Changelog for python3-textile-3.0.3-lp150.2.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Apr 23 2018 update to version 3.0.3:
* BUGFIX: Improve handling code block following extended p block (#63)
* Thu Apr 12 2018 update to version 3.0.2:
* Fix for multiple multi-line paragraphs. (#62)- update to version 3.0.1:
* Fix improper handling of extended code blocks. (#61)
* Sat Nov 18 2017 change source url back to fixed pypi url
* Thu Nov 16 2017 update to version 3.0.0:
* Update to the current version of html5lib
* Bugfixes:
* Fix handling of HTML entities in extended pre blocks. (#55)
* Empty definitions in definition lists raised an exception (#56)
* Fix handling of unicode in img attributes (#58)
* Sun Sep 17 2017 fix dependencies
* Wed Aug 16 2017 upgrade to 2.3.16
* Bugfixes:
* Fix processing of extended code blocks (\"#50\":
* Don\'t break when links fail to include \"http:\" (\"#51\":
* Better handling of poorly-formatted tables (\"#52\":
* Fri Jul 21 2017 upgrade to version 2.3.15
* Bugfix: Don\'t break on unicode characters in the fragment of a url. (#49)- upgrade to version 2.3.14
* Bugfix: Fix textile on Python 2.6 (#48)
* Thu Jul 20 2017 upgrade to version 2.3.13
* Remove extraneous arguments from textile method. These were originally added long ago to work with django, but markup languages are long gone from django.
* Bugfix: Don\'t mangle percent-encoded URLs so much. (\"#45\":
* Bugfix: More fixes for poorly-formatted lists. (\"#46\":
* Bugfix: Improve handling of whitespace in pre-formatted blocks. This now matches php-textile\'s handling of pre blocks much more closely. (\"#47\":
* Tue Jun 06 2017 upgrade to cersion 2.3.12 upstream changelog for 2.3.12
* Bugfix: Don\'t die on pre blocks with unicode characters. (\"#43\":
* Bugfix: Fix regressions introduced into the code between 2.2.2 and 2.3.11. (Special thanks to \"AATTadam-iris\": for providing pull request \"#44\":
* Bugfix: Don\'t just die when processing poorly-formatted textile lists. (\"#37\":
* Add Python 3.6 to testing.
* Add a \"print the version string and exit\" argument to the cli tool: AATTpytextile -vAATT upstream changelog for 2.3.11:
* Bugfix: Don\'t strip leading dot from image URIs (\"#42\": upstream changelog for 2.3.10:
* Packaging: cleanup in MANIFEST.IN leads to better linux packaging, and smaller wheel size.
* Sun Apr 09 2017 upgrade to 2.3.9- convert specfile to singlespec- upstream changes: - Version 2.3.9
* Packaging: remove extraneous files from the source distribution upload.
* Remove a lingering file from a feature branch for overhauling list handling. This brings coverage back up to 100%. - Version 2.3.8
* Bugfix: Fix process of string containing only whitespaces (\"#40\":
* Bugfix: Fix process of formatted text after lists (\"#37\":
* Test: Use sys.executable instead of \'python\' to test the CLI (\"#38\": - Version 2.3.7
* Bugfix: Don\'t assume pytest is available to be imported in (\"#39\": - Version 2.3.6
* Packaging: AATTtestsAATT directory is correctly included in source-tarball. (\"#33\": - Version 2.3.5
* Bugfix: Correctly handle unicode text in url query-strings. (\"#36\": - Version 2.3.4
* Bugfix: fix an issue with extended block code
* Remove misplaced shebang on non-callable files.
* Packaging: Add test-command to directly.
* Packaging: Included the tests/ directory for source-tarballs, useful for packaging checks. (\"#33\":
* Add a cli tool AATTpytextileAATT which takes textile input and prints html output. See AATTpytextile -hAATT for details.
* Fri Aug 19 2016 update to upstream version 2.3.3
* Thu Oct 24 2013 Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
* Fri Sep 23 2011 Initial version