profiles
+ vArmour gateway agent and FWaaS driver
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
- Drop 0001-Install-metering_agent.ini-and-vpn_agent.ini.patch: merged upstream
Thu Sep 5 14:00:00 2013
- Add 0001-Install-metering_agent.ini-and-vpn_agent.ini.patch:
Install config files for metering and vpn agents
- Update sub-packages accordingly
Thu Sep 5 14:00:00 2013
- add vpn/metering-agent subpackages
- Update to version 2013.2.a489.g61a0574:
+ Adding more unit tests for the FWaaS agent
+ Introduce periodic state synchronization with backend
+ Add Neutron l3 metering agent
+ LBaaS: add status of pool-monitor association to the pool return dict
+ Fixes formatting exception from logging in BigSwitch plugin
+ OpenFlow distributed router support in NEC plugin
+ Embrane Neutron Plugin
+ Reference driver implementation (IPsec) for VPNaaS
+ Add jump to float-snat chain after clearing snat chain
+ ensure that Arista test destroys the database
+ Add support for the multiprovider API to ML2
+ ML2 Mechanism Driver for Cisco Nexus
Wed Sep 4 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a466.g0f35cdd:
+ LBaaS: update status of members according to health statistics
+ Sync rpc fix from oslo-incubator
+ Allow subclasses to modify dict_extend hooks
+ Export portinfo thru portbinding ext in NEC plugin
+ ML2 Mechanism Driver for Tail-f Network Control System (NCS)
+ Arista ML2 Mechanism driver
+ ML2 type and mech managers should use instance vars for drivers lists
+ LBaaS integration with service type framework
+ Default to not capturing log output in tests
+ Refactoring for nicira plugin to support NVP DHCP/Metadata services
+ Implement ML2 port binding
+ Verify MTU is valid for ipsec_site_connection
Tue Sep 3 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a444.g795155c:
+ Multi-segment and trunk support for the Cisco N1Kv Plugin
+ Use system locale when Accept-Language header is not provided
+ Deal with 501 errors from NVP correctly
+ Fix port creation issue appeared with postgresql backend
+ Enable authentication between PLUMgrid Director and Plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ subnet calls of ml2 mechanism driver
+ Make Neutron NVP plugin future-versions friendly
+ BigSwitch plugin - add portbinding info in requests to controller
+ Support for Floating IPs in PLUMgrid plugin
+ Fix script to build rpm required for L2 OVS agent for XenServer
+ Adds support for the Hyper-V WMI V2 namespace
+ Remove trailing comma
+ Minimize ovs l2 agent calls to get_vif_port_set()
+ Fix DHCP agent to work without extra_dhcp_opt extension
+ Adds metrics collection support in Hyper-V
Mon Sep 2 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a440.g9928edb:
+ Fix 500 error on invalid security-group-rule creation for NVP
+ Correct VPNaaS limit checks in extension
+ Add missing match in OVS agent tunnel mac leaning
+ Analyze re-raised exceptions in Cisco Plugin
+ Add extra_dhcp_opt extension to BigSwitch/Floodlight plugin
+ Refactor BigSwitch error handling to use db rollbacks
Sun Sep 1 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a429.g6902013:
+ bp: pxeboot-port, provide pxeboot on ports
+ Return 400 if creating a distributed router on old NVP platforms
Sat Aug 31 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a426.g9c34ac6:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix comment typo s/no/so
+ Create RPC connection before modifying OVS bridges
Fri Aug 30 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a421.g0f3750c:
+ Fix unsuitable assertTrue/assertFalse in api ut
+ Support for NVP distributed router
+ Load tables of service plugins when migration auto generation
+ Corrects error in ml2 rpc log message formatting
Fri Aug 30 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a413.g828601f:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add recent neutron extentions and IB support
+ Fix a race condition in add_tunnel_endpoint()
+ Use assertEqual instead of assertEquals
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add list of pool ids to HealthMonitor dict
+ Fix incorrect usage of assertTrue()
+ Improve dhcp agent structure to support multiple dhcp models
+ Forbid update of subnet gateway ip when in use by a port
Thu Aug 29 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a396.gc2f819d:
+ Use system locale when Accept-Language header is not provided
+ Deal with 501 errors from NVP correctly
+ Fix port creation issue appeared with postgresql backend
+ Enable authentication between PLUMgrid Director and Plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ subnet calls of ml2 mechanism driver
+ Make Neutron NVP plugin future-versions friendly
+ BigSwitch plugin - add portbinding info in requests to controller
+ Support for Floating IPs in PLUMgrid plugin
+ Fix script to build rpm required for L2 OVS agent for XenServer
+ Adds support for the Hyper-V WMI V2 namespace
+ Remove trailing comma
+ Minimize ovs l2 agent calls to get_vif_port_set()
+ Allow for skipping admin roles loading on context creation
+ Avoid performing extra query for fetching mac learning binding
+ Correct spelling mistake
Tue Aug 27 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a364.g3b929a8:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Separate l3 db tests for l3 agent into their own test case
Mon Aug 26 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a361.g855a4aa:
+ Enable GRE and VXLAN with the same ID
Mon Aug 26 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a359.g5a55dff:
+ Add metadata_proxy_socket into configuration files
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Fri Aug 23 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a355.g1c2e111:
+ make neutron-ns-metadata-proxy configurable
+ Use subnet id instead of wrong built-in id()
+ Syslog support for neutron metadata proxy
+ Fix typos and code style check
+ Fix auth_url in metadata_agent.ini
+ Remove calls to policy.check and policy.enforce from plugin code
+ Adding VPC support to the Cisco plugin
+ Disallow non-admin to specify binding:profile
Thu Aug 22 14:00:00 2013
- Add neutron-usage-audit
- Update to version 2013.2.a339.g6d00e70:
+ Add multiple provider network extension
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ remove binaries under bin
+ Add ext-gw-mode support to ML2
+ Add missing ForeignKeyConstraint to Cisco providernet migration
Wed Aug 21 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a331.g589071a:
+ Fix ML2 VXLAN TypeDriver DB migration
+ Remove global DB_ENGINE from Neutron
+ Update mailmap
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Tue Aug 20 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a323.g7a79ea4:
+ Fix wrong example in HACKING.rst
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Set BigSwitch plugin to use existing host database model
+ Enable SNAT by default in L3 agents
+ Ensure nvp resources are tagged with an up-to-date version of Neutron
Mon Aug 19 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a313.gfc3ab14:
+ Fixes Windows setup dependency bug
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Sun Aug 18 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a309.g4e94646:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Sat Aug 17 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a308.g438b2f3:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fixes typos in
+ Include PLUMgrid plugin in some alembic migration files
+ Handle nvp default l3 gw service misconfiguration appropriately
+ Returns 503 if the NVP cluster is in maintenance mode
+ Revert \"Refactor configuring of floating ips on a router.\"
+ Bumps hacking to 0.7.0
+ Fix case error in qpid exchange name. s/Direct/direct/
Fri Aug 16 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a293.gd6e9767:
+ Add metering extension and base class
+ LBaaS: throw proper exception on duplicating monitor association
+ Restore Babel to requirements.txt
+ Fixes typos in comments
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Mock os.makdirs to avoid directory creation in unit tests
+ Do not call remove_router_lport in remove_router_interface
+ Remove long db transaction for metadata access network
+ Unify exception thrown in l3-agent-scheduler fails
+ Fixes files with wrong bitmode
Thu Aug 15 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a273.g1bf2724:
+ Add wrap_name param to the iptables_manager class
+ Fix test_update_status unit test in Loadbalancer test suite
Wed Aug 14 14:00:00 2013
- hide sudo messages from syslog by default, they can be numerous
Wed Aug 14 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a269.g748c58d:
+ Sync rpc/ from oslo-incubator.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix some NVP tests do not do cleanup of nvp ports
+ Remove DHCP lease logic
+ fix up inadevertant octal to make hacking pass
+ Revert \"Sync rpc/ from oslo-incubator.\"
+ Remove references to enable_metadata_access_network_option
+ Fix copy and paste error in docstring.
+ Nicira plugin: Reduce message severity to DEBUG from INFO
+ make assertRaises() test for specific exceptions
+ Updated from global requirements
+ Remove last vestiges of nose
+ Refactor configuring of floating ips on a router.
+ allow subclasses to modify the parents model hooks
+ Drop quantum dhcp lease update bin
+ Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) Iptables Driver
+ Enable conversion for composite attribute items
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
- No need to require shadow-utils anymore, even SLE_11_SP3 has pwdutils
- Refreshed dependencies
- Drop 0001-Updated-from-global-requirements.patch: Merged upstream
- Drop outdated binaries:
+ {neutron,quantum}-dhcp-agent-dnsmasq-lease-update
Tue Aug 13 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a234.gf3c016d:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ sync some configuration items with codes
+ Cleanup remaining code that used \'status\' fields of HealthMonitor
+ Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) Agent
+ Fix resource status in NEC Plugin
+ Add missing space in the message produced by AATTlog
+ Add support for the Nexus 1000V into the Cisco Plugin.
Mon Aug 12 14:00:00 2013
- added python-babel as requirement for the server
Sat Aug 10 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a221.g6eae300:
+ Fix H102, H103 Apache 2.0 license hacking check error
+ LBaaS: pass the complete healthmonitor object to driver
+ Add support for service plugins to the migration framework
+ Make DbPlugin accept status in create_network().
+ Fix broken database migration for Cisco plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Fri Aug 9 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a209.g3021cf1:
+ Fix BigSwitch plugin to handle device_id re-use in porttracker code
+ Enable localizable REST API responses via the Accept-Language header
+ Fix two typos in routing table configuration
+ Change decorator to webob as doesn\'t need to be wsgi
+ Fix path for the linuxbridge plugin in folsom initial DB structure
+ Separate packet filter activation from port operation in NEC Plugin
+ Sync oslo gettextutils
+ Fix lbaas_pool_scheduler db migration
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Externalize error messages in the API
+ Remove unused
*AlreadyAttached exceptions
+ Make SubnetMismatchForPort extend BadRequest rather than Conflict
+ Ignore pbr
*.egg directory
Fri Aug 9 14:00:00 2013
- add 0001-Updated-from-global-requirements.patch
Thu Aug 8 14:00:00 2013
- switch to python-setuptools
- remove python-d2to1
Thu Aug 8 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a183.gd4fe7a7:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ refactor port binding codes
+ Delete useless and wrong comments in NEC Plugin
+ Cisco plugin db code cleanup, part II
+ Do not alter test_config global in test_extension_ext_gw_mode
+ Correct NVP license header files
+ Remove openstack.common.exception usage
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix wrong column name in db migration script of ryu plugin
Wed Aug 7 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a168.gf27fba3:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Make NEC Plugin ignore duplicated messgae from the agent
Tue Aug 6 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a166.g537674c:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Mon Aug 5 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a165.g3313448:
+ VPNaaS datamodel IKEPolicy lifetime unit typo
+ Adds Babel dependency missing from 555d27c
+ Avoid overwrite value of deprecated name in conf.
Sun Aug 4 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a161.g6004fbe:
+ Fix the alphabetical order in requirement files
+ Fix enum definition in FWaaS DB schema migration
+ Fix typo in FK name in VPNaaS DB schema migration
+ Remove status
* fields from HealthMonitor model
Sat Aug 3 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a153.gefc9a15:
+ LBaaS: add status field to PoolMonitorAssociation table
+ Rename a variable name _ENGINE to _DB_ENGINE in metaplugin.
+ Sync gettextutils from oslo
+ Fix branch in db migrations
+ Remove comments from requirements.txt (workaround pbr bug)
+ Fix alias for ext-gw-mode extension in nicira plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Fri Aug 2 14:00:00 2013
- fix dependencies
Fri Aug 2 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a141.g688338a:
+ PLUMgrid plugin v2
+ Fix lbaas db migration
+ Followup fixes to FWaaS API patch
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix docstring to reflect what the method actually does.
Thu Aug 1 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a132.g4e16ed9:
+ Fixing some typos found during translation
+ Fix logic for building field_list in update
+ defer firewall updates to iptables data structures
+ Remove last of assertEquals
+ Make NEC Plugin keep error resources
+ VPN as a Service (VPNaaS) API and DataModel
+ Fix test fail in neutron.tests.unit.test_security_groups_rpc
+ Dhcp agent sync_state may block or delay configuration of new networks.
+ Create peer router port in appropriate port driver function
+ Prompted error message is not correct for PortNotFound
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Sync latest gettextutils from oslo-incubator
+ Avoid performing extra query for fetching port security binding
Wed Jul 31 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a107.gef0405a:
+ Update to latest oslo rootwrap
+ Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) APIs and DB Model
+ Fix ill-formed column definition in migration downgrade step.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add default route to dhcp agent netns.
+ Separate NVP create lport operation and neutron db transaction
Tue Jul 30 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a96.gc0d3c58:
+ Clean-up in the unit tests for NVP plugin
Tue Jul 30 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a94.g48f214c:
+ Fix l3_agent unit tests
+ Sync dhcp agent configuration items
+ Fix creation of trusted queues for the NVP plugin.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Mon Jul 29 14:00:00 2013
- Split out plugin-cisco sub-package. To avoid general dependency on
python-nccclient. We will split out other plugins similarly once
support for them is implemented properly
Mon Jul 29 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a88.ge12ed79:
+ Update references with new Mailing List location
Sat Jul 27 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a87.g52e0631:
+ Allow to clear extra routes from router
+ do not raise exception on ip address recycle operation
+ Fix migration branch appeared after recent commit
+ Ensure that L3 managed port have status ACTIVE
+ Deal with intermittent OverflowError in gate-neutron-python26
+ NVP sample config option should match code.
+ ML2 tunnel drivers validate provider networks correctly
Fri Jul 26 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a74.g473a9b5:
+ Fixed miss spelled updated in test name
+ Add support to the port binding extension for the NVP plugin.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Passing the error message as keyword argument
+ Allow OVS default veth MTU to be configured.
+ Service Type Framework refactoring
Thu Jul 25 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a64.g60bd299:
+ remove netifaces dependency of ryu-agent
+ Remove use_namespaces option from etc/lbaas_agent.ini
+ remove \"get_agents\" rule in policy.json
+ set static route for windows 2003
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix DHCP agent to work with latest dnsmasq
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Providernet extension support for the Cisco Nexus plugin
Wed Jul 24 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a50.gb5d1c99:
+ GRE tunnels should include local_ip.
+ Cisco plugin check for a valid nexus driver
+ nvp plugin rxtx_factor readonly update port
+ Fixes Opt type of \"topologyname\"
+ remove policy checks in port_security tests
+ LBaaS: add delete_health_monitor() to driver API
+ Clean up Cisco plugin config parameters
Tue Jul 23 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a36.gd766f1f:
+ Add agent scheduling for LBaaS namespace agent
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Mon Jul 22 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a33.gaa39de6:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Sun Jul 21 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a32.g5256ad4:
+ Add help strings to Config Options
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Sat Jul 20 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a29.gc5b903b:
+ Allow to clear extra routes in NVP
+ Add decorator helping to log method calls.
+ Add support for the agent extension to NVP Plugin.
+ Fix revision branches appeared after merging recent patches
+ remove repeated allocation_pools check in unittest
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Avoid refreshing firewall rules unnecessarily.
Fri Jul 19 14:00:00 2013
- fix install of test files
Fri Jul 19 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a17.gd364d03:
+ Add status description field for lbaas objects
+ Register agent schedulers options in one place
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Update the ML2 README file with the latest tunnel changes
Thu Jul 18 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a999.gf9665c9:
+ Apply Oslo ModelBase to NeutronBase
+ port-update fails when using SELECT FOR UPDATE lock
Thu Jul 18 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a995.g1bd4563:
+ Preserve packet:byte counts in iptables_manager.
