Changelog for boo- :
Sat Sep 17 14:00:00 2011
- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile
- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build

Tue Jan 26 13:00:00 2010
- Update to

* Bugs
[BOO-1034] - compiler error referencing base class members of a generic subclass of a generic class
[BOO-1064] - Overriden explicit interface implementation crashes compiler
[BOO-1065] - Duplicate explicit interfaces cause emit error
[BOO-1071] - List comprehension cannot be used inside array constructor
[BOO-1081] - Subclassing containing class causes compiler stack overflow
[BOO-1082] - Abstract subclassing turns methods public
[BOO-1165] - Callable cannot declare variable parameters
[BOO-1170] - for/or bug in generator
[BOO-1191] - booish crashes after /help, /globals, /load and /save
[BOO-1194] - Any autocompletion on an array crashes Boo interpreter
[BOO-1211] - No type safety at all if LHS or RHS of expression is an interface
[BOO-1240] - Compiler falsely considers any member of the same name to fulfill an external interface.
[BOO-1241] - Not all overloads of external implementations searched
[BOO-1248] - Most of the links on the Boo home page are dead
[BOO-1251] - Overflowing calculations with constants are compiled to invalid code
[BOO-1252] - System.InvalidOperationException with void/bool comparison
[BOO-1253] - System.InvalidOperationException with void function in hash literal
[BOO-1254] - Boo compiler fails on certain file names
[BOO-1255] - Boo compiler fails on empty files
[BOO-1256] - Class not found after importing two similar namespaces
[BOO-1259] - inheritance generic class with abstract parameter causes error
[BOO-1261] - cross-namespace inheritance from an interface fails
[BOO-1262] - The white space agnostic parser is not preserving file names
[BOO-1266] - Parser fails on literal -9223372036854775808L (long.MinValue)

* Improvement
[BOO-903] - Allow \'of\' to be omitted in type references when [] are used
[BOO-1236] - Missing PatternMatching patterns, plus regex pattern
[BOO-1260] - Language change: remove \'continue\' and \'break\' special meaning from \'or\' blocks

Tue Mar 31 14:00:00 2009
- Update to


Tue Aug 12 14:00:00 2008
- Split into boo and boo-devel so as to not require nant

Tue Jun 17 14:00:00 2008
- Update to
- (almost) complete nullable type support
- shorthandsfor nullable types (T?) and enumerables
* instead of IEnumerable[of T])
- improved booish behavior with nicer colors
(and it should work inside emacs now )
- \'else\' block for \'for\' and \'while loops
- fixes and improvement related to generic methods
(overloads and interface declarations)

Wed Feb 27 13:00:00 2008
- Update to
- a simpler way for writing macros
- support for nested functions
- generic methods overloading works
- support for CLR 3.5 extension methods (moreover boo extension methods)
- compile-time conditionals through ConditionalAttribute and the new -define SYMBOL booc option
- AttributeUsageAttribute is now supported and enforced
- a better interactive interpreter (previously known as booish2)
- warnings about unused private members, unused namespaces, unreachable code
- new error messages, including suggestions for misspelled members or types
- exception filters, exception fault handlers
- for loop IDisposeable.Dispose integration

Fri Nov 2 13:00:00 2007
- Update to
- Fixed Bugs

* [BOO-836] - WSA Boo \"end\" keyword required for some blocks and not others

* [BOO-869] - wrong type inferred for null field initializer

* [BOO-871] - booish fails to display dictionary that contains DynamicMethod

* [BOO-874] - compiler doesn\'t generate debug information for duck typed call sites

* [BOO-881] - compiler doesn\'t check for duplicate parameter names in constructor definitions

* [BOO-883] - Internal error using regular expression in generator

* [BOO-884] - compiler should prefer data preserving overloads

* [BOO-885] - parser doesnt allow complex expressions inside closures

* [BOO-887] - Wrong stack trace information for exception during assignment inside generator method

* [BOO-891] - Boo.NAnt.Tasks is using an obsolete method (Assembly.LoadWithPartialName)

* [BOO-893] - QuackInvoke intercepts calls to super() in class CTOR

* [BOO-894] - Type inference failure for property used in object initializer

* [BOO-898] - [MetaProgramming] Splicing operator is not recognized inside string expression interpolation
- Improvements

* [BOO-870] - parser should not require the \'L\' suffix to parse long literals

* [BOO-872] - better name for closure methods

* [BOO-873] - extension methods should be preferred over non accessible members

* [BOO-888] - Delay Sign parameter is ignored

* [BOO-889] - BooPrinterVistor makes ugly elif chains

* [BOO-892] - Test Cases use obsolete interfaces and throw warnings during compilation

* [BOO-895] - [MetaProgramming] splicing for member references

* [BOO-896] - [MetaProgramming] splicing for class and field names

* [BOO-897] - [MetaProgramming] splicing for method names

* [BOO-899] - bool equality comparisons are emitting unnecessary RuntimeServices.EqualityOperator calls

* [BOO-900] - unreserve \'otherwise\' keyword so it can be used by the \'match\' macro

* [BOO-901] - unreserve \'given\' and \'when\' keywords so they can be implemented as macros
- New Features

* [BOO-136] - generic given statement

* [BOO-218] - duck typing - unary operators

Wed Oct 10 14:00:00 2007
- Don\'t use - notation in BuildRequires anymore. Normal
sles9 doesn\'t like it (obs must intervene here).

Fri Sep 28 14:00:00 2007
- Update to
- boo-pkgconfig_path_fix.patch: fix broken paths in .pc file

Thu Aug 16 14:00:00 2007
- Depend on gtksourceview18