Changelog for python-testtools-1.5.0-1.19.noarch.rpm :
Mon Dec 1 13:00:00 2014
- fix typo in last change

Mon Dec 1 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 1.5.0:

* When an import error happens ```` will now show the full
error rather than just the name of the module that failed to import.
(Robert Collins)

* ``testtools.TestCase`` now inherits from unittest2.TestCase, which
provides a ``setUpClass`` for upcalls on Python 2.6.
(Robert Collins, #1393283)

* Fixed our to use setup_requires to ensure the import dependencies
for testtools are present before runs (as imports testtools
to read out the version number). (Robert Collins)

* Support setUpClass skipping with self.skipException. Previously this worked
with unittest from 2.7 and above but was not supported by testtools - it was
a happy accident. Since we now hard depend on unittest2, we need to invert
our exception lookup priorities to support it. Regular skips done through
raise self.skipException will continue to work, since they were always caught
in our code - its because the suite type being used to implement setUpClass
has changed that an issue occured.
(Robert Collins, #1393068)

* Correctly express our unittest2 dependency: we don\'t work with old releases.
(Robert Collins)

* Depends on unittest2 for discovery functionality and the ``TestProgram`` base
class. This brings in many fixes made to discovery where previously we were
only using the discovery package or the version in the release of Python
that the test execution was occuring on. (Robert Collins, #1271133)

* Fixed unit tests which were failing under pypy due to a change in the way
pypy formats tracebacks. (Thomi Richards)

* Fixed the testtools test suite to run correctly when run via ``unit2``
or `` discover``.

* Make `testtools.content.text_content` error if anything other than text
is given as content. (Thomi Richards)

Tue Sep 16 14:00:00 2014
- update to version 1.1.0:

* Exceptions in a ``fixture.getDetails`` method will no longer mask errors
raised from the same fixture\'s ``setUp`` method.
(Robert Collins, #1368440)

* Fix a long-standing bug where tearDown and cleanUps would not be called if
the test run was interrupted. This should fix leaking external resources
from interrupted tests.
(Robert Collins, #1364188)

* Fix a long-standing bug where calling sys.exit(0) from within a test would
cause the test suite to exit with 0, without reporting a failure of that
test. We still allow the test suite to be exited (since catching higher
order exceptions requires exceptional circumstances) but we now call a
last-resort handler on the TestCase, resulting in an error being
reported for the test.
(Robert Collins, #1364188)

* Fix an issue where tests skipped with the ``skip``
* family of decorators
would still have their ``setUp`` and ``tearDown`` functions called.
(Thomi Richards, #

* We have adopted a formal backwards compatibility statement (see hacking.rst)
(Robert Collins)

* _jython_aware_splitext was not defined entirely compatibly.
(Robert Collins, #

* Discovery import error detection wasn\'t implemented for python 2.6 (the
\'discover\' module). (Robert Collins)

* Discovery now executes load_tests (if present) in __init__ in all packages.
(Robert Collins,

* ``stdout`` is now correctly honoured on ``run.TestProgram`` - before the
runner objects would be created with no stdout parameter. If construction
fails, the previous parameter list is attempted, permitting compatibility
with Runner classes that don\'t accept stdout as a parameter.
(Robert Collins)

* The ``ExtendedToStreamDecorator`` now handles content objects with one less
packet - the last packet of the source content is sent with EOF set rather
than an empty packet with EOF set being sent after the last packet of the
source content. (Robert Collins)

* Error if ``setUp`` or ``tearDown`` are called twice.
(Robert Collins, #882884)

* Make testtools compatible with the ``unittest.expectedFailure`` decorator in
Python 3.4. (Thomi Richards)

Wed Jan 29 13:00:00 2014
- update to 0.9.35:

* Removed a number of code paths where Python 2.4 and Python 2.5 were
explicitly handled. (Daniel Watkins)

* Added the ``testtools.TestCase.expectThat`` method, which implements
delayed assertions. (Thomi Richards)

* Docs are now built as part of the Travis-CI build, reducing the chance of
Read The Docs being broken accidentally. (Daniel Watkins, #1158773)

Mon Jan 13 13:00:00 2014
- update to 0.9.34:

* Added ability for ``testtools.TestCase`` instances to force a test to
fail, even if no assertions failed. (Thomi Richards)

* Added ``testtools.content.StacktraceContent``, a content object that
automatically creates a ``StackLinesContent`` object containing the current
stack trace. (Thomi Richards)

* ``AnyMatch`` is now exported properly in ``testtools.matchers``.
(Robert Collins, Rob Kennedy, github #44)

