Changelog for
libqt5-creator-4.0.1-2.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Sat Jun 11 2016 Update to 4.0.1
* For more details see:
* Mon May 30 2016 Enabled clangcodemodel plugin in SLE12 SP2 since it includes a recent enough LLVM version.
* Sat May 28 2016 Add Recommends: libqt5-qttranslations Without them, bundled translations are ignored
* Wed May 25 2016 Add QtConcurrentTools to plugin-devel subpackage- Add files with QTC_SOURCE- and QTC_BUILD-Envrionment variables to to /etc/profiles.d- Remove test directory form pugin-devel- Move docs to /usr/share/doc/packages/qt5 like alle other Qt5 docs, so that qtcreator.qch will be auto-detected.- Create a new subpackage that contains the part of the source tree, that is relevant for building Qt creator plugins.
* Tue May 17 2016 Added some recommended and suggested development packages so users can start using Qt Creator to build new projects right after installing it.
* Tue May 17 2016 Update to 4.0.0
* For more details see:
* Wed Mar 23 2016 Also disable the clangcodemodel plugin for 13.2 since, like SLE12, it does not have llvm >= 3.6.
* Wed Jan 20 2016 Replace the \'Conflict: qt-creator\' line with Provides/Obsoletes entries before dropping qt-creator from openSUSE:Factory.
* Wed Jan 20 2016 Use the correct libexec path when loading plugins (boo#962650)
* Mon Jan 11 2016 Update to 3.6.0
* For more details see:
* Fri Dec 04 2015 Add lldb.diff. lldb-
* also matches lldb-mi which doesn\'t recognize the - version switch. Fixes boo#957185.
* Thu Oct 29 2015 Add disk constraints.
* Tue Oct 27 2015 Update to 3.5.1:
* Fixed that cancel button was ignored when wizards ask about overwriting files
* Fixed crashes with code completion
* Meruical: Fixed crash when annotating
* And much more bugfixes, for all changes see: Fixed invalid .desktop file- Made package build on all repositories of the development project
* Wed Sep 30 2015 Disable the clangcodemodel plugin when in SLE12 and Leap, since neither of them have llvm >= 3.6, thus removing the requirement.
* Fri Sep 04 2015 BuildRequire llvm-clang-devel minimum version 3.6 since the sources do
* Sat Aug 22 2015 Upate to 3.5.0:
* Increased minimum requirements for compilation of Qt Creator to MSVC 2013 and GCC 4.7, and Qt 5.4.0
* Added variants with native separators to Qt Creator variables that represent file paths
* Changed the way inconsistent enabled states were handled by the plugin manager. Disabling plugins is now only a hint; if another (enabled) plugin needs it, it is implicitly enabled. Before, the other plugin was implicitly disabled.
* Improved keyboard shortcut settings. Made shortcut input field freely editable and added separate `record` button.
* Added support for `~` as shortcut for user\'s home directory to path input fields
* Added filtering to About Plugins
* Added `-load all` and `-noload all` command line options that enable and disable all plugins respectively
* Made `-load` command line option implicitly enable all required plugins, and `-noload` disable all plugins requiring the disabled plugin. Multiple `-load` and `-noload` options are interpreted in the order given on the command line.
