Changelog for anjuta-3.12.0-1.122.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Mar 26 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 3.12.0:
+ Updated translations.

Fri Mar 21 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 3.11.92:
+ gdb: Disable password-prompt for gdb communication.
+ Don\'t set a minimum window size - just use the default.
+ Fix crash when launching nonexistant program.
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#688020, bgo#725373, bgo#723451, bgo#722989,
bgo#723452, bgo#723449, bgo#723510, bgo#723458, bgo#723443,
bgo#711353, bgo#723444.
+ Updated translations.

Sun Feb 23 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 3.11.90:
+ Support Vala 0.24.
+ libanjuta: Set reasonable default size for preferences window
+ anjuta: Don\'t set a minimum window size - just use the default.
+ gdb: Disable password-prompt for gdb communication.
+ User help: fix a typo.
+ Fix crash when launching nonexistant program.
+ Project Wizard - Set default setting for author, email,
version, and project directory (bgo#711353).
+ New Window action is always disabled (bgo#723443).
+ Missing image icon next to recent projects (bgo#723458).
+ teminal: Warning after closing a program started by Run ->
Execute (bgo#723510).
+ anjuta: Should set a reasonable default window size
+ debug-manager: Remove weak pointer when needed.
+ file-manager: Remove weak pointer when plugin is finalized.
+ quick-open: Remove weak pointer on deactivation.
+ run-program: Remove unneeded weak pointer.
+ tools: Remove weak pointer when the context is destroyed.
+ symbol-db: Remove weak pointer when plugin is destroyed.
+ language-support-cpp-java: Remove a critical warning when
Anjuta is closed.
+ build-basic-autotools: Remove unused idle handler.
+ project-manager: Fix critical warnings when closing Anjuta
window if multiple windows are open (bgo#723452).
+ Updated translations.
- Drop anuta-libvala-0.24.patch: fixed upstream.
- Drop gnome-common BuildRequires: No longer needed as we do not
carry any patches anymore.

Wed Jan 29 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 3.11.4:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#722721, bgo#722721, bgo#722721, bgo#722720,
bgo#721534, bgo#720126, bgo#711720, bgo#721783, bgo#721782,
bgo#722005, bgo#720969, bgo#711722, bgo#711512, bgo#708248,
bgo#709752, bgo#708748.
+ Updated translations.
- Replace pkgconfig(neon) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(serf-1):
Following subversions switch to serf in place of neon.

Tue Jan 28 13:00:00 2014
- Switch to vala 0.24 for GNOME 3.12 target:
+ Replace pkgconfig(libvala-0.24) BuildRequires with
pkgconfig(libvala-0.24), for the actual switch.
+ Add anuta-libvala-0.24.patch: Add support for Vala 0.24.
+ Add gnome-common BuildRequires: required, as above patch
touches the build system and we need gnome-commons to correctly
bootstrap the tarball, due to GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS.

Mon Dec 23 13:00:00 2013
- Do not BuildRequire valgrind for ppc64le.

Sun Nov 17 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.10.2 (bnc#849913):
+ bgo#711722: C-Makefile project template broken.
+ document-manager: Fix bgo#711512.
+ Updated translations.

Tue Sep 24 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.10.0:
+ Updated translations.

Mon Sep 16 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.9.92:
+ git: Run diff commands after the status commands finish.
+ libanjuta/git: Render diffs one line at a time.
+ project-manager: Plural forms for \"%d elements\" (bgo#707562).
+ project-wizard: Auto completion code when you click in the
widget tree is broken (bgo#707943).
+ Updated translations.

Mon Sep 2 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.9.91:
+ git:
- Fix removed files status display.
- Expand the status view tree when all diff commands are
+ project-manager: The \'Can not add source files\' dialog is too
long and his buttons and bottom side are out of the screen
+ Fix incorrect MimeType in .desktop file (bgo#706630).
+ Remove a critical warning when closing a project.
+ glade: Fix a critical warning when opening a project with a .ui
file opened.
+ document-manager: Close all documents when closing a project.
+ Updated translations.

Mon Aug 19 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.9.90:
+ document-manager: Fix icon size in document manager tabs.
+ git:
- Widget name fixes.
- Show diffs of uncommitted changes in the status view.
- Show stash diffs in the stash pane.
- Don\'t show the command bar if the Tasks button isn\'t active.
- Don\'t show stash numbers on diff rows.
+ libanjuta:
- Add AnjutaCellRendererDiff.
- Update the glade catalog.
+ libanjuta/anjuta-command-bar:
- Resect GTK button image settings.
- Don\'t use a shadow for the scrolled window.
+ symbol-db:
- link with librt on Linux (bgo#704985).
- Use a GtkSearchEntry for the search entry in the search view.
+ libanjuta/anjuta-file-list: Fix the help text color.
+ libanjuta/anjuta-cell-renderer-diff: Detect diff headers.
+ build: add support for libvala-0.22.
+ Use program icon on about dialog.
+ Fix column number on lines with tabs.
+ help: fix broken images.
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#689384, bgo#701419.
- Drop anjuta-vala-0.22.patch: fixed upstream.
- Remove gnome-common BuildRequires and call to,
as we don\'t carry any patch anymore.

Tue Aug 6 14:00:00 2013
- Add anjuta-vala-0.22.patch: Allow building with vala 0.22.
- Add gnome-common BuildRequires and call to, as
above patch touches the build system.
- Change pkgconfig(libvala-0.20) BuildRequires to
pkgconfig(libvala-0.22) in order to perform the switch to Vala
- Stop passing obsolete --disable-scrollkeeper to configure.

Tue Jul 30 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.9.5:
+ anjuta: Only show app-menu if supported by environment.
+ libanjuta: Make AnjutaCommandBar easier to use on small
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#699544.
+ Updated translations.

Tue Jul 9 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.9.4:
+ anjuta: Add application menu.
+ git: Fix the Do Not Commit option in the Revert pane.
+ libanjuta/anjuta-entry: Don\'t use CSS for help text styles.
+ Keep using loaded plugin even if they are marked as disabled.
+ Register GApplication with a different name if a profile is
+ document-manager: Make use of symbol-db plugin optional.
+ language-support-python: Remove critical warnings.
+ language-manager: Support symbols in more programming
+ Need at least glib 2.34 for g_spawn_check_exit_status.
+ dir-project: Load big project faster.
+ dir-project: Decrease project load priority to avoid blocking
+ am-project: data target are not distributed by default in
+ project-manager: Add a function in the interface to remove a
file from a project.
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#703637, bgo#702576
+ Updated translations.

Sat Jun 22 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.9.3:
+ sourceview:
- fix compile warnings.
+ message-view: don\'t manually free private structure.
+ snippets-manager: fix compile warnings.
+ git:
- Add a context menu to the log pane.
- Add a context menu to the Branches pane.
- Add a popup menu to the Remotes pane.
- Check box action fixes in Push and Pull panes.
- Add a popup menu to the Stash pane.
- Fix a warning.
+ libanjuta:
- Improve symbol-db behavior on cut, paste, undo, redo and
when multiple files are modified.
- Move scoped and descoped signal on AnjutaProfile object.
- Replace AnjutaPluginDescription by AnjutaPluginHandle in API.
- Move anjuta_profile_manager_load_profile function in
- Always keep plugins in the system profile.
- Allow to enable only a set of plugins defined in the profile
- Keep dynamic allocation data in AnjutaPluginDescription.
- Allow to change plugin description key from profile.
+ Allow to select different profile on the command line.
+ Add a sample custom profile keeping only the editor.
+ document-manager: Automatically open an empty file if starter
plugin is not used.
+ symbol-db: Update symbol database on editor changes without
+ language-support-cpp-jave: Fix memory leak.
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#701443, bgo#701207, bgo#700383
+ Updated translations.