+ Re-assign quantum.api module as last operation
+ Ensure PortSecurityDBTestCase loads correct plugin
+ Use the correct tunnel_type to notify agents
+ Improve l3-agent performance and prevent races in it.
+ Enable policy control over external_gateway_info sub-attributes
+ xenapi - rename quantum to neutron
+ Enable logging before using it
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Limit min<=max port check to TCP/UDP in secgroup rule
+ Nicira NVP plugin support for l3_ext_gw_mode extension
+ Add gre tunneling support for the ML2 plugin
+ Add VXLAN tunneling support for the ML2 plugin
+ Fix argument name mismatch in L3-RPC sync_routers
+ Fixes argument mismatch in l3-agent
+ Improve packet-filter test coverage in NEC Plugin
+ modernize quantum config in proper place
+ Improve lbaas haproxy plugin_driver test coverage
+ LBaaS: update DB pool stats received from lbaas agent
+ rename quantum into neutron
- Drop neutron-suse-config-defaults.diff and update openstack-utils
usage instead
- Drop 0001-rename-quantum-into-neutron.patch: upstream
Thu Jul 18 14:00:00 2013
- added missing files neutron-rootwrap-xen-dom0 and
quantum-rootwrap-xen-dom0 to package openstack-neutron
Wed Jul 17 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a991.g0b4ada8:
+ Preserve packet:byte counts in iptables_manager.
+ Re-assign quantum.api module as last operation
+ Ensure PortSecurityDBTestCase loads correct plugin
+ Use the correct tunnel_type to notify agents
+ Improve l3-agent performance and prevent races in it.
+ Enable policy control over external_gateway_info sub-attributes
+ xenapi - rename quantum to neutron
+ Enable logging before using it
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Limit min<=max port check to TCP/UDP in secgroup rule
+ Nicira NVP plugin support for l3_ext_gw_mode extension
+ Add gre tunneling support for the ML2 plugin
+ Add VXLAN tunneling support for the ML2 plugin
+ Fix argument name mismatch in L3-RPC sync_routers
+ Fixes argument mismatch in l3-agent
+ Improve packet-filter test coverage in NEC Plugin
+ modernize quantum config in proper place
+ Improve lbaas haproxy plugin_driver test coverage
Tue Jul 16 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a956.g5eeb582:
+ Add support for the extra route extension in the NVP plugin.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix random OverflowError exceptions in gate-neutron-python26 tests
Mon Jul 15 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a951.ga79faea:
+ Ensure a name of packet filter is stored in NEC plugin
+ Import Oslo\'s common rootwrap to Neutron
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Modify the OVS agent to support multiple tunnel_types concurrently.
+ Prevent possible server list damage in BigSwitch plugin
Sun Jul 14 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a942.gd487320:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add option to ignore backend HTTP error in BigSwitch plugin
+ Cisco plugin db code cleanup
+ Fix TestDhcpAgentEventHandler test that fails in some Jenkins runs.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Rename to Neutron in sample init.d script
Sat Jul 13 14:00:00 2013
- add 0001-rename-quantum-into-neutron.patch
* fix default config file after neutron rename
- fix rootwrap setting
Sat Jul 13 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a932.gbd18990:
+ Refactor unit tests for NEC Plugin
+ Improve DHCP agent performance
Fri Jul 12 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a929.gdebf769:
+ Initial Modular L2 Mechanism Driver implementation.
+ Validate dscp value less that 64
+ Be compatible with oslo.config 1.2.0a3+
+ Quiet down a large log file heavy hitter.
+ Fix issue with pip installing oslo.config-1.2.0
Fri Jul 12 14:00:00 2013
- remove 0001-Be-compatible-with-oslo.config-master.patch
Thu Jul 11 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a919.g58424dd:
+ Allow gateway address to be unset for an existing subnet
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add cover/ to .gitignore
Wed Jul 10 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a914.gd80048e:
+ validate and recommend the cidr
+ Fix for Cisco plugin sample config.
+ Allow router route update in XML.
+ git remove old non-working packaging files
+ Ensure that the neutron server is properly monkey patched
Tue Jul 9 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a905.g5434abb:
+ Divide dhcp and l3 agent scheduling into separate extensions
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Tue Jul 9 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a901.g0aa5bec:
+ fix some missing change from quantum to neutron
+ add notification_driver to compatibilty clean-up
Mon Jul 8 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a898.g62fb7ad:
+ Complete rename to Neutron
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ clean-up missing rename
Mon Jul 8 14:00:00 2013
- update requires
Sun Jul 7 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a895.g75f03f3:
+ Rename quantum to neutron in .gitreview.
+ Rename Quantum to Neutron
+ Sync install_venv_common from oslo
Sat Jul 6 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a891.gcecfe07:
+ Allow non-root ip in subnet CIDR
+ Fix unit test for ryu-agent
Fri Jul 5 14:00:00 2013
- provide/obsolete openstack-quantum
Thu Jul 4 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a887.g8ceac10:
+ Remove unused database table from Cisco plugin
Thu Jul 4 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a885.g5d56e6b:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Do not mask NotImplementedError exceptions
Wed Jul 3 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a882.g0fc6605:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Jointly load ExternalNetwork with Network
Tue Jul 2 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a879.g9c18ac1:
+ Add support for moving ip/addresss/default gateway
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Move NVP DB extensions under dbexts module.
Mon Jul 1 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a874.g84982e7:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Sun Jun 30 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a873.g81c3a17:
+ Deprecate enable_tunneling in the OVS agent
+ Support a timeout argument when instantiating a bigswitch plugin
+ dom0 rootwrap - case insensitive xenapi section
+ faster quantum-openvswitch-agent periodic reports
+ Fix case with no host_id in BigSwitch plugin
+ Nicira plugin: Do not expect a minimum number of SNAT rules
+ Update code to properly use dict returned from get_gateway.
+ Remove duplicate _check_provider_update from plugins
+ Fix logic for handling SNAT rules
+ Improve Nicira plugin test coverage
Sat Jun 29 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a854.gd6a4c49:
+ move database config items into quantum.conf
+ Port location tracking for BigSwitch Plugin
+ Ensure that the report state is not a blocking call
+ Improve readability for nvplib error messages.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Fri Jun 28 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a845.g5634c34:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Use host route as router option
+ Remove reference to quantum cli in provider network extension
Thu Jun 27 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a841.g49d7f87:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Require greenlet 0.3.2 (or later)
Wed Jun 26 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a838.g090432c:
+ Update to use OSLO db
Wed Jun 26 14:00:00 2013
- Add caching directory in /var/cache/quantum
Wed Jun 26 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a836.g23284e7:
+ Converts \'router\' section to lowercase in bigswitch config
+ replace use of dhcp_lease_time with dhcp_lease_duration
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Do not raise NEW exceptions
Tue Jun 25 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a830.g34c4d9c:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Mon Jun 24 14:00:00 2013
- add 0001-Be-compatible-with-oslo.config-master.patch
- remove quantum-test-default-state-path.patch
Mon Jun 24 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a828.gb4d933e:
+ Remove single-version-externally-managed in setup.cfg
Sat Jun 22 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a826.g4c48e48:
+ Fix haproxy plugin_driver.update_health_monitor() signature
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Always include tenant_id in port delete request
+ Adds support for router rules to Big Switch plugin
Fri Jun 21 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a820.gcc260d5:
+ Make sure exceptions during policy checks are logged.
+ Fix IP spoofing filter blocking all packets.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix single-version-externally-mananged typo in setup.cfg
+ Adds default route to DHCP namespace for upstream name resolution.
Thu Jun 20 14:00:00 2013
- update requires
Thu Jun 20 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a811.g248375e:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Allow use of lowercase section names in conf files
+ Reference default_servicetype group in lowercase
+ Fix TestNecAgentMain not to call sys.exit()
Wed Jun 19 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a803.ga0f8d5a:
+ Correct log message in l3_rpc_agent_api
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Mon Jun 17 14:00:00 2013
- Do not make /etc/quantum/quantum.conf world-readable: it contains
Mon Jun 17 14:00:00 2013
- Only require python-discover on SLE since it\'s backporting features
to Python-2.6
Mon Jun 17 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a801.g55dbdb7:
+ xenapi: fix rootwrap
+ Remove unit tests that are no longer run.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Reduce plugin accesses from policy engine
+ Rename agent_loadbalancer directory to loadbalancer
+ Fix branch in db migration scripts
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Remove code duplication from loadbalancer db plugin
+ Enable attribute-based policy on router:external_gateway_info
+ set default for gw conn info in nvp_networkgw extension
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Update to the latest stevedore
+ Require pbr 0.5.16 or newer
Fri Jun 14 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a777.ga78207e:
+ Make reference lbaas implementation as a pluggable driver
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Update with latest OSLO code
+ Rename agent_loadbalancer directory to loadbalancer
+ Remove wrong reference to object attribute in nvplib
Thu Jun 13 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a769.g72936dc:
+ Adding SVI support to the Cisco Nexus plugin
+ Ensure to remove auto delete ports from OFC in NEC plugin
+ Add support for VXLAN to the Open vSwitch plugin.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Remove explicit distribute depend.
Wed Jun 12 14:00:00 2013
- add dnsmasq depency for dhcp-agent
Wed Jun 12 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a760.g08561f3:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Protect PoolStats table from negative values.
+ Use Python 3.x compatible octal literals
+ Improve detection of config errors in nvp.ini file
Tue Jun 11 14:00:00 2013
- set openstack-quantum homedir to /var/lib/quantum
Tue Jun 11 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a753.g1bfd162:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix and enable H90x tests
+ Hide lock_prefix argument using synchronized_with_prefix()
+ Expose most common QueuePoll parameters from SQLAlchemy
Mon Jun 10 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a746.gff50266:
+ Remove generic Exception when using assertRaises
+ Sync Qpid RPC fix from Oslo
+ Change lazy=\'dynamic\' to \'joined\' in models_v2
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add support for protocol numbers
Sun Jun 9 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a737.g78c3f89:
+ Adds support for the Indigo Virtual Switch (IVS)
+ Improve test coverage in NEC plugin
+ Nicira plugin: always fetch lports from correct lswitch
+ nicira plugin: load subnet once when adding router interface
+ Handle portinfo msg after port deletion in NEC plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Sat Jun 8 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a726.g02a573a:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Fri Jun 7 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a725.gf83931a:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix typo in l3_agent
+ Add API mac learning extension for NVP
Thu Jun 6 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a719.g298ce32:
+ Add
*.swo/swp to .gitignore
+ Add extra details in BigSwitch config
+ Fix branch in db migration scripts
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Sort NVP supported extensions alphabetically
+ multi-vendor-support-for-lbaas
Tue Jun 4 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a708.gd98f814:
+ Add rollback for Cisco plugin update_port failure
+ Port profile should not mark vlan as native-vlan
+ Rename README to README.rst
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ DbQuotaDriver allows negative quotas to be set.
+ Add InvalidExternalNetwork exception to display correct error
+ Add execute file mode bits to quantum-mlnx-agent
+ NEC plugin: Ensure to delete portinfo when port_removed RPC.
- README changed to README.rst
Mon Jun 3 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a694.gf21d52c:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ python3: Introduce py33 to tox.ini
Sun Jun 2 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a691.gc675e0b:
+ Enable router extension in Brocade Plugin
Sat Jun 1 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a689.gfa42c08:
+ Rename requires files to standard names.
+ Fix pool update error in lbaas
+ Fix Cisco nexus plugin failure for first VLAN on phy interface
+ Control resource extension process defining required extensions
+ Fix typo
+ Make MidoNet plugin code more testable
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add L3 resources to policy.json
+ Sphinx-ify QuantumPluginBaseV2 docstrings
Fri May 31 14:00:00 2013
- update requires
Fri May 31 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a671.gb5e76a8:
+ Align default value notation in configuration files
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Thu May 30 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a668.g726aca5:
+ Remove unnecessary checks for MultipleResultsFound
+ Configurable external gateway modes
+ Initial Modular L2 plugin implementation.
+ Refactor db_base_plugin_v2 and to remove code duplication
+ Fix ml2 stack trace when logging.
Wed May 29 14:00:00 2013
- drop 0001-Use-exec_dirs-for-rootwrap-commands.patch,
0002-restore-extra-filters.diff, iptables-firewall.filters.patch
Wed May 29 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a658.g010bfa6:
+ Add support for OVS l2 agent in XS/XCP domU.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix update_port() so that it\'s done within the transaction
+ metadata proxy will use syslog as default log
+ Use exec_dirs for rootwrap commands
+ Add sqlalchemy_pool_size option to default config files
+ Revert dependency on oslo.config 1.2.0
Wed May 29 14:00:00 2013
- remove setBadness call from rpmlintrc
Tue May 28 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a646.gc65a39d:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Tue May 28 14:00:00 2013
- update requirements for test subpackage
Mon May 27 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a645.gff36751:
+ Remove calls to policy.check from plugin logic
+ Fix linuxbridge RPC message format
+ Fix logic in test_db_loadbalancer
+ relax amqplib and kombu version requirements
+ Add negative UT cases for subnet/GW create/update
+ Improve ovs and linuxbridge agents rpc exception handling
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ fix reference to tenant id.
+ Add support for dnsmasq version 2.48
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Docstrings formatted according to pep257
+ Move to pbr.
+ Docstrings formatted according to pep257
+ Deprecate \"extension:xxx\" policies but preserve bw compatibility
+ Add l3 attribute to network
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Check network vlan ranges for correctness.
+ Fix logic in api.v2.base.Controller._is_visible
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Make logging level in unit tests configurable.
+ Reference QUOTA OptGoup names in lowercase
+ Enable quantum-netns-cleanup to receive force as cli parameter
+ Reference DEFAULT_SERVICETYPE OptGoup names in lowercase
+ Make endpoint_type configurable for the metadata agent
+ Add update method of security group name and description
+ Reference OVS OptGoup names in lowercase
+ Enable network to be scheduled to N DHCP agents
+ Restore correct alias for network-gateway extension
+ Fix Cisco Nexus plugin failures for vlan IDs 1006-4094
+ reference quota options in lowercase
+ Revert \"Fix ./ --pep8\"
+ Recycle IPs used by \'gateway\' ports
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix quantum.conf comment
+ remove unused db model for openvswitch plugin
+ update mailmap
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Require oslo.config 1.2.0a2
+ Fix typo in option group shortcut \'aGENT\' in NEC plugin
+ avoid auto scheduling one dhcp agent twice.
+ Perform a sync with oslo-incubator.
+ Nicira plugin: List ports on network gateways
+ Added conversion specifier for proper log
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Ensure API extensions for NVP are loaded by default
- Split out hyper-v agent into sub-package
Mon May 27 14:00:00 2013
- python-pbr/d2to1 requires
Mon May 27 14:00:00 2013
- remove ignore-kombu-version.diff:
+ Merged upstream
Fri May 17 14:00:00 2013
- One alembic dependency is enough
Thu May 16 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a563.g129a473:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Wed May 15 14:00:00 2013
- add mlnx subpackage
Wed May 15 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a562.g391108a:
+ Add a configuration item to disable metadata proxy
+ Fix testcase \'TestPortsV2.test_range_allocation\' failed randomly
+ Fix invalid status code assertion after handle expected exception
+ Fix testcase \'test_create_subnet_with_two_host_routes\' failed
+ blueprint mellanox-quantum-plugin
+ add db to save host for port
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ make default transport type configurable nvp
+ Add missing unit test for NVP metadata_mode option
+ Add ability for core plugin to implement advanced services
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix ./ --pep8
+ get_security_groups now creates default security group
+ Allow ports to be created on networks that do not exist in NVP
Mon May 13 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a538.g47c399b:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Update flake8 pinned versions.
