Changelog for pithos-1.2.1-23.1.noarch.rpm :
Thu Aug 4 14:00:00 2016
- Replace python3-gobject Requires with python3-gobject-Gdk since
this was split for X-less setups, but pitos uses Gdk features.

Wed Aug 3 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 1.2.1:
+ Show a useful error dialog if no secret service found
+ Improvements to handling login credential changes
+ Fix icon name for main window
+ notification_icon: Fix visible toggle with AppIndicator going out of sync
+ mpris: Fix GetCurrentSong() in legacy interface
- Changes from 1.2.0:
+ Migrate build system to Autotools
+ Migrate settings to GSettings
+ Store password with SecretService (libsecret)
+ Remove all dependencies on dbus-python
+ Add extensive keyboard shortcuts for the main window
+ Add Keyboard Shortcuts help window on Gtk 3.20+
+ Add initial support for translations (translators needed!)
+ Add explicit content filter option
+ Fix high CPU usage with Ubuntu\'s default theme
+ Redesign all dialogs to use Headerbars
+ Redesign stations dropdown as a Popover with searching and sorting
+ Improve integration with Flatpak
+ Use Gio to open URIs
+ Rename icons and data files to match app id
+ mpris:
+ Effectively rewritten to better follow the spec
+ Reference album art as locally downloaded files
+ notify: Fix Ubuntu sometimes showing wrong art
+ lastfm: Fix now playing not being set
- Changes from 1.1.2:
+ Fix SSL error with Pandora One
+ Fix pacparser usage
+ Fix PyGObject 3.18+ warnings
+ notify: Fix album art not showing up
+ notification_icon:
+ Always use AppIndicator if installed (Fixes KDE 5, Elementary)
+ Add scroll to change volume with AppIndicator
+ Toggle visibility on middle +click with AppIndicator
+ mediakeys: Add support for DBUS bindings on MATE
+ lastfm: Don\'t scrobble ads
- Changes from 1.1.1:
+ Fix erratic buffering behavior
+ Clarified license in Readme
+ Add explicit version check for Gtk 3.14
- Changes from 1.1.0:
+ Redesign plugin preferences (Now requires Gtk 3.14)
+ Fix locking up when buffering a song (#94)
+ Make lastfm an optional plugin
+ Make MPRIS an optional plugin
+ Update various icons
+ Minor performance improvements
+ MPRIS: Add property introspection
+ MPRIS: Add song rating `pithos:rating`
+ Notify: Fix escaping text when not needed
- Update Url
- Specify required Python version
- Change depedencies for current release
- Change build system for autotools
- Change data file references to new app id

Tue Apr 5 14:00:00 2016
- Call fdupes only over pyton3_sitelib: ensure that
/usr/share/icons contains actual files and not symlinks.

Sun Nov 30 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 1.0.1:
+ Automatically install missing codecs if supported.
+ Save window position between sessions.
+ Fix saving last station on quit.
+ Fix pacparser support.
+ Improve pandora module docs.
+ Add command to build docs.
+ Add appdata file.
+ Notification_icon: Make toggling visibility more reliable.
+ mpris: Fix exception when querying positon.
+ mpris: Implement setting volume.
- Update fixes Pandora stream and hangs at \"loading songs\" This
occurs randomly, sometimes very frequently (boo#907701).

Tue Aug 5 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version 1.0.0:
+ Move to Python 3, Gtk3 and GStreamer 1.0.
+ Fix issue causing large amounts of buffering.
+ Add indication when songs are replaced by ads.
+ Add bitrate to song description.
+ Add new icon.
+ Add playback controls to notifications.
+ Add support for Proxy Auto-Config
- Changes from version 0.3.18:
+ Fix high quality setting.
+ Fix screensaver_pause plugin on DE\'s other than Gnome.
+ Fix fake client.
+ Pause playback when space is pressed.
+ Implement the rest of MPRIS 2.2.
+ No longer bundle pylast.
+ Have gstreamer respect proxy.
+ Move to setuptools.
- Update Url.
- Update python-devel, python-desturils-extra and python-setuptools
with their respective python3-
* BuildRequires: follow the port to
- Replace gstreamer-0_10-
* BuildRequires with the GStreamer 1.0
related gstreamer-
* counterparts.
- Drop obsolete openSUSE version checks from spec.
- Add gobject-introspection BuildRequires for automatic typelib()-
- Drop python-gtk and python-notify Requires: no longer required.

Tue May 22 14:00:00 2012
- Change license to be GPL-3.0, as per legal review (bnc#763416).

Fri May 4 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 0.3.17:
+ Switch to JSON API to work around XMLRPC API update
+ Fix rename station menu item.
+ Update FSF address in (lp#987883).
+ Remove #! header from files that are not executable
- Drop pithos-fix-incorrect-fsf-address.patch: fixed upstream.
- Drop pithos-fix-non-executable-script.patch: fixed upstream.

Wed Apr 25 14:00:00 2012
- Updated to new version 0.3.16:
+ Numerous bugfixes.
+ Minor User Interface improvements.
- Add pithos-fix-incorrect-fsf-address.patch: Fix incorrect FSF
address (lp#987883).
- Add pithos-fix-non-executable-script.patch: Fix file contains a
shebang (lp#988364).

Sat Apr 14 14:00:00 2012
- New bzr version now at revision 202:
+ Tweaks to prefs dialog.
+ Pass album art URL to MPRIS for Unity sound menu (lp#876984).
+ Add \"Quit\" item to menu (lp#904589).
+ Better handling of fatal gstreamer codec errors.
+ Add \"Player\" to category to allow build on openSUSE Open Build
service (lp#976327).
+ Handle urllib HTTPError.
- Drop pithos-fix-no-sufficient-category-definition.patch as this
has been upstreamed.

Sun Apr 8 14:00:00 2012
- Initial build.
- Add pithos-fix-no-sufficient-category-definition.patch: Add
Player to categories in desktop file (lp#976327).