Changelog for ruby2.3-rubygem-rubocop-doc-0.35.1-2.1.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Nov 11 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 0.35.1
see installed
[#]# 0.35.1 (10/11/2015)
[#]## Bug Fixes

* [#2407]( Use `Process.uid` rather than `Etc.getlogin` for simplicity and compatibility. ([AATTjujugrrr][])

Sun Nov 8 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 0.35.0
see installed
[#]# 0.35.0 (07/11/2015)
[#]## New features

* [#2028]( New config `ExtraDetails` supports addition of `Details` param to all cops to allow extra details on offense to be displayed. ([AATTtansaku][])

* [#2036]( New cop `Style/StabbyLambdaParentheses` will find and correct cases where a stabby lambda\'s paramaters are not wrapped in parentheses. ([AATThmadison][])

* [#2246]( `Style/TrailingUnderscoreVariable` will now register an offense for `
*_`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2246]( `Style/TrailingUnderscoreVariable` now has a configuration to remove named underscore variables (Defaulted to false). ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2276]( New cop `Performance/FixedSize` will register an offense when calling `length`, `size`, or `count` on statically sized objected (strings, symbols, arrays, and hashes). ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* New cop `Style/NestedModifier` checks for nested `if`, `unless`, `while` and `until` modifier statements. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#2270]( Add a new `inherit_gem` configuration to inherit a config file from an installed gem [(originally requested in #290)]( ([AATTjhansche][])

* Allow `StyleGuide` parameters in local configuration for all cops, so users can add references to custom style guide documents. ([AATTcornelius][])

* `UnusedMethodArgument` cop allows configuration to skip keyword arguments. ([AATTapiology][])

* [#2318]( `Lint/Debugger` cop now checks for `Pry.rescue`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2277]( New cop `Style/FirstArrayElementLineBreak` checks for a line break before the first element in a multi-line array. ([AATTpanthomakos][])

* [#2277]( New cop `Style/FirstHashElementLineBreak` checks for a line break before the first element in a multi-line hash. ([AATTpanthomakos][])

* [#2277]( New cop `Style/FirstMethodArgumentLineBreak` checks for a line break before the first argument in a multi-line method call. ([AATTpanthomakos][])

* [#2277]( New cop `Style/FirstMethodParameterLineBreak` checks for a line break before the first parameter in a multi-line method parameter definition. ([AATTpanthomakos][])

* Add `Rails/PluralizationGrammar` cop, checks for incorrect grammar when using methods like ``, when you should write `3.days.ago`. ([AATTmaxjacobson][])

* [#2347]( `Lint/Eval` cop does not warn about \"security risk\" when eval argument is a string literal without interpolations. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#2335]( `Style/VariableName` cop checks naming style of method parameters. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#2329]( New style `braces_for_chaining` for `Style/BlockDelimiters` cop enforces braces on a multi-line block if its return value is being chained with another method. ([AATTpanthomakos][])

* `Lint/LiteralInCondition` warns if a symbol or dynamic symbol is used as a condition. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#2369]( `Style/TrailingComma` doesn\'t add a trailing comma to a multiline method chain which is the only arg to a method call. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* `CircularArgumentReference` cop updated to lint for ordinal circular argument references on top of optional keyword arguments. ([AATTmaxjacobson][])

* Added ability to download shared rubocop config files from remote urls. ([AATTptrippett][])

* [#1601]( Add `IgnoreEmptyMethods` config parameter for `Lint/UnusedMethodArgument` and `IgnoreEmptyBlocks` config parameter for `Lint/UnusedBlockArgument` cops. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#1729]( `Style/MethodDefParentheses` supports new \'require_no_parentheses_except_multiline\' style. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#2173]( `Style/AlignParameters` also checks parameter alignment for method definitions. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#1825]( New `NameWhitelist` configuration parameter for `Style/PredicateName` can be used to suppress errors on known-good predicate names. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* `Style/Documentation` recognizes \'Constant =\' as a class definition. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#1608]( Add new \'align_braces\' style for `Style/IndentHash`. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* `Style/Next` can autocorrect. ([AATTalexdowad][])
[#]## Bug Fixes

* [#2265]( Handle unary `+` in `ExtraSpacing` cop. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2275]( Copy default `Exclude` into `Exclude` lists in `.rubocop_todo.yml`. ([AATTjonas054][])

