Changelog for
python3-Babel-2.5.1-57.2.noarch.rpm :
Tue Feb 27 13:00:00 2018
- Export TZ and LC_ALL before running the tests. Without this
python-Babel is not able to see the TZ variable, and produce
a `local` LOCALTZ
Thu Oct 5 14:00:00 2017
- specfile:
* require freezegun for tests
- update to version 2.5.1:
* Use a fixed datetime to avoid test failures (#520)
* Parse multi-line __future__ imports better (#519) (AATTakx)
* Fix validate_currency docstring (#522)
* Allow normalize_locale and exists to handle various unexpected
inputs (#523) (AATTsuhojm)
* Make PyInstaller support more robust (#525, #526)
(AATTthijstriemstra, AATTakx)
Wed Aug 23 14:00:00 2017
- update to 2.5.0:
* Numbers: Add currency utilities and helpers (#491) (AATTkdeldycke)
* Support PyInstaller (#500, #505) (AATTwodo)
* Dates: Add __str__ to DateTimePattern (#515) (AATTsfermigier)
* Dates: Fix an invalid string to bytes comparison when parsing TZ files on Py3 (#498) (AATTrowillia)
* Dates: Formatting zero-padded components of dates is faster (#517) (AATTakx)
* Documentation: Fix \"Good Commits\" link in (#511) (AATTnaryanacharya6)
* Documentation: Fix link to Python gettext module (#512) (AATTLinkid)
* Messages: Allow both dash and underscore separated locale identifiers in pofiles (#489, #490) (AATTakx)
* Messages: Extract Python messages in nested gettext calls (#488) (AATTsublee)
* Messages: Fix in-place editing of dir list while iterating (#476, #492) (AATTMarcDufresne)
* Messages: Stabilize sort order (#482) (AATTxavfernandez)
* Time zones: Honor the no-inherit marker for metazone names (#405) (AATTakx)
Sat May 6 14:00:00 2017
- Fix provides/obsoletes
Fri Mar 31 14:00:00 2017
- Update to 2.4.0
* CLDR: CLDR 29 is now used instead of CLDR 28 (#405) (AATTakx)
* Messages: Add option ‘add_location’ for location line
formatting (#438, #459) (AATTrrader, AATTalxpy)
* Numbers: Allow full control of decimal behavior (#410)
- Converted to single-spec
Mon May 2 14:00:00 2016
- update to 2.3.4:
* CLDR: The lxml library is no longer used for CLDR importing, so it should not cause strange failures e
* CLI: Every last single CLI usage regression should now be gone, and both distutils and stand-alone CLI
* CLI: Usage regressions that had snuck in between 2.2 and 2.3 should be no more. (
* Dates: Period (am/pm) formatting was broken in certain locales (namely zh_TW). Thanks to AATTjun66j5 for
* CLDR: Add an API for territory language data (
* Core: Character order and measurement system data is imported and exposed (
* Dates: Add an API for time interval formatting (
* Dates: More pattern formats and lengths are supported (
* Dates: Period IDs are imported and exposed (
* Dates: Support for date-time skeleton formats has been added (
* Dates: Timezone formatting has been improved (
* Messages: JavaScript extraction now supports dotted names, ES6 template strings and JSX tags (https://
- drop fix-timezone-test.patch skip-dst-tests.patch, no longer necessary
Mon Feb 1 13:00:00 2016
- update to version 2.2.0:
* Bugfixes
+ General: Add __hash__ to Locale. (#303) (2aa8074)
+ General: Allow files with BOM if they\'re UTF-8 (#189) (da87edd)
+ General: localedata directory is now locale-data (#109)
+ General: odict: Fix pop method (0a9e97e)
+ General: Removed uses of class from
*.dat files
(#174) (94f6830)
+ Messages: Fix plural selection for chinese (531f666)
+ Messages: Fix typo and add semicolon in plural_forms (5784501)
+ Messages: Flatten NullTranslations.files into a list (ad11101)
+ Times: FixedOffsetTimezone: fix display of negative offsets
* Features
+ CLDR: Update to CLDR 28 (#292) (9f7f4d0)
+ General: Add __copy__ and __deepcopy__ to LazyProxy. (a1cc3f1)
+ General: Add official support for Python 3.4 and 3.5
+ General: Improve odict performance by making key search O(1)
+ Locale: Add an ordinal_form property to Locale (#270) (b3f3430)
+ Locale: Add support for list formatting (37ce4fa, be6e23d)
+ Locale: Check inheritance exceptions first (3ef0d6d)
+ Messages: Allow file locations without line numbers (#279)
+ Messages: Allow passing a callable to `extract()` (#289)
+ Messages: Support \'Language\' header field of PO files (#76)
+ Messages: Update catalog headers from templates (e0e7ef1)
+ Numbers: Properly load and expose currency format types (#201)
+ Numbers: Use cdecimal by default when available (b6169be)
+ Numbers: Use the CLDR\'s suggested number of decimals for
format_currency (#139) (201ed50)
+ Times: Add format_timedelta(format=\'narrow\') support (edc5eb5)
- update to version 2.1.1:
* Fix Locale.parse using \"global.dat\" incompatible types
* Fix display of negative offsets in \"FixedOffsetTimezone\"
* Improved odict performance which is used during localization file
build, should improve compilation time for large projects
* Add support for \"narrow\" format for \"format_timedelta\"
* Add universal wheel support
* Support \'Language\' header field in .PO files
* Test suite enhancements (coverage, broken tests fixed, etc)
* Documentation updated
- changes from version 2.0:
* Added support for looking up currencies that belong to a territory
through the :func:`babel.numbers.get_territory_currencies`
* Improved Python 3 support.