Sun May 12 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a534.g91b56e4:
+ Do not require sudo/rootwrap to check for dnsmasq version
Sat May 11 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a533.g21575de:
+ Add kill-metadata rootwrap filter to support RHEL.
+ Log a warning if dnsmasq version is below the minimum required
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix usage of NexusPortBindingNotFound exception
+ Fix usage of SQLAlchemy Query.first() method
+ Change Daemon class to better match process command lines.
Fri May 10 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a522.gbdc8fee:
+ Don\'t run metadata proxy when it is not needed
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ in dhcp_agent, always use quantum.conf root_helper
+ Improve checking of return values for functions in linuxbridge agent plugin
+ Fetch routers ports for metadata access from DB
+ Create a common function for method _parse_network_vlan_ranges used by plugins.
Thu May 9 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a512.g916d54d:
+ Avoid extra queries when retrieving routers
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Copy the RHEL6 eventlet workaround from Oslo
Wed May 8 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a507.g6590388:
+ Import recent rootwrap features in local rootwrap
Wed May 8 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a505.gf941267:
+ Fix 500 raised on disassociate_floatingips when out of sync
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ update-port error if port does not exist in nvp
+ Update import of oslo\'s processutils.
+ Validate that netaddr does not receive a string with whitespace
+ blueprint cisco-plugin-exception-handling
+ Calculate nicira plugin NAT rules order according to CIDR prefix
+ Log msg for load policy file only if the file is actually loaded
Tue May 7 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a490.g9ad0ba1:
+ Perform a joined query for ports and security group associations
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Duplicate line in Brocade plugin
Mon May 6 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a485.g91a9330:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Remove unnecessary code from create_pool_health_monitor method
+ Adds POST method support in the metadata service
+ Let the cover venv run individual tests.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Sat May 4 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a477.g3ee00b1:
+ Only map nicira_nvp_plugin module if installed
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix usage of Query.all() and NoResultFound
+ Treat unbound port
Fri May 3 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a469.g8322d81:
+ Avoid initialization of policy engine before extensions are loaded
+ Set network_device_mtu as integer
+ Allow admin to delete default security groups
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Do not attempt to kill already-dead dnsmasq
Thu May 2 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a459.gd4f3179:
+ Docstrings formatted according to pep257
+ Docstrings formatted according to pep257
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Use sql alchemy to fetch a scalar for the max tunnel id
+ Fix \'null\' response on router-interface-remove operation
+ Fix port_id filter not honored
+ Update RPC code from OSLO
Wed May 1 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a445.gdbae68c:
+ Improve Python 3.x compatibility
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Use Query instances as iterables when possible
+ Docstrings formatted according to pep257
+ Docstrings formatted according to pep257
Tue Apr 30 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a436.gaa6ba83:
+ Docstrings formatted according to pep257
+ Add tests for LinuxBridge and OVS agents
+ Remove calls to policy.enforce from plugin and db logic
+ Docstrings formatted according to pep257
+ Stub out get_networks_count properly for pnet unit tests
Mon Apr 29 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a428.g07299e3:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Mon Apr 29 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a427.g0dfd5c6:
+ Fix logic issue in OVSQuantumAgent.port_unbound method
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Sun Apr 28 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a424.gfb927db:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Sat Apr 27 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a423.g6672769:
+ Create veth peer in namespace.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Simplify delete_health_monitor() using cascades
+ Update latest OSLO code
Fri Apr 26 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a415.gea9aeb6:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Send 400 error if device specification contains unexpected attributes
+ Simplify NVP plugin configuration
Thu Apr 25 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a411.g941bb21:
+ Make the \'admin\' role configurable
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Wed Apr 24 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a407.g9c5f9cb:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add string \'quantum\'/ version to scope/tag in NVP
+ Metadata agent: reuse authentication info across eventlet threads
+ lbaas: check object state before update for pools, members, health monitors
Tue Apr 23 14:00:00 2013
- remove quantum from the summary
Tue Apr 23 14:00:00 2013
- set external_network_bridge in l3_agent to \"\" (defaults for linuxbridge)
Mon Apr 22 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a400.g765baf8:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Mon Apr 22 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a399.gbe4fdfa:
+ Return unicode for object in json and xml serializer
+ Fix unit tests for RHEL
+ blueprint cisco-single-config
+ Fix lb-vip does not get route to default gw
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add RabbitMQ and QPID HA support flags to quantum.conf
+ Use wrappers instead of direct calls to ip route.
+ Add missing security group quota settings to quantum.conf
+ Revert \"Use wrappers instead of direct calls to ip route.\"
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add expected IDs to router.interface.
* notifications
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Switch to flake8 from pep8.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Reformat openstack-common.conf
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ L3NatExtensionTestCase: super.setup should be invoked once
+ Sync with oslo-incubator copy of
+ refactor _get_sync_routers to use get_routers.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Update to the latest oslo loopingcall.
+ Improve the deprecated message about DEFAULT.root_helper
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Allow pdb debugging in manually-invoked tests.
+ Make \"shared\" filter more compatible with diff DBs
+ Parallelize quantum unit testing:
+ Implement LB plugin delete_pool_health_monitor().
+ Ensure unit tests work with all interface types
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Shorten the path of the nicira nvp plugin.
+ Enable automatic validation of many HACKING rules.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Changed DHCPV6_PORT from 467 to 547, the correct port for DHCPv6.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Remove locals() from strings substitutions
Tue Apr 2 14:00:00 2013
- Fix for metadata agent init script.
Tue Apr 2 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a340.g54f1e75:
+ Fixes report state failed with qpid rpc backend
+ Update latest OSLO
+ Adjust exception message in l3 agent
+ Ensure DB pooling code works with newer eventlet versions
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add metadata support for nvp plugin without namespaces
+ Fix kwargs for FloatingIPPortAlreadyAssociated.
+ Fix kwargs for NECDBException.
+ Create a fake netconf client for Cisco nexus unit tests
+ Mark \'sql_connection\' config option as secret
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Change the quantum-ns-metadata-proxy log file name.
+ Enable exception format checking when testing.
+ Support for SSL in wsgi.Server
+ Add VIRTUAL_ENV key to enviroment passed to patch_tox_env
+ Add lbaas_agent files to
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Pass metadata port to metadata proxy
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Prevents a portinfo deletion in vm migration with NEC plugin.
+ Fix for Cisco plugin physical device config error
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Enable authZ checks for member actions
+ Update Ryu plugin README
Mon Mar 25 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a295.g7ef4d88:
+ Synchronize QuantumManager.get_instance() method
+ Allow tests in TestDhcpAgentEventHandler run independently
+ Improve test coverage for quantum wsgi module
+ Validate protocol when creating VIP.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add scheduling support for the Brocade plugin
+ fix mis-placed paren in log statement for l3-scheduler
+ Set fake rpc implementation in test_lb_quantum_agent
+ Fix haproxy cfg unit test
+ Load all the necessary database tables when running cisco plugin
+ Add bulking support for Cisco plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix DB query returning ready devices in LoadBalancerCallbacks
+ Fix typo in policy.json and checks in nicira plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ NVP metadata access - create elevated context once
+ Ensure that lockfile are defined in a common place
+ Fix race condition in dhcp agent
+ NVP metadata access - create elevated context once
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ adding parameter to configure QueuePool in SQLAlchemy
+ Fix issues with db pooling
+ Fixing the syntax error in the XML Serializer
+ use the fact that empty sequences are false
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Revert back to \'call\' for agent reports
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Raise VipExists exception in case Vip is created or updated for a pool that already has a Vip
+ netns: ip netns exec kill doesn\'t make sense
Tue Mar 19 13:00:00 2013
- add iptables-firewall.filters.patch and temporarily
comment out the osloconfig/rootwrap merge as it seems
to have more issues that need fixing first
Mon Mar 18 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.2.a248.g711f949:
+ Merge \"Adds delete-orphan to database deletion.\"
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Merge \"Pin SQLAlchemy to 0.7.x\"
+ Merge \"Set fake rpc backend impl for TestLinuxBridgeAgent\"
+ Merge \"Registers root_helper option for test_iptables_firewall\"
+ Pin SQLAlchemy to 0.7.x
+ Adds delete-orphan to database deletion.
+ Merge \"Do not disable propagate on root logger\"
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Do not disable propagate on root logger
+ Registers root_helper option for test_iptables_firewall
+ Resolves ryu plugin unittest errors
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Sync latest Oslo components for updated copyright.
+ Merge \"drop\"
+ drop
+ Replace \"OpenStack LLC\" with \"OpenStack Foundation\"
+ sync Oslo Grizzly stable branch with Quantum
+ Merge \"Switch to final 1.1.0 oslo.config release\"
+ Merge \"First havana commit.\"
+ First havana commit.
+ Switch to final 1.1.0 oslo.config release
+ Set fake rpc backend impl for TestLinuxBridgeAgent
Mon Mar 18 13:00:00 2013
- Drop +git.$TIMESTAMP.$COMMITHASH version suffix
Mon Mar 18 13:00:00 2013
- introduced sysconfig file to be able to specify the location
of the plugin configuration used in several init scripts
Sun Mar 17 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a229.g3299621+git.1363520020.3299621:
+ Add l3 db migration for plugins which did not support in folsom
+ remove references to netstack in
+ port_security migration does not migrate data
+ Ensure port get works when NVP mapping not stored in Quantum DB
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Switch to final 1.1.0 oslo.config release
+ sync Oslo Grizzly stable branch with Quantum
+ Replace \"OpenStack LLC\" with \"OpenStack Foundation\"
+ drop
+ Sync latest Oslo components for updated copyright.
Fri Mar 15 13:00:00 2013
- add 0001-Use-exec_dirs-for-rootwrap-commands.patch:
* use exec_dirs for rootwrap configuration
- drop iptables-firewall.filters.patch:
* obsoleted by above patch
- Add requires to openvswitch
Fri Mar 15 13:00:00 2013
- added noreplace to configuration files to not overwrite them
when updating the packages
Thu Mar 14 13:00:00 2013
- iptables-firewall.filters.patch added to adapt the
locations of the iptables binaries in the configuration
Thu Mar 14 13:00:00 2013
- use $PLUGIN_ARGS in openstack-quantum-plugin.init as arguments
for the service to be started
Thu Mar 14 13:00:00 2013
- added init script for metadata-agent
- fixed wrong SED statement for replacing __NAME__ in the init
script template
Thu Mar 14 13:00:00 2013
- added missing requirement python-novaclient to python-quantum
Wed Mar 13 13:00:00 2013
- added missing %config parameters
Wed Mar 13 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a213.gd20a1f3+git.1363133414.d20a1f3:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Update oslo rpc libraries
+ Updates latest OSLO changes
+ Adds Grizzly migration revision
+ Fix detection of deleted networks in DHCP agent.
Wed Mar 13 13:00:00 2013
- add sqlalchemy-update.diff:
* make it compatible with sqlalchemy 0.7.10
Tue Mar 12 13:00:00 2013
- python-oslo-config -> python-oslo.config
Tue Mar 12 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a204.g6b9ce70+git.1363046681.6b9ce70:
+ Sets default MySql engine to InnoDB
+ Solve branch in migration path
Mon Mar 11 13:00:00 2013
- Add lbaas-agent subpackage
- Update to version 2013.1.a201.g6e9fe5d+git.1363001602.6e9fe5d:
+ Add midonet to
+ Add password secret to brocade plugin
+ Limit chain name to 28 characters
+ Latest common updates
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add default state_path to quantum.conf
+ Fixes import reorder nits
+ Enables packetfilter ext in NEC plugin based on its driver config
+ Set default api_extensions_path for NEC plugin
+ Use testtools instead of unittest or unittest2.
+ Make sure all db accesses use subtransaction
+ Remove network type validation from provider networks extension
+ Fix NVP plugin not notifying metadata access network to DHCP agent
+ Fetch all pages when listing NVP Nat Rules
+ Enable multiple L3 GW services on NVP plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Limit amount of fixed ips per port
+ Port update with existing ip_address only causes exception
+ Add scheduling feature basing on agent management extension
+ NVP Router: Do no perfom SNAT on E-W traffic
+ Fix retrieval of shared networks
+ NVP plugin support for dhcp network scheduling
+ create a Quantum port to reserve VIP address
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Bump python-quantumclient version to 2.1.2
+ LBaaS Agent Reference Implementation
+ Remove deprecated assertEquals alias.
+ Enabled add gateway to refrain from checking exit code
+ Remove compat cfg wrapper
+ Add session persistence support to LBaaS HAProxy driver
+ Add stats reporting to HAProxy namespace driver
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Use db model hook to filter external network
+ mock quantum.agent.common.config.setup_logging
+ Ensure max length of iptables chain name w/o prefix is up to 11 chars.
+ Cisco plugin support for creating ports without instances
+ fix update_port to get tenant_id from db rather than request
+ Replace direct tempfile usage with a fixture.
+ Unpin PasteDeploy dependency version
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Move network schedule to first port creation.
+ Host route to metadata server with Bigswitch/Floodlight Plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Set fake rpc implementation in metaplugin test configuration.
+ enable linuxbridge for agent scheduler
+ NEC plugin support for dhcp network and router scheduling
+ Change the default l3_agent_manager to L3NATAgent
+ Prevent exception with VIP deletion
+ Add initial testr support.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Enable HA proxy to work with fedora
+ Incorrect argument in calling post_json
+ Allow DHCP and L3 agents to choose if they should report state
+ Include health monitors expected codes upper bound into HAProxy config
+ Add UT for LBaaS HAProxy driver
+ Avoid sending names longer than 40 character to NVP
+ Pin pep8 to 1.3.3
+ move cisco-specific extensions to Cisco extensions directory
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ L3 port delete prevention: do not raise if no IP on port
+ Fixes linuxbridge agent downs with tap device deletion timing issue
+ Rename source_(group_id/ip_prefix) to remote_(group_id/ip_prefix)
+ Setup device alias by device flavor information.
+ Delete DATABASE option checkup testcases
+ Prevent DoS through XML entity expansion
+ fix incorrect pathname
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add common test base class to hold common things.
+ Switch to oslo.config.
+ Make pep8 conf match tox.
+ Fix syntax error in and missing
+ Populate default explicit allow rules for egress
+ fix mis-matched kwargs for a few calls to NvpPluginException
+ Moved the configuration variables.
+ Load quota resources dynamically
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Notify creation or deletion of dhcp port for security group
+ Show default configuration Quotas
+ isolated network metadata does not work with nvp plugin
+ NVP plugin: configure metadata network only if overlapping IPs are enabled
+ Lock tables for update on allocation/deletion
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ add ns-metadata-proxy rootwrap filters to dhcp.filters
+ Create quantum client for each api request in metadata agent
+ Allow probe-create to specify device_owner.
+ Enable handling the report_state RPC call in Brocade Plugin
+ Wrap quota controller with resource.Resource
+ Fix exception typo
+ Add explicit egress rules to nvp security profile
+ Update to Quantum Client 2.2.0
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Filter out router ports without IPs when gathering router sync data
+ Do not delete subnets with IPs on router interfaces
+ Disable secgroup extension when Noop Firewall driver is used
+ Ensure metadata access network does not prevent router deletion
+ NVP plugin: return 409 if wrong router interface info on remove
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Log the configuration options for metadata-proxy and agent.
+ Fix typo
+ Fixes Hyper-V agent issue with mixed network types
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ missing - in --config-file
+ Update tox.ini to support RHEL 6.x.