* Network tests now bind to to avoid (even temporary) network
visible ports. (Benedikt Morbach, github #46)

Sun Nov 17 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 0.9.33
+ Added ``addDetailuniqueName`` method to ``testtools.TestCase`` class.
+ Removed some unused code from ``testtools.content.TracebackContent``.
+ Added ``testtools.StackLinesContent``: a content object for displaying
pre-processed stack lines.
+ ``StreamSummary`` was calculating testsRun incorrectly: ``exists`` status
tests were counted as run tests, but they are not.
- Remove unwanted hidden file from documentation generated with Sphinx

Thu Aug 8 14:00:00 2013
- Revert back

Thu Aug 8 14:00:00 2013
- Totally disable testing to bootstrap ppc64. Actually the build conditional is
supposed to do just that.

Tue Jun 25 14:00:00 2013
- Introduce a build conditional for running tests to break build cycle
with python-extras

Fri Jun 21 14:00:00 2013
- Use upstream URL
- Run testsuite
- Update to version 0.9.32:
+ Stacktrace filtering no longer hides unittest frames that are surrounded by
user frames. We will reenable this when we figure out a better algorithm for
retaining meaning. (Robert Collins, #1188420)
+ The compatibility code for skipped tests with unittest2 was broken.
(Robert Collins, #1190951)
+ Various documentation improvements (Clint Byrum, Xiao Hanyu).
- Changes from version 0.9.31:
+ ExpectedException now accepts a msg parameter for describing an error,
much the same as assertEquals etc. (Robert Collins)

Mon May 6 14:00:00 2013
- add python-mmimeparse dependency

Tue Apr 23 14:00:00 2013
- Fix source URL; packages are available on

Mon Apr 22 14:00:00 2013
- update to 0.9.30:
A new sort of TestResult, the StreamResult has been added, as a prototype for
a revised standard library test result API. Expect this API to change.
Although we will try to preserve compatibility for early adopters, it is
experimental and we might need to break it if it turns out to be unsuitable.

Tue Apr 16 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 0.9.29
+ Added missing build-depends: python3-setuptools, python-setuptools and
+ Build-depends: python-fixtures must be >= 0.3.12~
- Disable test; it seems there is a typo mistake in setup.cfg
- Added url as source.
Please see

Tue Jan 15 13:00:00 2013
- Initial python3 support

Mon Jan 14 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 0.9.24:

* discover will now sort the tests it discovered. This is a
workaround for Non-standard test suites
are preserved, and their sort_tests() method called (if they have such an
attribute). testtools.testsuite.sorted_tests(suite, True) can be used by
such suites to do a local sort.

* ThreadsafeForwardingResult now defines a stub progress method, which
fixes testr run of streams containing progress markers (by discarding the
progress data).
- Changes from version 0.9.23:

* run.TestToolsTestRunner now accepts the verbosity, buffer and failfast
arguments the upstream python TestProgram code wants to give it, making it
possible to support them in a compatible fashion. (Robert Collins)

* now supports the -f or --failfast parameter.
Previously it was advertised in the help but ignored.

* AnyMatch added, a new matcher that matches when any item in a collection
matches the given matcher.

* Spelling corrections to documentation.

* TestProgram now has a sane default for its testRunner argument.

* The test suite passes on Python 3 again.
- Changes from version 0.9.22:

* content_from_file and content_from_stream now accept seek_offset and
seek_whence parameters allowing them to be used to grab less than the full
stream, or to be used with StringIO streams.

Thu Dec 6 13:00:00 2012
- Cleanup spec file
- Install HTML documentation

Tue Nov 13 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.9.21:

* DirContains correctly exposed, after being accidentally hidden in the
great matcher re-organization of 0.9.17. (Jonathan Lange)
- 0.9.20

* New, powerful matchers that match items in a dictionary:
- MatchesDict, match every key in a dictionary with a key in a
dictionary of matchers. For when the set of expected keys is equal to
the set of observed keys.
- ContainsDict, every key in a dictionary of matchers must be
found in a dictionary, and the values for those keys must match. For
when the set of expected keys is a subset of the set of observed keys.
- ContainedByDict, every key in a dictionary must be found in
a dictionary of matchers. For when the set of expected keys is a
superset of the set of observed keys.
The names are a little confusing, sorry. We\'re still trying to figure out
how to present the concept in the simplest way possible.
- 0.9.19

* Include the matcher tests in the release, allowing the tests to run and
pass from the release tarball. (Jonathan Lange)

* Fix cosmetic test failures in Python 3.3, introduced during release
0.9.17. (Jonathan Lange)
- 0.9.18
Due to an oversight, release 0.9.18 did not contain the new
testtools.matchers package and was thus completely broken. This release
corrects that, returning us all to normality.
- 0.9.17
This release brings better discover support and Python3.x improvements.
There are still some test failures on Python3.3 but they are cosmetic - the
library is as usable there as on any other Python 3 release.

