Changelog for
python-jupyter_contrib_nbextensions-0.5.0-2.1.noarch.rpm :
Wed May 30 14:00:00 2018
- Don\'t include redundant and conflicting copies of
highlight_selected_word and latex_envs extensions
Thu May 3 14:00:00 2018
- Use %license tag
Thu Apr 19 14:00:00 2018
- Update to 0.5.0
+ `load_tex_macros` __new nbextension added!__
+ `cell_filter` __new nbextension added!__
+ `execution_dependencies` __new nbextension added!__
+ `isort` __new nbextension added!__
First implementation based on code_prettify
+ require newer `jupyter_highlight_selected_word`
+ Fix for long button labels in `code_prettify` and variants
+ Bugfix for `collapsible_headings` key bindings conflict
+ `kernel_exec_on_cells`,
make shift-click on button autoformat all cells
+ `scroll_down` ensure output will scroll down in new cells
+ `init_cell` Warning dialog now always relevant, fixes [#1223]( [#1226]( [AATTconsideratio](
+ `gist_it`, Fixed a minor spelling mistake in the documentation
+ `toc2`
* fix css rule for overriding wrapper color
* allow configurable basenumber
* Initialize toc2 button after cfg is loaded / fix [#1249](
* use unaltered notebook metadata in template
+ `exercise` & `exercise2`, Reworking to fix
+ `snippets` use `base_url`
+ Add preprocessor to embed images into a notebook
+ `init_cell`
* Warning dialog now always relevant, fixes [#1223]( [#1226]( [AATTconsideratio](
+ Add preprocessor to embed images into a notebook
+ Fixed conflicts in collapsible_headings if keys are rebound.
Thu Feb 15 13:00:00 2018
- Update to version 0.4.0
+ Repo-level stuff:
* Require newer version of
* Remove version-pinning from lxml dependency
* Use `requirejs` vs. `require`, to align with notebook usage
* `tests` specify exceptions (new flake8 moan)
* move `` into nbconvert_support, specify exception type
* docs updates
+ New features and bugfixes:
* `livemdpreview` __new nbextension added!__
* `nbTranslate`
> Typos + readability improvements
> Fix typo and revise text for better readability
> use traitlets > 4.1 tag API
* `collapsible_headings`
> indent heading collapse controls by level
> patch TextCell.set_text to catch more changes
> link complete font-awesome css from cdn, not just some fontfaces
* `toc2`
> Add a \'download as HTML with toc\' for Jupyter >= 5.1
> only set notebook dirty if metadata item changed
> Bugfix undefined title_sidebar
> move config into toc2.js
> configurable titles; dialog-alterable metadata settings
> remove deprecated st var from template
> [toc2] link complete font-awesome css from cdn
* `scroll_down` fix notebook `5.x` compatibility
* `exercise,exercise2` use bootstrap hidden class
rather than jquery show/hide, in order to play nicely with collapsible_headings.
* `runtools` don\'t alter selection when running cells
* `ExecuteTime` add preprocessor to execute notebook updating timing metadata
* `snippets` Updated README
* `code_prettify` Update `code_prettify.yaml`
Fri Oct 20 14:00:00 2017
- initial version