Mon Mar 4 13:00:00 2013
- Add python-keystoneclient Requires in python-quantum: for some
reason, the dependency never got added.
Tue Feb 26 13:00:00 2013
- bash3 on SLE11 dosne\'t support associative arrays. agent init scripts
generation uses plain arrays.
Mon Feb 25 13:00:00 2013
- fix typo within python-oslo-config requirement
Mon Feb 25 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a21.gbec2549+git.1361815086.bec2549:
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Add pagination parameters for extension extraroute
Mon Feb 25 13:00:00 2013
- also run DB migrations during start
Mon Feb 25 13:00:00 2013
- agent startup script set agent specific configuration file
- added depency on oslo-config
- improved logrotate config file
Mon Feb 25 13:00:00 2013
- Install init scripts for the quantum plugins
- Change requires to prereq to ensure that the quantum user
is already created
- Configure log_dir properly
Sun Feb 24 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a18.g9435203+git.1361731757.9435203:
+ Add an update option to
+ Add routed-service-insertion
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Metadata support for NVP plugin
+ Add unit test for ryu-agent
+ Modify dhcp agent for agent management extension
+ Exit if DHCP agent interface_driver is not defined
+ Improve error handling when nvp and quantum are out of sync
+ Support Port Binding Extension in BigSwitch plugin
+ Update latest OSLO files
+ Supporting pagination in api v2.0
+ Add Quantum support for NVP Layer-2 gateways
+ Raising error if invalid attribute passed in.
+ Routing table configuration support on L3
+ plugin/nec: Make sure resources on OFC is globally unique.
+ Implement MidoNet Quantum Plugin
+ Add support Quantum Security Groups for Ryu plugin
+ Resolve branches in db migration scripts to G-3 release
+ Add check-nvp-config utility
+ Sync latest with olso
+ Add pagination support for xml
+ Correct permissions on quantum-hyperv-agent
+ Close file descriptors when executing sub-processes
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Provide a default api_extensions_path for nvp_plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ AttributeError: No such RPC function \'report_state\'
+ refactor LoadBalancerPluginDbTestCase setUp()
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Remove external_id and security group proxy code
Fri Feb 22 13:00:00 2013
- BuildRequire openstack-suse-macros instead of openstack-common-macros
Mon Feb 18 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a571.g4298be0+git.1361180672.4298be0:
+ Add firewall_driver option to linuxbridge_conf.ini
+ L3 API support for nicira plugin
+ Adds API parameters to quantum.api.extension.ResourceExtension
+ Move auth_token configurations to quantum.conf
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Use AssertEqual instead of AssertTrue
+ only destroy single namespace if router_id is set
+ Remove duplicated option state_path from netns cleanup
+ Fix NVP L3 gateway ports admin_state_down on creation
+ Remove cfg option default value and check if missing
+ Unused methods in quantum.wsgi clean up
+ Alembic migration script for Loadbalancing service
+ Add check for subnet update with conflict gateway and allocation_pools
+ Support advanced validation of dictionaries in the API.
+ Synchronize code from oslo
+ Persist updated expiration time
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Support iptables-based security group in NEC plugin
+ Adds Brocade Plugin implementation
+ Add support for extended attributes for extension resources
+ Mark password config options with secret
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ PLUMgrid quantum plugin
+ Avoid extra query when overlapping IPs are disabled
+ Allow tests from test_dhcp_agent run independently
+ L3 API support for BigSwitch-FloodLight Plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fixed the typo of loadbalancer test case.
+ Rename admin_status_up to admin_state_up
+ Update nvplib to use HTTP constants
+ Add unit tests for Open vSwitch Quantum plugin
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Unable to update port as non-admin nvp plugin
+ Allow nicira plugin to handle multiple NVP API versions
+ Add nvp qos extension
+ Shorten the DHCP default resync_interval
+ Use oslo-config-2013.1b3
+ Add Migration for nvp-qos extension
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Decouple helper functions from L3NatDBTestCase
+ Need to pass port[\'port\'] to _get_tenant_id_for_create()
+ Agent management extension
+ Fix SG interface to reflect the reality
Thu Feb 14 13:00:00 2013
- Add server, dhcp-agent, l3-agent, linuxbridge-agent,
metadata-agent, nec-agent, ryu-agent and openvswitch-agent
Tue Feb 12 13:00:00 2013
- set default to Linux Bridge plugin
Mon Feb 11 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a498.gb6cf408+git.1360595339.b6cf408:
+ add non-routed subnet metadata support
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Implements quantum security groups support on OVS plugin
+ Improvements to API validation logic.
+ fix grammar in NetworkInUse exception
+ Sync latest cfg from oslo-incubator
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
Fri Feb 8 13:00:00 2013
- relax kombi and amqplib hardcoded version requires
Fri Feb 8 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a487.gab7e653+git.1360319021.ab7e653:
+ Define root_helper variable under the [AGENT] section
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Be smarter when figuring out broadcast address
+ Cisco plugin cleanup follow up commit
+ Allow tools/ to be run from within the source directory.
+ Use policy_file parameter in quantum.policy
+ Adds xml support for quantum v2 API.
+ Register root_helper in test_debug_commands and test_dhcp_agent
+ Updated to latest oslo-version code.
+ Bad translation from network types to nvp transport types
+ Update .coveragerc
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Fix import error in ryu-agent
+ Add NVP Security group support
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Enable OVS and NETNS utilities to perform logging
Mon Feb 4 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1+git.1359979278.f4b1c5f:
+ Fixes rest of \"not in\" usage
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Resetting session persisnence for a VIP.
+ Improve data access method of ryu-agent
+ Fixes \'not in\' operator usage
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Adds support of TCP protocol for LBaaS VIPs.
+ Sync latest cfg from oslo-incubator
+ Remove redunant key list generation in Cisco plugin
+ Fixes if statement inefficiency in quantum.agent.linux.interface
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Postgresql ENUM type requires a name exceptions NVP Plugin
+ correct spelling of Notify in classname
+ Disable dhcp_domain distribution when dhcp_domain is empty
+ Make protocol and ethertype case insensitive for security groups
+ Fix branch in db migration scripts
+ Finish adding help strings to all config options in Quantum code.
+ Add NVP port security implementation
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Set default lock_path in state_path
+ Use from oslo.
+ Make get_security_groups() return security group rules
+ Fix OVSQuantumAgent.port_update if not admin_state_up
+ Clean up imports
+ Fixes import order errors
+ OVS cleanup utility removes veth pairs
Mon Jan 28 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1+git.1359364943.32daf52:
+ Revert \"Reqd. core_plugin for plugin agents & show cfg opts loaded.\"
+ Reqd. core_plugin for plugin agents & show cfg opts loaded.
+ Ensure that correct root helper is used
+ Fix InvalidContentType can\'t be raised because of error in constructor
+ OVS: update status according to admin_state_up
+ Cisco plugin cleanup
+ Improving code reuse with loadbalancer entity deletion
+ Fix database reconnection
+ Fixes per tenant quota doesn\'t work
+ Adds port security api extension and base class
+ LinuxBridge: set port status as \'DOWN\' on creation
+ LinuxBridge: update status according to admin_state_up
+ Use babel to generate translation file
Fri Jan 25 13:00:00 2013
- Ship sudoers configuration for nova-rootwrap. Depends on
Wed Jan 23 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1+git.1358959221.6f64997:
+ LBaaS plugin returns unnecessary information for PING and TCP health monitors
+ set allocation_pool_id nullable=False
+ make IPv6 unit test work on systems with eth0
+ Support Port Binding Extension in NEC plugin
+ Enable NEC OpenFlow plugin to use per-tenant quota
+ Enhance wsgi to listen on ipv6 address
+ Fix i18n messages
+ Update Oslo rpc
+ Enforces generic sqlalchemy types in migrations.
+ Remove redudant code
+ Removes redundant code in quantum.api.api_common
+ Fix i18n messages in quantum.api.api_common
+ Completes unittest coverage of quantum.api.api_common
+ Enable test_agent_ovs_cleanup to be run alone
+ Fix i18n messages for cisco plugin
+ Provide atomic database access for ports in linuxbridge plugin
Wed Jan 23 13:00:00 2013
- Clean up %config(noreplace), only logrotate config and
files should be noreplace
Mon Jan 21 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1+git.1358762030.e289125:
+ Add help strings to config file options in Quantum code.
+ Document that code is on github now in README.
+ Config lockutils to use a temp path for tests.
+ Fix downgrade revision to make db migration linear
+ Send notification on router interface create/delete
+ More unittests for quantum.api.v2.base
+ Fixes inefficiency in quantum.api.v2.base._filters
+ Refactor hyperv plugin and agent.
+ Update Oslo rpc module
+ Provide atomic database access nvp plugin
+ _validate_security_groups_on_port was not validating external_ids
+ Update WebOb version to >=1.2
+ Ensure that agents also set control_exchange
+ Add a common test case for Port Binding Extension
+ Fix line endings from CRLF to LF.
+ Fixes import order nits
+ Fix ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED comparison errors
+ Add migration for network bindings in NVP plugin
+ NEC OpenFlow plugin supports L3 agent RPC
+ Update latest OSLO.
+ Catch up RPC context fixes on NEC OpenFlow plugin
+ ensure all enums in loadbalancer models have names
+ Adding multi switch support to the Cisco Nexus plugin
+ Name the securitygrouprules.direction enum.
+ Adds support for deploying Quantum on Windows
+ Adds a Hyper-V Quantum plugin
+ Add exception validation for subnet used.
Wed Jan 16 13:00:00 2013
- Add quantum-test-default-state-path.patch: Our testing state path is
\"/var/lib/openstack-quantum-test\", not %python_sitelib. Thus we
disable that assertion
Mon Jan 14 13:00:00 2013
- Fix %pre scriptlet
Mon Jan 14 13:00:00 2013
- Split out doc package
- Updated requirements
- Dropped py_compile job
Mon Jan 14 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1+git.1358164870.90747ff:
+ Inform a client if Quantum provides port filtering feature
+ Remove unsused imports in the plugins package
+ DHCP agent unable to access port when restarting
+ Remove unused imports in unit tests
+ Use default_notification_level when notification
+ Latest OSLO updates
+ NvpPluginException mixes err_msg and err_desc
+ Fixes i18n messages in nvp plugin
+ Fixes quantum.api.v2.base._filters to be more intuitive
+ Fix for loadbalancer vips list
+ rename port attribute variable to SECURITYGROUPS from SECURITYGROUP
+ Remove relative imports from NVP plugin
+ Port to argparse based cfg
+ Fix database configuration of ryu-agent
+ Pass X-Forwarded-For header to Nova
+ The change implemented Lbaas CRUD Sqlalchemy operations.
+ Iptables security group implementation for LinuxBridge
+ Update the migration template\'s default kwargs
+ add migration support for lb security groups
+ Fix import for quantum-db-manage
+ Allow nvp_api to load balance requests
+ API extension and DB support for service types
+ Add migration support to Quantum
+ Remove some unused imports
+ Undo change to require WebOb 1.2.3, instead, require only >=1.0.8
+ Add common support for database configuration
+ Fixup import syntax error in unit test
+ Enable the user to enforce validity of the gateway IP
+ Add comment to indicate bridge names\' length
+ refactor QuotaV2 import to match to other exts
+ change xxx_metadata_agent() into xxx_metadata_proxy()
+ Fix the replacement placeholder in string
+ Ensure that exception prints UUID and not pointer.
+ .gitignore cleanup
+ Fixes i18n message for nec plugin
+ Fixes i18n message for ryu plugin
+ Remove unused imports in debug package
+ sql_dbpool_enabled not passed to configured_db nvp_plugin
+ Enable tenants to set non-owned ext network as router gateway
+ Upgrade WebOb to 1.2.3
+ Logging module cleanup
+ Remove unused imports in common package
+ Remove unused imports in rootwrap package
+ Remove unused imports in db package
+ Remove unused imports in api package
+ Provider network implementation for NVP plugin.
+ Remove unused imports in agent package
+ Set default core_plugin to None
+ Ensure that exception prints correct text.
+ Cleans up bulk_body generation in quantum.api.v2.base.prepare_request_body()
+ Exceptions cleanup
+ Readjust try/catch block in quantum.api.v2.base.create()
+ Ensures that the dnsmasq configuration file flag is always set
+ Ensure allocation pools are deleted from database
+ Raise InvalidInput directly instead of catch it
+ Ensure bulk creations have quota validations
+ Correct exception output for subnet deletion when port is used
+ Update the configuration help for the OVS cleanup utility
+ Implementing string representation for model classes
+ Provide \"atomic\" database access for networks
+ Add OVS cleanup utility
+ Removes redundant code in quantum.api.v2.base.create()
+ Add eventlet db_pool use for mysql
+ Clean up executable modules
+ Fixes import order nits
+ Fix log message for unreferenced variable
+ The patch introduces an API extension for LBaaS service
+ Fix pep8 issues
+ Add tox artifacts to .gitignore
+ Correct i18n messages for bigswitch plugin
+ dhcp_agent.ini, l3_agent.ini: update dhcp/l3_agent.ini
+ Make patch-tun and patch-int configurable
+ Update test_router_list to validate the router returned.
+ Fixed the security group port binding should be automatically
+ Add restproxy.ini to config_path in
+ Replaces assertEquals to assertEqual
+ Completes coverage of quantum.api.v2.resource
+ Fixed the unit tests using SQLite do not check foreign keys.
+ dhcp.filters needs ovs_vsctl permission
+ Correct i18n message for nicira plugin
+ Correct i18n message for metaplugin
+ add parent/sub-resource support into Quantum API framework
+ plugins/ryu: l3 agent rpc for Ryu plugin is broken
+ pluins/ryu: Fixes context exception in Ryu plugin
+ DRY for network() and subnet() in
+ Adds validity checks for ethertype and protocol
+ Add script for checking i18n message
+ Update evenlet monkey patch flags.
+ Remove unnecessary port deletion
+ Support to reset dnsname_servers and host_routes to empty
+ Prevent unnecessary database read by l3 agent
+ Correct i18n message for linuxbridge plugin
+ Add router testcases that missing in L3NatDBTestCase
+ Releasing resources of context manager functions if exceptions occur
+ Drop duplicated port_id check in remove_router_interface()
+ Returns more appropriate error when address pool is exhausted
+ Add VIF binding extensions
+ Sort router testcases as group for L3NatDBTestCase
+ Refactor resources listing testcase for
+ l3 agent rpc
+ Fix rootwrap cfg for src installed metadata proxy.
+ Add metadata_agent.ini to config_path in
+ add state_path sample back to l3_agent.ini file
+ plugin/ryu: make live-migration work with Ryu plugin
+ Remove from bin/ and tools/.
+ Removes unused code in quantum.common
+ Fixes import order nits
+ update state_path default to be the same value
+ Use /usr/bin/ for the metadata proxy in l3.filters
+ prevent deletion of router interface if it is needed by a floating ip
+ Completes coverage of quantum.agent.linux.utils
+ Fixes Rpc related exception in NVP plugin
+ make the DHCP agent use a unique queue name
+ Fixes Context exception in BigSwitch/FloodLight Plugin
+ fix remap of floating-ip within l3-agent polling interval
+ Completes coverage of
+ Completes coverage of
+ add metadata proxy support for Quantum Networks
+ Make signing dir a subdir in /var/lib/quantum.
+ Use openstack.common.logging in NEC OpenFlow plugin
+ Correct i18n message for api and db module
+ Fixes update router gateway successful with existed floatingip association
+ Fixes order of route entries.
+ fix so cisco plugin db model to not override count methods
+ Use auth_token middleware in keystoneclient.
