Changelog for gns3-2.0.3-98.1.noarch.rpm :
Sat Jun 24 14:00:00 2017
- update to 2.0.3

Wed May 3 14:00:00 2017
- new upstream version 2.0.0

* full changelog here:
- removed gns3-net-converter requirement

Wed Aug 24 14:00:00 2016
- New upstream version 1.5.2

* Make more clear that VMware VM are not ESXi

* Add AppData and Desktop files

* Fix you can not select the server for VPCS

* Fix error when removing an interface from a cloud

* Fix crash when scanning a directory for image and you don\'t have permission on a file

* Bring back the warning dialog when no router is configured

* Fix rare crash in server summary

* Fix crash during export

Fri Jul 8 14:00:00 2016
- New upstream version 1.5.1

* Try to fix a crash when reseting interface label

* Fix a crash with broken file system

* Fix EtherSwitch default name format

* Fix crash when you have utf-8 char in the README

* Fix rare crash when creating a link

* Stop node before hot unlink

* Prevent a crash due to issue in Qt

* Add another security to prevent client to send empty hostname

* Fix rare crash when deleting interface from the cloud

* Fix rare crash in topology summary view

* Ask user to send explanation if they cross a rare error

* Fix rare crash when deleting a node

* Hotlink support for Docker

* Fix typo in the a warning dialog

* Fix Remote GNS3 VM requires local server

* Fix AttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no attribute \'_server\'

* No timeout when importing a .gns3project

Tue Jun 28 14:00:00 2016
- New upstream version 1.5.0

* Fix double extension of portable project

* Disallow export of project with a cloud

* Change view grid -> show the grid.

* Check if a link can be removed from a running node. Fixes #1320.

* Hide non implemented console options in general preferences. Ref #1315.

* Improve snap to grid

* Change grid color

* Avoid a crash with snap to grid and ostinato logo

* Add a view grid

* Fix you can no longer capture if you start stop capture multiple time

* A button to open the file browser with the configuration file location

* Add snap to grid feature

Mon May 16 14:00:00 2016
- gns3-converter has been replaced by gns3-net-converter

Fri Apr 29 14:00:00 2016
- new upstream version 1.4.6

* Fix a typo in Qemu preferences

* Fix upload of large image to the VM

* Reduce the number of connection tries from 120 to 40 when connecting the GNS3 server
running inside the GNS3 VM.

* Include link to the GNS3 academy. Fixes #1178.

* Snapback feature for port labels. Fixes #1182.

* Prevent users to select VirtualBox.exe instead of VBoxManage.exe. Fixes #1195.

* Improve the vmrun error message

* If we can not read the registry try to guess vmware type from vmrun path

* Ensure that you can not duplicate an interface in a cloud

* Dissallow removal of link of running emulator without support of hotlink

* Check PyQT version support dev version

* Show server CPU usage if it\'s 0

* Clear warnings about using linked clones with VMware Player.

* Double click center on link

* Double click on an element in topology summary center the view on it

* Fix a very very rare crash when closing a project

* Avoid a small blink of the waiting text

* Fix a crash with image item

* Show a symbol in the middle of the link when packet capturing is activated. Ref #789.

* GNS3 doctor: check if the NPF service is running. Fixes #1124.

* Fixes progress dialog is None in accept()

* Fix another race conditions in progress dialog

* Replace the installation instructions by a link to the doc

* More robust save/restore for VirtualBox linked clone VM hard disks.

* Prevent non linked cloned hard disks to be detached when using VirtualBox linked cloned VMs. Fixes #1184.

* Stricter checks to match VMware version to the right vmrun (VIX library) version.

* Also checks the VIX library version when only using the GNS3 VM running in VMware.

* Allow only .pcap to be downloaded from remote stream API

* Fix incrementation of qemu mac address

* Clear warnings about using linked clones with VMware Player.

* Alternative method to find the Documents folder on Windows.

* Add IOU support and install config in /etc

Mon Mar 28 14:00:00 2016
- new upstream version 1.4.5

* Change some sentences.

* Sort snapshots by date

* Block save as and snapshot when a device is running

* If you hit enter in the new project dialog it\'s work

* Display upload size during progress

* This should avoid blinking dialog. And display better progress

* SetupWizard: limit the number of vCPUs for the GNS3 VM to the number of physical cores.

* Remove blocking code. Ref #1109.

* Fixes \"QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running\",

* Add a timeout when you are not able to join the remote server

* Remove bad smell from progress dialog and handle ESC key

* Remove root required messages in cloud node. Ref #608.

* Show a warning when the GUI is run with root rights. Fixes #608.

