Changelog for python3-rpy2-2.9.5-lp150.2.3.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Dec 03 2018 Todd R - Update to 2.9.5 * Missing values in pandas :class:`Category` series were creating invalid R factors when converted (issue #493). * Tue Aug 14 2018 schwabAATTsuse.de- Remove unused dependencies on blas libraries- Don\'t exclude post-build-checks * Wed Aug 08 2018 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Update to 2.9.4 * Fallback for failure to import numpy or pandas is now dissociated from failure to import :mod:`numpy2ri` or :mod:`pandas2ri` (issue #463). * :func:`repr` for R POSIX date/time vectors is now showing a string representation of the date/time rather than the timestamp as a float (issue #467). * The HTML representation of R data frame (the default representation in the Jupyter notebook) was displaying an inconsistent number of rows (found while workin on issue #466). * Handle time zones in timezones in Pandas when converting to R data frames (issue #454). * When exiting the Python process, the R cleanup is now explicitly request to happen before Python\'s exit. This is preventing possible segfaults the process is terminating (issue #471). * dplyr method `ungroup()` was missing from :class:`rpy2.robjects.lib.dplyr.DataFrame` (issue #473). * Fri May 18 2018 jengelhAATTinai.de- Ensure neutrality of description. Trim future goals from description. * Fri May 11 2018 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Fix license * Thu May 03 2018 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Use %license tag * Thu May 03 2018 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Update to version 2.9.3 * Delegate finding where is local time zone file to either a user-specified module-level variable `default_timezone` or to the third-party module :mod:`tzlocal` (issue #448).- Update to version 2.9.2 + Changes * The pandas converter is converting :class:`pandas.Series` of `dtype` `\"O\"` to :class:`rpy2.robjects.vectors.StrVector` objects, issueing a warning about it (See issue #421). * The conversion of pandas data frame is now working with columns rather than rows (introduce in bug fix for issue #442 below) and this is expected to result in more efficient conversions. + Bugs fixed * Allow floats in figure sizes for R magic (Pull request #63) * Fixed pickling unpickling of robjects-level instances, regression introduced in fix for issue #432 with release 2.9.1 (issue #443). * Fixed broken unit test for columns of `dtype` `\"O\"` in `pandas` data frames. * Fixed incorrect conversion of R factors in data frames to columns of integers in pandas data frame (issue #442).- Update to version 2.9.1 + Changes * Fixing issue #432 (see Section Bugs fixed below) involved removed the method `__reduce__` previously provided for all rpy2 objects representing R objects. + Bugs fixed * An error when installing with an unsupported R version was fixed (issue #420). * The docstring for `rinterface.endr()` was improperly stating that the function was not taking any argument (issue #423). * Target version of dplyr and tidyr are now 0.7.4 and 0.7.2 respectively. * Fixed memory leak when pickling objects (issue #432). Fixing the leak caused a slight change in the API (see Section Changes above). * Conversion to :mod:`pandas` now handling R ordered factor (issue #398). :mod:`jinja2` was not listed as a dependency (issue #437). * Wed Aug 23 2017 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Implement single-spec version- Update to version 2.9.0 * See changes at https://bitbucket.org/rpy2/rpy2/src/33ae1887a9cf3b624ea03b389835cd7a91cb815a/NEWS?at=RELEASE_2_9_0&fileviewer=file-view-default * Mon May 09 2016 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Update to version 2.7.9 * Python objects exposed to R could lead to segfault when the Python process is exiting (issue #331)- specfile: * updated source url to files.pythonhosted.org- update to version 2.7.8: * New class :class:`rpy2.robjects.SourceCode`. The class extends Python\'s :class:`str` and is meant to represent R source code. An HTML renderer for the ipython notebook (syntax highlighting using :mod:`pygment` is also added). * New module :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.tidyr` providing a custom wrapper for the R library `tidyr` * The long-deprecated functions :func:`rpy2.rinterface.set_writeconsole` and :func:`rpy2.rinterface.get_writeconsole` are no longer available. One of :func:`rpy2.rinterface.set_writeconsole_regular` / :func:`rpy2.rinterface.set_writeconsole_warnerror` or :func:`rpy2.rinterface.get_writeconsole_regular` / :func:`rpy2.rinterface.get_writeconsole_warnerror` respectively should be used instead. * The attribute :attr:`rpy2.robjects.RObject.slots` can now be implictly interated on (the method :meth:`__iter__` is now an alias for :meth:`keys`).- specfile: * update copyright year- update to version 2.7.7: * Pickling `robjects`-level objects resulted in `rinterface`-level objects when unpickled (issue #324).- changes from version 2.7.6: * :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.ggplot2` was modified to match the newly released ggplot2-2.0.0. This is introducing API-breaking changes, which breaks the promise to keep the API stable through bugfix releases within series, but without it 2.7.x will not a work with new default installation of the R package ggplot2.