+ Fixes pep8 nit
+ Make sure we can update when there is no gateway port linked to it
+ Fix syntax error in nvplib
+ Removes quantum.tests.test_api_v2._uuid()
+ Add filters for quantum-debug
+ Removing unnecessary setUp()/tearDown() in SecurityGroupsTestCase
+ Fix exception when security group rule already exists
+ Don\'t force pep8 only to use -N.
+ Correct i18n message for ovs plugin
+ Replaces uuid.uuid4 with uuidutils.generate_uuid()
+ Correct i18n message
+ Removes _validate_boolean()
+ Removes quantum.common.utils.str_uuid()
+ Refactors
+ Updates tearDown() to release instance objects
+ pass static to argv to quantum-debug config parser
+ Improve openvswitch and linuxbridge agents\' parsing of mappings
+ Move into quantum/api.
+ Ensure that the expiration time for leased IP is updated correctly
+ Fix context problem
+ bug 1057844: improve floating-ip association checks
+ fix broken logic of only using hasattr to check for get_x_counts
+ Prevent router being deleted if it is used by a floating IP
+ Updates clear_db() to unregister models and close session.
+ The change allows loading several service plugins along with core plugin.
+ fix incorrect kwarg param name for region with l3-agent
+ All egress traffic allowed by default should be implied
+ Fix unitest test_router_list with wrong fake return value
+ Delete floating port and floatingip in the same transaction
+ Completes unittest coverage of
+ Use DB count to get resource counts.
+ plugin/ryu, linux/interface: remove ryu specific interface driver
+ Allow NVP plugin to use per-tenant quota extension
+ Revert \"Put gw_port into router dict result.\"
+ Ensure that deleted gateway IP address is recycled correctly
+ Ensure that fixed port IP address is in valid allocation range.
+ RESTProxy Plugin for Floodlight and BigSwitch
+ Ensure that mac address is set to namespace side veth end.
+ plugin/ryu: update for ryu update
+ plugin/ryu: add tunnel support
+ Adds tests for attribute._validate_uuid
+ Adds tests to attribute.convert_to_int
+ Adds tests for attributes.is_attr_set
+ Adds test scripts for _validate_string
+ Adds test scripts for _validate_range
+ Part of the patch set that enables VM\'s to use libvirts bridge type.
+ Remove qpid configuration variables no longer supported
+ Removing unsed code for Cisco Quantum Plugin V1
+ Add QUANTUM_ prefix for env used by quantum-debug
+ Make tox.ini run pep8 checks on bin.
+ Explicitly include versioninfo in tarball.
+ Adds test scripts for _validate_values
+ Clean up quantum.api.v2.validators
+ Add indication when quantum server started.
+ Import lockutils and fileutils from openstack-common
+ Update latest openstack-common code
+ Clean up executable modules
+ Remove nova code from Quantum Cisco Plugin
+ Use isinstance for _validate_boolean
+ Fixes convert_to_boolean logic
+ Updated openstack-common setup and version code.
+ Validate L3 inputs.
+ Treat case when pid is None
+ Fix openssl zombies
+ Ensure that the anyjson version is correct.
+ Add eventlet_backdoor and threadgroup from openstack-common
+ Add loopingcall from openstack-common
+ Added service from openstack-common
+ Sync latest notifier changes from openstack-common
+ Update KillFilter to handle \'deleted\' exe\'s.
+ Pep8 fixes for quantum master.
+ Use _validate_uuid in
+ Use is_uuid_like in
+ Removes regex validation of UUIDs in dhcp_agent
+ Use uuidutils.is_uuid_like in quantum.extentions.l3
+ Implements _validate_uuid
+ Use uuidutils for uuid validation
+ Drop lxml dependency
+ Testcase of listing collection shouldn\'t depend on default order of db query
+ Add uuidutils module
+ Log loaded extension messages as INFO not WARNING.
+ db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2.create_port clean-up
+ Clean-up comments in quantum/db/
+ Import order clean-up
+ let metaplugin work with plugin which has not l3 extension support
+ Ensure that HTTP 400 codes are returned for invalid input
+ Use openstack common log to do logging.
+ Put gw_port into router dict result.
+ Add check for cidr overrapping for adding external gateway
+ Fix unnecessary logging messages during tests
+ support \'send_arp_for_ha\' option in l3_agent
+ pin sqlalchemy to 0.7
+ Remove unused metaplugin agents
+ Get subnets of router interfaces with an elevated context.
+ Support external network in probe-create.
+ remove unused modules for linuxbridge/ovs plugin agent
+ Chmod agent/linux/
+ Quantum Security Groups API
+ Make create_floatingip support transaction
+ Update policies
+ Notify about router and floating IP usages
+ Fix exception when port status is updated with linux bridge plugin
+ Call iptables without absolute path.
+ Delete the child object via setting the parent\'s attribute to None.
+ Add unit tests for the ovs quantum agent.
+ Add MTU support to Linux bridge.
+ Correct Intended Audience
+ Add OpenStack trove classifier for PyPI
+ use object directly instead of the foreigh key to update master db object.
+ Remove database access from agents
+ Fix database clear when table does not exist
+ IP subnet validation fixes
+ Update default base database to be V2
+ Update common.
+ add test for create subnet with default gateway and conflict allocation pool
+ Merge OVSVethInterfaceDriver into OVSInterfaceDriver
+ Logging indicates when service starts and terminates
+ Ensures port is not created when database exception occurs
+ Improve unit test times
+ Add control_exchange option to common/
+ Treat invalid namespace call
+ get_network in nvp plugin didn\'t return subnet information
+ tests/unit/ryu/test_ryu_db: db failure
+ correct nvplib to update device_id
+ Update rpc and notifier libs from openstack.common
+ Add quantum-usage-audit
+ Fix filters default value in get_networks
+ l3_nat_agent was renamed to l3_agent
+ Update vif driver of Ryu plugin
+ Support for several HA RabbitMQ servers.
+ Correct the error message in the Class NoNetworkAvailable
+ Fix flag name for l3 agent external network id
+ clean notification options in quantum.conf.
+ Add log setting options into quantum.conf.
+ Warn about use of overlapping ips in config file
+ Do global CIDR check if overlapping IPs disabled.
+ Fix rootwrap filter for dnsmasq when no namespace is used
+ Add common popen support to the cisco plugin
+ Use sqlite db on file for unit tests
+ Uses a common subprocess popen function
+ remove default value of local_ip in OVS agent
+ Remove a function that is not used
+ all rootwrap filter for \'route\', used by l3-agent
+ l3-agent: move check if ext-net bridge exists within daemon loop
+ Add catch-call try/catch within rpc_loop in ovs plugin agent
+ Fix OVS and LB plugins\' VLAN allocation table synchronization
+ ZMQ fixes for Quantum from openstack-common
+ Restore SIGPIPE default action for subprocesses
+ Fix for flat network creation in Cisco plugin
+ Removes test desription that is no longer valid
+ Modified code Pyflakes warning.
+ Fix deadlock of Metaplugin
+ remove unittest section for nec plugin README file
+ remove unittest section for ryu plugin README file
+ Fix for DB error in the Cisco plugin
+ modify the wrong phy_brs into phys_brs.
+ NVP plugin missing dhcp rpc callbacks
+ make README point to real v2 API spec
+ README file changes for Cisco plugin
+ fix for nested rootwrap checks with \'ip netns exec\'
+ always push down metadata rules for router, not just if gateway exists
+ Removed eval of unchecked strings.
+ Update NVP plugin to Quantum v2.
+ ovs-lib: make db_get_map return empty dict on error
+ Update l3-agent.ini with missing configuration flags
+ Sync a change to rpc from openstack-common.
+ Fix for failing network operations in Cisco plugin
+ add missing files from
+ Add quantum-nec-agent to bin directory.
+ remove not need shebang line in quantum debug
+ make rootwrap filters path consistent with other openstack project
+ Bump version to 2013.1, open Grizzly
+ Fix lack of L3 support of NEC OpenFlow plugin
+ Add a new interface driver OVSVethInterfaceDriver.
+ Ensure that l3 agent does not crash on restart
+ make subnets attribute of a network read-only
+ Exclude openstack-common from pep8 test
+ Ensures that the Linux Bridge Plugin runs with L3 agent
+ Remove an external port when an error occurs during FIP creation.
+ Remove the exeception handler since it makes no sense.
+ Add enable_tunneling openvswitch configuration variable
+ Create .mailmap file
+ Update default policy for add/remove router interface to admin_or_owner
+ Add periodic check resync check to DHCP agent
+ Update metaplugin with l3 extension update
+ Add DHCP RPC API support to NEC OpenFlow plugin
+ Remove an external interface when router-gateway is removed.
+ openvswitch plugin does not remove inbound unicast flow in br-tun
+ Remove default name for DHCP port.
+ Added policy checks for add interface and remove interface
+ allow multiple l3-agents to run, each with one external gateway net
+ Prevent floating-ip and ex-gateway ports should prevent net deletion
+ fix generation of exception for mismatched floating ip tenant-ids
+ Give better error to client on server 500 error
+ Change 422 error to 400 error
+ Add IP version check for IP address fields.
+ Policies for external networks
+ Add IP commands to rootwrap fileter for OVS agent
+ Modified code Pyflakes warning.
+ Modified code Pyflakes warning.
+ Modified code Pyflakes warning.
+ Modified code Pyflakes warning.
+ Modified code Pyflakes warning.
+ Modified code Pyflakes warning.
+ Modified code Pyflakes warning.
+ Modified code Pyflakes warning.
+ Modified code Pyflakes warning.
+ Fix broken L3 support of Ryu plugin
+ check subnet overlapping when adding interface to router
+ add local network type and use by default for tenant networks
+ Fix data passed to policy engine on update
+ remove incorrect mock assert_called in unit tests
+ Fix dhcp agent rpc exception handling
+ Add missing include for logging when log_config is used
+ Modified code Pyflakes warning.
+ Modified code pyflakes warning.
+ Improve error message when flat network already exists
+ Lower webob dep from v1.2.0 to v1.0.8
+ Allocation pool creation should check if gateway is in subnet
+ Make sure floating IPs + gateways must be on external nets
+ restart dnsmasq when subnet cidr set changes
+ supress dhcp router opt for subnets with null gw
+ add rootwrap filters to wrap ip netns exec
+ Implements agent for Quantum Networking testing
+ Quantum dhcp crashes if no networks exist
+ Update with latest code from openstack-common (stable/folsom)
+ Fixes undefined variable \'network_type\' in OVS agent
+ Create utility to clean-up netns.
+ Fix lack of L3 support of Ryu plugin
+ Ensure that port update set correct tag in OVS
+ ovs_lib unable to parse return when port == -1
+ L3: make use of namespaces by agent configurable
+ Fix error in rule for metadata server dnat
+ Fix programming error of ryu-plugin
+ Ensure network delete is handled by OVS agent
+ Implement L3 support in Metaplugin
+ Fixes agent problem with RPC
+ netns commands should always run in the root ns
+ Add lease expiration management to ip recycling
+ misc L3 fixes.
+ expose openvswitch GRE tunnel_id via provider API
+ Do not transfer ips if there isn\'t any
+ prevent invalid deletion of ports using by L3 devices
+ Modified code PEP8 warning.
+ Implementation of 2nd phase of provider extension for openswitch
+ Mangle network namespace name used by dhcp_agent
+ Update rootwrap; track changes in nova/cinder
+ remove policy check for host_routes in update_port
+ Ensure proper validation for l3 API attributes
+ Cisco nexus sub-plugin update_network fix
+ Fix dhcp option distribution by dnsmasq
+ fix bug where network owned resources block delete
+ Plugin aware extensions should also be reset at each test setup
+ Ensure network connectivity for linuxbridge flat network.
+ Execute unit tests for Cisco plugin with Quantum tests
+ prevent OVS + LB plugins from clearing device_id and device_owner
+ updated outdated comments in base v2 plugin class
+ clear db._ENGINE for each plugin init in Metaplugin
+ Enable tox to run OVS plugin unit tests
+ Allow tox to run plugin specific unit tests
+ fixes cisco nexus plugin delete network issue
+ Fix Metainterface driver with namespace
+ Add lease expiration script support for dnsmasq
+ Remove \'verbose\' API capability
+ PEP8 issues fixed
+ removed some unused global variable
+ Update TESTING file
+ Typo fix in quantum: existant => existent
+ Add DHCP RPC API support to Ryu plugin
+ Run core unit tests for each plugin
+ OVS plugin tunnel bridges never learn
+ Add nosehtmloutput as a test dependency.
+ fix typo in OVS plugin from recent bugfix
+ enable router deletion logic in l3-agent
+ Enable users to list subnets on shared networks
+ Fix IP allocation on shared networks ports.
+ Move metaplugin test for common test directory
+ Enable DHCP agent to work with plugin when L2 agents use DB polling
+ fix associating a floating IP during floating IP creation.
+ Ensure that LB agent does not terminate if interface already exists in bridge
+ Treat exceptions when invoking ovs-vsctl
+ Remove v1.0 and v1.1 API from version info.
+ Get OVS port details from port ID
+ Fix undefined variables.
+ Fixing unit test failures in Cisco plugin
+ fix netns delete so that it works when a ns is set
+ Linuxbridge support for L3 agent
+ Fix exception message for bulk create failure.
+ quantum l3 + floating IP support
+ Add missing conversion specifiers in exception messages.
+ Use a common constant for the port/network \'status\' value
+ Remove unused variable
+ Log message missing parameter causes exception
+ Update README for v2 API.
+ Fix flavor extension based on new attribute extension spec
+ Update the Nicira NVP plugin to support the v2 Quantum API
+ Enhancements to Cisco v2 meta-plugin
+ Add model support for DHCP lease expiration
+ Trivial openvswitch plugin cleanup.
+ Convert DHCP from polling to RPC
+ Add quota per-tenant.
+ Reset device owner when port on agent is down
+ Allow extra config files in unit tests
+ Fix visual indentation for PEP8 conformance.
+ Updates pip requirements
+ NEC OpenFlow plugin support.
+ Enables Cisco NXOS to configure multiple ports
+ Implementation of second phase of provider extension.
+ deal with parent_id not in target.
+ remove old gflags config code
+ convert query string according to attr map.
+ Add device_owner attribute to port
+ implementation for bug 1008180
+ Fix bulk create operations and make them atomic.
+ Make sure that there\'s a way of creating a subnet without a gateway
+ Update latest openstack files
+ improve test_db_plugin so it can be leveraged by extension tests
+ Adds the \'public network\' concept to Quantum
+ RPC support for OVS Plugin and Agent
+ Initial implemention of MetaPlugin
+ Make dhcp agent configurable for namespace
+ Linux Agent improvements for L3
+ In some cases device check causes an exception
+ normalize the json output of show a given extension.
+ move the correct veth into the netns for the LB
+ linux bridge fixes following v1 code removal.
+ fixes typo in ensure_namespace
+ Remove v1 code from quantum-server
+ Add netns to support overlapping address ranges
+ dhcp-agent: Ryu plugin support for dhcp agent
+ fix missing deallocation of gateway ip
+ RPC support for Linux Bridge Plugin and Agent
+ Implementation of bp per-net-dhcp-enable
+ Enhance Base MAC validation
+ Use function registration for policy checks
+ Exempt openstack-common from pep8 check
+ Make 4th octet of mac_range configurable.
+ Replace openvswitch plugin\'s VlanMap with vlan_ids DB table.
+ Remove unused properties
+ Notification for network/subnet/port create/delete/update.
+ Make the plugin for test_db_plugin configurable
+ update DHCP agent to work with linuxbridge plug-in
+ ryu/plugin, agent: unbreak 610017c460b85e1b7d11327d050972bb03fcc0c3
+ Add classmethod decorator to class methods of providervlan ext.
