Changelog for phun-5.28-lp151.8.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Jun 25 2017 use a more generic approach to identify the boost version- export the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the wrapper- run mogrify on png files to avoid libpng warning output- fix desktop file to call phun with full path (and no extension)- link into the working directory
* Tue Oct 25 2011 fix boost library dependency for 11.3- require boost-devel on 11.3 and beyond to really fix bnc#600379
* Wed Sep 22 2010 fix file encodings for all txt files using sed instead of dos2unix
* Wed Apr 28 2010 fix boost library dependency for 11.2 and beyond (bnc#600379)
* Wed Dec 24 2008 require boost only on < 11.1 (and single libs on >11.1)
* Thu Nov 27 2008 update to 4.22 beta + Fixed a bug where Phun would crash when cloning after first deleting items (thanks for helping me replicate, tatt61880) + Added the console command App.GUI.dragUndo. If set to false, drags can\'t be undone. + Changed so that the clone tool only selects both the original and the clone iff ctrl is pressed upon release (good idea, tatt61880) + Fixed a bug where the clone tool would sometimes leave one object out of the clone preview + Fixed a bug where the scaletool would try to scale an empty group and crash (pointed out by tatt61880) + Fixed a bug where \"toggle\" in the hinge controls would be reset on undo (pointed out by vovams). + Fixed it so that a hinge toggle button that was on gets restored to being on when undoing or loading a scene. + Added improved logic for determening the mirror axis when binding a key to the mirror command. + Fixed a bug where the polygon positions after scale/mirror would be very inaccurate for objects far from origo (bug noticed by lucidliquid) + Added the command \"Scene.MoveToOrigo\" which moves the entire scene to the center of the world coordinate system. Improves floating point precision. + Fixed a problem with panning and zooming while using the clone tool (problem pointed out by guyboy)- updated some translations
* Thu Sep 25 2008 moved to Education base repository
* Mon Aug 11 2008 update to 4.20 beta: + Added the ability to assign a key to destroy entities + Added the ability to assign a key to mirror a group of entities + Changed scale tool behavior to scale single circles towards their center + Reduced cpu usage on large scenes + You can now clone with CTRL when using the drag-tool + Added undo/redo for common scene settings + Added a auto-brake option to the hinge controller + Added a menu option to change the target length of a spring + Optimized input handling, especially on Linux + Fixed some bugs around water \"visibility\" + Added unit to the density slider (kg/m²) + Added the ability to double-click to open context menus, and to select all the text in a textbox ...see for more- create the wrapper script in the specfile- added additional translations (manual collection from wiki)
* Fri Jul 04 2008 update to 4.11 beta: + Fixed a bug where undo:ing would reset the sky color, gravity etc + Fixed a bug where scenes would be saved to the phunlet directory + Fixed a bug where importing a phunlet would change the scene name + Restored the \"clear scene\" file menu button
* Thu Mar 20 2008 initial package 3.12