Tue May 28 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.9.2:
+ subversion: convert builder file to gtk+-3.0.
+ starter: guard for NULL document manager or project manager.
+ Fix deprecation warnings.
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#699323, bgo#699329, bgo#699327, bgo#699330,
bgo#699326, bgo#698705, bgo#699316, bgo#700615, bgo#696991,
bgo#698158, bgo#700318, bgo#694644.
+ Updated translations.

Wed May 1 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.9.1:
+ anjuta_language_provider: add proposals() function.
+ anjuta-tabber:
- Always use the padding of an active tab in y-direction size
- don\'t iterate list to check if node is first/last.
- fix calculation of region flags.
- implement gtk_container_get_path_for_child().
- remove call to gtk_widget_style_attach().
- remove the total padding from total width.
- rework size allocation.
- take focus-padding into account when rendering focus.
- use tab_curvature for left/right space of first/last tab.
+ dir-project:
- check for NULL groups in dir_project_is_loaded().
- fix compile error.
+ document-manager:
- don\'t allocate AnjutaDocmanPriv ourselves.
- don\'t free AnjutaDocmanPriv ourselves.
- fix compile warning.
- pack notebook with width 1.
- remove margin around the document combo box.
+ git:
- Add a stash button to the Status command bar.
- Fix more names in the glade file.
- Fix setting of a custom author in the commit panel.
- Fix widget names.
- Implement adding files by dragging them onto the status view.
- Implement branch switching by double-click.
- More glade file name fixes.
- Pack the dock and the command bar together.
- Use actions for recurring items in the glade file.
- Use a toggle button to show and hide the command bar.
- Widget name fixes.
+ language-support-js:
- replace one more use of ianjuta_editor_assist_proposals().
- use anjuta_language_provider_proposals().
+ language-support-python:
- replace one more use of ianjuta_editor_assist_proposals().
- use anjuta_language_provider_proposals().
+ libanjuta: Improve editor modeline support.
+ libanjuta/manuals: Update documentation sections.
+ message-view:
- Use AnjutaCloseButton in tabs.
- use a single box for the tab widget.
+ mk-project:
- Ignore conditional directives in makefile.
- Prevent a crash.
+ parser-cxx:
- fix compilation warning.
- use anjuta_language_provider_proposals().
+ project-wizard: Use dist_doc_DATA for documentation text files.
+ sourceview: remove filtering of single proposals matching
+ symbol-db-query: change order of property installation in
+ Update doap file.
+ Use dist_doc_DATA for documentation text files.
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#680770, bgo#688611, bgo#696023, bgo#696984,
bgo#696990, bgo#697030, bgo#698011.
+ Updated translations.
- Drop anjuta-glade.xml source: it\'s included in the tarball.

Tue Apr 16 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.8.1:
+ git: Log path entry should be editable.
+ project-wizard: Creating new project using wizard fails due to
license files missing (bgo#696672).
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#696023.
+ Updated translations.
- Re-add anjuta-glade.xml: bgo#696023 seems not entirely fixed.

Tue Mar 26 13:00:00 2013
- Do not BuildRequire valgrind for aarch64.

Mon Mar 25 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.8.0:
+ Updated translations.

Wed Mar 20 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.7.92:
+ document-manager:
- Allow to search starting from the current position.
- Highlight search text in background.
- Move common code in a function.
+ file-manager: make file_view_show_extended_data() more robust.
+ Fix desktop file syntax errors.
+ Fixed needlessly marked label for translation.
+ git:
- fix up memory management of log model.
- properly unset the log command in the case the command failed
- Unset the log model view before refreshing the log.
- use g_signal_connect_object() in GitLogCommand.
- use g_signal_connect_object() to connect to commands in
+ libanjuta: keep a ref on the AnjutaAsyncCommand when its thread
is run.
+ Make the glade catalog an optional feature.
+ message-view: use g_type_class_add_private() to add private
+ parser-cxx: use g_signal_connect_object() to connect to query
+ sourceview:
- add checks to SourceviewIO that the parent Sourceview is
- don\'t take extra refs during open/save.
- keep a separate reference to AnjutaShell in SourceviewIO.
- move all construction of Sourceview into constructed.
- only cancel open operations when closing editor.
- only update stored etag if save was succesful.
- use g_signal_connect_object() to connect to io signals.
+ symbol-db: don\'t allow or set null scope_definition_id and
+ Updated translations.
- Pass --enable-glade-catalog to configure to ensure the catalogs
are being installed.
- Add anjuta-glade.xml to sources, which is missing in the tarball.

Tue Feb 19 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.7.90:
+ Add new quick-open plugin.
+ am-project: Fix a crash when changing target properties.
+ Anjuta:
- Saved dock positions not applied when opening a project
- Make sure the starter widget is visible on startup.
+ build-basic-autotools:
- don\'t let build directory button expand.
- Fix selection of build directory.
+ class-gen:
- Always generate GObject private structure.
- generate license the same way as project-wizard.
- output filename instead of project name before copyright.
+ devhelp: Port to webkitgtk2.
+ document-manager:
- connect to toplevel SearchBox keypress to handle closing.
- Save search box settings.
+ file-manager:
- Add option for showing the currently edited file in the file
- Add \"Show in File manager\" action to document popup.
- Enable typeahead search.
+ glade: Add a menu item for glade properties dialog.
+ indentation-c-style: enable the plugin for IDL files.
+ jhbuild:
- Extract libdir from newly added JHBUILD_LIBDIR environment
- Translate error messages.
+ language-support-cp-java: fix crasher when swapping
+ libanjuta:
- Add basic tests for AnjutaCompletion.
- Add new AnjutaCompletion object for prefix matching.
- Avoid the name Anjuta in libanjuta messages (bgo#693916)
+ parser-cxx:
- remove unused ParserCxxAssistContext
- use AnjutaCompletion instead of deprecated GCompletion
+ patch: Replace deprecated GtkTable by GtkGrid
+ project-import:
- Open a directory with Anjuta.
- Try to fill project name automatically in import project
+ project-manager: Remove New Library menu item.
+ project-wizard: move license templates to data/
+ sourceview:
- connect settings notifications with g_signal_connect_object()
- Fix wrong assignment when saving markers
- mark clearing of buffer as a not undoable action
- use etag to only emit \"changed\" when file was externally
- use gtk_widget_preferred_size instead of gtk_widget_size_request
+ starter: Fix a warning
+ symbol-db:
- fix compile warnings
- fix symbols view label box to be horizontal
+ Updated translations.
- Replace pkgconfig(libvala-0.18) BuildRequires with
pkgconfig(libvala-0.20), following the GNOME 3.8 release plans.

Tue Jan 15 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.7.4:
+ file-loader:
- Fix leak of GtkRecentInfos in the RecentChooserMenu.
- file-loader: Fix leak of plugin names in sort_wizards()
+ file-manager: Fix compile warning.
+ git: Fix destruction of GitLogPane.
+ libanjuta:
- Actually free stuff in AnjutaPkgConfigChooser::finalize.
- Add \"document-[added|removed]\" signals to
- Allow to set indentation and tab size separately
- Clean up and bug fix in plugin manager
- Fix a few compiler warnings
- Fix IAnjutaFile::opened signal documentation.
+ project-manager:
- Allow to change project backend
- Display current project backend
- Fix leak of the nodes GList in gbf_project_view_update_tree().
+ run-program: Default to Yes in \"The program is already running\"
+ snippets-manager: Fix faulty assertion in snippets_db_dispose().
+ sourceview:
- Add marks to an unloaded document the same way we reload
- Detect that a ifile_open() is a reload and save marks and
- Don\'t check if objects are not NULL before calling
- keep ref on SourceViewIO during call to
+ starter: Fix leak of GtkRecentInfo.
+ symbol-db:
- Add update_flag to the symbol unique constraint.
- Fix leaks
- Fix \"parenthesis\" typos
- rename sdb_engine_get_tuple_id_by_unique_name4()...
- When updating a symbol try to update the closest one.
+ Updated translations.