* Change message when closing GNS3 with running device.

* Ask the user to stop device before closing

* At startup display a warning if another GUI is already running

* Fix a crash if you delete a file while refreshing the list of appliances

* Fix double opening of serial console

* Always ask the server for builtin

* Improve detection of vmrun on OSX

* Delete image from images dir when no longer need

* Sort node name in topology summary

* Allow to show a message box for test without starting GNS3

* Drop licence for paramiko since we no longer use it

Sat Feb 27 13:00:00 2016
- New upstream version 1.4.4

* Fix crash when selecting no image in GNS3A but clicking on Download

* Fix crash when you have a file size None (testing a new gns3a)

* Prevent the progress dialog to cancel the GNS3VM when it\'s finish

* Add a command show gns3vm to get the GNS3 VM status

* Prevent setup wizard to appear if VM is running

* Display error dialog if a custom console is invalid

* Crash when you import GNS3A just after installing gns3 Fix #1063

* Change the way we check is setup wizard has been turned off Fix #1071

* Do not failed if GNS3 VM server has an incorrect version

* Include the output from vmrun or VBoxManage when they return an error code.

* Fixes bug that forced the GNS3 VM running in VirtualBox to restart even if no preferences had been changed.

* Allows to cancel the progress dialog when GNS3 tries to contact the server running in the GNS3 VM.

* Ask user to upgrade via the VM menu

Sat Feb 20 13:00:00 2016
- new upstream version 1.4.3

* Allow idlepc 0x0 in topology

* Show an explicit error message when status code 0 is returned. Fixes #1034.

* Fixes minor bug when dropping a VirtualBox VM on the scene. Fixes #748.

* Correctly check local server if only local is available in vm wizard

* Make the GNS3 VM server running value more reliable

* Make VM configuration dialog modal

* Cannot take GIF screenshots (write is not supported by Qt).

Mon Feb 15 13:00:00 2016
- New upstream version 1.4.1

* Improvement to detect VMware Player on Linux. Ref #970.

* You can move Dock widgets everywhere

* Link to download VIX api

* Fix SSH present in the server preferences

* Check dynamips and ubridge permission.

* Show a dialog for checking some common issues

* Show a summary with server usages

* Close project on VM when closing the project on all servers

* Allow to not rotate the text when changing all text colors

* Raise an error when psutil is too old

* Fix a race condition when closing the server

* Fix a very very rare crash in topology summary view

* Reset port label positions. Fixes #811.

* Drop SSH support

* Fix inversion of port label when loading a topology

* Fix error when importing Windows XP OVA

* Warn if configuration file contain invalid unicode characters

* Fix a crash when importing some OVA

* Reset the telnet command on Mac

* Fix only one console work for OSX

* Fix a rare crash when loading topology with missing image

* Fix a rare race condition when inserting an image

* Fix a crash when pid file is empty

* Fix a rare crash in progress dialogs

* Fix a crash if you don\'t have vms when importing a gns3a

* Warn user during appliance install if server is not avaible

* Fix error when you stop the GNS3 VM but break the config before

* startup_config is not mandatory inside .gns3 file

* Fix wrong host on SSH connection

* Fix select of image broken if you need to select multiple images

* Fix a crash when changing qemu cluster size to more than 512

* Fix IOU support in gns3a

* Add urxvt support

* Add a step in the wizard checking KVM support

Thu Jan 14 13:00:00 2016
- New upstream version 1.4.0

Mon Dec 21 13:00:00 2015
- New upstream version 1.3.13

* Fix warning when closing GUI

* Update links for new website.

* Ask user to send bug reports to

* Fix travis dependencies installation

* Drop Webkit from 1.3.X

* Fix crash when opening a new topologies after gns3 converter failure

* Set Wireshark 2.0 as default OSX version

* iTerm 2.9 support

* Add informations about GNS3 VM

* Drops securecrt.vbs

* Fix analytics report on OSX

* Analytics send windows

* Fix the progress dialog freeze bug

* Fix typo in analytics

* Send stats to GNS3 team

* Licenses compliance.

* Fix error when importing dynamips config from non existent directory

* Fix crash when url is invalid

* Add a debug level 2 in the console

Fri Oct 9 14:00:00 2015
- New upstream version 1.3.11

Wed Sep 16 14:00:00 2015
- New upstream version 1.3.10

* Updates kernel command line of ASA.

* Fix file not found exception in vpcs list dir

* Fix saveAs error unsupported operand type(s) for +=: \'NoneType\' and \'str\'

* Catch error when antivirus corrupt our own JSON errors

* Use Qemu 0.11.0 instead of version 0.13.0 on Windows.