* Fixed some broken tests for timezone behavior.
* Improved various smaller things for dealing with dates.
- changes from version 1.4:
* Fixed a bug that caused deprecated territory codes not being
converted properly by the subtag resolving. This for instance
showed up when trying to use \"und_UK\" as a language code
which now properly resolves to \"en_GB\".
* Fixed a bug that made it impossible to import the CLDR data
from scratch on windows systems.
- fix update-alternatives
- add skip-dst-tests.patch: drop DST related tests (workaround
issue #156)
- Add fix-timezone-test.patch: already included upstream
- Remove 0001-disable_timezone_tests.patch in favor of
Fri Jul 24 14:00:00 2015
- fix build on CentOS/RHEL by specifying TZ=UTC for %check
- fix CentOS/RHEL by depending on /usr/sbin/update-alternatives
Thu May 28 14:00:00 2015
- Fix update-alternatives usage
Sat Nov 8 13:00:00 2014 Led
- fix bashism in pre script
Fri Aug 15 14:00:00 2014
- Removed un-needed BuildRequire for timezone
Fri Aug 15 14:00:00 2014
- Added 0001-disable_timezone_tests.patch
+ Disabling tests so package will build. Tests can be re-enabled
when upstream bug is resolved (gh#mitsuhiko/babel#106)
Tue Jan 7 13:00:00 2014
- Bring back argparse requirement for SP3
Thu Oct 24 14:00:00 2013
- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
Mon Sep 30 14:00:00 2013
- Implement update-alternatives
- Fix testsuite run on SLE and run it only once
- Properly build (and install) HTML documentation
Mon Sep 30 14:00:00 2013
- make tests happy on openSUSE_12.2 (too old pytests)
Fri Sep 27 14:00:00 2013
- update to 1.3.0:
- support python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3+ and pypy - drop all other versions
- use tox for testing on different pythons
- Added support for the locale plural rules defined by the CLDR.
- Added `format_timedelta` function to support localized formatting of
relative times with strings such as \"2 days\" or \"1 month\" (ticket #126).
- Fixed negative offset handling of Catalog._set_mime_headers (ticket #165).
- Fixed the case where messages containing square brackets would break with
an unpack error.
- updated to CLDR 23
- Make the CLDR import script work with Python 2.7.
- Fix various typos.
- Sort output of list-locales.
- Make the POT-Creation-Date of the catalog being updated equal to
POT-Creation-Date of the template used to update (ticket #148).
- Use a more explicit error message if no option or argument (command) is
passed to pybabel (ticket #81).
- Keep the PO-Revision-Date if it is not the default value (ticket #148).
- Make --no-wrap work by reworking --width\'s default and mimic xgettext\'s
behaviour of always wrapping comments (ticket #145).
- Add --project and --version options for commandline (ticket #173).
- Add a __ne__() method to the Local class.
- Explicitly sort instead of using sorted() and don\'t assume ordering
(Jython compatibility).
- Removed ValueError raising for string formatting message checkers if the
string does not contain any string formattings (ticket #150).
- Fix Serbian plural forms (ticket #213).
- Small speed improvement in format_date() (ticket #216).