Sun Jan 6 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.7.3:
+ Added keywords in desktop file.
+ anjuta:
- Fix destruction of the AnjutaUI instance.
- Fix destruction of AnjutaPreferences instance.
- Unload all plugins before closing a window.
- Remove \"exiting\" signal from AnjutaShell.
+ anjuta-plugin-handle: Use g_hash_table_remove_all instead of
+ am-project: Change the \"Dependencies loop in variables\"
warning to a debug print.
+ build: disable -Werror to workaround flex(1) issue.
+ build-basic-autotools:
- Disconnect all signals on editors when the plugin is
- Remove idle for updating indicators when plugin is
+ document-manager:
- Remove autosave timeout when the plugin is deactivated.
- Fix disconnection of GtkNotebook \"switch-page\" signal.
+ file-manager:
- Keep a weak reference to the IAnjutaVcs object in FileModel.
- Unref the FileModel reference when the FileView gets
+ git: Fix compile warnings.
+ glade: Add toggle buttons for margin and align editing.
+ indentation-c-style: Fix logic error.
+ libanjuta: Set \"relative-path\" property of AnjutaFileDropEntry
as readwrite.
+ plugin-manager:
- Fix dependents checking on wrong object in should_unload().
- Don\'t destroy available_plugins order in
- Clean up memory management.
- Directly use anjuta_plugin_deactivate in unload_all_plugins()
+ profile-manager: Add new close() function.
+ project-wizard:
- Allow to start a new project from the command line.
- Remove trailing spaces.
- Remove compilation warnings.
- hide breakpoints and watches windows on new project
+ run-program:
- Keep a weak reference to the IAnjutaTerminal we run the
program in.
- Fix a crash when destroying the plugin.
+ sourceview: Don\'t store the builder for the preferences in a
global variable.
+ symbol-db:
- Keep a reference to the SymbolDBQuery when running it in a
- Use a vertical box for the search view.
- Remove buffer update timeout when plugin gets deactivated.
+ Updated translations.

Sat Nov 24 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.7.2:
+ anjuta: Allow to abort loading of a session
+ anjuta-window: Don\'t call gtk_widget_show_all when setting up
+ debug-manager:
- Fix accessing of invalid tree models.
- use g_spawn_sync() instead of fork() and waitpid()
+ document-manager:
- Add search_box to document manager box directly.
- Fix various compile warnings.
- hide search box when pressing escape inside the document
- Never disable \"find in files\" action.
- Remove obsolete code for tabbing between documents.
- Show dirty character \"
*\" and \"[read-only]\" in combo filename.
- Support showing open documents in a combobox.
- Update combo filenames when the project changes.
- use on_close_file_activate() when closing file using combo
close button.
+ file-manager: Fix invalid unref of NULL pointer.
+ Fix compile errors regarding undeclared functions.
+ git:
- Fix assertion when running g_hash_table_unref() on a NULL
- Fix assertion when running g_signal_handlers_disconnect on
already destroyed widget.
- Fix bgo 687145 - Critical warning when switching git pane
+ glade:
- Fix the images in the palette toggles used for choosing the
edit mode.
- Fix the palette not being shown.
+ indentation-c-style:
- Add option whether paranthesis alignment should only use
- be more picky when completing braces.
- Change plugin.c modeline to spaces
- Enable the plugin for JavaScript source files.
- Fix get_line_indentation().
- Fix modeline in plugin.c
- Fix \"parenthesis\" typos
- remove java_indentation() method
- Rename action group to \"C Indentation\" and remove it on
- Update preferences UI file to gtk+-3
- When removing opening bracket also remove the closing one.
+ indentation-python-style: Rename action group to \"Python
+ language-support-cpp-java: Remove
org.gnome.anjuta.plugins.cpp.gschema.valid from git
+ language-support-vala: Don\'t clean config.vapi
+ libanjuta:
- Improve documentation of AnjutaSession
- use g_spawn_sync instead of fork() and waitpid()
+ project-wizard: Fix vala ui path (bgo#686718)
+ python:
- Auto-completion causes a segfault in Anjuta 3.6.1
- Fix crash during auto-indentation
+ sourceview: don\'t emit change events after doing an undo
+ Fixed compile warnings and a real bug in the gdbmi plugin

Wed Nov 14 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.7.1:
+ am-project:
- Avoid critical warnings when a group does not have a
- Double click on folder in project view open properties window
- Folder properties dialog can\'t be close with ESC (bgo#681051)
- Project browser is not updated when files are added or removed
- Adding a \"Miscelaneous Data\" objective ignores the given name
- Check a copy of anjuta project in regression instead of the
real project
- Do not store files as binary in anjuta shar archive used in
regression test
+ anjuta:
- Do not use GDL members deprecated in version 3.6
- Move command line parsing in AnjutaApplication
- Remove custom filtering for debugging message as this is
provided by GLib >= 2.32
- Rename AnjutaApp as AnjutaWindow
- Rename Anjuta as AnjutaApplication
+ build-basic-autotools:
- Configuration name combo box should be editable
- Fix alignment of some text broken by the previous patch
- Update environment variables when the build configuration is
+ build: anjuta-3.5.91 fails to configure due to ac_ct_CXX check
+ glade: Fix make file some files were not installed
+ jhbuild:
- new plugin to build/run program inside the jhbuild environment
- Provide a fallback for G_DEFINE_QUARK to allow compilation
with GLib 2.32
+ run-program: use AnjutaEnvironmentEditor instead of implementing
our own version.

Tue Nov 13 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.6.2:
+ indentation-c-style:
- be more picky when completing braces.
- remove java_indentation() method
- When removing opening bracket also remove the closing one.
+ sourceview: don\'t emit change events after doing an undo
+ build-basic-autotools:
- Configuration name combo box should be editable
+ Do not use GDL members deprecated in version 3.6
+ Updated translations.

Fri Oct 19 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.6.1:
+ Anjuta crashes when switching git branches of the current
project on the commandline bgo#681073.
+ Updated translations.

Thu Sep 27 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.6.0:
+ project-manager:
- Support for calling make check
- Support for subdirectories in project groups
- Crash fixes
+ git:
- Git Tasks dock is only shown when the Git dock is active
- The Status view is the first view shown in the Git dock
- Status view works with git 1.7.10 and newer
+ symbol-db:
- Various crash and infinite loop fixes
+ sourceview:
- Use common indentation settings
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#680401, bgo#672692, bgo#675877, bgo#678695,
bgo#679827, bgo#680136, bgo#680554, bgo#680559, bgo#680555,
bgo#680657, bgo#679767
+ Updated translations.
- Replace gnome-doc-utils-devel BuildRequires with yelp-devel:
following upstreams port to the new documentation infrastructure.

Mon Sep 3 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.5.91:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#679767, bgo#680401, bgo#682501.
+ Updated translations.
- Drop anjuta-includes.patch: fixed upstream.