* Use Qemu 2.4.0 instead of version 2.2.0 on Windows.

* Removes \"resources_type\" references. Fixes #493.

* Fixes bug when opening Node properties dialog via a double click.

* SecureCRT (installed on personal profile) command line.

Sat Aug 8 14:00:00 2015
- New upstream version 1.3.9

* Catch exception when trying to launch Wireshark.

* Backport: fixes migration of cloud interfaces.

Tue Jun 23 14:00:00 2015
- New upstream version 1.3.7

* Makes sure Hub Ethernet port names are string.

* Support spaces in the local server log path.

* Fixes issue when setting the local server settings.

* Fix a crash with Python 3.3

* Fixes WICs are not displayed correctly. Fixes #434.

* Do not load settings that the GUI doesn\'t use.

Wed Jun 17 14:00:00 2015
- New upstream version 1.3.6

* Ignore invalid characters when reading the output of a process

* Turn on / off authentication

* Do not stop saving IOS router configs when there is an exception while a project is committed.

* Fixed crash if a private config exist in IOS but not a private config file

* Basic Authentication support for servers.

* Fixed crash when Virtualbox list of VMS returns an empty line.

Thu Jun 4 14:00:00 2015
- New upstream version 1.3.4

* Check if an IOS image is set in the IOS router template

* Ensure the version number is written in the GNS3 configuration file

* Prevent users to add links to running Qemu VMs and start a capture on running VirtualBox VMs.

* Fix resize issue in server preference page.

* Fix segfault when starting OSX server with allow connection from anywhere

* Fixes bug when editing c7200 templates.

* Fixes IOS decompression. Fixes #370.

* Topology auto start work for VPCS

* Avoid moving .gns3_temporary files.

* Handles MemoryError.

* Fixes crash when a process listen on GNS3 port return an empty JSON

* Another fix for the topology None error

* Fixes a rare crash in completion

* Fixes crash when loading topology in rare conditions

* Drop useless dependencies dateutil

* Check if port or adapter is connected before starting/stopping a packet capture. Fixes #196.

* Prevent users to add links to running Qemu VMs and start a capture on running VirtualBox VMs.

* Fixes bug: couldn\'t set PCMCIA disk1 size for IOS routers.

* Fixes crash if you pass an invalid hostname

* Catch VPCS kill errors

* Raise a VirtualBox error if adapter doesn\'t exists

* Ignore VirtualBox VM names with a carriage return in name

* Cleanup the temporary project after modules have been notified of the path change

* Do not return error if we can\'t remove the old project directory

* Catch encoding errors in windows logger

* Use setter for the qemu_path (allow to pass only the binary name)

* Fixes TAP connection when using VPCS.

* Fixes crash when launching Qemu on OSX from another location.

* Adds NAT NIO in device schema validation so they can return an error that it is not supported.

Fri May 15 14:00:00 2015
- New upstream version 1.3.3

* New inline help text for the idle-pc dialog.

* Reactivate auto idle-pc in device contextual menu + save a chosen idle-pc value in template.

* Adds name to the thank you section.

* Prevent users to use VirtualBox linked clone VMs in temporary projects (for now).

* Capture error if the command is invalid

* Cleanup egg cache when exit

* Fix a crash in console when you used non UTF-8 terminal

* Fix crash during save as

* Change title when exporting an IOS startup-config.

* Removes analytics client on closing.

* Check for empty iourc path.

* Fixes bugs with IOS router configs. Fixes #354.

* Use a temporary directory as egg cache

* Catch crash error in IOU in case of permission denied
- full changelog here:
- removed gns3-1.3.0-requires.patch

Fri May 1 14:00:00 2015
- New upstream version 1.3.2

* Fixes bug when IOS configs are not in VM settings.

* Fixes small issue with Qemu VM monitor.

* Fixes issue when only one port is added after a QEMU VM is created. Fixes #296.

* Avoid Cygwin warning with VPCS on Windows.

* Fixes issues with QThread handling.

* Fixes missing title + icon in layer position warning message box.

* Allows the warning message box to be displayed once only when moving an object to a background layer.

* Fixes small issue with old monitor setting.

* Check the config path is set when creating a IOU or IOS router.

