Changelog for
rubygem-nokogiri-doc-1.5.6-26.20.i586.rpm :
Fri Dec 21 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 1.5.6
* Features
* Improved performance of XML::Document#collect_namespaces. #761 (Thanks, Juergen Mangler!)
* New callback SAX::Document#processing_instruction (Thanks, Kitaiti Makoto!)
* Node#native_content= allows setting unescaped node contant. #768
* XPath lookup with namespaces supports symbol keys. #729 (Thanks, Ben Langfeld.)
* XML::Node#[]= stringifies values. #729 (Thanks, Ben Langfeld.)
* bin/nokogiri will process a document from $stdin
* bin/nokogiri -e will execute a program from the command line
* bin/nokogiri --version will print the Xerces and NekoHTML versions when ran with JRuby.
* Bugfixes
* Nokogiri now detects XSLT transform errors. #731 (Thanks, Justin Fitzsimmons!)
* Don\'t throw an Error when trying to replace top-level text node in DocumentFragment. #775
* Raise an ArgumentError if an invalid encoding is passed to the SAX parser. #756 (Thanks, Bradley Schaefer!)
* [JRuby] space prior to xml preamble causes nokogiri to fail parsing. (fixed along with #748) #790
* [JRuby] Fixed the bug Nokogiri::XML::Node#content inconsistency between Java and C. #794, #797
* [JRuby] raises INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR exception when EntityReference name starts with \'#\'. #719
* [JRuby] doesn\'t coerce namespaces out of strings on a direct subclass of Node. #715
* [JRuby] Node#content now renders newlines properly. #737 (Thanks, Piotr Szmielew!)
* [JRuby] Unknown namespace are ignore when the recover option is used. #748
* [JRuby] XPath queries for namespaces should not throw exceptions when called twice in a row. #764
* [JRuby] More consistent (with libxml2) whitespace formatting when emitting XML. #771
* [JRuby] namespaced attributes broken when appending raw xml to builder. #770
* [JRuby] Nokogiri::XML::Document#wrap raises undefined method `length\' for nil:NilClass when trying to << to a node. #781
* [JRuby] Fixed \"bad file descriptor\" bug when closing open file descriptors. #495
* [JRuby] JRuby/CRuby incompatibility for attribute decorators. #785
* [JRuby] Issues parsing valid XML with no internal subset in the DTD. #547, #811
* [JRuby] Issues parsing valid node content when it contains colons. #728
* [JRuby] Correctly parse the doc type of html documents. #733
* [JRuby] Include dtd in the xml output when a builder is used with create_internal_subset. #751
* [JRuby] builder requires textwrappers for valid utf8 in jruby, not in mri. #784
Thu Jun 28 14:00:00 2012
- update to 1.5.5
* tons of fixes for jruby
Mon Apr 2 14:00:00 2012
- update to 1.5.2
* Features
* XML::Builder#comment allows creation of comment nodes.
* CSS searches now support namespaced attributes. #593
* Java integration feature is added. Now, XML::Document.wrap
and XML::Document#to_java methods are available.
* RelaxNG validator support in the `nokogiri` cli utility. #591 (thanks, Dan Radez!)
* Bugfixes
* Fix many memory leaks and segfault opportunities. Thanks, Tim Elliott!
* extconf searches homebrew paths if homebrew is installed.
* Inconsistent behavior of Nokogiri 1.5.0 Java #620
* Inheriting from Nokogiri::XML::Node on JRuby (1.6.4/5) fails #560
* XML::Attr nodes are not allowed to be added as node children, so an
exception is raised. #558
* No longer defensively \"pickle\" adjacent text nodes on
Node#add_next_sibling and Node#add_previous_sibling calls. #595.
* Java version inconsistency: it returns nil for empty attributes #589
* to_xhtml incorrectly generates
when tag is empty #557
* Document#add_child now accepts a Node, NodeSet, DocumentFragment,
or String. #546.
* Document#create_element now recognizes namespaces containing
non-word characters (like \"SOAP-ENV\"). This is mostly relevant to
users of Builder, which calls Document#create_element for nearly
everything. #531.
* File encoding broken in 1.5.0 / jruby / windows #529
* Java version does not return namespace defs as attrs for ::HTML #542
* Bad file descriptor with Nokogiri 1.5.0 #495
* remove_namespace! doesn\'t work in pure java version #492
* The Nokogiri Java native build throws a null pointer exception
when ActiveSupport\'s .blank? method is called directly on a parsed
object. #489
* 1.5.0 Not using correct character encoding #488
* Raw XML string in XML Builder broken on JRuby #486
* Nokogiri 1.5.0 XML generation broken on JRuby #484
* Do not allow multiple root nodes. #550
* Fixes for custom XPath functions. #605, #606 (thanks, Juan Wajnerman!)