Mon Aug 6 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.5.5:
+ class-inheritance, code-analyzer: Remove plugins that don\'t
work or aren\'t built
+ document-manager:
- Entry of find in files doesn\'t get focused (bgo#680554)
- Escape key does not dismiss Find in Files panel (bgo#680555)
- Find in Files does not scroll to top of results (bgo#680559)
- Only use in project files
- Unify focus handling
+ git: Only show the Git Tasks menu when the Git window is active
+ Several other code changes.
+ Several improvements to the FAQ.
+ Build fixes.
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#680136, bgo#680466, bgo#680657.
- Drop pkgconfig(libgraph) BuildRequires: it was only needed for
plugins that got dropped.
- Add anjuta-includes.patch: Fix build with gtksourceview 3.5.3.

Fri Aug 3 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.5.4:
+ libanjuta: Fix memory corruption in AnjutaPkgConfig
+ Small fixes to cxxparser (including bgo#679772).
+ Improve calltips in vala plugin
+ Updated translations.

Thu Aug 2 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.5.3:
+ build-basic-autotools: bgo#674863: No easy way to call make
+ git: Show the Status pane on plugin load
+ indentation: Use Indentation as name for all indentation
+ project-wizard:
- Explicitely use 3.0 as interface version for ui files
- Make sure no template requires gtk+ 2.12 anymore
+ symbol-db: Ignore files with unknown language (bgo#678695)
+ vala support: update to Vala 0.18
+ Split language-support-cpp-java and language-support-python
plugin in an indentation part and a new language-support part
+ Several other code changes.
+ Build fixes.
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#675118, bgo#676811.
+ Updated translations.
- Replace pkgconfig(libvala-0.16) BuildRequires with
pkgconfig(libvala-0.18): Use vala 0.18.

Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.5.1:
+ Use common settings for indentation in several plugins.
+ Fix autoindentation after line wrapping
+ libanjuta:
- Allow to define common settings in plugin preference page
+ am-project:
- Include project files as sources in the project tree
- Allow to create the root group in an empty project
- Allow to have sub directories in a group
- Do not expand variable in target and group flags
- Expand variables in source names
- Fix multiple crashes
+ project-manager:
- The target advanced options window should remember its size
- Display group name containing sub directories
+ sourceview: Correctly implement popup-menu (bgo#672692)
+ Several other code changes.
+ Minor build system fixes.
+ Updated translations.

Tue Jul 31 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.4.4:
+ libanjuta:
- Fix memory corruption in AnjutaPkgConfig (bgo#679827)
+ document-manager:
- entry of find in files doesn\'t get focused (bgo#680554)
- Find in Files does not scroll to top of results (bgo#680559)
- Escape key does not dismiss Find in Files (bgo#680555)
+ cxxparser:
- avoid infinite loop (bgo#679772)
- improved code checks to avoid leaks
- fixed warning on query field retrieving
+ symbold-db:
- Don\'t crash if project was moved to another location
- Ignore files with unknown language (bgo#678695)
+ glade: Fix check order of editor on member add (bgo#676811)
+ Updated translations.

Wed May 23 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.4.3:
+ This release fixes a broken tarball that was distributed for
+ configure: Detect python more robust.
+ Updated translations.

Thu May 17 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.4.2:
+ project-wizard:
- Make sure no template requires gtk+ 2.12 anymore
- Explicitely use 3.0 as interface version for ui files
+ Updated translations.

Sun Apr 29 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.4.1:
+ Fix a typo in the code-analyzer plugin name
+ sourceview: Correctly implement popup-menu (bgo#672692)
+ Updated translations.

Tue Mar 27 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.4.0:
+ Updated translations.

Tue Mar 20 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.3.92:
+ Various bug fixes and code changes.
+ Updated translations.

Mon Mar 5 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.3.91:
+ Automatically add a callback when user double-clicks a signal
in the glade signal editor (bgo#670149).
+ Documentation improvements.
+ Several other code changes.
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#627089, bgo#662955, bgo#670483, bgo#670537,
bgo#670656, bgo#670789, bgo#670830.
+ Updated translations.
- No longer delete generated .c files: they are no longer part of
the tarballs.

Tue Feb 21 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.3.90:
+ What\'s new:
- Find in files is back!
+ Implement automatic member declaration and initialization for
widgets in the glade plugin.
+ Save relative resources instead of absolute paths in session
+ Fix .desktop file so that gnome-shell recognizes anjuta.
+ Add support for vala 0.15/0.16.
+ Various other code changes.
+ Improved documentation.
+ Updated translations.
- Remove xz BuildRequires now that it comes for free in the build
- Drop anjuta-vala-0_16.patch: fixed upstream.
- Remove gnome-common BuildRequires and call to those
were only needed for the above patch.

Tue Jan 17 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.3.4:
+ Small improvements in search (bgo#665945).
+ Several improvements in generated files from project-wizard.
+ language-support-cpp: Code completion now closes parentheses
+ symbol-db: Fix symbol update when switching branches
+ Various other code changes.
+ Other bugs fixed: bgo#667903, bgo#666621, bgo#666966.
+ Updated translations.

Fri Jan 13 13:00:00 2012
- Replace pkgconfig(libvala-0.14) BuildRequires with
pkgconfig(libvala-0.16) in order to build against vala 0.15/0.16.
- Add anjuta-vala-0_16.patch: Fix build with libvala-0.16
- Add gnome-common BuildRequires and call to, as the
above patch touches the build system.
- Delete .c files that are auto-generated from .vala files to
ensure they are generated with the right vala compiler.
- Add vala BuildRequires: as we drop the shipped generated .c
files, we need to rebuild them during our build.

Tue Dec 20 13:00:00 2011
- Update to version 3.3.3:
+ Fix various crashes (including bgo#665082, rh#532290,
+ Several improvements to git support.
+ Several improvements to vala support.
+ Fix memory leaks.
+ Ship files missing in 3.3.2.
+ Various other code changes.
+ Other bugs fixed: bgo#641079, bgo#646695, bgo#656761,
bgo#666321, bgo#666336, bgo#666448, bgo#666482.
+ Updated translations.
- Drop gnome-shell-extension-template.tar.bz2: the files are in
the tarball now.

Fri Dec 9 13:00:00 2011
- Split typelib files into typelib-1_0-Anjuta-3_0 subpackage.
- Add typelib-1_0-Anjuta-3_0 Requires to devel subpackage.

Sat Nov 26 13:00:00 2011
- Update to version 3.3.2:
+ Add template for Gnome Shell Extension (bgo#661299).
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#648934, bgo#662526, bgo#663016, bgo#663385,
bgo#664058, bgo#664263, bgo#645212, bgo#629769, bgo#658788,
- Inject gnome-shell-extension-template.tar.bz2 into build system,
as the tarball misses those files. See bgo#664829.
- Add xz BuildRequires because we can\'t build a package for a
xz-compressed tarball without explicitly specifying that... See
bnc#697467 for more details.

Wed Oct 26 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 3.3.1:
+ Integrate fixes from 3.2.1.
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#610371, bgo#633284, bgo#653274, bgo#659563,

Wed Oct 19 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 3.2.1:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#660841, bgo#653652, bgo#660061, bgo#660065,

Wed Oct 5 14:00:00 2011
- Apply shared library packaging policy (bnc#690233):
+ Create libanjuta-3-0 subpackage.
+ Change anjuta Requires in devel subpackage to libanjuta-3-0.
+ Move calls to /sbin/ldconfig from %post/%postun of main
subpackage to those of the libanjuta-3-0 subpackage.
+ This became more important as gtkpod now uses this library and we
don\'t want to have gtkpod depend on the whole anjuta application.