* Removes residual link when a NIO cannot be created on the server. Fixes #294.
- full changelog here:

Sun Apr 12 14:00:00 2015
- New upstream version 1.3.1

* Fix crash when save as can\'t create a directory

* Initial config file content can be empty (fix export issues)

* Return more informations about bad requests for crash reports

* Allow less strict dependencies for easier install

* Some spring cleaning

* Fix missing IOU documentation

* Add missing project name in curl documentation

* Look in old IOU images location in order to smooth transition

* Send HTTP errors 400 to the crash report system

* Fix race condition during old project import

* Do not overwrite initial-config IOU if client send an empty

* Fix documentation about /ports/udp

* Fix rare occasion when user manage to put text in port field

* Fix a crash when exporting vpcs startup script

* Fix an issue with sending iourc when a topologies is reloaded

* Solve issue when iourc contains non ascii characters

* Handle corrupted zip file with IOS image

* Don\'t crash if we try to contact a non GNS3 remote server returning JSON

* Skip tests in package

* Check port range

* Add a warning about too much ram for IOS

* Fix crash if project is already closed

* Check if wait for connection thread still running before emitting a signal.

* Check if process files thread still running before emitting a signal.

* Raven is an optional dependencies for Debian

* Fix crash if a dumped topology as no node during save as

* Fix: remove old ID references for ATM and Frame-Relay switches

Wed Apr 1 14:00:00 2015
- New upstream version 1.3.0

* Fix etherswitch router

* Fix issues with progress dialog

* Fix save as

* Fix crash when in same occasion the project name is missing

* Update sentry key

* Display adapters in the tooltips in the correct order.

* Open consoles in alphanumerical order.

* Auto idle-PC improvements.

* Adds project id when requesting UDP port.

* Fixes Thread problem. Fixes #229.

* Cancel network requests if the progress dialog itself is canceled.
Avoid closing the preferences dialog or any configuration dialog if there is a pending request. Fixes #227.

* Fixes #228 (no alternative interface has been chosen).

* Catch OSError when reading or writing the local server config file.

* Fixes GUI that could not be closed when using an already running local server.

* Save configs when project is committed.

* Del key deletes selected link

* Fix crash is no remote servers is available

* For more detailed changelog, check
- added gns3-1.3.0-requires.patch

Sat Jan 17 13:00:00 2015
- New upstream version 1.2.3

* Fixed temporary files path setting in general preferences which was not used.

* Fixed missing devices from the node view when they use a remote server.

* Fixed broken ASA kernel/initrd file browsers.

* Fixed bug with WICs interfaces no showing up in the port list.

* Fixed broken -netdev + legacy virtio in Qemu support.
- New upstream version 1.2.2
- Small improvements / new features

* Auxiliary console support for IOS routers.

* Suspend / resume support for Qemu.

* Dynamically configure network connections of running Qemu VMs (only with recent Qemu versions).

* VPCS multi-host support (useful for old .net labs).

* EtherSwitch routers can be added and configured like other IOS routers.

* Change hostname option in the contextual device menu.

* Import & export config options in contextual device menu.

* Auto screenshot when saving a project.

* Auto start project support (you have to manually edit your .gns3 project file).

* Possibility to run VirtualBox as another user (Linux/OSX only).

* Changes to the IOU L2 initial-config (16 Ethernet interfaces, no shutdown by default and 0 serial interfaces).

* Upgraded SuperPutty to version in the all-in-one installer.

* Support for IOURC file on the server side.

* Bumped the maximum network adapters to 32 for Qemu (depending on Qemu version you cannot go above 8 or
even 28, Qemu will just not start).

* Possibility to apply or not the same text to all selected items when editing notes.

* Added snapshot named \'reset\' to linked cloned VirtualBox VMs.

* Base configs are now stored in the GNS3 config directory.

* Short port names in the topology summary.

* Added the VirtualBox VM name in VirtualBox device tooltips.

* More network interface options to the Qemu VM configuration interface as well as descriptions for all NICs.

* Set 5 seconds timeout for local server connections.

* Check if any device runs and warn the user before closing a project.

* Restore the debug level status when starting.

* Automatically select the symbol and category corresponding the edited item in the symbol selection dialog.

* Scale SVG images to icon sizes.

* Console switching from local/remote to remote/local while a VirtualBox VM is running.

* More checks on minimum RAM for IOS routers and updates default values to match the latest IOS image requirements.

* Default Jungle dock location is now bottom right corner.
- Bug fixes

* Fixed the default jungle news loading on Windows.

* Fixed SuperPutty integration (not the default, still have to select it in the preferences).

* Avoid uninitialized nodes to be saved in the project file.

* Fixed bug when importing Host node with UDP NIOs.

* Prevent GNS3 to crash on Windows when importing GNS3 config file.

* Fixed resource access on Mac OS X.

* Fixed transparency or border style restoration for ellipses and rectangles.

* Support spaces in the controller name of VirtualBox clones.

* Ignore Unicode errors when executing vboxmanage.