* Fixed issues with raising the Qt Creator window on Gnome desktop (QTCREATORBUG-13845)
* Fixed appearance on high DPI displays on Windows (QTCREATORBUG-11179)
* Added locator filter for running external tools
* For more details see:
* Wed Jun 03 2015 Update to 3.4.1:
* For more details see:
* Tue May 26 2015 BuildRequire libQt5WebKitWidgets-deve to make help pages show like Qt assistant
* Thu Apr 23 2015 Update to 3.4 Final:
* For more details see: and
* Wed Apr 01 2015 Update to 3.4. rc1:
* For more details see:
* Mon Mar 09 2015 Update to 3.4 beta1:
* Added option to change environment for running external tools (QTCREATORBUG-4995)
* Improved performance of output panes
* Fixed that wizard windows were missing in Window menu (QTCREATORBUG-13766)
* Switched to a QMimeDatabase based MIME database implementation
* Added hint in empty editor area
* Added \"Copy Path and Line Number\" to context menu of document selector
* Added parenthesis highlighting to generic highlighter
* Fixed that files with same file name but different path were not distinguishable in document selector and open documents pane (QTCREATORBUG-10185)
* Fixed that symlinks and their target could be opened at the same time (QTCREATORBUG-5941)
* Fixed that wrong highlight definition was downloaded when sorting the list in the settings
* Fixed clean up of automatically registered documentation
* Added handling of QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_(APP|SHLIB|PLUGIN) variables
* Added option to put debug information in separate file (QTCREATORBUG-14009)
* Fixed ANSI color support for application output (QTCREATORBUG-13764)
* Fixed handling of DEFINES with escaped characters
* Fixed that static libraries were deployed
* Fixed finding source directory for build directory
* Added option to show full command lines during build
* Added Valgrind Memory Analyzer with GDB
* Made it possible to search through event notes (QTCREATORBUG-13417)
* Added support for binary literals (n3472)
* Added locator filter for all included files (QTCREATORBUG-280)
* Added refactoring action that moves all function definitions out of a class declaration
* Added support for signal and slot completion in Qt 5 style connects
* Improved support for non-Qt projects that use Qt keywords
* Made auto-completion delay configurable (QTCREATORBUG-13393)
* Fixed auto-indentation for break in switch statement (QTCREATORBUG-13155)
* Fixed issues with case-insensitive file systems (QTCREATORBUG-12390)
* Fixed completion for enums inside member functions (QTCREATORBUG-13757)
* Fixed crash on closing one of multiple outline views (QTCREATORBUG-13614)
* Fixed that Move Definition to Class refactoring action was not available when using \"override\" (QTCREATORBUG-13564)
* Fixed that Assign to Local Variable refactoring action was not working with chained function calls (QTCREATORBUG-10355)
* Fixed several issues with completion and iterators (QTCREATORBUG-13799)
* Fixed crash on closing one of multiple outline views (QTCREATORBUG-13614)
* Added support for \"git stash --keep-index\" (QTCREATORBUG-13587)
* Fixed that it was not possible to abort query and fetch (QTCREATORBUG-9743)
* Fixed that not all remotes where shown in Push to Gerrit dialog (QTCREATORBUG-13718)
* Added option to show verbose log
* Changed to use the new unified diff viewer
* Fixed that committing failed when using non-Latin1 characters in commit message (QTCREATORBUG-13979)
* Improved repository log (QTCREATORBUG-13526)
* Fixed target column for various commands
* Fixed behavior of \"D\" in visual block mode
* Fixed cursor shape after failing search
* Fixed issues with pasting in presence of splits (QTCREATORBUG-13481)
* Added support for 64bit tool chains
* Fixed that active run configuration setting was ignored for deploying application (QTCREATORBUG-13732)
* Added optional host key checking (QTCREATORBUG-13339)
* Added automatic closing of SSH connections after a period of inactivity
* Added support for SHA-256 HMAC for SSH
* Fixed that it was not possible to quote run arguments (QTCREATORBUG-14002)
* Added GDB server configuration management (QTCREATORBUG-13686)
* Added support for remote channel without port
* Added support for generic projects- Drop make-qt-creator-build-with-Werror=date-time.patch, merged upstream
* Thu Feb 26 2015 Update to 3.3.1:
* For more details please see: and
* Tue Feb 03 2015 Add make-qt-creator-build-with-Werror=date-time.patch: don\'t embedded date & time into qtcreator binary & plugins- Extend rpmlintrc file to avoid duplicates warnings, we don\'t wont to use fdupes due to unpredictable symlinking
* Wed Dec 10 2014 Update to 3.3 Final
* For more details please see: and Raise required Qt5 version to 5.4.0
* Thu Nov 27 2014 Update to 3.3.0 RC1
* For more details please see: and
* Tue Oct 21 2014 Update to 3.2.2
* Bugfix release
* Editing
* Fixed crash with Toggle Comment Selection (QTCREATORBUG-12987)
* Fixed that Select All set the cursor to top of document (QTCREATORBUG-12860)
* Help
* Fixed crash with help index locator filter
* Managing and Building Projects
* Fixed that closing Qt Creator while Projects mode is active lost all session data (QTCREATORBUG-13098)
* CMake Projects
* Fixed crash when selecting make target (QTCREATORBUG-13129)
* Generic Projects
* Fixed that include paths were not updated when files are added (QTCREATORBUG-12873)
* Version Control Systems
* ClearCase
* Fixed that reserved checkout was performed even when unchecking the checkbox (QTCREATORBUG-12847)- Added explicit libQt5Sql5-sqlite BuildRequires
* Thu Sep 25 2014 Explicitly require latest libQt5Script5 (needed by plugins). Qt Creator crashes with old versions.