Sun Sep 25 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 3.2.0:
+ Fixed make distcheck: FAQ, autotests, etc.
+ Updated translations.
- Drop hack to install anjuta_logo.png properly during %install:
fixed upstream.

Wed Sep 21 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 3.1.92:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#656470, bgo#658229, bgo#658262, bgo#566700,
bgo#654320, bgo#655295, bgo#658903, bgo#654463.

Sat Sep 17 14:00:00 2011
- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile
- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build

Tue Sep 6 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 3.1.91:
+ More improvements in vala plugin
+ Fix up problems with gtk+ 3.0
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#638525, bgo#657491, bgo#657513, bgo#657589,
bgo#655756, bgo#656123, bgo#657590, bgo#657022.
- Remove unneeded call to mime-info-to-mime in %install.

Wed Aug 31 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 3.1.90:
+ Some seldom used debugger menu items were removed
+ A lot of fixes to the vala support
+ vala-0.14 (>= 0.13.3) is now required
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#656584, bgo#642187, bgo#657023, bgo#566704,
bgo#652047, bgo#656585, bgo#657134, bgo#653259.
- Drop anjuta-support-libgda-5.0.patch: fixed upstream.
- Remove gnome-common BuildRequires and call to
now that there is no patch requiring this.

Sat Aug 13 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 3.1.5:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#654881, bgo#651151, bgo#654502, bgo#655743,
bgo#655998, bgo#655584.
- Drop anjuta-gtk_hv_box.patch: Fixed upstream.
- Add a hack to install anjuta_logo.png properly in the manual.

Tue Aug 2 14:00:00 2011
- Add anjuta-gtk_hv_box.patch: Stop using deprectaed GtkHBox and

Mon Jul 25 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 3.1.4:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#654502, bgo#646410, bgo#654073, bgo#654124,
bgo#654445, bgo#654099, bgo#654100, bgo#654559, bgo#654092,
bgo#654095, bgo#654560, bgo#631157, bgo#654455.
- Drop anjuta-libvala-0.14.patch: fixed upstream.

Tue Jul 12 14:00:00 2011
- Add anjuta-libvala-0.14.patch: Allow building against
libvala 0.14. Patch sent upstream as bgo#654502.
- Change pkgconfig(libvala-0.12) BuildRequires to

Tue Jul 5 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 3.1.3:
+ Various improvements in the project wizard
+ Git usability improvements
+ Auto-completion for Gtk.Builder objects in python plugin
+ More mallard documentation
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#649107, bgo#651212, bgo#312667, bgo#588952,
bgo#590323, bgo#645516, bgo#646073, bgo#646192, bgo#652773,
bgo#652778, bgo#653364, bgo#647403.

Wed Jun 15 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 3.1.2:
+ Autocompletion for builder objects in python
+ Improvements in autotools backend
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#475261, bgo#651670, bgo#651285, bgo#569994,
bgo#644047, bgo#588757, bgo#640470, bgo#642784, bgo#648571,
bgo#650930, bgo#652017, bgo#651212.
- Add bison and flex BuildRequires: those were needed before, but
we failed to notice because of a bug in the configure script.

Tue Jun 7 14:00:00 2011
- Build against libgda 4.99/5:
+ Add anjuta-support-libgda-5.0.patch: support building against
libgda 5.0 and libgda 4.0 and add call to
+ Replace pkgconfig(libgda-4.0) BuildRequires with

Sat Jun 4 14:00:00 2011
- Enabled building glade-catalog-anjuta for use with glade for

Mon May 23 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version
+ Fix \"Redo\" in glade plugin
+ Make tabs look less ugly
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#644047, rh#705958

Wed Apr 27 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version
+ Bugs fixed:
- bgo#563856: generic Vala project type.
- bgo#645199, bgo#646530, bgo#588387, bgo#645659, bgo#645695,
bgo#645965, bgo#648361, bgo#648571.

Wed Apr 27 14:00:00 2011
- Add gobject-introspection-devel BuildRequires to build
introspection support.
- Remove now unneeded BuildRequires: libwnck-devel.
- Move to pkgconfig()-style BuildRequires:
+ Old ones: devhelp-devel, gdl-devel, graphviz-devel,
gtksourceview-devel, libgda-4_0-devel, libgladeui-1_0-devel,
+ New ones: glib-2.0, gdk-pixbuf-2.0, gdl-3.0, gladeui-2.0,
gtk+-3.0, gtksourceview-3.0, libdevhelp-3.0, libgda-4.0,
libgraph, libgvc, libxml-2.0, neon.

Tue Apr 5 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#645470, bgo#645557, bgo#646530.
+ Updated translations.

Wed Mar 23 13:00:00 2011
- Update to version
+ Lots of little fixes on the templates
+ Bugs fixed:
- bgo#565275: Quick Search should be able to search backward
- bgo#565276: highlight all matches in Quick Search
- bgo#643379, bgo#307515, bgo#336856, bgo#638134, bgo#645311,
bgo#644050, bgo#643621, bgo#644595, bgo#645049, bgo#645076,
bgo#570912, bgo#644294.
- Changes from version 2.91.91:
+ New:
- Signal dragging support for Vala
- Improved C++ signal dropping features
- Regular expression inline search
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#623735, bgo#638836, bgo#336856, bgo#565275,
bgo#565276, bgo#568047, bgo#638134, bgo#643205, bgo#644014,
bgo#640545, bgo#642763, bgo#627105, bgo#642749, bgo#643707,
bgo#644050, bgo#636410, bgo#639440, bgo#643245, bgo#643828,
- Changes from 2.91.90:
+ New:
- Signal dragging support for python
- Glade usuability fixes
- New inline search/replace
+ Bugs fixed:
- bgo#530060 Have a \"replace all\" option in search and replace.
- bgo#569992 support makefiles named
- bgo#553772, bgo#568047, bgo#631260, bgo#633786, bgo#642647,
bgo#642719, bgo#638787, bgo#642763, bgo#516685, bgo#549440,
bgo#565358, bgo#566248, bgo#637981, bgo#640969, bgo#641181,
bgo#642640, bgo#642750, bgo#570912, bgo#642723.
- Changes from version 2.91.6:
+ New:
- Support for dragging signals from glade into the code (C
- Improvements in project-manager
- More features in git-plugin
+ Bugs fixed:
- bgo#618142 Anjuta Snippets Plug-in
- bgo#638506, bgo#639786, bgo#640277, bgo#627131, bgo#639795,
bgo#638980, bgo#608578, bgo#611206, bgo#615990, bgo#616041,
bgo#618617, bgo#638368, bgo#639342, bgo#640348, bgo#640726,
bgo#581613, bgo#639093.
- Changes from version 2.91.5:
+ Updates:
- Glade integration is working again and far more stable
- Devhelp plugin is here gain
- New class generation for Vala, Python and Javascript
- New artwork
- Comment/Uncomment feature for C/C++
- Various improvements in vala support
+ Bugs fixed:
- bgo#637699 JavaScript wizard
- bgo#638228, bgo#638252, bgo#511000, bgo#638532, bgo#637774,
bgo#638534, bgo#616426, bgo#625399, bgo#633018, bgo#637695,
bgo#638097, bgo#638347, bgo#638830, bgo#638878, bgo#638034,
- Changes from version 2.91.4:
+ New:
- Project Manager: Lots of work improving the new project
- Git Shell: More panes for git features
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#636665, bgo#609213, bgo#636667, bgo#637249,
bgo#621424, bgo#636312, bgo#619592, bgo#636084, bgo#636666,
bgo#636668, bgo#584060.
- Changes from version 2.91.3:
+ New:
- Git Shell: Git interface has changed to be context sensitive
- Project Manager: New project manager landed with much better
- clang-analyzer: New plugin to use the clang analyzer
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#615345, bgo#631213, bgo#633112, bgo#633911,
bgo#635121, bgo#635795, bgo#631521.
- Changes from version 2.91.2:
+ New:
- Everything works with gtk+-3.0 now. gconf replaced with
GSettings, etc.
- Switch to enable/disable modeline detection
- Automatic completion of comments with \"
+ Bugs fixed:
- bgo#625903: Port to GSettings
- bgo#600407, bgo#627105, bgo#577595, bgo#625978, bgo#631952,
- Dropped now unneeded BuildRequires: gconf2-devel,
- Replace vte-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(vte-2.90) and
pkgconfig(vala-0.10) with pkgconfig(libvala-0.12).
- Disable glade3-catalog-anjuta subpackage with a
build_glade_catalog define, until we have a gtk3-powered glade.
- Remove hack to fixup permissions of documentation files in
- Replace GConf2 schemas handling with GSettings schemas handling,
with %glib2_gsettings_schema_
* macros.
- Changed the explicit <= Obsoletes for the -doc package to <.

