Changelog for python3-ruamel.yaml-0.15.87-2.1.x86_64.rpm :
Tue Jan 29 13:00:00 2019
- update to 0.15.87

* fix problem with empty lists and the code to reinsert merge keys

* reinsert merge key in its old position

* fix for issue with non-ASCII anchor names

* fix for issue when parsing flow mapping value starting with colon

* the types used by `SafeConstructor` for mappings and sequences can
now by set by assigning to `XXXConstructor.yaml_base_dict_type`
(and `..._list_type`), preventing the need to copy two methods
with 50+ lines that had `var = {}` hardcoded.

* fix for `CommentedMap.copy()` not returning `CommentedMap`

* fix for bug in roundtripping aliases used as key

* anchors and aliases on scalar int, float, string and bool are now preserved.
Anchors do not need a referring alias for these

* fix issue saving methods of metaclass derived classes

Tue Dec 4 13:00:00 2018
- update to 0.15.80

* fix issue emitting BEL character when round-tripping invalid folded input

* fix issue with anchors nested deeper than alias

Fri Nov 30 13:00:00 2018
- update to 0.15.78

* setup issue for 3.8 (reported by Sidney Kuyateh)

* setting yaml.sort_base_mapping_type_on_output = False, will prevent explicit sorting by keys in the base representer of mappings. Roundtrip already did not do this. Usage only makes real sense for Python 3.6+ (feature request by Sebastian Gerber).

* implement Python version check in YAML metadata in _test/

* fix issue with empty mapping and sequence loaded as flow-style (mapping reported by Min RK, sequence by Maged Ahmed)

* fix issue with single \'?\' scalar (reported by Terrance)

* fix issue with duplicate merge keys (prompted by answering a StackOverflow question by math)

* fix dropping of comment on rt before sequence item that is sequence item (reported by Thorsten Kampe)

* fix irregular output on pre-comment in sequence within sequence (reported by Thorsten Kampe)

* allow non-compact (i.e. next line) dumping sequence/mapping within sequence.

* fix regression on explicit 1.1 loading with the C based scanner/parser (reported by Tomas Vavra)

Mon Oct 1 14:00:00 2018
- update to 0.15.71

* added ``key`` and ``reverse`` parameter

* indent root level literal scalars that have directive or document end
markers at the beginning of a line

* fix issue #232 revert to throw ParserError for unexcpected ``]``
and ``}`` instead of IndexError.

* fix issue with dump_all gobbling end-of-document comments on parsing

* fix issue with parsabel, but incorrect output with nested flow-style sequences

* fix issue with loading Python objects that have __setstate__ and recursion in parameters

* reverted CommentedMap and CommentedSeq to subclass ordereddict resp. list,
reimplemented merge maps so that both ``dict(
*commented_map_instance)`` and JSON
dumping works. This also allows checking with ``isinstance()`` on ``dict`` resp. ``list``.

* fix regression where handcrafted CommentedMaps could not be initiated

* fix regression with non-root literal scalars that needed indent indicator

*,2002:python/object/apply now also uses __qualname__ on PY3

Fri Aug 31 14:00:00 2018
- update to 0.15.64

* support round-trip of tagged sequences: !Arg [a, {b: 1}]

* fix issue when roundtripping floats starting with a dot such as .5

* C based reader/scanner & emitter now allow setting of 1.2 as YAML version

Tue Aug 28 14:00:00 2018
- update to 0.15.61

* support for round-tripping folded style scalars

* speed up of scanning (~30% depending on the input)

* cleanup for mypy

* issue with C based loader and leading zeros

* simple mappings can now be used as keys when round-tripping

* Fix that CommentedSeq could no longer be used in adding or do a sort

* fix issue with python -O optimizing away code

* unmade CommentedSeq a subclass of list.

* fix issue where a comment could pop-up twice in the output

* fix issue where JSON object (mapping) without spaces was not parsed properly

* ix issue where comments after empty flow-style mappings were not emitted

* fix issue with flow style mapping with comments gobbled newline

* fix issue where single ‘+’ under YAML 1.2 was interpreted as integer, erroring out

* added .copy() mapping representation for round-tripping

* Fix method name dumps (were not dotted) and loads

* Allow YAML() as a context manager for output

* Fix issue with incorrect type information for load() and dump()