+ Only delete VLAN information after Quantum network is deleted
+ Make quantum pipeline configurable from quantum.conf.
+ ovs_quantum_plugin should use reconnect_interval in common conf.
+ add name into port and subnet.
+ Update openvswitch tunnel unittest
+ Enable agents and plugins to use the same configuration file.
+ Fix linuxbridge agent tests
+ Update openstack-common files.
+ Initial V2 implementation of provider extension.
+ Implements data-driven views and extended attributes.
+ Add v2 API support for the Cisco plugin
+ Enhance V2 validations to work better for integers and booleans
+ Refactor the test cases so that all the test cases are under one test class.
+ Add quota features into quantum.
+ Assume that subclass validates value of UUID
+ fix bug lp:1025526,update to accept empty value.
+ Ensures policy file is reloaded only if updated.
+ Provide way to specify id in models_v2
+ Add validity checks to Quantum v2 resources
+ Avoid removal of attributes used by policy engine
+ Raise proper exception if policy file do not exist
+ Introduce files from openstack common.
+ Ensures API v2 router does not load plugin twice
+ ovs-agent exception non-existent ports
+ Ryu plugin support for v2 Quantum API
+ Add option sql_max_retries for database connection.
+ Enable quantum agents to work with global cfg.CONF
+ Create DHCP agent tap device from port ID
+ Fix some syntax errors.
+ fix bug lp:1019230,update rpc from openstack-common.
+ Fix v2 API policy checks when keystone is in use.
+ implement dhcp agent for quantum
+ Corrects imported modules in Cisco and Ryu according to latest nova packages.
+ Validate that network_id in port/subnet POST belong to the same tenant
+ Verify CIDR overlaps among networks\' subnets.
+ Address problems with foreign keys with subnet and network deletion
+ Add \'allocation_pools\' to Quantum v2 API subnets.
+ Delete IP allocation range for subnet when deleting subnet
+ Fix linux bridge plugin to be consistent with naming rules
+ v2 support for the linux bridge plugin
+ OVS plugin support for v2 Quantum API
+ Check if interface exists in bridge prior to adding.
+ Ensure that subnet_id is on correct network.
+ Use setuptools git plugin for file inclusion.
+ Cisco\'s unplug_iface refers to non existing exception
+ Implement IP address allocation.
+ Enable user to configure base mac address.
+ Bug #1012418 - quantum agent for OVS does not install properly on Xen XCP
+ Add simple file loggin to ovs_quantum_agent.
+ Fixing pep8 warning messages
+ Network deletion and subnet creation bug fixes
+ Remove paste configuration details to a seperate file.
+ Bug 1015953 - linuxbridge_quantum_agent device_exists() is buggy
+ Reorder imports by full module path
+ Added iptables_manager ( based on openstack/ )
+ Unit test and Readme changes related to cisco plugin.
+ Implements the blueprint use-common-cfg for the quantum service.
+ Ensure unique mac address allocation.
+ Add authZ through incorporation of policy checks.
+ Fix additional pep8 issues on Jenkins
+ removed \"runthis\" and other unused functions from
+ Linux bridge agents did not work with common linus utils
+ Added vlan range management for OVS plugin
+ Bug #1013967 - Quantum is breaking on tests with pep 1.3
+ Remove wrong base class for l2network_models after v2.0 API
+ Cisco cli cannot find argument action_prefix
+ Use openstack.common.exception
+ Remove unused functions in common/
+ API v2: mprove validation of post/put, rename few attributes
+ Bug #1000406 - Return value of shell commands is not checked by plugins
+ Fix python2.4 incompatibility
+ Add API v2 support
+ Binaries should report versions.
+ Fix up test running to match jenkins expectation.
+ Add build_sphinx options.
+ Remove unused imports
+ Quantum should use openstack.common.jsonutils
+ Remove hardcoded version for pep8 from tools/test-requires
+ AuthN support for Quantum
+ fix bug lp:1007557,remove unused functions in
+ Add common dir for shared agent code, add OVS lib.
+ Bug #1007153
+ Register enable_tunneling as bool opt.
+ Quantum should use openstack.common.importutils
+ PEP8 fixes
+ Bug #1002605
+ Automatically determine Quantum version from source
+ Fix linux bridge section name
+ Remove the reference to non existing exception by linuxbridgeplugin.
+ bug #1006281
+ Parse linuxbridge plugins using openstack.common.cfg
+ Bug #1004584
+ fix some pylint warnings.
+ fix errors in database test cases.
+ Log the exception so app loading issues can be debuged
+ remove unneeded import from OVS agent that break 2.4 compat
+ blueprint man-support and fix documentation build
+ Fix print error for linux bridge bindings
+ Add HACKING.rst to tarball generation
+ fall back to `ip link` when `ip tuntap` unavailable
+ Cisco plugin CLI call to quantumclient CLI
+ Calling Super method from QuantumPortAwareScheduler.__init__
+ OVS plugin: add tunnel ips to central database
+ Include AUTHORS in release package.
+ blueprint database-common
+ bug 996163
+ Bug #994758
+ Change Resource.__call__() to not leak internal errors.
+ Let OVSQuantumTunnelAgent sync with database
+ Cleaned up log usage.
+ blueprint agent-db-ha
+ Update codebase for HACKING compliance.
+ Make sample quantum.conf compliant with docs
+ Make ovs Interface option set properly.
+ Removed simplejson from pip-requires.
+ Remove dependency on python-quantumclient
+ Add sphinx to the test build deps.
+ Add HACKING.rst coding style doc
+ return 404 for invalid api version request
+ fix issue with OVS plugin VLAN allocation after a quantum-server restart
+ bug 963152: add a few missing files to sdist tarball
+ API docs: fix typo for network delete
+ Open Folsom
+ Bug #956559
+ plugin/ryu/agent: unbreak a06b316cb47369ef4a2c522f5240fa3f7f529135
+ Fix path to python-quantumclient
+ Split out pip requires and aligned tox file.
+ ryu/nova: catch up d1888a3359345acffd8d0845c137eefd88072112
+ Add root_helper to quantum agents.
+ Fix missing files in sdist package [bug 954906]
+ Fix for bug 921743
+ bug 954538
+ check connection in Listener. refer to Bug #943031
+ fixed incorrect duplicate title
+ Fixed incorrect title for example 3.10
+ Downgraded required version of WebOb to 1.0.8.
+ Bug #949261 Removing nova drivers for Linux Bridge Plugin
+ Remove outdated content from OVS plugin README, point to website instead.
+ add git commit date / sha1 to sphinx html docs
+ more files missing in sdist tarball
+ make sure pip-requires is included in sdist
+ Introducing the tenant owenrship checks in the Cisco plugin, changes are
+ Fix some plugins that don\'t check that nets + ports are owned by tenant
+ remove pep8 and strict lxml version from
+ plugin: introduce ryu plugin
+ bug 934459: pip no longer supports -E
+ Fix bug 940732 can\'t match sql_connection string.
+ Return appropriate error for invalid-port state in create port API.
+ blueprint quantum-ovs-tunnel-agent
+ Initial commit: nvp plugin
+ unittests: setup FLAGS.state_path properly: bug 938637
+ Cleanup the source distribution.
+ Fix ovs config file location
+ blueprint quantum-linux-bridge-plugin
+ Remove quantum CLI console script.
+ Bug 925372: remove deprecated webob attributes
+ bug 923510: avoid querying all ports for non-detail GET Network call.
+ Make tox config work.
+ Pin versions to standard versions.
+ bp/api-filters
+ Split out quantum.client and quantum.common.
+ Quantum was missing depend on lxml.
+ bp/api-error-codes
+ blueprint ovs-portstats
+ Add support for dealing with 501 errors (notimplemented)
+ Improved VlanMap.
+ moving batch config out of quantum-server repo.
+ bug 920299: remove duplicate + outdate README
+ Getting ready for the client split.
+ Removed erroneous print from
+ Fixes setup scripts for quantum plugins.
+ Base on glance.
+ fix mysql port in sql_connection example...
+ Make the quantum top-level a namespace package.
+ Add from plugin to be copied on setup scripts
+ Fix lp bug 897882
+ PEP8 quantum cleanup
+ Install a good version of pip in the venv.
+ Rename .quantum-venv to .venv.
+ Updating Cisco README with instructions on installing the patched ncclient library
+ Remove plugin pip-requires.
+ blueprint refactor-readme-to-manual
+ Bug #890028
+ Implementation of the BP services-insertion-wrapper inside the Cisco Plugin
+ blueprint operational-status-ovs-plugin
+ bug 903580: remove invalid extensions path from quantum.conf
+ Fix for bug 902175
+ Readme Fix
+ blueprint api-framework-essex
+ Fix for bug 900277
+ Fix for bug 900316
+ Modified the Readme for Unit Test Execution Instructions
+ Bug 900093
+ bug #891246: Fix paths in agent Makefile
+ Second round of packaging changes
+ Bug 891705
+ Correcting the plugins classpath in the Quantum README.
+ The relative path for the \"ucs_inventory.ini\" file has been fixed
+ bug #891267 : for XS, grab iface-id from XAPI directly if needed.
+ Changes to make pip-based tests work with jenkins.
+ Fix for bug 890498
+ Fix for bug 888811
+ Fixing find_config_file after packaging changes
+ Added timeout flag to ovs-vsctl to avoid infinte waiting
+ Add quantum.exceptions path to configed ext paths
+ Fix for Bug #888820 - pip-requires file support for plugins
+ Fixing Cisco plugin after update_
* change
+ Fix for bug 888207
+ Fix for bug 877525
+ Bug #875995: Quantum README fixes
+ Change version numbers to be compatible with debian packaging
+ Make the openvswitch plugin tests work again
+ Swich over to update_{net,port} instead of rename_net and set_port_state
+ Added try import to quantum-server and quantum-cli
+ Bug 887706
+ Blueprint authentication-for-quantum
+ blueprint quantum-packaging
+ Moved the initialization of the blade state so that the interfaces which are configured outside of Quantum are also initialized in the blade state.
+ fix minor double-serialization bug in
+ bug #863635: remove vestigial cheetah import from bin/cli
+ Change the ovs plugin create_
*() calls to take the kwargs param
+ Changing the log messages in order to be always identified by their sub-packages of origin, and they can even be filtered on that basis
+ Merge changes Ie7acb24a,Ief95b806
+ Add .gitreview config file for gerrit.
+ New tests are being adding to the Diablo code (Cisco L2-Network plugin), and some fixes in the case where the tests were failing.
+ Add the ability to specify multiple extension directories
+ Add code-coverage support to (lp860160)
+ Change port/net create calls to take an additional kwargs param
+ ovs plugin: Remove reference to
+ fix pep8 issues in Cisco plugin
+ Remove hack for figuring out the vif interface identifier (lp859864)
+ Merge from launchpad quantum/diablo branch:
+ Update openvswitch plugin README
+ Update openvswitch plugin README
+ Get output from run_tests.
+ Add to help with gerrit workflow.
+ merge tyler\'s unit tests for cisco plugin changes lp845140
+ merge salv\'s no-cheetah CLI branch lp 842190
+ Merge trunk
+ Addressing Dan\'s comment on output generator
+ merge sumit\'s branch for lp837752
+ merge salv\'s branch for bug834013
+ merge salv\'s branch for keystone token on client bug838006
+ merge rohit\'s db test branch: lp838318
+ merge salv fix for bug 841982, fix minor pep8 violation
+ merge salv fix for bug834008
+ Changes to address Salvatore\'s review comments, removed unnecessary imports, and changed a debug message.
+ changing key names to confirm to api specs
+ Merging latest from lp:quantum
+ Merging lo:~salvatore-orlando/quantum/quantum-api-auth
+ Merge trunk
+ Implementing Dan\'s suggestion concerning fixing the bug in db api rather than FakePlugin
+ Fixing bad indent
+ syncing diverged branches
+ merging from lp:quantum
+ merging from lp:quantum
+ Updating CLI for not using Cheetah anymore.
+ Fixing the bug in FakePlugin
+ made general exception handling messages consistent
+ Create operation now generate response with status code 202
+ restoring correct default pipeline
+ Mergin from lp:quantum
+ Add information about quantum dependency for nova
+ merge salv\'s branch to remove dummy plugin
+ Changing communication between UCSM driver to UCSM to HTTPS.
+ Adding CLI usage examlpes to the README.
+ Adding client-side support for Keystone integration
+ Keystone-integrated pipeline should not be default in quantum.conf
+ Removing class DUmmyDataPlugin
+ Removed redundant configuration, and added more comments in the configuration files.
+ Updating the README file.
+ Merge trunk
+ Merging Shweta\'s test cases for mutliport resource
+ Adding Multinic tests
+ Typo fix in README
+ Merging Sumit\'s changes including fixes for multinic support, and CLI module for working with extensions.
+ More fixes for multi-nic support.
+ Fixed a bug with plug_interface.
+ Merging from Cisco branch
+ Changes to incorporate earlier review comments, also for multiport resource
+ adding quantum database unit test cases
+ Merging changes from Ying\'s branch (new mutliport resource).
+ add multiport and exception handling
+ add multiport resource
+ Merging from lp:quantum
+ Avoiding deserializing body multiple times with several parameters
+ merge cisco consolidated plugin changes
+ Test on param_value changes as follows:
+ Merging lp:~salvatore-orlando/quantum/bug834449
+ Merging Ying\'s changes (minor).
+ fix print statements in novatenant and portprofile
+ merge trunk
+ Merge trunk
+ Minor refactoring
+ Changes to l2network_plugin for create_ports and pylint fixes to
+ Modified CLI to handle both core and extensions CLI
+ merge trunk
+ lp835216 client lib was not passing in kwargs when creating exceptions
+ lp834694 fix integrity error when deleting network with unattached ports. Add unit test.
+ Minor fix in delete_port
+ merging changes from cisco consolidated branch
+ Fixes to support multinic.
+ Merging fixes from Sumit\'s branch for extension API version number and to UCS inventory to associated VIF-ID with ports.
+ Merging from the Cisco branch.
+ adding new api methods using just port_id
+ Fixing the extensions URL to 1.0 and pep8 error.
+ bug fixes to handle multinic
+ Merging Shweta\'s fix for extensions\' test cases (clean up was not happening completely).
+ Adding Network and Port clean up functions for portprofile unit tests
+ Merging from lp:quantum
+ Merging Shweta\'s fixes in the tests for key names changes in the Core API
+ make CLI show_port command display interface-id, add additional test case
+ merge salvatore\'s new cli code
+ Dictionary key values changes in test_extension
+ Merging lp:quantum, resolving conflict.
+ merge two pep8 branch
+ Merging Ying\'s pep8 fixes.
+ fix pep8 issues
+ Merging quantum trunk.
+ fix pep8 warnings
+ Updating common/ in order not to instantiate a QuantumManager when retrieving plugin
+ Cleaning pep8
+ Merging lp:~danwent/quantum/lp834491
+ Addressing comments from Dan
+ Merging from quantum.
+ merge cisco extensions branch
+ lp834491: change plugin to work with API code after the API alignment merge
+ Merging Shweta\'s fixes to the test cases for the extensions.
+ Added Extension & ucs driver test changes and fixes
+ Merging from Sumit\'s branch, changes to VIF-driver and Scheduler; extension action names have been changed in response to Salvatore\'s review comments in the extensions branch review.
+ Merge from Cisco branch and changes to scheduler/vif-driver.
+ Syncing with Cisco extensions branch.
+ Merging changes from Sumit\'s branch.
