Changelog for
rubygem-ruby_parser-testsuite-3.1.1-28.14.i586.rpm :
Sat Dec 22 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 3.1.1
* 1 minor enhancement:
* Added MOVE_TIMEOUT env var for ruby_parse_extract_error to move slow files to a sibling directory
* 4 bug fixes:
* 1.9: Fixed lexing of \"0o\". (whitequark)
* 1.9: Fixed parsing of unary plus on literals. (whitequark)
* Added timeout arg to RubyParser#process to pass through to the real parser
* Updated Synopsis to reflect new options for running RP. (louismullie)
Fri Dec 7 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 3.1.0
* 2 minor enhancements:
* Added RubyParser.for_current_ruby to provide a parser that matches your runtime. (neilconway)
* Duck-typed IDENT_CHAR_RE instead of using RUBY_VERSION
* 3 bug fixes:
* Cleared out body comments in class/module/defn/defs
* Flipped lexer tests to US-ASCII to avoid encoding hell
* yyerror is now an alias for syntax_error
Tue Nov 27 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 3.0.4
* 1 bug fix:
* RPStringScanner#lineno was still using byte offset, not char offset. (brynary)
* 1 minor enhancement:
* Improved error output on invalid char in expression.
* 1 bug fix:
* Fixed lexing of no-name ivars. (whitequark)
52 down makes 99.9767% or 3.7σ. 130 files failed to parse out of 558k.
* 4 minor enhancements:
* Added RP_TIMEOUT env var to override default timeout of 10 seconds.
* Minor optimization to RubyLexer#parse_number
* Only output parseerror output to stderr if $DEBUG.
* ruby_parse_extract_error modified to include \'it\' blocks in its search.
* 7 bug fixes:
* 1.9: Fixed args in dot-call forms (eg f.(...)).
* 1.9: Fixed lexing stabby lambda w/ do/end
* Deal better with DOS files. Ugh.
* Fix line number of production after heredoc.
* Fixed RubyParser#process to reuse parser instances across calls.
* Fixed line numbers for several productions.
* new_call sets line number to smallest line number of members.
Sat Nov 3 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 3.0.1, see the long History.txt
Sun Jul 15 14:00:00 2012
- fix gem requires
Mon Apr 9 14:00:00 2012
- update to 2.3.1
* Fixed line numbers at end of special var+whitespace (larsch)
* Holy crap I was smokin\' something good... Fixed 1.9.3 warning
* Add -g flag to parser compile if DEBUG
* Lexer now embeds line number in yacc_value for keywords, helping fix up line numbers
* Fix method line numbers when no args and no parens (quix)
* Fixed line numbers on return/break/next w/ result expr. (pjnz)
* Fixed some lexing state in order to parse: \'f (1), 2\' as \'f(1, 2)\'. (invernizzi)
* Moved Keyword, Environment, and StackState inside of RubyParser
* Added proper dsym and dsym->sym support.
* Added extra (failing) tests for call/iter line number checking (quix)
* Fixed line numbers for certain call/iter edge cases
* Fixed parsing of: alias :\"<<\" :\">>\".
* Added new accessor canonicalize_conditions to toggle conditional canonicalization (on by default). (confused)
* Awesome cleanup: Replaced call to append_block by block_append. (Confusion)
* Fixed handling last line of =begin/=end. (raybaxter)
* Fixed source line numbers after heredocs. (jbarreneche)
* Switched to hoe\'s racc plugin to clean up rakefile and builds
* Fixed empty =begin/end.
Mon Mar 26 14:00:00 2012
- license update: MIT
See README.txt
Mon Sep 6 14:00:00 2010
- update to version 2.0.5
* Started merging like lexical cases to try to squeeze some
optimization out
Fri Jun 11 14:00:00 2010
- use rubygems_requires macro
Fri Dec 25 13:00:00 2009
- update to 2.0.4
* Changed requires around to be more accurate.
* Fixed .autotest for minitest
* Fixed emacs escape lexing bug: \"\\C-\\\\\" (maglev/gemstone)
* Fixed octal lexing edgecases. (maglev/gemstone)
* Fixed regexp lexing edgecases. (maglev/gemstone)
Sun Jul 26 14:00:00 2009
- initial package for 2.0.3