* The testtools.matchers package has been split up. No change to the
public interface. (Jonathan Lange)

* python -m discover . --list now works. (Robert Collins)

* Correctly handling of bytes vs text in JSON content type. (Martin [gz])
- 0.9.16
This is the first release of testtools to drop support for Python 2.4 and
2.5. If you need support for either of those versions, please use testtools

* New content helper, json_content (Jonathan Lange)

* New matchers:

* ContainsAll for asserting one thing is a subset of another
(Raphaël Badin)

* SameMembers for asserting two iterators have the same members.
(Jonathan Lange)

* Reraising of exceptions in Python 3 is more reliable. (Martin [gz])

Wed May 23 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.9.15

* PlaceHolder and ErrorHolder now support being given result
details. (Robert Collins)

* ErrorHolder is now just a function - all the logic is in
PlaceHolder. (Robert Collins)

* TestResult and all other TestResult-like objects in testtools
distinguish between global tags and test-local tags, as per the subunit
specification. (Jonathan Lange)

* This is the
* release of testtools that supports Python 2.4 or 2.5.
These releases are no longer supported by the Python community and do not
receive security updates. If this affects you, you will need to either
stay on this release or perform your own backports.
(Jonathan Lange, Robert Collins)

* ThreadsafeForwardingResult now forwards global tags as test-local
tags, making reasoning about the correctness of the multiplexed stream
simpler. This preserves the semantic value (what tags apply to a given
test) while consuming less stream size (as no negative-tag statement is
needed). (Robert Collins, Gary Poster, #986434)

* API documentation corrections. (Raphaël Badin)

* ConcurrentTestSuite now takes an optional wrap_result parameter
that can be used to wrap the ThreadsafeForwardingResults created by
the suite. (Jonathan Lange)

* Tagger added. It\'s a new TestResult that tags all tests sent to
it with a particular set of tags. (Jonathan Lange)

* testresultdecorator brought over from subunit. (Jonathan Lange)

* All TestResult wrappers now correctly forward current_tags from
their wrapped results, meaning that current_tags can always be relied
upon to return the currently active tags on a test result.

* TestByTestResult, a TestResult that calls a method once per test,
added. (Jonathan Lange)

* ThreadsafeForwardingResult correctly forwards tags() calls where
only one of new_tags or gone_tags are specified.
(Jonathan Lange, #980263)

* ThreadsafeForwardingResult no longer leaks local tags from one test
into all future tests run. (Jonathan Lange, #985613)

* ThreadsafeForwardingResult has many, many more tests. (Jonathan Lange)
- Enable tests

Tue Feb 21 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.9.14:

* Our sister project, subunit _, was using
a private API that was deleted in the 0.9.13 release. This release
restores that API in order to smooth out the upgrade path.
If you don\'t use subunit, then this release won\'t matter very much to you.
- 0.9.13
- Changes

* MatchesAll now takes an first_only keyword argument that changes
how mismatches are displayed. If you were previously passing matchers to
MatchesAll with keyword arguments, then this change might affect
your test results. (Jonathan Lange)
- Improvements

* Actually hide all of the testtools stack for assertion failures. The
previous release promised clean stack, but now we actually provide it.
(Jonathan Lange, #854769)

* assertRaises now includes the repr of the callable that failed
to raise properly. (Jonathan Lange, #881052)

* Asynchronous tests no longer hang when run with trial.
(Jonathan Lange, #926189)

* Content objects now have an as_text method to convert their
contents to Unicode text. (Jonathan Lange)

* Failed equality assertions now line up. (Jonathan Lange, #879339)

* FullStackRunTest no longer aborts the test run if a test raises an
error. (Jonathan Lange)

* MatchesAll and MatchesListwise both take a first_only
keyword argument. If True, they will report only on the first mismatch
they find, and not continue looking for other possible mismatches.
(Jonathan Lange)

* New helper, Nullary that turns callables with arguments into ones
that don\'t take arguments. (Jonathan Lange)

* New matchers:

* DirContains matches the contents of a directory.
(Jonathan Lange, James Westby)

* DirExists matches if a directory exists.
(Jonathan Lange, James Westby)

* FileContains matches the contents of a file.
(Jonathan Lange, James Westby)

* FileExists matches if a file exists.
(Jonathan Lange, James Westby)

* HasPermissions matches the permissions of a file. (Jonathan Lange)