+ Changes qos description to string; changes extension API names for get_host and get_instance_port
+ Mergin Ying\'s branch.
+ change get_host and get_instance_port function name
+ Cleaning (removing) unused code..hooray ! fixes for extension tests
+ Merge trunk
+ Sorting correctly all imports for the Nexus Driver and Unit Test
+ Fixed the Unit Test for Nexus Driver
+ add cisco_faults under l2network package.
+ move faults/exceptions to l2network package,
+ Merging from Sumit\'s branch, import ordering related changes.
+ Changing the order of imports (to satisfy convention).
+ Merging the Cisco branch.
+ Updating README according to Somik\'s comment
+ Finishing cli work
+ Completing Unit Tests
+ Merging lp:~salvatore-orlando/quantum/quantum-api-alignment
+ Configuration of multiple VLANs on the same Nexus Switch Interfaces
+ Adding unit test for rename_network
+ Added logging to syslog or file specified at command line
+ Merging from Sumit\'s branch.
+ Fixed some bugs with credential and qos resources; also fixed l2network_single_blade
+ Merging Rohit\'s changes.
+ helper function to get creds based on name
+ integration with
+ fixing relative import in
+ putting in db support for creds and qos
+ merge latest quantum branch and resolve conflicts
+ Merging lp:~asomya/quantum/lp833163
+ Addressing Somik\'s comment.
+ Templated output for CLI completed!
+ PEP8 fixes for
+ delete quantum/common/ to prepare for quantum merge
+ Made changes according to reviewer\'s comments.
+ Merging changes from Sumit\'s branch.
+ Merge trunk
+ Merge trunk
+ Merging lp:~cisco-openstack/quantum/802dot1qbh-vifdriver-scheduler
+ Merging lp:~cisco-openstack/quantum/l2network-plugin-persistence
+ Fixed a bug in the initialization of the UCS inventory; fixed another bug in deleting a port.
+ Noticed some pep8 errors, fixed them.
+ Merging lp:quantum
+ Changes to incorporate reviwer\'s comments. Also changed to handle extension URLs.
+ Review Changes
+ remove unnecessary code and sync faults and exception handling
+ Code changed base on Reviews
+ merging with lp:quantum
+ merging from lp:quantum
+ Fixes based on review comments
+ Addressing comments from Ziad and Somik
+ merge lp:~bgh/quantum/lp837174
+ Fix unit test printing (lp837174)
+ Fixing issue in view builders concerning attachment identifiers
+ Code clean up as per reviewr\'s request; documentation strings, unused code, etc.
+ Rewording of the README file to clarify the use of the SSh port
+ clean up code and fix some comments
+ clean code and fix some comments.
+ Merging from Sumit\'s latest branch - Fixed loading of Nexus DB tables; moved imports to; Refactoring of code to generalize inventory handling (enhancement).
+ Fixed loading of Nexus DB tables; moved imports to, changes discussed & approved by Rohit.
+ Making Keystone version configurable
+ Accidentally took quantum.conf out of branch.
+ Merge trunk
+ Merging lp:~raxnetworking/quantum/bug827272
+ Merging branch: lp:~danwent/quantum/test-refactor
+ Removing \"excess\" file
+ Missed adding a file earlier, fixed a small issue.
+ Refactoring of code to generalize inventory handling (enhancement).
+ Merging UCS inventory state initialization fix from Sumit\'s branch.
+ Fixes an issue with loading the UCS inventory when a dynamic nic has been used outside of Quantum.
+ Removed obsolete instructions from README.
+ Changes to reflect the new features (mutli-blade, multi-chassis support).
+ Changes to support calls from VIF Driver and Scheduler.
+ Pep8, pylint fixes.
+ fixing pep8 error
+ adding helper function for port binding model
+ UCS inventore persistence and pep8/pylint fixes.
+ UCS persistence fixes.
+ added new columns to models for ucs plugin multi blade support
+ Merging rohit\'s UCS persistence support.
+ UCS plugin persistence.
+ Persistence support for UCS plugin network.
+ adding utility functions to create dictionaries
+ Merging changes from Rohit\'s branch.
+ Merging changes from cisco extensions.
+ added ucs plugin related execptions in
+ Adding some error checks.
+ Reduced excessive logging.
+ Several fixes to initial version.
+ fixing the the tests
+ Merge Shweta\'s new propose. Chnage profile-id ot profile_id
+ pylint and pep8 fixes.
+ Merge with Cisco branch
+ Change profile-id
+ merged Shweta\'s branch for ext test. Minor fix for review comments.
+ Merge with the Cisco Branch
+ Review Changes
+ merged Shweta\'s ext test branch
+ Initial commit with lots of changes.
+ Moved the conf file uncer the cisco directory
+ Moved the conf file uncer the cisco directory
+ Updated conf file
+ Adding Entension API unt tests
+ Syncing with lp:quantum
+ Code refactored, made changes are per reviwer\'s suggestions.
+ sync up with l2network exception handling for extension
+ merged Cisco branch\'s latest changes
+ Adding changes from Sumit\'s latest merge
+ merge with lp:~cisco-openstack/quantum/l2network-plugin-extensions
+ replace exception handler by using cisco_exceptions
+ Raising exceptions in extension resources handling (where missing). Changing exception name to QosNotFound.
+ Changing exception name to QosNotFound.
+ Mergin from Cisco branch.
+ Raising exceptions in extension resources handling (where missing).
+ Merging fixes to client side exception handling. Thanks lp:tylesmit !
+ Merging fixes and changes batch-config script. Thanks lp:danwent !
+ Adding the Nexus support to the Persistence Framwork
+ added nexus exception in
+ add plugins.ini back
+ add all conf/
*.ini back
+ merge with ying\'s branch
+ merging with Ying\'s extension branch
+ remove ying\'s test ciscoplugin
+ remove all configuration files
+ remove cisco_demo and test_scripts directory, which were used by our local tests
+ Removed concatenation per review comments.
+ change the configuration files to the default values
+ pylint and pep8 fix
+ merging with ~cisco-openstack/quantum/l2network-plugin-extensions
+ fix pylint issuses
+ Making keystone integration optional in quantum configuration
+ Merge trunk
+ Merging bug fix for Bug 821733. Thanks lp:salvatore-orlando !
+ Fixing typo
+ Making the client raise the appropriate exception if needed. Also increasing the pylint score to above 8.
+ pep8 error fixed for
+ Mering Sumit\'s branch with plugin support for Credentials, QoS, NovaTenant resources. Also merging latest from lp:~cisco-openstack/quantum/l2network-plugin-persistence
+ Merging from Sumit\'s branch, VIF-driver and Quantum-aware scheduler.
+ Removed extra spaces to satisfy pep8.
+ VIF driver for 802.1qbh and Quantum aware scheduler.
+ fix some pylint issues
+ Pylint and pep8 fixes.
+ Changes to support credentials, qos, and novatenant extensions.
+ Removing unused error response codes
+ Merging lp:~asomya/quantum/lp824145
+ merge trunk
+ Fixed indentation and changed file comments
+ add extension change to ying\'s branch
+ merge trunk
+ Pulling in changes from lp:quantum.
+ Merging Cisco\'s contribution to Quantum. Thanks to various folks at Cisco Systems, Quantum will have plugins
+ Merging Shweta\'s change to fix a function call in the test code.
+ Adding the changed UCS Driver function names in test_ucs_driver.
+ Santhosh/Deepak | Fixed an issue where collection actions for PUT and DELETE methods in resource extension were routing to update and delete action of the resource
+ Merging from Sumit\'s branch pylint fixes and incorporating review comments.
+ Changes to README file and merging Shweta\'s changes.
+ Mergin Shweta\'s test changes, also README file.
+ Changes to test structure. Adding pylint correctons.
+ Fixes to the README file per earlier review comments. Also removed main from one of the modules.
+ Mergin from cisco brach.
+ Merging from lp:quantum.
+ Pulling changes from Cisco branch.
+ Pylint fixes.
+ exit unit tests if tests are invoked specifying a particular test
+ Merging Nexus pylint changes and other enhancements from Edgar.
+ pep8 passed
+ Merging Rohit\'s changes.
+ Partial commit
+ Moved to plugins/cisco/tests/unit/
+ Adding a new file with all the XML snippets to make code easier to read
+ Changes in the README file to incorporate Somik\'s comments.
+ pylint changes - pylint score for cisco/db folder - 8.27/10
+ Removing extra testing function on Nexus Driver
+ Merging plugin and tests\' changes.
+ Fixes to the tests which were breaking, including fixes to the test cases.
+ Merge Rohit\'s branch with persistence framework fixes.
+ Pulling in changes from Rohit\'s branch.
+ Pulling in changes from Shweta\'s branch.
+ Removed main from modules as per review comments.
+ updated README file to include persistence framework setup instructions
+ Adding Persistence unit test
+ Fixed bugs while testing.
+ pep8 errors fixed
+ Merging rohit\'s changes.
+ Changes to support persistence framework.
+ Merging: lp:~danwent/quantum/client-lib
+ Merging: lp:~tylesmit/quantum/api-client-fix-serialization
+ First, trivial, implementation of authN+authZ
+ fixes from rohit\'s branch
+ from rohit\'s branch
+ Adding more templates
+ - Added new tables VlanID to generate ids and maintain usage of vlans
+ Adding missing files to branch
+ Simplifying condition
+ FIxing missing \'output\' variable AATT line 243 (syntax error)
+ Adding automattic serialization to all requests by moving it to do_request
+ added network and port models similar to quantum with following changes -
+ Authentication with Keystone.
+ Introducting cheetah
+ I\'m too tired
+ Stubout work in progress
+ Merging quantum extenions framework into trunk. Thanks rajaram vinkesh, deepak & santhosh for the great work!
+ - added network and port models into the l2network plugin instead of using quantum models
+ Merge from Rohit\'s branch.
+ lp Bug#824145 : Adding a setup script for quantum.
+ skeleton for cli unit tests
+ merge trunk
+ Merge from the base merge-prop branch (README changes).
+ Removing exceptions as well (previously only API faults were removed)
+ Merge Trunk
+ Merged quantum trunk
+ adding renamed client-lib tests
+ Tiny change to the README file, instructions on how to get ncclient.
+ - Adding setup script.
+ Adding db connection and l2network plugin database modules
+ update CLI to use show instead of list for calls that do not return a list
+ rename client_lib unit tests so it is run by ./, update tests to handle name changes
+ force to use json, as XML has issues (see bug: 798262)
+ update to use new client lib, hooray for deleting code
+ Changed to default plugin class name.
+ Rajaram/Vinkesh | Added examples of scoping extension alias in request and action extension
+ Added tests directory to list of modules in the README file.
+ Merge latest from lp:quantum
+ Added \"tests\" directory to the list modules in the README file.
+ Adding the required build for Nexus support
+ Merging changes addressing Bug # 802772. Thanks lp:danwent !
+ Merging bugfix for Bug 822890 - Added License file for Quantum code distribution.
+ Fixed typo in README
+ README file updates (pointer to Nova Cactus branch), and numerous other edits based on Mark\'s template.
+ L2 Network Plugin Framework merge.
+ Incorporated changes in response to review comments from Ram.
+ Adding Apache Version 2.0 license file. This is the official license agreement under which Quantum code is available to
+ Making a check for the presence of UCS/Nexus plugin (earlier it was not in certain cases). With this change, if the UCS/Nexus plugins are not enabled, the core API tests can be run even on Ubuntu (and RHEL without the requirement of any specific network hardware).
+ Merging test cases from Shwetas\' branch, and further modified README file.
+ Merging the test framework from Shweta\'s branch.
+ decluttering _parse_request_params method for QuantumController
+ Fixing detail action for port collection
+ Adding Unit Test Cases Now
+ Adding Cisco Unit Tests
+ minor enhancements to quantum client-lib
+ RHEL limitation updated.
+ Adding support for expressing format through Content-Type header
+ Changes to enhance L2 network plugin framework.
+ undo unintentional formatting change in
+ remove unneeded __init__
+ refactoring testing code to support plugin tests
+ Added QuantunPluginBase as the base class for the l2network_plugin.
+ Generalized and put placeholders.
+ another merge
+ pep8 cleanup, restore defaults
+ Added info about ssh conf required for nexus switch.
+ merge
+ remove unneeded tests from ovs_quantum_plugin
+ Nexus plugin classpath was incorrect, fixed it.
+ Merge latest from lp:quantum (via lp:~cisco-openstack/quantum/l2network-plugin).
+ Merge from lp:quantum
+ Edits to reflect conf changes, made it easier to follow.
+ merge heckj\'s pip-requires fixes
+ Fixed issue with creating new port profiles (one configuration parameter got left out during the migration to the new configuration scheme). Also fixed a bug in the calculation of the profile id.
+ Fixes the broken call to second level of plugins. Renaming will work now.
+ updates to pip-requires for CI
+ Loading of device-specific plugins and drivers is done dynamically by setting configuration.
+ Deepak/Vinkesh | Fixed show action in extension controller to return 404, added example to include namespace in a request extension
+ Merged quantum trunk
+ Santhosh/Vinkesh | Added extension_stubs file
+ Removing extra file in Nexus Driver
+ Removing extra file in Nexus Driver
+ Relabelling API version to 1.0!
+ Cosmetic changes to unit tests for client library.
+ Removed quantum/plugins/cisco/db/ and quantum/cisco_extensions since these will be merged separately.
+ Adding conf directory for configuration files.
+ Fixed pep8 error.
+ Merging changes.
+ Merging changes from lp:quantum
+ Fixed an issue selecting the right port interface and also properly switching off the Nexus Interface
+ Completing API spec alignment
+ Applying fix for bug #814518
+ Adding controller and view builder for attachment resource
+ Merging the port profile client name fix.
+ Earlier fix resulted in a different issue (profile client name, was also being used as profile name, hence breaking).
+ Truncated the port profile client name length to 16 characters (ucsm excepts max 17 chars).
+ Mergin fix for Bug 818321
+ Merging approved OVS plugin configuration change branch.
+ Merging the brand new Quantum-client-library feature.
+ Requests now send the Content-Type in the HTTP request
+ fix broken flush in db.network_destroy, pep8 fixes
+ req/res alignment complete.
+ Vinkesh | Changed import orders according to pep8 recommendations
+ Including a flag to activate the NX-OS driver
+ merging branch for bug802772, which this branch is stacked on top of
+ WIP.
+ Fixing pep8 errors
+ Adding the Nexus OS driver based on the new PlugIn structure
+ fix incorrect handling of duplicate network name, add exception for duplicate network name, and add unit test to confirm detection.
+ Merging lp:quantum updates
+ Fixing syntax issue. I had a 2.7+ style dict comprehension, so I made it 2.6 friendly.
+ Removing a debugging line
+ pep8 fix
+ Fixing API behaviour for throwing 400 error on invalid body.
+ make ovs plugin pay attention to port state
+ persistence of l2network & ucs plugins using mysql
+ Vinkesh/Santhosh | Moved the stub classes in test_extensions to a separate file extension_stubs
+ Merged from trunk
+ bug802772 update exception handling in OVS plugin to use API exceptions.
+ merged the latest changes from plugin-framework branch - revision 39
+ removing a few additional lines that aren\'t needed once we don\'t calculate port count
+ Adding a tests directory, this can be used for plugin-specific test cases.
+ also remove line that computes portcount, as it is unneeded now that we don\'t return it
+ Including copyright info.
+ merge branch for to fix bug817826
+ For the modules to get added, missed in the earlier checkin.
+ remove PortCount attribute of network object, as it is not in the spec and was causing us to hit bug 818321 (note: this commit does not fix the underlyingproblem with xml deserialization, it just makes sure we don\'t hit it with the existing API code)
+ Changed the directory structure to a more organized one.
