Changelog for fbreader-0.99.4-36.5.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Apr 4 14:00:00 2018
- Added fbreader-0.99.4-qt5.patch and switched to Qt5 build
- Spec cleanup

Wed Mar 7 13:00:00 2018
- Add FBReader-0.99.4-reproducible.patch to make build reproducible

Thu Jun 23 14:00:00 2016
- Added fbreader-0.99.4-gcc6-Wno-narrowing.diff as a workaround
- Added %%description tag & noarch for zlibrary-data subpackage.

Sun Jun 19 14:00:00 2016
- Removed README.SuSE because there is only Qt GUI now.
- pkgconfig().

Sun Jun 19 14:00:00 2016
- Fixup shared library packaging

Sun May 25 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version 0.99.4

* Fixed bug with freezing at start

* List of network libraries is updated now from

* Fixed working with secured connections (now authentification and books buying on catalog works)

* Image support for Ms-Word doc format

* Esperanto interface localization has been added (by Katarína Nosková)

* Hyphenation patterns for Polish (by Tomasz Długosz)

* Polish interface localization (by Tomasz Długosz)

* Speed of library scanning has been increased

* Plugin for reading MsWord (
*.doc) books

* Fixed zip reading for several ePub books (e.g. for \"die Zeit\" ePubs)

* Support for book series in ePubs with point format (e.g. \"2.5\") has been added

* Fixed image support in RTF books

* Encoding & language recognizing has been improved

* As from version 0.99.0 FBReader for Linux supports qt4 interface only

* Chinese text drawing optimization (thanks to You Sheng (SmartDevices) for idea)

* Mobipocket image processing has been fixed

* Standard file open dialog is now used instead of the old specially written for FBReader

* CSS processing for multi-xhtml epubs has been fixed (in 0.12.
* the CSS loaded for the first xhtml was also applied for all other xhtmls)

* Chinese encodings detection has been improved

* Language/encoding detection for small files has been improved

* A problem with TOC in newest O\'Reilly ePubs has been fixed

* A detection of book format by mime-type (not by file extension) has been partially implemented (in Gtk+ version only)

* Polish interface localization has been added (by Rafał Bakuła)
- Updated FBReader.desktop
- Cleaned spec file

* Removed GTK UI version build because it\'s broken an isn\'t supported anymore
See and the above changelog
- Dropped unneeded fbreader-0.12.10-c++.patch
- Added

* fixes crashes with files

Tue Oct 16 14:00:00 2012
- add explicit buildrequire on libbz2-devel

Mon Feb 13 13:00:00 2012
- patch license to follow standard

Sun Sep 18 14:00:00 2011
- Apply packaging guidelines (remove redundant/obsolete
tags/sections from specfile, etc.)

Wed Aug 31 14:00:00 2011
- cleaned spec using spec-cleaner
- fixed generic-name-not-in-filelist RPMLINT warning

Tue Aug 23 14:00:00 2011
- split zlibrary and zlibrary-ui packages (based on Fedora spec)
- used alternatives to select user interface (based of Fedora spec)

Fri Dec 31 13:00:00 2010
- added mime support (fbreader.xml)

Tue Aug 17 14:00:00 2010
- added fbreader-0.12.10-c++.patch to fix compilation (from archlinux)

Tue Aug 17 14:00:00 2010
- Update to 0.12.10
+ Processing of external hyperlinks in ePub files has been changed.
- Changes for 0.12.9
+ Processing of epub local hyperlinks of form ../dir/file.html has been fixed.
+ Code is now compilable with gcc 4.4.
* (missing include directives have been added).
- Changes for 0.12.8
+ Smashwords library support has been improved: purchase links have been added.
+ LitRes library support has been updated: since this version FBReader uses an OPDS proxy located at for most operations with the LitRes catalog.
+ Processing of the xhtml hyperlinks in html encoded form (like /files/This%20is%20a%20link) has been fixed.
+ A seg.fault during scanning several archives has been fixed.
+ Lithuanian localization has been updated.
+ Vietnamese language/encoding detection patterns have been added.
- Changes for 0.12.7
+ Vietnamese interface taranslation by Phạm Văn Hùng_Firestork has been added.
+ LitRes integration broken in the previous version has been fixed.
- Changes for 0.12.6
+ The viewing of ePub files from has been fixed. A set of files from this site are compressed with some errors. However other readers (like Adobe Digital Editions) allows to read these books. FBReader 0.12.6 supports such books too.

Sat Jan 16 13:00:00 2010 Kirill Kirillov
- Update to 0.12.1
+ Integration with has been improved. A link for signing up has been added. A browsing by authors and by genres has been added.
+ Scrolling preferences have been simplified. Tap scrolling has been fixed.
+ Lithuanian localization has been added (thanks to Stanislovas Zacharovas).
+ Open file dialog behaviour has been fixed (in Gtk+ version).
+ A crach on some mobipocket files has been fixed.

Thu Dec 10 13:00:00 2009 Kirill Kirillov
- Update to 0.12.0
+ New presentation of library.
+ Better integration with network libraries: FeedBooks, LitRes,
Shucang and SmashWords. This version allows to browse catalogs,
to search and download the books. For LitRes (Russian e-library)
it is also possible to purchase books.
+ Added Chinese localization (by Shucang).
+ Image scaling has been implemented.
+ Better encoding/language detection. Arabic and Indonesian patterns are back.
+ Mobipocket, eReader and chm support have been improved.

Sun Apr 5 14:00:00 2009
- Update to 0.10.7
+ A conflict between hyperlink clicks and touch scrolling has been fixed
- Changes for 0.10.2
+ A bug with images/css links in epub has been fixed

Sat Mar 21 13:00:00 2009
- Update to 0.10.5
+ An FBReader freeze has been fixed
+ Several text selection related issues have been fixed

Thu Mar 19 13:00:00 2009
- Update to 0.10.4
+ Multiple fixes in the epub format support

Wed Mar 4 13:00:00 2009
- Update to 0.10.3
+ Some issues related to multi-file tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2
archives have been fixed.
+ Greek hyphenation patterns were regenerated from another
TeX source.
+ New version has no license issues from the Debian point of view
- Changes for 0.10.2
+ Images order in mobipocket files has been corrected.
+ Indonesian localization files have been updated.
- Changes for 0.10.1
+ Fixed an infinite loop in library building code.
+ Fixed key processing in qt4-based version.
+ Book description is visible for books found in network libraries.