* Get Windows interface list from the registry if the COM service fails.
- removed gns3-1.2.1-fix_transparency.patch now upstream

Fri Jan 9 13:00:00 2015
- make a better use of distro specific macros

Wed Dec 10 13:00:00 2014
- added gns3-1.2.1-fix_transparency.patch to fix a transparency issue with shapes

Fri Dec 5 13:00:00 2014
- New upstream version 1.2.1

* Early support for IOSv and IOSv-L2 (with Qemu for now, which is slow on Windows/Mac OS X).

* Support for CPU throttling and process priority for Qemu.

* Support for full screen mode (View -> Fullscreen).

* Bundled Qemu 0.13.0 in the Windows all-in-one. Default for all local Qemu VMs.

* Bundled Qemu 0.14.1 in the Mac OS X App. Default for all local Qemu VMs.

* Changed ASA defaults to use Qemu 0.13.0 (on Windows), have 4 interfaces and CPU throttling to 65%.

* Fixed SecureCRT command line when space in the device name.

* Fixed C7200 IO cards insert/remove issues and makes C7200-IO-FE the default.

* Fixed port sorting issues.

* Added default path for VBoxManage on Mac OS X

* Upgraded gns3-converter to version 1.1.1 for Windows all-in-one and Mac OS X DMG.

* New idle-PC field validation.

* Possibility to load the project from command line (or double-click on a project on Windows).

* Fixed Unicode error when using VirtualBox VM with a name containing non-english characters.

* Updated the IOU VM with iouyap version 0.95 (packet capture).

Tue Nov 25 13:00:00 2014
- Fixed license tag

Thu Nov 20 13:00:00 2014
- new upstream version 1.2

* New VirtualBox support.

* New GUI styles: charcoal (default) & classic. Changing GUI Preferences

* Integration of GNS3 converter (allows old .net topologies to be opened).

* VirtualBox linked clones support (experimental, still some problems with temporary projects).

* Allow Qemu VM to have no interface.

* Option to allow console connections to any local IP address when using the local server.

* Automatically extract IOS configs when a project is closed.

* Fix \"new project\" bug when using the GNS3 IOU VM.

* qemu-system-i386 is the new default on 32-bit platforms.

* Option to deactivate the new project dialog at startup.

* Add \"open a project\" and \"recent projects\" buttons to the new project dialog.

* New host node (cloud with all available Ethernet & TAP interfaces added).

* Fix platform detection issue with some Cisco IOS image file name.

* Add delay (default 500 ms) when Console to all nodes.

* Check for duplicate node names in Preferences.

* Fix bug when editing a Qemu VM configured to run on a remote server.

* News dock widget is smaller.

* Add detection of qemu and qemu.exe binaries.

* New Telnet server for VirtualBox.
- added gns3-converter and python3-configobj as runtime dependencies

Sat Nov 8 13:00:00 2014 Led
- fix bashisms in post/postun scripts

Thu Oct 23 14:00:00 2014
- new upstream version 1.1
- bug fixes

* Warning message when using a remote server with IOU

* Serial console for VirtualBox

* Fixes EtherSwitch router

* New Idle-PC dialog

* Fixes #123 (Qemu binaries list not showing up)

* Fixes #119

* Fixes #126 (broken remote server feature)

* Fixes #120 (broken cloud)
- removed broken_cloud.patch and broken_server.patch now upstream

Wed Oct 22 14:00:00 2014
- added broken_cloud.patch and broken_server.patch from upstream
gitcode to fix issue 120 and 121

Tue Oct 21 14:00:00 2014
- New upstream version 1.0
- New features

* Snapshots support (currently only for local projects).

* Possibility to configure a category for nodes (routers,
switches, end devices or security devices).

* Added support for xfce4-terminal, for Xubuntu.

* Remote servers and load-balancing (some bugs, still
things to improve).

* Check for update feature.

* GNS3 Jungle dock widget.

* Getting started dialog.

* Added path lookup directory for Qemu on OSX.

* Bug fix when loading a project containing a remote server.
- Know issues and notes

* VirtualBox support doesn’t work on Mac OS X.

* VirtualBox support on other platforms hasn’t been fully tested
and bugs may still be present.

* Again, regarding VirtualBox integration, we have plans to rewrite
the back-end to add more features and remove the dependency
on vboxwrapper.

Mon Oct 20 14:00:00 2014
- New upstream version 1.0 Beta 4
- New features:

* Preferences has been completely re-vamped for the
various emulators: Dynamips, IOU, VirtualBox and Qemu.
-Know issues and notes

* VirtualBox/QEMU on Mac OS X hasn’t been tested at all.