* Tue Sep 16 2014 Update to 3.2.1
* Bugfix release, for more details please see:
* Tue Aug 19 2014 Update to 3.2.0
* Block selections in text editors now allow you to do “column editing”, meaning that all selected lines are edited simultaneously (Qt Creator Manual)
* Context help can now be configured to open in an external window (without disabling Help mode)
* Support for C99 designated initializers and concatenated strings was added to the C++ code model, as well as improvements to encoding handling and lambda support and many other things
* More panes are now searchable with Ctrl+F, for example the project tree
* The QML profiler received many performance and stability improvements again
* For more details please see:
* Wed Jun 25 2014 Update to 3.1.2
* Bugfix release, for more details please see:
* Tue May 20 2014 Update to 3.1.1 - General
* Fixed editing of MIME types while filtering is applied (QTCREATORBUG-12149) - Managing and Building Projects
* Fixed performance regression in Issues pane (QTCREATORBUG-12109) - Qbs Projects
* Fixed support for VS2013 compiler (QTCREATORBUG-11025) - C++ Support
* Fixed issue with missing semantic highlighting (QTCREATORBUG-11367) - Qt Quick Designer
* Fixed several UI issues (QTCREATORBUG-12040, QTCREATORBUG-12035, QTCREATORBUG-11904, QTCREATORBUG-12018)
* Fixed anchor and alignment handling (QTCREATORBUG-12006) - Diff Viewer
* Fixed crash when showing binary file containing carriage return character (QTCREATORBUG-12056) - Version Control Systems
* Git
* Fixed encoding issues on Window
* Fixed crash when closing Qt Creator after revert (QTCREATORBUG-12099)
* Wed Apr 16 2014 Update to 3.1.0 final
* For full changelog see:
* Wed Apr 02 2014 Update to 3.1.0 rc1
* For more details see: Only enable clang plugins on arches where clang is available- Move the creator back to standard location- Added conflict with Qt4 version- Drop plugin_path.diff- Build qbs plugin- Added qbs-path.diff (imported from Qt4 version), so qbs plugin gets installed to correct location- Removed unused, and not needed sed workarounds from spec- Improve logic for required libQt5Designer package
* Mon Mar 24 2014 Update to 3.1.0 beta
* Experimental support for a Clang-based C++ model
* Droped support for GDBs that do not support scripting through Python
* For more details, please see: and Used sed in %prep step, to swap destination if buildoutputparser binary, so it installs to correct location- Activate clangmodel plugin, by BuildRequiring llvm-clang-devel and passing LLVM_INSTALL_DIR to qmake- Bump minimal Qt5 version to 5.3.0 beta
* Wed Feb 05 2014 Update to 3.0.1:
* For more details please see: Build with system Botan library, accomplished by passing USE_SYSTEM_BOTAN=1 to qmake. Thus added libbotan-devel BuildRequires
* Mon Dec 16 2013 Move away from pkgconfig(...) BuildRequires and just use libqt5-$upstreammodulename-(devel|private-headers-devel)
* Fri Dec 13 2013 Update to 3.0.0 final- See For the complete changelog see:
* Fri Nov 29 2013 Update to 3.0.0 rc1
* New feature release, please see and Due to qtcreators buildsystem, and it\'s usage of private headers, BuildRequire latest Qt5 version, so it always rebuilds against it- Require exact libQt5Designer5 version creator was built against, so the above change makes more sense