- changes from version 2.7.5: * Division and floordivision through the delegator `.ro` provided with R vectors wrapped by `robjects`. (issue #320) * Memory leak when unserializing (unpickling) R objects bundled in Python objects (issue #321)- update to version 2.7.4: * Python 3.5 highlighted slightly incorrect C-level flags in rpy2 objects declarations, and :mod:`rpy2.robjects` could not be imported. * Fixed unit tests for rmagic when :mod:`numpy` is not installed, and for :mod:`numpy` is installed by :mod:`pandas` in missing.- update to version 2.7.3: * method :meth:`DataFrame.collect` in :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.dplyr` was not functioning. * Applied patch by Matthias Klose to fix implict pointer conversions. * :mod:`pandas2ri.ri2py_dataframe` is now propagating the row names in the R data frame into an index in the pandas data frame (issue [#285]) * methods `union`, `intersect`, `setdiff`, `ungroup` defined in the R package `dplyr` were missing from the `DataFrame` definition in :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.dplyr`- update to version 2.7.2: * methods `distinct`, `sample_n`, and `sample_frac` defined in the R package `rplyr` were missing from the `DataFrame` definition in :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.dplyr` * The fix for the inheritance problem with :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.dplyr.DataFrame` introduced a regression whenever `group_by` is used. * The methods to perform joins on dplyr `DataFrame` objects where not working properly.- update to version 2.7.1: * The :meth:`__repr__` for :mod:`robjects`-level vectors was broken for vectors of length 1 (issue #306) * The ipython notebook-based sections of the documentation were not building * Classes inheriting from :mod:`dplyr.DataFrame` had dplyr methods returning objects of their parent class.- specfile: * check for R-version >= 3.2- update to version 2.7.0: * New exception :class:`rpy2.rinterface.RParsingError`. Errors occurring when parsing R code through :func:`rpy2.rinterface.parse` raise this exception (previously :class:`rpy2.rinterface.RRuntimeError`). * New class :class:`rpy2.robjects.conversion.Converter` to replace the `namedtuple` of the same name * New class :class:`rpy2.robjects.converter.ConversionContext`. This is a context manager allowing an easy setting of local conversion rules. The constructor has an alias called :meth:`rpy2.robjects.constructor.localconverter`. * New module :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.dplyr` providing a custom wrapper for the R library `dplyr` * Method :method:`Environment.items()` to iterate through the symbols and associated objects in an R environment. * Exception :class:`rpy2.rinterface.ParsingIncompleError`, a child class of :class:`rpy2.rinterface.ParsingError`, raised when calling :meth:`rpy2.rinteface.parse` results in R\'s C-level status to be `PARSE_INCOMPLETE`. This can make the Python implementation of an IDE for R easier. * Attribute :attr:`slots` for :mod:`rpy2.robjects`-level objects. The attribute is a :class:`rpy2.robjects.Rslots` which behaves like a Python mapping to provide access to R-attributes for the object (see issue #275). * The R \"magic\" for ipython `%%R` can be passed a local converter (see new features above) by using `-c`. * Conversion rules were not applied when parsing and evaluating string as R with :class:`rpy2.robjects.R`. * Calling the constructor for :class:`rpy2.robjects.vectors.FactorVector` with an R factor is no longer making a copy, loosing the associated R attributes if any (fixes issue #299). * `rpy2` could crash when R was unable to dynamically load the C extension for one of its packages (noticed with issue #303). * :func:`rpy2.rinterface.is_initialized` is now a function. * :meth:`rpy2.robjects.R.__call__` is now calling R\'s `base::parse()` to parse the string rather the parser through R\'s C-API. The workaround let\'s us retrieve R\'s error message in case of failure (see issue #300)- changes from version 2.6.3: * Metaclass `RS4Auto_Type` facilitating the creation of Python classes from R S4 classes was not handling classes without methods (issue #301)- update to version 2.6.2: * Check that R >= 3.2 is used at build time (issue #291) * Conversion rules were not applied when parsing and evaluating string as R code with :class:`rpy2.robjects.R`.