- Fix so does not accumulate logging
handlers (#227, reported with initial patch by dfraser)
- Fix exception if environment contains an invalid locale setting (#200)
- use cPickle instead of pickle for better performance (#225)
- Only use bankers round algorithm as a tie breaker if there are two nearest
numbers, round as usual if there is only one nearest number (#267, patch by
- Allow disabling cache behaviour in LazyProxy (#208, initial patch from Pedro
- Support for context-aware methods during message extraction (#229, patch
from David Rios)
- \"init\" and \"update\" commands support \"--no-wrap\" option (#289)
- fix formatting of fraction in format_decimal() if the input value is a float
with more than 7 significant digits (#183)
- fix format_date() with datetime parameter (#282, patch from Xavier Morel)
- fix format_decimal() with small Decimal values (#214, patch from George Lund)
- fix handling of messages containing \'\\\
\' (#198)
- handle irregular multi-line msgstr (no \"\" as first line) gracefully (#171)
- parse_decimal() now returns Decimals not floats, API change (#178)
- no warnings when running without installed setuptools (#262)
- modified Locale.__eq__ method so Locales are only equal if all of their
attributes (language, territory, script, variant) are equal
- resort to hard-coded message extractors/checkers if pkg_resources is
installed but no egg-info was found (#230)
- format_time() and format_datetime() now accept also floats (#242)
- add class similar to gettext.NullTranslations
but with all of Babel\'s new gettext methods (#277)
- \"init\" and \"update\" commands support \"--width\" option (#284)
- fix \'input_dirs\' option for setuptools integration (#232, initial patch by
Étienne Bersac)
- ensure .mo file header contains the same information as the source .po file
- added support for get_language_name() on the locale objects.
- added support for get_territory_name() on the locale objects.
- added support for get_script_name() on the locale objects.
- added pluralization support for currency names and added a \'¤¤¤\'
pattern for currencies that includes the full name.
- depend on pytz now and wrap it nicer. This gives us improved support
for things like timezone transitions and an overall nicer API.
- Added support for explicit charset to PO file reading.
- Added experimental Python 3 support.
- Added better support for returning timezone names.
- Don\'t throw away a Catalog\'s obsolete messages when updating it.
- Added basic likelySubtag resolving when doing locale parsing and no
match can be found.
- run tests
- use setuptools, not distribute
- add missing dependency on pytz
Thu Sep 1 14:00:00 2011
- Fixed license to BSD-3-Clause (SPDX style)
Thu Sep 1 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 0.9.6:
* Backport r493-494: documentation typo fixes.
* Make the CLDR import script work with Python 2.7.
* Fix various typos.
* Fixed Python 2.3 compatibility (ticket #146, #233).
* Sort output of list-locales.
* Make the POT-Creation-Date of the catalog being updated equal to
POT-Creation-Date of the template used to update (ticket #148).
* Use a more explicit error message if no option or argument (command) is
passed to pybabel (ticket #81).
* Keep the PO-Revision-Date if it is not the default value (ticket #148).
* Make --no-wrap work by reworking --width\'s default and mimic xgettext\'s
behaviour of always wrapping comments (ticket #145).
* Fixed negative offset handling of Catalog._set_mime_headers (ticket #165).
* Add --project and --version options for commandline (ticket #173).
* Add a __ne__() method to the Local class.
* Explicitly sort instead of using sorted() and don\'t assume ordering
(Python 2.3 and Jython compatibility).
* Removed ValueError raising for string formatting message checkers if the
string does not contain any string formattings (ticket #150).
* Fix Serbian plural forms (ticket #213).
* Small speed improvement in format_date() (ticket #216).
* Fix number formatting for locales where CLDR specifies alt or draft
items (ticket #217)
* Fix bad check in format_time (ticket #257, reported with patch and tests by
* Fix so does not accumulate logging
handlers (#227, reported with initial patch by dfraser)
* Fix exception if environment contains an invalid locale setting (#200)
- Renamed to python-Babel (from python-babel)
Mon Dec 20 13:00:00 2010
- re-added dependency to python-setuptools
Wed Dec 15 13:00:00 2010
- added documentation:
* files: COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL.txt README.txt
* HTML documentation
Sat Dec 11 13:00:00 2010
- re-generated spec file with py2pack:
* now builds for Fedora and Mandriva
Wed Sep 1 14:00:00 2010
- added python-devel to buildrequires, to fix build on new python
(because the package requires doctest, which requires unittest,
which should probably both go into python-devel. (but this is
subject to change))
- dropped check for obsolete SUSE version
Sun Apr 25 14:00:00 2010
- Update to 0.9.5.
- Switch to noarch.
- Clean up spec.