* VirtualBox support on other platforms hasn’t been fully tested
and bugs may still be present.

* Regarding VirtualBox integration, we have plans to rewrite the
back-end to add more features and remove the dependency on vboxwrapper.

Thu Sep 25 14:00:00 2014
- New upstream version 1.0 Beta 3
- New features

* QEMU integration with ASA and IDS pre-configuration options.

* Solarwinds Response Time Viewer integration (Windows 64-bit only).
- know issues and notes

* VirtualBox support on other platforms hasn’t been fully tested and
bugs may still be present.

* Regarding VirtualBox integration, we have plans to rewrite the
back-end to add more features and remove the dependency on vboxwrapper.

* We still have a couple of beta releases planned before
our first release candidate.

Wed Sep 3 14:00:00 2014
- New upstream version 1.0 Beta 2

* Improved VirtualBox support on Windows and Linux.

* VirtualBox support on Linux/OSX requires VirtualBox wrapper version >= 9.1

* New “enable console” option for VirtualBox VMs.

* New “start at” option for VirtualBox VMs (adapter start index, 0 by default).

* EtherSwitch support (based on a c3745 image).

* Multi-drop feature (use SHIFT key while dropping a new node on the drawing area).

* Default font and color for labels.

* Support for rectangle and ellipse color transparency.

* New topology summary options: filter devices with capture(s) and stop all captures.

* Commands for the GNS3 console (version, start, stop, suspend, reload, show device, show run, help and debug).

* Layers implementation (anything below layer 0 will be locked to the drawing area).

* Numeric sorting for Ethernet/hub ports.

* Restore default buttons for general, packet capture and GNS3 server preferences.

* Changed the default port ranges.

* Normalized capture file names.

* More checks on device names, especially for IOS and IOU which forbid some characters.

* Handles zoom in or out using the mouse wheel + CTRL. Resets the zoom using CTRL+0.

* Prevent node labels to be deleted.

* The sparse memory feature is off by default for c1700 and c2600 platforms (to prevent a bug on reboot).

Thu Jul 24 14:00:00 2014
- New upstream version 1.0 Beta 1

* Base VirtualBox support (still some issues, most of them on Linux and Mac OS X).

* Prevent users to set the port and VLAN settings to 0 on Ethernet swithes.

* Fixed issue when spaces are in capture file paths.

* Fixed bug with live capture on Windows.

* Work around for the c7200 reload bug in Dynamips <= 0.2.13.

* Fixed some inconsistencies when exporting configs.

* The early release dialog is gone!

Thu Jul 10 14:00:00 2014
- New upstream version 1.0 alpha 8

* New feature: insert an image on the view.

* New feature: change node symbols.

* Default port configuration for Ethernet switch and hub devices.

* New feature: import/export device configs.

* Fixed issue when deleting note items that had parent items.

* Check the minimum required amount of RAM when adding IOS images.

* Start a packet capture from the device contextual menu.

* Improvements on the topology summary and link highlighting.

* Find an alternative IOS or IOU image if one cannot be found when importing a topology.

* Find an alternative Ethernet interface if one cannot be found when importing a topology.

* Use Windows interface names instead of their GUID (more user friendly).

* Fixed IOU and VPCS renaming issues.

* Fixed size restoration issues for rectangles and ellipses when loading a project.

* Check for VPCS version >= 0.5b1

* Fixed errors when connecting an IOU device to a cloud.

* Packet capture for IOU works with the latest iouyap version (0.95) available here.

Tue Jul 1 14:00:00 2014
- New upstream version 1.0 alpha 7

* Packet capture for IOS routers.

* Packet capture for the Ethernet hub and Ethernet,
ATM and Frame relay switches.

* Packet capture for IOU (not working, issue with iouyap).

* Add notes, rectangles & ellipses to topologies.

* Show/hide interface labels.

* Contextual device menu.

* Recent file menu.

* Lab instructions support (automatically open any file named
* in the project directory or from the Help menu)

* Load a project by dropping the project file on the view.

* Duplicate option for notes, rectangles and ellipses.

* Style settings for note, rectangle and ellipse items. Possibility
to edit interface and node labels.

* Fix: use Dynamips, IOU and VPCS identifiers to correctly
load topologies.

* IOU: rename startup-config to initial-config (makes more
sense for IOU).

* Option to uncompress IOS images.

* Check for sticky bit when checking for executable access.

* Fix: IOS image relative path problems.

* Lots of small bug fixes.

Sat May 31 14:00:00 2014
- New upstream version 1.0 alpha 6

* New host names management.

* New project dialog (in preparation for cloud support).

* Logs saved to files (GNS3_client.log and GNS3_server.log).