Sun Feb 13 13:00:00 2011
- Call relevant macros in %post/%postun:
+ %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at
least one desktop file.
+ %icon_theme_cache_post/postun because the package ships themed
+ %mime_database_post/postun because the package ships a mime
type definition.
- Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation
can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage.
- Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the
english documentation is not there anymore.
- Drop doc subpackage as it contained developer doc that should be
in the devel subpackage.

Fri Jan 7 13:00:00 2011
- Update to version
+ bgo#636665: .vapi file not distributed
+ bgo#636312: double click fails to select entire word if it
contains _ or digits
+ bgo#633018: fix crash happening because misuse of
+ lp#448126: \"Report bugs\" menu entry does not work
- Add a hack to change permissions of some documentation files, so
that they are non-executable.
- Pass --disable-schemas-install to configure, to avoid some errors
during make install.

Fri Nov 19 13:00:00 2010
- Change vala-devel BuildRequires to pkgconfig(vala-0.10)
BuildRequires as anjuta really does need the vala library (not
the vala compiler).

Mon Nov 15 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ bgo#621916: language-support-cpp-java: check for brace
+ bgo#633042: libanjuta: Sensitivity off \'ok\' button on the
project import dialog
+ language-support-cpp: Don\'t show duplicated results in
+ bgo#633661: build: vala support is automagic
+ bgo#633112: language-support-cpp-java: Smart Brace Completion
Quotation Mark Crash
+ bgo#631223: python-support: autointention causes anjuta to hang

Tue Oct 5 14:00:00 2010
- Split glade3 catalog in a glade3-catalog-anjuta subpackage. Part
of bnc#637694.
- Update summaries and descriptions.

Mon Sep 27 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ bgo#630460: Fix PackageKit integration
+ project-wizard: Update default ui file to use gtk+-2.16
+ Updated translations.
- Add sqlite3-devel BuildRequires: it used to work because it was
a dependency of libgda-devel, but we need it implicitly.

Tue Sep 14 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ python-loader: bgo#628975: error in python loader .plugin
+ sourceview: bgo#626541: Crash when saving to unavailable
+ bgo#628397: Fix anjuta-idl-compiler to keep typedef comments
+ bgo#628397: gir build error

Mon Aug 30 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ More updates to the vala support
+ Bugs fixed:
- libanjuta: bgo#622922: migrated to GDBus
- pm: bgo#626690: wrong project clean on new-project
- project-wizard: bgo#627595: Ambiguous strings for translation
- symbol-db: bgo#622340: Tried to close project and Anjuta crashed
- language-support-python: bgo#627437: couldn\'t find python rope.
- bgo#627648: Add IDE to Categories in .desktop file
- bgo#628099: Remove markup from translatable strings
- bgo#628286: Fix introspection build when builddir != srcdir
- bgo#628285: Don\'t distribute the .gir files
+ Updated translations.
- Do not set GenericName, Comment and Categories in .desktop file:
they\'re already right in the upstream one.

Tue Aug 17 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ Python is now fully supported
+ Initial support for python plugins
+ Snippets plugins from GSoC
+ Bugs fixed:
- project-wizard: bgo#625434: remove cvsignore from templates
- python-support: bgo#626950: Anjuta crash with python support
- build-basic-autotools: bgo#626562: crash refusing to clean
the configuration
- symbol-db:
. bgo#622529: Crash when trying to open a non-writable
. bgo#616560: Symbol views do not display names containing
especial chars correctly
- manual: Fixed mailing list adress (bgo#625588)
- language-support-vala: bgo#626306 Symbol completion doesn\'t
work with \"this.\"
- libanjuta: Increase launcher buffer size (bgo#624700)
- class-gen: add missing include (bgo#626265)
- Add PyGTK project template. Fixes bgo#608304.
+ Updated translations.
- Drop patches included upstream:
+ anjuta-fix-warning.patch
+ anjuta-old-glade3.patch

Sun Aug 8 14:00:00 2010
- Add explicit gconf2-devel BuildRequires.

Fri Aug 6 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#625964, bgo#621919
- Changes from version 2.31.6:
+ Updated:
- Debugger is now much more polished
- Project wizard shows better package chooser
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#625841, bgo#625604, bgo#625605, bgo#625350,
bgo#558954, bgo#624660, bgo#515395, bgo#598187, bgo#624091,
- Changes from version 2.31.5:
+ New:
- Debugger supports pretty-printing now
+ Updated:
- More work on the symbol database code quality and performance
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#623754, bgo#623944, bgo#494292, bgo#617323,
bgo#612453, bgo#622706, bgo#617472, bgo#622526, bgo#619253,
bgo#621678, bgo#622139, bgo#621512, bgo#620927, bgo#620664
- Changes from version 2.31.3:
+ New:
- language-support for Vala
+ Updated:
- Symbol database is super fast now
- Glade plugins was cleaned a lot and doesn\'t spit warnings
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#618273, bgo#586428, bgo#618955, bgo#620209,
bgo#610934, bgo#572754
- Changes from version 2.31.2:
+ New:
- class-inheritance is included using libfoocanvas
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#616810, bgo#618314, bgo#617433, bgo#615429,
- Changes from version 2.31.1:
+ New:
- Symbol-db tree model with direct database access. This brings
faster a faster and more up-to-date symbol tree
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#616780, bgo#616739, bgo#616503, bgo#616435,
bgo#550027, bgo#586689, bgo#613962, bgo#614906, bgo#614408,
bgo#500962, bgo#611834, bgo#613118
- Add vala-devel BuildRequires to build vala support.
- Add anjuta-old-glade3.patch to not require a glade3 version we
won\'t have this cycle.
- Add anjuta-fix-warning.patch to add a missing include that breaks
the build.

Fri Jul 23 14:00:00 2010
- Add libgda-sqlite Requires to fix crash on startup with the
symbol-db plugin (bnc#624924).

Fri Jun 4 14:00:00 2010
- Added support for translation-update-upstream (FATE#301344).

Wed Apr 28 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#611834, bgo#600083, bgo#614936, bgo#614932,
bgo#614933, bgo#614928, bgo#614751, bgo#615596, bgo#615718,
bgo#615341, bgo#616503, bgo#616740

Mon Mar 29 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ git: Free the log message for merges at the right time
+ missing libxml flags in some plugins (bgo#613559)
+ macro: #613118 - Please fix escaping of UTF-chars in ui file
+ project-wizard: JS template support and require GJS 0.6
+ build: bgo#612959 - Anjuta crashes when clicked \'Compile\'
+ language-support-cpp-java: Avoid duplication of local symbols
in project search
+ language-support-cpp-java: Fixed some undo problems with
+ sourceview: bgo#567029 - underline warnings/errors using
user-selected message colors
+ starter: Add tooltip for recent projects.