* Node#to_xml does not override :save_with if it is provided. #505
* Node#set is a private method [JRuby]. #564 (thanks, Nick Sieger!)
* C14n cleanup and Node#canonicalize (thanks, Ivan Pirlik!) #563
Wed Jan 25 13:00:00 2012
- Drop -1_5 suffix and go back to rubygem-nokogiri. This makes possible
to update rubygem-nokogiri on Factory.
Wed Aug 24 14:00:00 2011
- Create rubygem-nokogiri-1_5 package
Wed Aug 24 14:00:00 2011
- update to version 1.5.0
- Notes
- JRuby performance tuning
- JRuby support is provided by a new pure-java backend.
- Features
- extracted sets of Node::SaveOptions into Node::SaveOptions::DEFAULT_{X,H,XH}TML (refactor)
- Bugfixes
- default output of XML on JRuby is no longer formatted due to inconsistent
whitespace handling. #415
- (JRuby) making empty NodeSets with null `nodes` member safe to operate on. #443
- Fix a bug in advanced encoding detection that leads to partially duplicated
document when parsing an HTML file with unknown encoding.
- Add support for
- Node#inner_text no longer returns nil. (JRuby) #264
- Deprecations
- Ruby 1.8.6 is deprecated. Nokogiri will install, but official support
is ended.
- LibXML 2.6.16 and earlier are deprecated. Nokogiri will refuse to install.
- FFI support is removed.
- 1.4.7
- Bugfixes
- Fix a bug in advanced encoding detection that leads to partially duplicated
document when parsing an HTML file with unknown encoding.
Thanks, Timothy Elliott (AATTender672)! #478
- 1.4.6
- Notes
- This version is functionally identical to 1.4.5.
- Ruby 1.8.6 support has been restored.
- 1.4.5
- New Features
- Nokogiri::HTML::Document#title accessor gets and sets the document title.
- extracted sets of Node::SaveOptions into Node::SaveOptions::DEFAULT_{X,H,XH}TML (refactor)
- Raise an exception if a string is passed to Nokogiri::XML::Schema#validate. #406
- Bugfixes
- Node#serialize-and-friends now accepts a SaveOption object as the, erm, save object.
- Nokogiri::CSS::Parser has-a Nokogiri::CSS::Tokenizer
- JRUBY+FFI only
- Weak references are now threadsafe. #355
- Make direct start_element() callback (currently used for HTML::SAX::Parser)
pass attributes in assoc array, just as emulated start_element()
callback does. rel. #356
- HTML::SAX::Parser should call back a block given to parse
*() if any,
just as XML::SAX::Parser does.
- Add further encoding detection to HTML parser that libxml2 does not do.
- Document#remove_namespaces! now handles attributes with namespaces. #396
- XSLT::Stylesheet#transform no longer segfaults when handed a non-XML::Document. #452
- XML::Reader no longer segfaults when under GC pressure. #439
Thu Jul 21 14:00:00 2011
- Added provides nokogiri_1_4, this is needed to build latest
versions of rubygem-feedzirra
Tue May 24 14:00:00 2011
- Changed licence to MIT
Tue Dec 21 13:00:00 2010
- update to version 1.4.4
* New Features
o XML::Node#children= sets the node’s inner html (much like #inner_html=),
but returns the reparent node(s).
o XSLT supports function extensions. #336
o XPath bind parameter substitution. #329
o XML::Reader node type constants. #369
o SAX Parser context provides line and column information
* Bugfixes
o XML::DTD#attributes returns an empty hash instead of nil when there are no
o XML::DTD#{keys,each} now work as expected. #324
o {XML,HTML}::DocumentFragment.{new,parse} no longer strip leading and trailing
whitespace. #319
o XML::Node#{add_child,add_previous_sibling,add_next_sibling,replace} return a
NodeSet when passed a string.
o Unclosed tags parsed more robustly in fragments. #315
o XML::Node#{replace,add_previous_sibling,add_next_sibling} edge cases fixed
related to libxml’s text node merging. #308
o Fixed a segfault when GC occurs during xpath handler argument marshalling. #345
o Added hack to Slop decorator to work with previously defined methods. #330
o Fix a memory leak when duplicating child nodes. #353
o Fixed off-by-one bug with nth-last-{child,of-type} CSS selectors when NOT using
an+b notation. #354
o Fixed passing of non-namespace attributes to SAX::Document#start_element. #356
o Workaround for libxml2 in-context parsing bug. #362
o Fixed NodeSet#wrap on nodes within a fragment. #331
Tue Dec 21 13:00:00 2010
- update to version
* New Features
o XML::Reader#empty_element? returns true for empty elements. #262
o Node#remove_namespaces! now removes namespace declarations as well. #294
o NodeSet#at_xpath, NodeSet#at_css and NodeSet#> do what the corresponding
methods of Node do.
