Changelog for
python-keystoneauth1-2.2.0-2.2.noarch.rpm :
Thu Jul 14 14:00:00 2016
- adjust group
Thu Mar 3 13:00:00 2016
- update to 2.2.0:
* add release notes for ksa 2.2.0
* Updated from global requirements
* Replace assertEqual(None,
*) with assertIsNone in tests
* Updated from global requirements
* Change LOG.warn to LOG.warning
* Wrong usage of \"a\"
* On Windows and OSX, the \'socket\' python module does not contain the attributes TCP_KEEPCNT or TCP_KEEPINTVL, causing services consuming the library to malfunction
* Updated from global requirements
* Add betamax to test-requirements.txt
* Add some documentation about migrating from ksc
* Docstring corrections
* Iterate over copy of session.adapters keys in Python2/3
* Provide a RFC 7231 compliant user agent string
* Updated from global requirements
* Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
* small fix to missing parameters in documentation
* Remove confusing documentation
* Update coverage to keystoneauth1
* Updated from global requirements
* Cleanups to K2K plugin
* Get versioned url for K2K auth
* Extract SAML fixtures into templates
* Add BetaMax Fixture
* Updated from global requirements
- Switch to .spec from rpm-packaging upstream project
Tue Dec 8 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version 2.1.0
* Add oslo.config compatibility attributes
* Default for service service type should be empty
* Put py34 first in the env order of tox
- ----
* Add release notes for keystoneauth
* Add argparse registration from Adapter objects
* Fix PEP 257 error
* Remove Python 2.6 support
* Tweak the way plugin attributes are loaded
* Add load_from_options_getter to plugin loading
* Cleanup time patching
* Put Session options into an option group
* Address hacking check H405
* Allow saving and caching the plugin auth state
* Add three pieces of the Session interface
* Specify default_domain to generic plugin
* Migrate kerberos plugin
* Use XML matcher
* Add XML matcher
* Split ADFS and SAML2 plugins
* SAML2 authentication plugins in keystoneauth
* Correct references in authentication-plugin.rst
* Declare an extras directory for plugins
* Make public the base loader classes
* Refactored AccessInfo.project_scoped accessor
- ----
* Expose bind data via AccessInfo
* Return None from generic plugin if failure
* Fix deprecated options in oslo_config
* Add url as a deprecated alias for endpoint
* auto-generate release history
* Make RST section delineation length match title
* Remove \"Features\" section from README
* Update the project description
* Make __all__ immutable
* Add UnknownConnectionError to __all__
* remove references to keystone CLI
* Add version/downloads links/badges into README.rst
* Allow fetching oslo.config Opts from plugins
* add openid connect plugins
* Change ignore-errors to ignore_errors
Sat Sep 26 14:00:00 2015
- Initial packaging (version 1.1.0)