* Thu Oct 24 2013 Update to 3.0.0 beta
* New feature release, please see Package can now co-exist with qt-creator (based on Qt4) package- Added plugin_path.diff to enable co-existance of the two packages. Patch removes hardcoded plugin path, and adjusts qtcreator recognizing plugin path as per install prefix
* Wed Oct 09 2013 Manually install desktop file. Also added mimetypes, to emulate Qt4 creator behaviour
* Sun Oct 06 2013 Added pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras) BuildRequires, it is needed for raising the main window
* Fri Sep 13 2013 Update to 2.8.1:
* Bugfix release, please see Add Source URL
* Thu Sep 05 2013 license update: SUSE-LGPL-2.1-with-digia-exception-1.1 See spreadsheet linked from
* Tue Jul 16 2013 disable qbs plugin for now
* Thu Jul 11 2013 Update to 2.8
* Sun Jul 07 2013 Update to 2.8 RC
* Thu May 30 2013 Update to 2.8 Beta
* Wed May 15 2013 Update to 2.7.1
* Thu Mar 21 2013 Update to 2.7 Final
* Thu Mar 07 2013 Update to 2.7 RC
* Thu Jan 31 2013 Update to 2.6.2 release
* Thu Dec 20 2012 Update to 2.6.1 release
* Mon Nov 12 2012 Update to 2.6 release
* Wed Oct 17 2012 Update to 2.6 RC
* Mon Sep 24 2012 Update to 2.6 Beta
* Sat May 12 2012 Update to 2.5 Release
* Mon Apr 23 2012 Update to 2.5 Release Candidate
* Fri Mar 16 2012 Update to 2.5 beta release
* Wed Feb 01 2012 Update to 2.4.1 release
* Tue Dec 13 2011 Update to 2.4 release
* Wed Nov 16 2011 Update to 2.4 RC
* Fri Sep 30 2011 Update to 2.3.1 release
* Thu Sep 01 2011 Update to 2.3 release
* Mon Aug 22 2011 Update to 2.3 Release Candidate
* Tue Jun 21 2011 Update to 2.2.1 release
* Fri May 06 2011 Update to 2.2 release
* Wed Apr 20 2011 Enable QML Designer build. Disable it in Help->Plugins... if it causes problems.
* Tue Apr 19 2011 Update to 2.2.0rc1
* Fixes for ABI detection
* Fixes to QML debugging
* Fixes to syntax highlighting
* Fixes to Maemo development
* Mon Apr 04 2011 Add Recommends: libqt4-devel-doc
* Thu Mar 24 2011 Update to 2.2.0beta1 General
* Added support for running user defined external tools (Tools->External)
* Moved toolchain definitions out of Qt versions.
* You can now define toolchains in Tools->Options->ToolChains
* Creator now supports more than one instance of each kind of toolchain
* Support for MIME type customization through editing of patterns and magic matchers. Editing
* Add new Inkpot color scheme
* Moved \'Open in External Editor\' to Tools->External->Text
* Add UTF-8 BOM support
* GLSL Support with: - syntax checking - highlighting - code completion
* Add \'expand/collapse all\' context menu entry to Outline pane
* Support for user defined macros was contributed by Nicolas Arnaud-Cormos
* Snippet editor with syntax highlighting, indentation, and basic auto completion for C++ and QML. Project Support
* QMake project support should be more robust against syntax errors
* Treatment of command line arguments of processes started from build and run configurations underwent heavy modifications: - argument lists use native shell syntax; this affects quoting and environment variable expansion most - the SOURCEDIR and BUILDDIR environment variables were replaced with %{sourceDir} and %{buildDir} macros - this affects working directories and executable paths as well
* CMake: Add Ui completion, changes in .ui files are picked up without a rebuild.