* Relative paths support for IOS/IOU images in project files.

* Fixed decoding errors when reading device configs.

* Fixed privileged access checks for IOU.

* Fixed validation issue with c2600 XM chassis.

* Fixed VPCS start on Linux/UNIX.

* Fixed Ethernet hub when loading a project.

Tue May 27 14:00:00 2014
- added new dependency python3-requests

Thu May 22 14:00:00 2014
- New upstream version 1.0 alpha 5

* VPCS support (only version >= 0.5b1

* Fixed console port errors when loading a project.

* Fixed startup-config errors when loading a project.

* Fixed minor issues on Mac OS X (DMG file coming soon).

* IOU default startup-configs for layer 2 and layer 3 images.
Allowing for faster loading times too.

* Option to prevent starting the local server when openning the GUI.

* Prevent devices to be started, stopped or suspended if their status is not right

* More checks for cloud connections.

* Show item coordinates in the status bar.

* Amend device configs (hostname) when renaming.

* UDP connection checks.

Thu May 15 14:00:00 2014
- New upstream version 1.0 alpha 4

* Show Windows interface names in cloud tooltips.

* Disconnect the server if the version differs from the GUI version.

* Move cloud code to a builtin module and support for clouds on remote servers.

* Options to use the default IOU RAM & NVRAM values.

* Changed the name of default base startup and private configs.

* Added “All files” filter when looking for an IOU or IOS image in the file broswer.

* Graceful server shutdown on Windows.

* Error message that JIT sharing is only supported in Dynamips unstable.

* New UDP and console port allocation system for IOU. Fixes duplicated port issues.

* Delete some Dynamips files that are useless to save in projects.

* Fix: the path to GNS3 server was not saved.

* Fix: RAM and NVRAM IOU image settings not propagated when creating an IOU device.

* Fix: bug where IOS nvram/disk files were not kept after closing a topology.

* Fix: bug that prevented changing any IOU device setting when connected to another node.

* Fix: duplicated node id issue.

* Fix: major bug with ghost instance overwriting any second router files (R2).

* Fix: error when ldd cannot be found.

* Fix: issues with local base configs for IOS.

Thu May 8 14:00:00 2014
- Improved spec file, added fdupes and made rpmlint happy

Wed May 7 14:00:00 2014
- Spec file clean up

Fri Apr 25 14:00:00 2014
- new upstream version 0.8.7

* no changelog provided

* no URL exist for the tarball, taken from GIT-HUB

Sat Nov 16 13:00:00 2013
- Minor spec file cleanups:
+ Remove package name from summary tag in spec file
+ Use full URL for source tarball.

Sat Nov 9 13:00:00 2013
- new upstream version 0.8.6

* Fixed the broken snapshot feature.

* Host devices don’t automatically add tap interfaces in the
generic Ethernet NIO list anymore.

* Auto open for instructions files when opening the topology via
the command line, a file explorer or a drag & drop on the workspace.

* Modified the default Etherswitch configuration (renamed some macros
+ added vtp file nvram:vlan.dat)

* Fixed small bugs with “idlepc get” command and Ethernet
switch auto port allocation.

* New Dutch translation & Italian translation updated.

Sun Sep 15 14:00:00 2013
- new upstream version 0.8.5

* New symbols for ASA, Qemu guest and Vbox guest.

* Fixed a major issue that prevented to use the auto
idle-pc calculation feature.

* Implemented the Restore snapshot feature following
Rednectar’s suggestions (

* Snapshots are now stored in a separate directory inside project directory.

* Increased lowest and max zoom values.

* Updated Italian translation.

* Added Xshell 4 command lines in terminal settings.

* Fixed issue with the contextual device menu.

* Fixed bug when launching VPCS and there was a space in the project path.

* Option ‘Use hypervisor manager’ changed to ‘Bind to external
hypervisor(s)’ (logic is inverted) in IOS images and hypervisors dialog.

* Checks: if VPCS is installed and if Dynamips is marked as executable.

* Added instructions entry to Help menu.

* Automatic opening of instructions file when loading a project.

* Fixed Teraterm, SecureCRT and Konsole terminal command lines.

* Added “-vga none” option to ASA Pre-configuration.

* Updated the SecureCRT script to automatically reconnect if disconnected.

* Fixed a bug with load-balancing on multiple external hypervisors.

* Fixed issue when binding Qemuwrapper to a PC’s real IP address.

* Various other small bug fixes.

Sun Jul 7 14:00:00 2013
- new upstream version 0.8.4

* Lots of GUI improvements.

* New hub device.