- update to version 2.6.1: * Because of their long names, the classes :class:`SignatureTranslatedAnonymousPackage`, :class:`SignatureTranslatedPackage`, and :class:`SignatureTranslatedFunction` in :mod:`rpy2.robjects.packages` have now the aliases :class:`STAP`, :class:`STP`, and :class:`STF` respectively. * Typo in function name emitting warnings at build time (issue #283) * The conversion of `TaggedList` instances is now handling the names of items in the list (issue #286) * Loading the `ipython` extension in the absence of `pandas` or `numpy` is now issuing a warning (issue #279)- update to version 2.6.0: * Report the existence during build time of a file `.Renviron`, or the definition of the environment variables `R_ENVIRON\' or `R_ENVIRON_USER` with a warning. (issue #204) * Moved console writting callback to use `ptr_R_WriteConsoleEx` rather than `ptr_R_WriteConsole`. This allows callbacks for warnings and messages. `get/set_writeconsole` is now replaced by `get/set_writeconsole_regular` (regular output) and `get/set_writeconsole_warnerror` (warning and error). In order to conserve backward compatibility an alias for `get/set_writeconsole_regular` called `get/set_writeconsole` is provided. * Added callback for `ptr_R_ResetConsole`. * `pandas` :class:`Categorical` objects are automatically handled in the pandas converter. * The translation of R symbols into Python symbols used in `importr` and underlying classes and methods can be customized with a callback. The default translation turning `.` into `_` is `default_symbol_r2python`. * Translation of named arguments in R function is now sharing code with the translation of R symbols (see point above), providing a consistent way to perform translations. * Utility function `sequence_to_vector` in `robjects` to convert Python sequences (e.g., `list` or `tuple`) to R vector without having to specify the type (the type is inferred from the list). * `robjects.vectors` object have a property :attr:`NAvalue` that contains the `NA` value for the vector, allowing generic code on R vectors. For example, testing whether any vector contains `NA` can be written as `any(x is myvector.NAvalue for x in myvector)`. Making numpy /masked/ array is an other application. * Changes + The automatic name translation from R to Python used in `importr` is now slightly more complex. It will not only translate `.` to `_` but should a conflict arise from the existence in R of both the `.` and `_` versions the `.` version will be appended a `_` (in accordance with :pep:0008). The change was discussed in issue #274). + The ipython \'R magic\' is now starting with a default conversion mode that is `pandas2ri` if it can find it, then `numpy2ri` if it can find it, and then the basic conversion. + R vectors are now typed at the C level (IntSexpVector, FloatSexpVector, ListSexpVector, etc...) whenever retrieving them from the embedded R with the low-level `rinterface`. This is facilitating dispatch on vector type (e.g., with `singledispatch` now used for the conversion system). * Bugs fixed + The evaluation of R code through R\'s C-level function `tryEval` caused console output whenever an error occurred. Moving to the seemingly experimental `tryEvalSilent` makes evaluations less verbose. + Multiple plots in one ipython cell (pull request #44)- changes from version 2.5.7: * \"simplegeneric\" was moved of ipython 4.0.0 (pull request #43) * Sun May 24 2015 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Update to version 2.5.6 - Detection of the R version during setup on Win8 (issues #255 and #258) - Segmentation fault when converting :mod:`pandas` :class:`Series` with elements of type object (issue #264) - The default converter from Python (non-rpy2) objects to rinterface-level objects was producing robjects-level objects whenever the input was of type :class:`list` (discovered while fixing issue #264) - Implemented suggested fix for issue with unlinking files on Windows (issue #191) - Testing rpy2 in the absence of ipython no longer stops with an error (issue #266)- Update to version 2.5.5 - Crash (segfault) when querying an R object in an R environment triggers an error (symbol exists, but associated values resolves to an error - issue #251) - Change in the signature of `rcall` was not updated in the documentation (issue #259) - Minor update to the documentation (issue #257) * Tue Jan 13 2015 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- specfile: * update copyright year * README -> README.md- update to version 2.5.4: * Filter PNG files on size, preventing empty files causing trouble to be ipython notebook rendering of graphics later on (slight modification of the pull request #39) * Fix installation left unresolved with rpy2-2.5.3 (issue #248) * Possible segfault with Python 3.4 (issue #249)- changes to version 2.5.3: * \'setup.py\' has \'install_requires\' in addition to \'requires\' in the hope to fix the missing dependency with Python 2 (\'singledispatch\' is required but not installed). * Extracting configuration information from should now work when R is emitting a warning (issue #247) * On OS X the library discovery step can yield nothing (see issue [#246]). A tentative fix is to issue a warning and keep moving.