* Syntax highlighting and completion for QMake project files
* Text editor behavior settings now avaiable on a per-project basis. Debugging
* Rewrote debugging engine using the Microsoft Console Debugger (CDB) for debugging executables built with Microsoft Visual Studio, resulting in significant speed-up and better display of data types, supporting both 32bit and 64bit versions of the Debugging Tools for Windows
* Made it possible to pin debugger tooltips.
* Reworked global architecture to allow multiple debugging sessions (for different projects, combined Qml/C++ debugging, project \'snapshots\', ...)
* Reworked breakpoint handling: new special breakpoint types for \"break on throw\", \"break on main\", data breakpoints
* Introduce combined c++/qml debugging (combined stack, cross-step) (gdb only)
* Rework per-type and per-item selection of display formats
* New dumpers for QTextCursor, QTextDocument, __m128, QScriptValue QBasicAtomicPointer, bit fields, boost::shared_ptr (gdb only)
* Improve dumpers for QRegion, QVariant (custom types), QSharedPointer, QMultiMap (QTCREATORBUG-3122), QObject, QWeakPointer
* Make alphabetic structure member sorting optional
* Make dumpers robust in case of missing debug information
* Improve python dumper profiling support
* Improve stepping performance
* Enable breakpoint setting from a disassembler view, QTCREATORBUG-3667
* Fix display of shadowed variables.
* Fix display of data containing quote characters, QTCREATORBUG-3084
* Fix display of C style \'typedef struct X { ... } X;
* Fix stack/break view updates after manual module loading, QTCREATORBUG-3427
* Fix \'Jump To/Run to\' when in instruction-wise mode
* Several fixed to the \"watcher\" handling
* Allow re-running debugger engines, QTCREATORBUG-3073
* Robust process control after -exec-interrupt errors, QTCREATORBUG-2850
* Robust detection of Qt-in-namespace builds
* Handle \"live updates\" in the memory view
* Make memory view writable (gdb only)
* Improve starting debugger session directly from the command line
* Improve debugging helpers dialog BinEditor:
* Visualize data differences after updates
* Fix selection if cursor is left of anchor
* Allow copying also if selection is \"backwards\"
* Do not draw blinking cursor when there is a selection C++ Support
* Add QuickFix for implementing setters/getters for a Q_PROPERTY
* Add documentation about QuickFixes
* Fix switch statement indentation for GNU and Whitesmiths style, QTCREATORBUG-2994
* Fix indentation of labels
* Highlighting for virtual functions
* Navigate to correct overloaded function/method QML/JS Support
* Add wizard for creating JavaScript files, QTCREATORBUG-3070
* Add local-file completion for url properties, QTCREATORBUG-2619
* Add warning about invalid files in url properties
* Add file name completion in imports, QTCREATORBUG-3067
* Add a locator filter for JS functions, QTCREATORBUG-2607
* Add JSlint-style warnings about common JS pitfalls, QTCREATORBUG-3071
* Add completion for attached properties like Component.onCompleted
* Allow QML modules to ship predumped type description files.