* Bugfixes
o XML::NodeSet#{include?,delete,push} accept an XML::Namespace
o XML::Document#parse added for parsing in the context of a document
o XML::DocumentFragment#inner_html= works with contextual parsing! #298, #281
o lib/nokogiri/css/parser.y Combined CSS functions + pseudo selectors fixed
o Reparenting text nodes is safe, even when the operation frees adjacent
merged nodes. #283
o Fixed libxml2 versionitis issue with xmlFirstElementChild et al. #303
o XML::Attr#add_namespace now works as expected. #252
o HTML::DocumentFragment uses the string’s encoding. #305
o Fix the CSS3 selector translation rule for the general sibling combinator
Mon Jun 14 14:00:00 2010
- update to version 1.4.2
- XML::Node#parse will parse XML or HTML fragments with respect
to the context node.
- XML::Node#namespaces returns all namespaces defined in the node
and all ancestor nodes (previously did not return ancestors\'
namespace definitions).
- Added Enumerable to XML::Node
- Nokogiri::XML::Schema#validate now uses xmlSchemaValidateFile
if a filename is passed, which is faster and more
memory-efficient. GH #219
- XML::Document#create_entity will create new EntityDecl objects.
GH #174
- JRuby FFI implementation no longer uses ObjectSpace._id2ref,
instead using Charles Nutter\'s rocking Weakling gem.
- Nokogiri::XML::Node#first_element_child fetch the first child
node that is an ELEMENT node.
- Nokogiri::XML::Node#last_element_child fetch the last child
node that is an ELEMENT node.
- Nokogiri::XML::Node#elements fetch all children nodes that are
ELEMENT nodes.
- Nokogiri::XML::Node#add_child, #add_previous_sibling, #before,
[#]add_next_sibling, #after, #inner_html, #swap and #replace all
now accept a Node, DocumentFragment, NodeSet, or a string
containing markup.
- Node#fragment? indicates whether a node is a DocumentFragment.
- XML::NodeSet is now always decorated (if the document has
decorators). GH #198
- XML::NodeSet#slice gracefully handles offset+length larger than
the set length. GH #200
- XML::Node#content= safely unlinks previous content. GH #203
- XML::Node#namespace= takes nil as a parameter
- XML::Node#xpath returns things other than NodeSet objects.
GH #208
- XSLT::StyleSheet#transform accepts hashes for parameters.
GH #223
- Psuedo selectors inside not() work. GH #205
- XML::Builder doesn\'t break when nodes are unlinked.
Thanks to vihai! GH #228
- Encoding can be forced on the SAX parser. Thanks Eugene
Pimenov! GH #204
- XML::DocumentFragment uses XML::Node#parse to determine
- Fixed a memory leak in xml reader. Thanks sdor! GH #244
- Node#replace returns the new child node as claimed in the RDoc.
Previously returned +self+.
Fri Jun 11 14:00:00 2010
- use rubygems_requires macro
Fri Dec 25 13:00:00 2009
- update to 1.4.1
- Alias Node#[] to Node#attr
- XML::Node#next_element added
- XML::Node#> added for searching a nodes immediate children
- XML::NodeSet#reverse added
- Added fragment support to Node#add_child,
- Node#add_previous_sibling, and Node#replace.
- XML::Node#previous_element implemented
- Rubinius support
- Ths CSS selector engine now supports :has()
- XML::NodeSet#filter() was added
- and .previous= are aliases for add_next_sibling
and add_previous_sibling. GH #183
- XML fragments with namespaces do not raise an exception
(regression in 1.4.0)
- Node#matches? works in nodes contained by a DocumentFragment.
GH #158
- Document should not define add_namespace() method. GH #169
- XPath queries returning namespace declarations do not segfault.
- Node#replace works with nodes from different documents. GH #162
- Adding XML::Document#collect_namespaces
- Fixed bugs in the SOAP4R adapter
- Fixed bug in XML::Node#next_element for certain edge cases
- Fixed load path issue with JRuby under Windows. GH #160.
- XSLT#apply_to will honor the \"output method\". Thanks
- Fragments containing leading text nodes with newlines now parse
properly. GH #178.
Fri Nov 13 13:00:00 2009
- update to 1.4.0
- Node#at_xpath returns the first element of the NodeSet matching
the XPath expression.
- Node#at_css returns the first element of the NodeSet matching
the CSS selector.
- NodeSet#| for unions GH #119 (Thanks Serabe!)