- changes to version 2.5.2: * String representation of \'robjects.R\' (issue #238) * Check during \'build_ext\' if unsupported version of R (pull request [#32]) * HTMl display of columns of factors in a DataFrame (issue #236) * HTML display of factors (issue #242)- changes to version 2.5.1: * Require singledispatch if Python 3.3 (issue #232) * Fixed bug when R spits out a warning when asked configuration information (issue #233) * Restored printing of compilation information when running \'setup.py\' * Fixed installation issue on some systems (issue #234) * Workaround obscure failure message from unittest if Python < 3.4 and \'singledispatch\' cannot be imported (issue #235)- changes to version 2.5.0: * Experimental alternative way to preserve R objects from garbage collection. This can be activated with \'rinterface.initr(r_preservehash=True)\' (default is \'False\'. * \'GGPlot\' object getting a method \'save\' mirroring R\'s \'ggplot2::ggsave()\'. * The conversion system is now using generics/single dispatch. * New module \'rpy2.ipython.html\' with HTML display for rpy2 objects * [Experimental] New function \'robjects.methods.rs4instance_factory\' to type RS4 objects with more specificity. * The script \'setup.py\' was rewritten for clarity and ease of maintenance. Now it only uses \'setuptools\'.- changes to version 2.4.4: * Use \'input\' rather than \'raw_input\' in the default console callback with Python 3 (fixes issue #222) * Issues with conversions, pandas, and rmagic (fixes issue #218 and more)- changes to version 2.4.3: * \'geom_raster\' was missing from \'rpy2.robjects.lib.ggplot2\' (pull request #30) * Fixed issue with SVG rendering in ipython notebook (issue #217) * Regression with \'rx2()\' introduced with new conversion (issue [#219]) * Fixed documentation (missing \'import\') (issue #213)- Release 2.4.2 * Bugs fixed - Assigning an R `DataFrame` into an environment was failing if the conversion for Pandas was activated. (Issue #207)- Release 2.4.1 * Bugs fixed - :meth:`rpy2.ipython` fixed spurious output to notebook cells.- Release 2.4.0 * Changes - Conversion system slightly changed, with the optional conversions for :mod:`numpy` and :mod:`pandas` modified accordingly. The changes should only matter if using third-party conversion functions. - The Python 3 version is now a first class citizen. `2to3` is no longer used, and the code base is made directly compatible with Python. This lowers significantly the installation time with Python 3 (which matters when developping rpy2). - The default options to initialize R (`rpy2.rinterface.initoptions\') are no longer `(\'rpy2\', \'--quiet\', \'--vanilla\', \'--no-save\')` but now `(\'rpy2\', \'--quiet\', \'--no-save\')`. - :class:`robjects.vectors.ListVector` can be instanciated from any objects with a method `items()` with the expectation that the method returns an iterable of (name, value) tuples, or even be an iterable of (name, value) tuples. * New features - For instances of :class:`rpy2.robjects.Function`, the `__doc__` is now a property fetching information about the parameters in the R signature. - Convenience function :func:`rpy2.robjects.packages.data` to extract the datasets in an R pacakges - :mod:`ipython`\'s `rmagic` is now part of :mod:`rpy`. To use, `%load_ext rpy2.ipython` from within IPython. - new method :meth:`rpy2.rinterface.SexpEnvironment.keys`, returnings the names in the environment as a tuple of Python strings. - convenience class :class:`robjects.packages.InstalledPackages`, with a companion function :func:`robjects.packages.isinstalled`. - new class :class:`rinterface.SexpSymbol` to represent R symbols * Bugs fixed - :meth:`rpy2.rinterface.Sexp.do_slot` was crashing when the parameter was an empty string (PR #155)- Release 2.3.10 * Bugs fixed - `setup.py build` was broken when new R compiled with OpenMP (Issue #183)- Release 2.3.9 * Bugs fixed - Changes in pandas 0.13.0 broke the rpy2 conversion layer (Issue #173) * Sun Nov 24 2013 p.drouandAATTgmail.com- Update to version 2.3.8 + Fix crash with R-3.0.2. Changes in R-3.0.2\'s C API coupled to a strange behaviour with R promises caused the problem. (PR #150)- Changes from version 2.3.7 + ggplot2\'s \"guides\" were missing + ggplot2\'s \"theme_classic\" was missing (PR #143) + ggplot2\'s \"element_rect\" was missing (PR #144) + :func:`rpy2.interactive.packages` was broken (PR #142)- Changes from version 2.3.6 + Several reports of segfault on OS X (since rpy2-2.3.1 - PR #109) + More fixes in converting `DataFrames` with dates from `pandas`- Remove redundant %clean section- Fix license; rpy2 is released under the MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE 1.1 and can be used under this one or under GNU General Public License version 2 or GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1- Add licenses files in package documentation * Mon Apr 22 2013 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- update to new version 2.3.5- update to new URL- add buildrequires: R-base, which is needed for openSUSE:Factory * Fri May 18 2012 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Add python 3 package- Clean up spec file formatting * Sat Apr 14 2012 badshah400AATTgmail.com- Update BuildRequires in keeping with lapack package naming changes. * Sat Feb 25 2012 scorotAATTfree.fr- fix build for SLE-11 * Fri Jan 06 2012 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Clean up spec file * Fri Dec 16 2011 otto.dassauAATTgmx.de- update to version 2.2.4- add readline as BuildRequires * Mon May 02 2011 dassauAATTgbd-consult.de- update new version 2.1.9 * Thu Nov 04 2010 dassauAATTgbd-consult.de- update new version 2.1.7 * Mon Jul 20 2009 dassauAATTgbd-consult.de- added to opensuse Build Service * Mon Jun 15 2009 tpgAATTmandriva.org- update new version