* New Idlemax and Idlesleep settings (advanced manipulation of IDLE PC).

* IOS image and settings test button.

* New Tool menu to start external scripts/tools.

* Drag & drop of multiple devices when pressing SHIFT.

* Temporary projects are created by default.

* VirtualBox interface numbering starts at 0 (e.g. e0 = VirtualBox
interface 1 = eth0 on Linux).

* Support for 36 network cards in VirtualBox (using ICH9 chipset)

* New option to save traffic captures in project directories.

* Experimental auto IDLE PC calculation feature.

* Added entries to have Dynamips/Qemu/VirtualBox hypervisors bind/listen to
all available IP/host addresses (optional).

* AW+ router support by Allied Telesis from New Zealand (educational version of
their OS to be released).

* Removed the “Save IOS configs option” in project settings. IOS configs are
always saved.

* Qemu FLASH files are automatically saved in a directory named
‘qemu-flash-drives’ (in the project directory).

Mon Jan 7 13:00:00 2013
- new upstream version

* minor fixes and support for access to GNS3 VirtualBox VM hostnames
from inside VMs (e.g. VBoxControl guestproperty get NameInGNS3)

* includes updated vboxwrapper that work with the new VirtualBox 4.2
- removed gns3-0.8.3-defaults.diff now in upstream code

Sun Aug 5 14:00:00 2012
- added gns3-0.8.3-defaults.diff to fix wrong default VBOX paths

Sun Aug 5 14:00:00 2012
- New upstream version 0.8.3

* New base configuration (startup-config) for devices with
NM-16ESW (named baseconfig_sw.txt). =

* Support for drag & drop of topology files inside GNS3.

* Global TCP port tracker to allocate ports and avoid conflicts
(console + AUX ports for IOS routers and console ports for
Qemu-like/VirtualBox devices are tracked).

* Option to freely use the first VBox interface inside VMs
(i.e. eth0 on Linux).

* Backup nvram export when Dynamips has crashed.

* Complete IPv6 support (with correct functions).

* Support for binding on specific addresses when loading a topology.

* Option to track opened node consoles in order to close them when the
node gets deleted.

Wed Apr 18 14:00:00 2012
- fix license to be in spdx format

Sun Apr 15 14:00:00 2012
- New upstream version 0.8.2 (Virtual box support)

Tue May 31 14:00:00 2011
- brequire update-desktop-file

Mon May 9 14:00:00 2011
- Added vde2 as recommended app

Sun May 8 14:00:00 2011
- Removed from spec files instructions for unsupported suse version
- Moved qemu and wireshark to Recommends and not Requires

Mon Apr 18 14:00:00 2011
- added man page

Tue Apr 12 14:00:00 2011
- new upstream version 0.7.4

* Greek translation

* Hypervisor allocation per IOS type

* Improvements on Ethernet Switch (dynamic remapping of VLAN or type)

* Adaptations to support Dynamips 0.2.8 RC3 community

* Integration of a loopback manager for Windows

Sun Apr 10 14:00:00 2011
- added mime type for .net topology files

Mon Feb 7 13:00:00 2011
- New upstream version 0.7.3

* Only the necessary files (nvram, flash, disks etc.) are copied
or kept when creating projects and snapshots.

* Preventing unsaved interface labels to show up after loading a
topology. This can be reset using the
\"show interface labels\" button.

* Improvements for ATM and Frame Relay switches: proper naming,
dynamic mapping support and it is not needed to remove a link to
change its DLCI/VC mapping.

* PCAP capture support for Qemu based devices
(Qemu host, JunOS ASA, PIX, IDS). This option cannot be used after
the selected device is started.

* Fixed many issues with the snapshot feature.
Now it should work as expected.

* New node type: EtherSwitch router. This is a c3700 router
with a Etherswitch NM-16ESW loaded.

* Better consistency between buttons and menus. Many items have
been renamed, toolbar buttons accessible from the menu etc.

* Possibility to configure the AUX port. Only works for c7200 routers
(Preferences -> Dynamips -> Base AUX port).

* Changed standard naming convention for project and snapshots.
Topology file is named, working directory: working and
configurations directory: configs.

* Double click on a running node opens a console.

* Reload all devices option.

* Translation updates.

* Many more

Mon Oct 25 14:00:00 2010
- New upstream version 0.7.2
- Installed qemuwrapper utils
- added qemu as dependency

Fri Jun 4 14:00:00 2010
- New upstream version 0.7.1

Tue Dec 1 13:00:00 2009
- fixed 11.2 building (as noarch)

Sun Jun 7 14:00:00 2009 Andrea Florio 0.6.1
- new upstream version 0.6.1