* MatchesPredicate matches if a predicate is true. (Jonathan Lange)

* PathExists matches if a path exists. (Jonathan Lange, James

* SamePath matches if two paths are the same. (Jonathan Lange)

* TarballContains matches the contents of a tarball. (Jonathan

* MultiTestResult supports the tags method.
(Graham Binns, Francesco Banconi, #914279)

* ThreadsafeForwardingResult supports the tags method.
(Graham Binns, Francesco Banconi, #914279)

* ThreadsafeForwardingResult no longer includes semaphore acquisition
time in the test duration (for implicitly timed test runs).
(Robert Collins, #914362)

Sun Dec 11 13:00:00 2011
- Update to 0.9.12:
- Changes:

* AfterPreproccessing renamed to AfterPreprocessing, which is a
more correct spelling. Old name preserved for backwards compatibility,
but is now deprecated. Please stop using it. (Jonathan Lange, #813460)

* assertThat raises MismatchError instead of
TestCase.failureException. MismatchError is a subclass of
AssertionError, so in most cases this change will not matter.
However, if self.failureException has been set to a non-default
value, then mismatches will become test errors rather than test

* gather_details takes two dicts, rather than two detailed objects.
(Jonathan Lange, #801027)

* MatchesRegex mismatch now says \" does not match //\"
rather than \" did not match \". The regular expression
contains fewer backslashes too. (Jonathan Lange, #818079)

* Tests that run with AsynchronousDeferredRunTest now have the
reactor attribute set to the running reactor. (Jonathan Lange,
- Improvements:

* All public matchers are now in testtools.matchers.__all__. (Jonathan
Lange, #784859)

* assertThat can actually display mismatches and matchers that contain
extended unicode characters. (Jonathan Lange, Martin [gz], #804127)

* assertThat output is much less verbose, displaying only what the
mismatch tells us to display. Old-style verbose output can be had by
passing verbose=True to assertThat. (Jonathan Lange, #675323,

* assertThat accepts a message which will be used to annotate the
matcher. This can be given as a third parameter or as a keyword
parameter. (Robert Collins)

* Automated the Launchpad part of the release process. (Jonathan Lange,

* Correctly display non-ASCII unicode output on terminals that claim to
have a unicode encoding. (Martin [gz], #804122)

* DocTestMatches correctly handles unicode output from examples,
rather than raising an error. (Martin [gz], #764170)

* ErrorHolder and PlaceHolder added to docs. (Jonathan Lange,

* ExpectedException now matches any exception of the given type by
default, and also allows specifying a Matcher rather than a mere
regular expression. (Jonathan Lange, #791889)

* FixtureSuite added, allows test suites to run with a given fixture.
(Jonathan Lange)

* Hide testtools\'s own stack frames when displaying tracebacks, making it
easier for test authors to focus on their errors. (Jonathan Lange,
Martin [gz], #788974)

* Less boilerplate displayed in test failures and errors. (Jonathan Lange,

* MatchesException now allows you to match exceptions against any
matcher, rather than just regular expressions. (Jonathan Lange, #791889)

* MatchesException now permits a tuple of types rather than a single
type (when using the type matching mode). (Robert Collins)

* MatchesStructure.byEquality added to make the common case of
matching many attributes by equality much easier.
MatchesStructure.byMatcher added in case folk want to match by
things other than equality. (Jonathan Lange)

* New convenience assertions, assertIsNone and assertIsNotNone.
(Christian Kampka)

* New matchers:

* AllMatch matches many values against a single matcher. (Jonathan
Lange, #615108)

* Contains. (Robert Collins)

* GreaterThan. (Christian Kampka)

* New helper, safe_hasattr added. (Jonathan Lange)

* reraise added to testtools.compat. (Jonathan Lange)
- 0.9.11:
- Changes

* TestCase now uses super to call base unittest.TestCase
constructor, setUp and tearDown. (Tim Cole, #771508)

* If, when calling useFixture an error occurs during fixture set up,
we still attempt to gather details from the fixture. (Gavin Panella)
- Improvements

* Additional compat helper for BytesIO for libraries that build on
testtools and are working on Python 3 porting. (Robert Collins)

* Corrected documentation for MatchesStructure in the test authors
document. (Jonathan Lange)

* LessThan error message now says something that is logically correct.
(Gavin Panella, #762008)

* Multiple details from a single fixture are now kept separate, rather
than being mooshed together. (Gavin Panella, #788182)

* Python 3 support now back in action. (Martin [gz], #688729)

* try_import and try_imports have a callback that is called
whenever they fail to import a module. (Martin Pool)

Sat Apr 16 14:00:00 2011
- Initial release