- NodeSet#inspect makes prettier output
- Node#inspect implemented for more rubyish document inspecting
- Added XML::DTD#external_id
- Added XML::DTD#system_id
- Added XML::ElementContent for DTD Element content validity
- Better namespace declaration support in Nokogiri::XML::Builder
- Added XML::Node#external_subset
- Added XML::Node#create_external_subset
- Added XML::Node#create_internal_subset
- XML Builder can append raw strings (GH #141, patch from dudleyf)
- XML::SAX::ParserContext added
- XML::Document#remove_namespaces! for the namespace-impaired
- returns nil when HTML documents do not declare a meta encoding
tag. GH #115
- Uses RbConfig::CONFIG[\'host_os\'] to adjust ENV[\'PATH\'] GH #113
- NodeSet#search is more efficient GH #119 (Thanks Serabe!)
- NodeSet#xpath handles custom xpath functions
- Fixing a SEGV when XML::Reader gets attributes for current node
- Node#inner_html takes the same arguments as Node#to_html GH#117
- DocumentFragment#css delegates to it\'s child nodes GH #123
- NodeSet#[] works with slices larger than NodeSet#length GH #131
- Reparented nodes maintain their namespace. GH #134
- Fixed SEGV when adding an XML::Document to NodeSet
- XML::SyntaxError can be duplicated. GH #148
- Hpricot compatibility layer removed
Mon Oct 19 14:00:00 2009
- update to 1.3.3
- NodeSet#children returns all children of all nodes
- Override libxml-ruby\'s global error handler
- ParseOption#strict fixed
- Fixed a segfault when sending an empty string to
Node#inner_html= GH #88
- String encoding is now set to UTF-8 in Ruby 1.9
- Fixed a segfault when moving root nodes between documents. GH
- Fixed an O(n) penalty on node creation. GH #101
- Allowing XML documents to be output as HTML documents
- Hpricot compatibility layer will be removed in 1.4.0
- Nokogiri::XML::DTD#validate will validate your document
- Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet#search will search top level nodes. GH
- Removed namespace related methods from Nokogiri::XML::Document
- Fixed a segfault when a namespace was added twice
- Made nokogiri work with Snow Leopard GH 79
- Mailing list has moved to:
- HTML fragments now correctly handle comments and CDATA blocks.
GH 78
- Nokogiri::XML::Document#clone is now an alias of dup
- Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document#start_element_ns is deprecated,
please switch to
- Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document#end_element_ns is deprecated,
please switch to
- from 1.3.1
- extconf.rb checks for optional RelaxNG and Schema functions
- Namespace nodes are added to the Document node cache
- Builder changes scope based on block arity
- Builder supports methods ending in underscore similar to tagz
- Nokogiri::XML::Node#<=> compares nodes based on Document
- Nokogiri::XML::Node#matches? returns true if Node can be found
with given selector.
- Nokogiri::XML::Node#ancestors now returns an
- Nokogiri::XML::Node#ancestors will match parents against
optional selector
- Nokogiri::HTML::Document#meta_encoding for getting the meta
- Nokogiri::HTML::Document#meta_encoding= for setting the meta
- Nokogiri::XML::Document#encoding= to set the document encoding
- Nokogiri::XML::Schema for validating documents against XSD
- Nokogiri::XML::RelaxNG for validating documents against RelaxNG
- Nokogiri::HTML::ElementDescription for fetching HTML element
- Nokogiri::XML::Node#description to fetch the node description
- Nokogiri::XML::Node#accept implements Visitor pattern
- bin/nokogiri for easily examining documents (Thanks Yutaka
- Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet now supports more Array and Enumerable
operators: index, delete, slice, - (difference), +
(concatenation), & (intersection), push, pop, shift, ==
- Nokogiri.XML, Nokogiri.HTML take blocks that receive
Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions objects
- Nokogiri::XML::Node#namespace returns a
- Nokogiri::XML::Node#namespace= for setting a node’s namespace
- Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment and
Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment have a sensible API and a more
robust implementation.
- JRuby 1.3.0 support via FFI.
- Fixed a problem with nil passed to CDATA constructor
- Fragment method deals with regular expression characters
(Thanks Joel!) LH 73
- Fixing builder scope issues LH 61, LH 74, LH 70
- Fixed a problem when adding a child could remove the child
namespace LH#78
- Fixed bug with unlinking a node then reparenting it. (GH#22)
- Fixed failure to catch errors during XSLT parsing (GH#32)
- Fixed a bug with attribute conditions in CSS selectors (GH#36)
- Fixed intolerance of HTML attributes without values in
Node#before/after/inner_html=. (GH#35)
Mon Mar 23 13:00:00 2009
- update to 1.2.3
* Fixing bug where a node is passed in to Node#new
* Namespace should be assigned on DocumentFragment creation.
LH #66
* Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet#dup works GH #10
* Nokogiri::HTML returns an empty Document when given a blank
string GH#11
* Adding a child will remove duplicate namespace declarations
LH #67
* Builder methods take a hash as a second argument
Fri Mar 20 13:00:00 2009
- initial package for 1.2.2