* Reenable instantiating component scope detection, QTCREATORBUG-2835
* Improve error reporting of failed plugin dumps
* Complete a trailing \'{\' for \'A on b\' object bindings, QTCREATORBUG-2642
* Highlight capitalized types, QTCREATORBUG-2658
* Re-dump a plugin if the shared library/dll changes, QTCREATORBUG-3047
* Build qmldump in debug and release version on Windows, QTCREATORBUG-3549
* Change qmldump to output QML instead of XML
* Fix automatic \'.\' import to also pick up QML modules, QTCREATORBUG-3768
* Fix code model update when files are renamed, QTCREATORBUG-2986
* Fix incorrect completion when brace is on separate line, QTCREATORBUG-2658
* Fix quote autoinsertion in string literals, QTCREATORBUG-2155, QTCREATORBUG-3244
* Fix \'{\' not being an electric character, QTCREATORBUG-3405
* Fix indentation of \'foo: Namesp.Type {\', QTCREATORBUG-3371
* .qmlproject format: Allow specifying the \'mainFile\' qml file, bump version to 1.1
* Qt Quick UI project: allow user to change run environment QML/JS Debugging:
* Compile qmljsdebugger code as static library, and link it based on checkbox in qmake step (replaces QMLJSDEBUGGER_PATH / QMLJSDEBUGGER define)
* Qt Quick Application: Allow debugging also in release builds, improve error diagnostics
* Gui cosmetics in JS debugger: Show stack frame level, only valid line numbers in stack view, do not show function code, show dummy child entry for empty arrays
* Added qml tooltips for property inspection at debug time
* Extended QML Observer for inspection and tweaking of item\'s properties
* Added navigation of the object tree in the QML Observer through a crumble path
* Add \'show app on top\' option
* Move toolbar from Observer tab to the main toolbar space
* Support setting of breakpoints in .qml files embedded as qrc resources
* Improve \'linkification\' of QML errors in Application Output pane FakeVim:
* Implement Ctrl-N/Ctrl-P
* Implement \'s\' in visual block mode
* Fix Alt-Gr handling on Windows
* Handle more Ctrl-W +
commands Symbian Target
* Added support for the new on-device debugging agent (CODA) Version control plugins
* Bazaar support was contributed by Hugues Delorme Wizards
* Support new keywords %MONTH% and %DAY% for C++ template file Misc
* MemCheck (from Valgrind) integration (Linux, Mac)
* Create infrastructure to setup \"soft dependencies\" between plugins
* Add a little tool \'qtpromaker\' doing the job of \'qmake -project\', but much faster to make Qt Creator usable to quickly inspect and navigate \"alien\" codebases a way to easily set up dummy .pro files is needed
* Start documenting Qt Creator\'s coding style guidelines [etc]
* Tue Mar 01 2011 Update to 2.1.0
* Semantic C++ highlighting: Highlighting of types, local variables vs members, virtual methods
* Generic highlighting adds highlighting for various file types based on the Kate highlight definition specification
* C++ class view and image viewer contributed by Denis Mingulov
* Outline views for C++ and QML
* Searching for C++ symbols matching a pattern (via advanced find dialog)
* Wizard for adding libraries to pro files, including all the necessary fancy magic for include paths and static libs
* Various debugging improvements on all platforms
* Improved QML code editing with a faster code model and a new indenter
* Find usages and improved follow symbols in QML code
* Graphical QML tool bar for setting e.g. fonts and colors in the QML code editor
* Project wizards for Qt Quick applications that also handle deployment to devices, and for custom QML extension plugins
* Mobile application project wizards that provide you with the needed setup for Symbian and Maemo, and packaging and deployment
* Various improvements to deployment to Maemo targets and Symbian support
* Click on QObject::connect warnings in application output to jump to the code
* Tue Dec 07 2010 Update to 2.1rc1
* Many small bugfixes since beta2, see for details
* Updated Russian and Polish translations
* Sat Nov 20 2010 update to 2.1.0beta2:
* Made search result panel searchable
* Generic highlighter:
* Added semantic highlighting of types, virtual methods, locals, statics and member variables (only enabled when running against Qt 4.7.1 and up, for performance reasons)
* Add new indenter along with a new option to control alignment indents
* Add new %FILENAME%, %CLASS% placeholders to license template
* Added searching for symbols that match a pattern to advanced find
* Made \'Follow symbol\' for classes skip forward declarations