* fixed DeprecationWarning for importing from collections on 3.7

* After adding failing test for YAML.load_all(Path()), remove StopIteration

Sun Jul 15 14:00:00 2018
- update to 0.15.44

* fix for losing precision when roundtripping floats by

* decoding unicode escaped tags on Python2

* add detection of C-compile failure

* fix regression showing only on narrow Python 2.7

* ``register_class()`` now returns class

Wed Apr 4 14:00:00 2018
- update to 0.15.37

* fix incompatibility of C extension with 3.7

Tue Jan 9 13:00:00 2018
- update to 0.15.35

* allow None as stream when specifying transform parameters to YAML.dump()

Thu Oct 12 14:00:00 2017
- update to 0.15.34

* fix for issue 157: CDumper not dumping floats

* support for “undefined” round-tripping tagged scalar objects

* fix issue 148: replace cryptic error message when using !!timestamp with
an incorrectly formatted or non- scalar.

* allow setting yaml.default_flow_style = None (default: False) for for typ=\'rt\'.

* fix for issue 149: multiplications on ScalarFloat now return float

* fix Comment dumping

* fix for issue with “compact JSON” not parsing: {\"in\":{},\"out\":{}}

* fix issue #51: different indents for mappings and sequences

* fix for flow sequence/mapping as element/value of block sequence
with sequence-indent minus dash-offset not equal two.

* fix issue #61: merge of merge cannot be __repr__-ed

* fix issue 62, YAML 1.2 allows ? and : in plain scalars if non-ambigious

* fix lists within lists which would make comments disappear

* fix for disappearing comment after empty flow sequence

* fix for problem with dumping (unloaded) floats

* added ScalarFloat which supports roundtripping of 23.1, 23.100, 42.00E+56,
0.0, -0.0 etc. while keeping the format. Underscores in mantissas
are not preserved/supported

* (finally) fixed longstanding issue 23, now handling comment between block
mapping key and value correctly

* warn on YAML 1.1 float input that is incorrect

* allow setting of boolean representation (false, true)
by using: yaml.boolean_representation = [u\'False\', u\'True\']

* fix for round_tripping integers on 2.7.X > sys.maxint

* fix for round_tripping singe excl. mark tags doubling

* fix for writing unicode in new API,

* added object constructor for rt, decorator yaml_object to replace YAMLObject.

* fix for problem using load_all with Path() instance

* fix for load_all in combination with zero indent block style literal
(pure=True only!)

* missing pure attribute on YAML useful for implementing !include tag
constructor for including YAML files in a YAML file

* some documentation improvements

* trigger of doc build on new revision

* support for Unicode supplementary Plane output

* fix for issue 135, typ=’safe’ not dumping in Python 2.7

* fix for issue 133, in change ModuleNotFoundError to ImportError

* suppress duplicate key warning on mappings with merge keys

* remove fatal dependency of on wheel package

* fix for issue 130, regression in nested merge keys

* top level PreservedScalarString not indented if not explicitly asked to

* some mypy additions

* fix for issue 127: tagged scalars were always quoted and seperated by
a newline when in a block sequence

* allow plug-in install via install ruamel.yaml[jinja2]

* add plug-in mechanism for load/dump pre resp. post-processing

* a set() with duplicate elements now throws error in rt loading

* support for toplevel column zero literal/folded scalar in explicit documents

* repeat load() on a single YAML() instance would fail.

* transform parameter on dump that expects a function taking a string
and returning a string. This allows transformation of the output before
it is written to stream. This forces creation of the complete output in memory!

* some updates to the docs

* update to conform to mypy 0.511: mypy –strict

* duplicate keys in mappings generate an error

* dependecy on ruamel.ordereddict for 2.7 now via extras_require

* it is now allowed to pass in a pathlib.Path as “stream” parameter
to all load/dump functions

* passing in a non-supported object (e.g. a string) as “stream” will result
in a much more meaningful YAMLStreamError.

* assigning a normal string value to an existing CommentedMap key
or CommentedSeq element will result in a value cast to the previous
value’s type if possible.

* added YAML class for new API

* fix for issue 119, deepcopy not returning subclasses

* fix for issue 103 allowing implicit documents after document end marker
line (...) in YAML 1.2

* fix problem with emitting using cyaml

Mon Apr 24 14:00:00 2017
- Update to 0.14.9 (see included CHANGES file)
- Converted to single-spec
- LICENSE file is now provided internally, so dropped Source1
- Dropped python-ruamel.ordereddict as build requirement

Tue Oct 11 14:00:00 2016
- Initial build (FATE#321630, bsc#1002895)
+ Include in SLES 12
+ Version 0.12.14