+ Merging the latest changes from lp:quantum.
+ change default integration bridge from br100 to br-int to reflect new default for OVS vif-plugging in nova Diablo-3 release
+ fix bug 817826 and similar error in
+ persistence of l2network & ucs plugins using mysql
+ merge Salvatore\'s api branch with fixes for tests. Tweaking branch to remove unwanted bin/ as part of merge
+ Merging in main repo updates
+ Updating to fix some SSL issues
+ Removing extra file from source control
+ Apply fix for bug #817813
+ Apply fix for bug #814012
+ Apply fix for bug #814517
+ bug 817813: default provider in plugins.ini accidentally changed. Changing it back to FakePlugin
+ Changed the param name \"network-name\" to \"net-name\" since the Quantum service expects the later.
+ Removing some legacy code from the unit tests
+ Adding unit tests to cover the client library
+ Changing the CLI to use the new client library
+ Adding refactored API Client
+ pep8 fixes
+ fix bug 814012, add unit tests for it
+ Resolving Bug 814517 which caused XML to have extra whitespace.
+ Vinkesh/Santhosh | Removed loading extensions from \'contrib\' and fixed an indentation bug while loading extensions
+ Santhosh/Rajaram|modified extensions section in README
+ Rajaram/Santhosh | Added logging to the PluginAwareExtensionManager failures
+ Rajaram/Santhosh|Added plugin interface in foxinsox and Updated README
+ Rajaram/Santhosh|quantum manager loads plugin only once, even though both extension middleware and APIRouter calls it
+ Santhosh/Rajaram|latest merge from quantum and made extensions use options to load plugin
+ Merge changes from lp:quantum
+ Apply fix for bug #797419
+ Re-fixing issues with XML deserialization (changes got lost in merges with trunk)
+ Rajaram/Vinkesh | Plugins advertise which extensions it supports.
+ Merging branch lp:~salvatore-orlando/quantum/bug802892
+ Merging branch lp:~netstack/quantum/quantum-unit-tests
+ Fixing silly pep8 error
+ Merge with quantum-unit-tests
+ doh
+ Restoring quantum_plugin_base to previous state.
+ Vinkesh/Santhosh | Added tests to check the member and collection custom actions of ResourceExtensions
+ Vinkesh/Deepak | Moved plugin related checks in ExtensionManager code to PluginAwareExtensionManager
+ Deepak/Vinkesh | Added an base abstract class which can be inherited by PluginInterface class which defines the contract expected by extension.
+ Vinkesh/Deepak| Added doc and small refactoring
+ Unit tests for API completed
+ Add TESTING document: description and polices for quantum tests
+ Adding more unit tests
+ Deepak/Santhosh | ExtensionManager verifies that plugin implements the interface expected by the extension
+ Santhosh/Deepak | Made supports_extension method optional for plugin, plugin will be loaded only once
+ Merged from quantum trunk
+ Santhosh/deepak| Load extensions supported by plugin
+ add extension code in.(last push does not include this directory.)
+ add api extensions (including portprofiles resources and associate/disassociate actions.)
+ Merge latest from lp:quantum (picking up API framework changes like quantum/ and resource controller changes).
+ Changes to support port-profile extension.
+ Very initial version of the nxos driver .... lets call it ver 0.0.1!
+ Removing code related to functional tests
+ Porting shell script to python module for cisco ucsm module
+ Merge pep8 changes
+ Required for recognizing the \"cisco\" package. Missed in the initial checkin.
+ Applying fix for bug #804237
+ minor pep8 fix.
+ Changed some credentials (does not affect functionality).
+ This file is not required.
+ Initial checkin for the L2-Network Plugin with all the associated modules and artifacts.
+ Rajaram/Santosh|misc readablity improvements to extension tests
+ Santosh/Rajaram| added extenstion test to show header extensibility
+ Rajaram/Vinkesh | Added tests to confirm extensions can edit previously uneditable field.
+ removing pep8 errors
+ Added more unit tests for API
+ Now REALLY using in-memory db
+ Adapated plugin infrastructure to allow API to pass options to plugins
+ Fixing error introduced in find_config
+ Removing excess debug line
+ Fixing syntax errors in db/
+ Temporary commit
+ Now loading plugin before setting up routes.
+ Adding unit test
+ Starting implementation of unit tests
+ Removing static data for FakePlugin
+ - Unit tests will use FakePlugin
+ Adding Routes>=1.12.3 to tools/pip-requires
+ Work in progress - just starting
+ ...and again!
+ I hope I get the commit right now
+ removing \"quantum\" folder as well from etc
+ removing api-paste.ini
+ Addressing comments from Somik
+ Merging dan wendlandt\'s bugfixes for Bug #800466 and improvements that enable Quantum to seamlessly
+ fix pep8 introduced by trunk merge
+ A small start on unit tests: mostly a proof of concept that contains a test
+ Added some more plugin agnostic tests (attachment and negative tests) and some
+ merge
+ more pep8 goodness
+ Fixing bug #798262
+ refactor batch_config, allow multiple attaches with the empty string
+ Merge: bzr merge lp:~bgh/quantum/bugfixes
+ Fix cut and paste error in api_unplug_iface
+ Fixing bug #798261
+ Merge trunk
+ no-commit
+ Santhosh/Vinkesh | Added extensions framework
+ merge and pep8 cleanup
+ Merging latest changes from parent repo - lp:network-service , Parent repo had approved merge proposal for merging lp:~santhom/network-service/quantum_testing_framework , which has now been merged into lp:network-service
+ Merging pep8 and functional test related changes lp:~santhom/network-service/quantum_testing_framework branch
+ add example to usage string for
+ Bug fixes and clean-up, including supporting libvirt
+ Fix typo in mysql package check
+ Fix typo in mysql package check
+ Adding support for \'detail\' action on networks objects
+ README fixes
+ Santhosh/Deepak | Fixed the import issue and config.load_paste_app issue
+ Santhosh/Vinkesh | Fixed all the pep8 violations. Modified the \'req\' to \'request\' across all the services and wsgi so that it\'s consistent with other projects
+ Santhosh/Vinkesh | Added the testing framework. Moved the smoketest to tests/functional
+ merged remote README changes
+ Fix from last merge when it got overwritten
+ Fixing pep8 errors
+ Add dependencies to README and fix whitespace
+ Fix merge indentation errors
+ Merged Brad\'s ovsplugin code
+ pep8 changes for quantum-framework code pieces.
+ Merge changes from quantum-framework-bgh branch
+ Update Quantum README file with instructions to launch the service and get going.
+ Merge changes from quantum-framework
+ Updated quantum_plugin_base with with return type dataformats as well as exceptions.
+ Added a basic README file and updated Quantum plugin base class with appropriate exceptions.
+ Initial commit of exceptions that are raised by a quantum plugin.
+ Make the wording a little clearer
+ Remove -a option from examples (it no longer exists)
+ Make the API the default
+ Address Dan\'s review comments
+ Make the manager a little smarter about finding its config file
+ Fix another TODO: remove main function from manager
+ Fix detail_net and list_ports commands
+ Remove get_all_interfaces and fix detail_network commands
+ Initial version of openvswitch plugin
* Merged changes from Salvatore\'s branch - quantum-api-workinprogress
+ Update readme with quantum specific instructions
+ Address some of the remaining TODOs and general cleanup
+ Add headers
+ Initial cut of openvswitch plugin
+ Add database models/functions for ports and networks
+ Print the command list in the help
+ Whitespace fixes
+ Added api functions for the interface commands
+ Initial rework of cli to use the WS api
+ Copy over miniclient from testscripts and port to use unittest
+ Adding to source control
+ pep8 fixes (1st batch)
+ First working version of Quantum API
+ Adding views/ to bzr
+ Adding serialization/deserilization for network resources.
+ networks api with final URL structure.
+ Implementing interface with plugin
+ adpating wsgi files
+ Work in progress on network API
+ Adding first files for quantum API
+ Minor fixes: indentation in bin/quantum and fix import in
+ Adding api paste configuration file
+ Removing .pydevproject from version control
+ Branching from quantum-framework
+ Adding to infrastructure code
+ Move plugin configuration to plugins.ini - a config file.
+ 1) Created a DummDataPlugin in SamplePlugin module.
+ merged salvatore\'s changes to local branch
+ 1) Added a bare-bones framework for quantum plugins.
+ Fixing pep8 errors
+ adding /bzrignore to precent checking in pyc files and that sort of stuff...
+ Pushing initial started code based on Glance project and infrstructure work done by the melange team.
+ Merging in Shweta\'s fixes from the review by Sumit
+ Minor Fix in ucs tests
+ Fixing issues discussed in merge prop. The UCS Inventory clears the DB on teardown. The multiblade tests now check to see if a port exists in the db before deleting it. It checks to make sure the UCSInventory is set in the config.
+ Adding UCS inventory tests
+ Merging in latest changes from lp:quantum
+ Merging in Shweta\'s test changes
+ Ading Ucs db tests
+ Removing excess imports
+ Fixing pep8 errors and pushing pylint score up to 8.57
+ Fix for bug/893663
+ Bug 903684: functions defined twice in
+ blueprint api-operational-status
+ Adds sqlalchemy support for ovs_quantum_plugin.
+ bug 903581: remove etc/quantum.conf.sample as it is invalid
+ Fixing bug/903829
+ Removing a couple extra lines
+ Adding some tests, fixing some bugs, and making the tearDown correctly remove PortProfiles.
+ Adding author information
+ Removing a negative test until I can figure out how to implement it
+ Removing some negative tests until I can figure out how to implement them
+ Updating tests
+ Fixing port-related calls
+ Adding tests
+ Tweaking other multiblade tests.
+ Updating multiblade create_network test
+ Starting making multi_blade model return data
+ Adding initial multi blade test file from Shubhangi
Wed Dec 19 13:00:00 2012
- Move to obs-service-git_tarballs
+ Drop BuildRequires: python-setuptools-git
- Update to version 2012.2.3+git.1355917463.aa50aac:
+ Bump next version to 2012.2.3
+ dhcp.filters needs ovs_vsctl permission
+ Fix rpc control_exchange regression.
+ Bump next version to 2012.2.2
+ Final 2012.2.1 versioning
+ fix remap of floating-ip within l3-agent polling interval
+ Prevent router being deleted if it is used by a floating IP
+ Fixes order of route entries.
+ Use DB count to get resource counts.
+ Make sure we can update when there is no gateway port linked to it
+ Treat case when pid is None
+ Updates tearDown() to release instance objects
+ Ensure that the expiration time for leased IP is updated correctly
+ Part of the patch set that enables VM\'s to use libvirts bridge type.
+ bug 1057844: improve floating-ip association checks
+ Improve openvswitch and linuxbridge agents\' parsing of mappings
+ Updates clear_db() to unregister models and close session.
+ fix incorrect kwarg param name for region with l3-agent
+ Allow NVP plugin to use per-tenant quota extension
+ Ensure that deleted gateway IP address is recycled correctly
+ Ensure that fixed port IP address is in valid allocation range.
+ Delete floating port and floatingip in the same transaction
+ Remove qpid configuration variables no longer supported
+ Update stable with stable oslo (aka common)
+ Add check for cidr overrapping for adding external gateway
+ Validate L3 inputs.
+ Ensure that HTTP 400 codes are returned for invalid input
+ IP subnet validation fixes
+ Update KillFilter to handle \'deleted\' exe\'s.
+ Update vif driver of Ryu plugin
+ Fix exception when port status is updated with linux bridge plugin
+ Delete the child object via setting the parent\'s attribute to None.
+ Make create_floatingip support transaction
+ Get subnets of router interfaces with an elevated context.
+ Ensure that the SqlSoup import is still supported.
+ Logging indicates when service starts and terminates
+ get_network in nvp plugin didn\'t return subnet information
+ Fix flag name for l3 agent external network id
+ use object directly instead of the foreigh key to update master db object.
+ remove default value of local_ip in OVS agent
+ Call iptables without absolute path.
+ correct nvplib to update device_id
+ l3_nat_agent was renamed to l3_agent
+ Ensures port is not created when database exception occurs
+ Treat invalid namespace call
+ Set defaultbranch in .gitreview to stable/folsom
+ Restore SIGPIPE default action for subprocesses
Fri Dec 7 13:00:00 2012
- Use --install-data=/ to install config files into the correct
location (instead of %{_prefix}). Upstream doesn\'t really use the
\"data_files\" directive correctly, but they want to use it in virtual
environments, thus absolute paths are not helpful in data_file (see for reference)
+ Thus drop quantum-data_files_abs_path.patch
Wed Dec 5 13:00:00 2012
- Install some configuration files for testsuite
- Added a fix for python-bytecode-inconsistent-mtime
Wed Dec 5 13:00:00 2012
- Use AATTPARENT_TAGAATT in _service file to automate versioning
Tue Dec 4 13:00:00 2012
- Add quantum-data_files_abs_path.patch: data_files paths should
be absolute (drop \"Fix weird buglet in installer\")
Tue Dec 4 13:00:00 2012
- Add quantum-manifestin.patch: Add missing config files to
Mon Dec 3 13:00:00 2012
- Move %restart_on_update-postun into %postun
- Drop {bin,tools}/ Backport of
Fri Nov 23 13:00:00 2012
- Add \"su\" option to logrotate script
- Ghost /var/log/run
- Remove runlevel4 and add \"restart\" command to init script
Thu Nov 15 13:00:00 2012
- Use openstack-macros
- Add rpmlintrc
Fri Nov 9 13:00:00 2012
- Add more test requirements for which we have packages now:
+ Requires: python-cliff
+ Requires: python-nosehtmloutput
+ Requires: python-nosexcover
Thu Nov 8 13:00:00 2012
- Drop from_vcs build flag
Wed Oct 10 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 2012.2 (Folsom):
+ See
- Set license to Apache-2.0 (SPDX style)
- Buildrequire python-base instead of python-devel:
+ Sufficient for Python-only modules (containing no C/C++ code)
- Move runtime Python module requirements from the base package to
- Build and install manpages
Thu Aug 23 14:00:00 2012
- pre-require pwdutils (bnc#777123)
Fri Aug 3 14:00:00 2012
- (fake changelog entry) submission for RC1
Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2012
- Change versioning scheme to $release+git.$AUTHORDATE.$COMMITREV
- Simplify from_vcs macros
- Consistent package summaries
- Macro cleanup:
+ Package is noarch except for SLE-11
Tue Jun 12 14:00:00 2012
- Use \'openstack-quantum\' system user instead of \'quantum\'. However,
the service still runs as root
Thu May 24 14:00:00 2012
- Add \'Requires: python >= 2.6.8\'
Mon Jan 30 13:00:00 2012
- changed Group from Devel/Languages/Python to System/Management
- updated sources for the no_from_vcs version
Wed Jan 25 13:00:00 2012
- quantum has split into quantum (server) and python-quantumclient -
remove old quantum files
- removed unused macro: python_sitearch
- added a better description
Tue Jan 10 13:00:00 2012
- license update: Apache-2.0 and GPL-3.0+
Use SPDX syntax and add GPL-3.0+ (aggregation) because of
Tue Dec 13 13:00:00 2011
- Merge changes to enable build from git:
+ Add from_vcs and no_from_vcs bconds, that can be used in
addition to the BUILD_FROM_VCS macro to decide what to build.
+ Add some warning to summary of packages is building from VCS.
+ Add python-virtualenv BuildRequires since build system changed,
and rework the %install section to work since there install on
the toplevel doesn\'t work anymore.
Mon Dec 5 13:00:00 2011
- spec cleanup
Thu Oct 27 14:00:00 2011
- initial package