* Added option for adding subprojects to projects in the New wizard
* Added context-menu command for removing subprojects in the Edit mode, Projects view
* Added a wizard for adding other than Qt libraries to project files
* Fixed splitter inconsistency of debugger tool bar
* Fixed console debugging with MinGW/gdb
* Symbian: Added basic thread support, improve logging
* New dumpers for QDate, QTime, QHostAddress, QRegion, boost::optional, QSharedData and QSharedDataPointer
* Improved/fixed dumpers for QObject (include user defined properties), QList, C-style arrays, QSize, QSizeF, QImage/QPixmap, std::vector, QVariant(QString), qulonglong, std::size_t, std::ptrdiff_t, QScopedPointer, QStandardItem
* Performance improvements due to use of dwarf index data to reduce gdb startup time, use of new gdb.read_memory for QByteArray and QString display
* Debugger framework handles multiple debugging sessions in parallel
* Allow per item and/or type selection of display method in Locals&Watchers
* Implement data watchpoints
* Implement a debugger engine to debug Python scripts
* Direct remote debugging using -debug binaryAATThost:port[AATTarch] on the command line
* Make alphabetic sorting of struct members optional
* New Add/Edit breakpoint dialog
* Show QThread object names in threads view
* Support for per-thread breakpoints
* Show dynamic type of objects for gdb versions newer than Aug 31, 2010
* [etc]
* Thu Sep 02 2010 only use system botan for new-enough systems
* Mon Aug 30 2010 update to 2.0.1 see
* Mon Aug 30 2010 remove botan copy, use system version instead- fix runpath (bnc#613978)
* Mon Jun 21 2010 fix gdb version checks (bnc#615361)
* Tue Jan 26 2010 update to 1.3.1: General:
* Updated translations Editing:
* Fixed drawing issues when line wrap is enabled
* Fixed problem with indentation when auto-indent is turned off C++ support:
* Don\'t show the refactoring warning message all the time
* Insert semicolon when matching enum declarations
* Fixed function argument widget text color in dark themes
* Fixed that inline implemented methods did not show up in the methods filter
* Fixed in-place renaming when text is selected
* Fixed autoindent when using tabs instead of spaces
* Fixed completion when a typedef symbol is used as class name
* Fixed that template argument was marked as \"not a type name\" when defined as primitive type
* Fixed some highlight errors in code using the win32 API
* Improved completion of function definition parameter lists to append the const and volatile qualifiers if required Project support:
* Fixed that run configurations were disabled if they had no build step Debugging:
* CDB: Fixed disassembler for 64 bit addresses
* Fixed finding the file for build issues when mingw32-make is used
* Ignore case of file name in breakpoint handling on Windows
* Fixed problems with gdb timing out and debugging sessions unexpectedly finishing
* Improved startup time of gdb sessions by not asking for all files known to gdb Help:
* Don\'t switch to Help mode if help side bar is already visible Symbian Target:
* Fixed the time stamp of deployed files
* Sat Jan 02 2010 update to 1.3.0 final:
* only bugfixes compared to previous version update
* Sat Nov 21 2009 update to 1.3 release candidate:
* Preliminary support for Qt development targeting Symbian platform
* New support for source code refactoring
* Tue Sep 29 2009 require the Qt version it was built against (bnc#542775)
* Wed Aug 05 2009 install bin/qt-creator wrapper (bnc#526768)
* Thu Jul 16 2009 update to 1.2.1:
* Sun Jun 28 2009 update to 1.2 release:
* The Welcome Screen has been redesigned
* There has been some speed improvements: large amounts of persistent data now stored in an SQLite database
* Added a block highlighting feature
* Improved the code folding markers
* FakeVim mode has received further improvements
* Added the option to auto-save before building
* Made auto-build before run optional
* Made it possible to disable breakpoints
* Thu Apr 23 2009 update to 1.1 release:
* Completely reworked editor split mechanism
* Improved function argument hint
* Improved open documents view (sorted, single-click, close buttons)
* Added experimental support for generic Makefile based projects
* Added signal/slot editor to the form editor
* Mon Mar 30 2009 merge with Factory
* Fri Mar 20 2009 Nico Kruber - fixed designer and resource editor plugin not being built - added .desktop file
* Wed Mar 04 2009 merge with Factory
* Tue Mar 03 2009 update to 1.0 release
* no changelog available