Mon Mar 8 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ Stabilisation fixes with autocompletion
+ Performance work
+ Bugs fixed:
- bgo#567689: Shortcuts grabbed all components of anjuta
- bgo#566194: Garbage in the message pane for messages with
bold font
- bgo#611204: sourceview: Don\'t block F7 shortcut
- bgo#608499: language-support-cpp-java: Better expression
- project-wizard: Added back translatable-strings.h until
bgo#610934 is fixed
- bgo#609190: preferences: fix preferences registration for
recent gtk+ versions
- bgo#606596: project-wizard: Javascript template doesn\'t make
- bgo#605050: fm: Saving a file duplicates its entry in File
- bgo#611933: build-basic-autootls: Get make targets for files
from language-manager plugin
- bgo##611312: Make manual page up-to-date
- Changes from version
+ Support for Vala symbols in the symbol-db
+ Bugs fixed:
- bgo#609227: language-support-cpp-java: autocompletion problem
(and some memory leaks)
- bgo#550715: Smaller icons in plugin list.
- bgo#610397, bgo#610404: language-support-cpp-java: reapplied
previous commit.
- bgo#610404: symbol-db: added cancel logic to search command.
- bgo#582726: starter: Loading file from command-line/nautilus
puts starter page in front of file
- bgo#582717: project-import: \'Create Folder\' button not
applicable in \'New From Existing Sources\' file chooser dialog

Mon Feb 8 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ bgo#608701: Compiler warnings
+ bgo#608396: Crash while refreshing a buffer with some
+ Several fixes in symbol-db and language-support-cpp-java

Wed Jan 27 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ Features:
- Packagekit integration
- Project manager supports a simple \"Directory\" project now
which allows to handle project that either don\'t use automake
or where the automake parser can detect the files correctly.
+ Bugs fixed:
- bgo#541687 - selecting properties of executable with mouse
- bgo#606801 - Bad translation error + GTKmm Project error
- bgo#572754 - Replace deprecated GTK_OBJECT_TYPE with
- bgo#601750 - Tooltip evaluation doesn\'t respects mouse
- bgo#605060 - Single-step highlighting works only for the
first-opened project
- bgo#607415 - Anjuta creates lots of random directories

Wed Jan 13 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ Features:
- Completion for ., ->, and :: in C/C++
+ Bugs fixed:
- bgo#605952 - Some small fixes for symbol-db
- bgo#566982 - don\'t autocomplete inside string or comment
- bgo#586457 - Implement ianjuta_editor_cell_get_attribute()
- bgo#605763 - No file found while adding a simple c++ class
- bgo#605730 - completion \".\" \"->\" are not shown
- bgo#606069 - Anjuta won\'t attach to process to debug it
- bgo#559876 - Can\'t add python file source code to Project
> Add source code
- bgo#565191 - \'add project target\' is mostly broken
- bgo#566209 - \"generate inhertances...\" progress bar doesn\'t
- bgo#605343 - fix build warnings
- bgo#605306 - Add missing include to fix build
- Remove anjuta-build-fix.patch. Fixed upstream

Wed Dec 23 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version
+ Features:
- Javascript support
- Support for parsing expressions allowing member completion
- Improved autocopletion support using GtkSourceCompletion
support in GtkSourceview master
+ Bugs fixed:
- bgo#597318 - Anjuta terminal crashes X
- bgo#597815 - Crash due to malformed UI definition file
- bgo#599532 - plugin.c: missing call to fclose
- bgo#600924 - misc. build fixes for 2.28
- bgo#601567 - Import from git fails
- bgo#585529 - Replace AnjutaMessageArea with GtkInfoBar
- bgo#559925 - Send special keys to the terminal
- bgo#602784 - Remove unneeded libsexy code
- bgo#604581 - Crash Scintilla when writing a comment
- bgo#599323 - symbol-db plugin can\'t create the symbol
- bgo#604954 - Configure project fail if project path contains
- bgo#604621 - specify /dev/shm at config time.
- Add anjuta-build-fix.patch to fix build.

Fri Dec 4 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version
+ String review
+ symbol-db: fix bgo#597113
+ search-plugin: unmerge ui and remove action group when the
plugin is deactivated
+ git: remove action groups when the plugin is deactivated
+ file-manager: fix bug where we accessed the FileView even
though it was freed
+ debug-manager: bgo#596009 - Easier adding of watches
+ bgo#601567 - Import from git fails

Sat Nov 14 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version
+ Fix check if the executable is part of the debug configuration
+ bgo#597318 - Anjuta terminal crashes X
+ symbol-db: fix #597113
+ subversion: Fix duplicate IDs in the glade file (bgo#596001)
+ file-loader: bgo#567363 - drag and drop from gnome-search-tool
yields garbage message
- Drop anjuta-symboldb-fix.patch: fixed upstream.
- Drop anjuta-launchername.patch: fixed upstream.
- Drop anjuta-gtklabel-crash.patch: fixed upstream.

Sat Oct 17 14:00:00 2009
- Add anjuta-launchername.patch, fixes X resets, bgo#597318,
- Add anjuta-gtklabel-crash.patch, fixes crash due to malformed
UI definition file, bgo#597815.

Fri Oct 16 14:00:00 2009
- Add anjuta-symboldb-fix.patch, fix crash, bnc#547672, taken from
upstream git.

Tue Sep 22 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version
+ bgo#594665 - Fix link of test program
+ bgo#593954 - Report error when location is > 0 for markers
+ bgo#594648 - Terminal does not work
+ bgo#355151 - drag/drop into editor window should open file
+ Updated translations.
- Drop anjuta-link.patch, upstream fixed.

Wed Sep 9 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version
+ class-gen: bgo#593532 - Untranslated strings
+ language-support-cpp-java: bgo#593291 - fix small typo
- Add anjuta-link.patch to fix build.
- Add gconf2-devel and gtk2-devel Requires to devel package.

Thu Aug 27 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version
+ Some git fixes (file-status, etc.)
+ Stability fixes on symbol-db
+ bgo#593236: Typo in Anjuta pot file
+ bgo#592941 – Fixed errors in Anjuta IDE Manual (Greek
+ bgo#591758 - Fix language mistakes
+ bgo#591887 - Bad strings for translation
+ bgo#590117 – Build failure: local scandir() function collides
with system\'s
+ bgo#589828 – Can\'t open GtkBuilder files with the glade plugin
+ bgo#590708 – Some untranslated strings
+ bgo#591359 – Need an easier and intuitive way to create a
shared library project
+ bgo#590337 – Compile failure: not allowed to link against a
+ bgo#590720 – glade plugin FTBFS on mips(el) and alpha,
LANGUAGE_C built-in
+ bgo#575926 – \'Maintain past indentation\' disables itself
+ bgo#578690 – Several components underlinked
+ bgo#585428 – Context needed to translate
+ bgo#590334 – Fix -I ordering
+ bgo#590338 – Missing plugins flags
+ bgo#566698 - git: Add init support
+ bgo#588112 - language-support-cpp-java: fixed infinite loop /
+ bgo#587248 – Encoding key in desktop file is deprecated
+ bgo#588485 – fixes from running anjuta with
+ bgo#589699 – When ~/.cache isn\'t exists, session data isn\'t
+ bgo#588506 – Wrong value of PACKAGE_DOC_DIR
+ bgo#589601 – \"gtk-execute\" and \"gtk-cancel\" marked for
- Use spec-cleaner script to reorder lines in preamble.

Wed Jul 29 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version
+ Even better git plugin
+ Work to get C++ autocompletion done
+ Bugs fixed:
- bgo#589401 - git: Show the active branch in the status bar
- bgo#588387 - symbol-db: make typeahead searching caseless
- bgo#530740 - Migrate anjuta project wizards from libglade to
- bgo#575147 - Headers of new C++/GObject classes have wrong
copyright and license notices.
- bgo#577741 - \"single step over function\" does not always work
as expected
- bgo#587957 - doap file missing bug-database
- bgo#583731 - Some untranslated strings
- bgo#580276 - git: Refresh the log view when switching
- bgo#578438 - broken svn libraries detection in configure
- bgo#587191 - git: Fix a typo in a menu tooltip
- bgo#586926 - gbf-am: build fix
- bgo#586926 - gdbmi_test build fails
- bgo#513156 - Get rid of libgnome(ui)
- bgo#577924 - git: Add descriptions to the menu items
- bgo#586621 - Crash while loading project file
- bgo#586148 - Case had to be the other way around
- bgo#586148 - Fixing setting whitespace for the editor not
- bgo#577924 - Fixing AnjutaStatusbar for displaying menu tags
- bgo#577232 - run-program plugin: projects\'s working directory
should be set to project root on start
- bgo#586030 - Value of a new environment variable is not saved
in run parameter dialog
- bgo#584180 - Duplicate copy of GBF/ installed to
same location
- bgo#582961 - Replace SexyIconEntry by GtkEntry icon
functionality (available in GTK+ 2.16)
- bgo#578411 - subversion: Show conflicted files in the commit
- bgo#585498 - symbol-db: Completion stop working and strange
- Remove libgnomeui-devel BuildRequires.
- Remove libgnomeui-devel Requires from devel package.

Sun Jun 14 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version
+ Updates:
- Pixel-saving UI for tabs
- Remove markup from translatable strings
+ Bugs fixed:
- Lots of git bugs fixed
- bgo#584013 - still requires libglade-2.0
- bgo#584347 - Don\'t reference child revisions
- bgo#567214 - bookmarks window wastes too much space
- bgo#582464 - crash in Anjuta IDE: Hacking on Empathy, dele...

Wed May 27 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version
+ Lots of git improvements
+ Subversion improvements
+ Removed libglade dependency
+ bgo#581416 - Fix void function cannot return value
+ bgo#581869 - anjuta fails to build outside source tree
+ bgo#582710 - Please consider using g_timeout_add_seconds to
reduce wakeups
+ bgo#582977 - String misspelled
+ bgo#581421 - build fail on symbol-db/test
+ bgo#530740 - Use GtkBuilder instead of libglade
+ bgo#583589 - Some untranslated strings
+ bgo#580340 - Reuse the last commit message when amending
- Remove libglade2-devel from devel Requires.
- Add anjuta-rpmlintrc for the warnings about the project

Wed May 6 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version
+ Updates:
- Improvements in git plugin
- Improvements with auto-completion speed
+ Bugs fixed:
- bgo#530740 - Use GtkBuilder instead of libglade
- bgo#581074 - Creating a new wxWidgets project should not
include libglade
- bgo#580994 - using DEBUG_PRINT instead of g_print
- bgo#580013 - patch plugin doesn\'t handle patch-files with
- bgo#568779 - project wizard should infer project name from
base path
- bgo#577721 - tooltips appears in wrong position
- bgo#579118 - Segmentation fault when adding file to project
- bgo#578087 - Artwork for Symbol Database is actually not from
- bgo#567588 - highlight default button in Find dialog
- bgo#576959 - Search does not point to correct line number on
first match when file is not opened in editor.
- bgo#577006 - crash creating new file
- bgo#574607 - Replace function selects text uncorrectly
- bgo#576057 - doesn\'t build with graphviz 2.22.2
- bgo#575617 - Update FSF address
- Remove libglade2-devel BuildRequires.

Sun May 3 14:00:00 2009
- Change BuildRequires from unique-devel to libunique-devel

Tue Apr 14 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version
+ New animation to identify running builds
+ bgo#578087 – Artwork for Symbol Database is actually not from
Monodevelop team
+ bgo#564002 – Files view shows useless tooltip

Wed Apr 8 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version
+ Huge improvements in the tooltip area
+ Do not hang when pressing backspace in editor
+ bgo#574607 – Replace function selects text uncorrectly
+ bgo#576959 - Search does not point to correct line number on
first match when file is not opened in editor.
+ bgo#574711 – Menu Toolbar unchecked at the first time while
toolbar shown
+ bgo#574802 – show calltips makes the editing lag
+ bgo#576057 – doesn\'t build with graphviz 2.22.2
+ bgo#575893 – plugins schema files are not installed
+ bgo#575617 – Update FSF address
+ Updated translations.
- Changes from version 2.26.0:
+ bgo#397883 – The license info is almost empty
+ bgo#574376 – Save doesn\'t always save
+ bgo#573858 – link fail on Solaris for plugin symbol-db
+ bgo#562113 – Clean docbook syntax in order to validate
+ bgo#571740 – Get rid of deprecated libgnomecanvas
+ Fixed crash in git plugin
+ Fixed little problem in build plugin
+ Fixed distcheck
+ Updated translations.
- Use parallel make.
- Remove unneeded BuildRequires: gnome-common, gtk-doc, pcre-devel,
- Remove Requires that are automatically added: devhelp
- Remove some Requires which really seem abusive: alsa-devel,
audiofile, esound-devel, gconf2-devel, gnome-terminal,
gnome-vfs2-devel, libart_lgpl-devel, libbonobo-devel,
libbonoboui-devel, libglade2-devel, libgnome-devel,
libgnomecanvas-devel, libgnomeui-devel, libwnck-devel,
libxml2-devel, openssl-devel, orbit2-devel, popt-devel, yelp,
- Remove the Recommends for documentation: if we want them, they
should really live in devhelp. And I\'m not sure we want them.
- Pass --disable-static to configure and remove .la files.
- Package the anjuta-build-tutorial manual with the other manuals.
- Do not package omf files twice.
- Do not add DocPath to the desktop file: it\'s already there.

Fri Mar 6 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.25.903.0:
+ Valgrind memory fixes
+ Documentation fixes and updates
+ Fixes in the glade plugin
+ Version control integration fixes
+ Auto-indentation fixes
+ bgo#564282 – configure error: source directory already
+ bgo#567513 – Running configure doesn\'t make anjuta be aware
that the project doesn\'t need a configure stage in its menus
+ bgo#565170 – Invalid read in plugin.c
+ bgo#573326 – Debug misfunction
+ bgo#572637 – Valgrind shows some errors in symbol-db
+ bgo#567068 – autocomplete box should vanish on backspace
+ bgo#564306 – don\'t ask which program to run if project has only
one target
+ bgo#559806 – Anjuta crashes when closing unsaved file
+ bgo#556970 – Swap .h/.c doesn\'t work for C header files (
+ bgo#555895 – Save configure options for build configuration
+ bgo#572608 – crash clicking on \'find in files...\' results.
+ bgo#572451 - crash on closing project
+ bgo#571760 – Find & Replace is broken (due to my previous
+ bgo#511589 - remove missed includes
+ bgo#572289 – Make code less ambiguous
+ bgo#564891 – Crash when closing editor window
- Do not call autoreconf.
- Drop anjuta-fix-undefined-operation.patch: fixed upstream.