* `Style/IfUnlessModifier` accepts blocks followed by a chained call. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#2261]( Make relative `Exclude` paths in `$HOME/.rubocop_todo.yml` be relative to current directory. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2286]( Handle auto-correction of empty method when `AllowIfMethodIsEmpty` is `false` in `Style/SingleLineMethods`. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2246]( Do not register an offense for `Style/TrailingUnderscoreVariable` when the underscore variable is preceeded by a splat variable. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2292]( Results should not be stored in the cache if affected by errors (crashes). ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2280]( Avoid reporting space between hash literal keys and values in `Style/ExtraSpacing`. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2284]( Fix result cache being shared between ruby versions. ([AATTmiquella][])

* [#2285]( Fix `ConfigurableNaming#class_emitter_method?` error when handling singleton class methods. ([AATTpalkan][])

* [#2295]( Fix Performance/Detect autocorrect to handle rogue newlines. ([AATTpalkan][])

* [#2294]( Do not register an offense in `Performance/StringReplacement` for regex with options. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* Fix `Style/UnneededPercentQ` condition for single-quoted literal containing interpolation-like string. ([AATTeagletmt][])

* [#2324]( Handle `--only Lint/Syntax` and `--except Lint/Syntax` correctly. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2317]( Handle `case` as an argument correctly in `Lint/EndAlignment`. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#2287]( Fix auto-correct of lines with only whitespace in `Style/IndentationWidth`. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#2331]( Do not register an offense in `Performance/Size` for `count` with an argument. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* Handle a backslash at the end of a line in `Style/SpaceAroundOperators`. ([AATTlumeet][])

* Don\'t warn about lack of \"leading space\" in a =begin/=end comment. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#2307]( In `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch`, don\'t register an offense if either argument to % is not a literal. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#2356]( `Style/Encoding` will now place the encoding comment on the second line if the first line is a shebang. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* `Style/InitialIndentation` cop doesn\'t error out when a line begins with an integer literal. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#2296]( In `Style/DotPosition`, don\'t \"correct\" (and break) a method call which has a line comment (or blank line) between the dot and the selector. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#2272]( `Lint/NonLocalExitFromIterator` does not warn about `return` in a block which is passed to `Module#define_method`. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#2262]( Replace `Rainbow` reference with `Colorizable#yellow`. ([AATTminustehbare][])

* [#2068]( Display warning if `Style/Copyright` is misconfigured. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#2321]( In `Style/EachWithObject`, don\'t replace reduce with each_with_object if the accumulator parameter is assigned to in the block. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#1981]( `Lint/UselessAssignment` doesn\'t erroneously identify assignments in identical if branches as useless. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#2323]( `Style/IfUnlessModifier` cop parenthesizes autocorrected code when necessary due to operator precedence, to avoid changing its meaning. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#2003]( Make `Lint/UnneededDisable` work with `--auto-correct`. ([AATTjonas054][])

* Default RuboCop cache dir moved to per-user folders. ([AATTbr3nda][])

* [#2393]( `Style/MethodCallParentheses` doesn\'t fail on `obj.method ||= func()`. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* [#2344]( When autocorrecting, `Style/ParallelAssignment` reorders assignment statements, if necessary, to avoid breaking code. ([AATTalexdowad][])

* `Style/MultilineOperationAlignment` does not try to align the receiver and selector of a method call if both are on the LHS of an assignment. ([AATTalexdowad][])
[#]## Changes

* [#2194]( Allow any options with `--auto-gen-config`. ([AATTagrimm][])

Tue Sep 22 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 0.34.2
see installed
[#]# 0.34.2 (21/09/2015)
[#]## Bug Fixes

* [#2232]( Fix false positive in `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch` for argument with splat operator. ([AATTdreyks][])

* [#2237]( Allow `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch` to be called using `Kernel.format` and `Kernel.sprintf`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2234]( Do not register an offense for `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch` when the format string is a variable. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2240]( `Lint/UnneededDisable` should not report non-`Lint` `rubocop:disable` comments when running `rubocop --lint`. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2121]( Allow space before values in hash literals in `Style/ExtraSpacing` to avoid correction conflict. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2241]( Read cache in binary format. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2247]( Fix auto-correct of `Performance/CaseWhenSplat` for percent arrays (`%w`, `%W`, `%i`, and `%I`). ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2244]( Disregard annotation keywords in `Style/CommentAnnotation` if they don\'t start a comment. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2257]( Fix bug where `Style/RescueEnsureAlignment` will register an offense for `rescue` and `ensure` on the same line. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2255]( Refine the offense highlighting for `Style/SymbolProc`. ([AATTbbatsov][])

* [#2260]( Make `Exclude` in `.rubocop_todo.yml` work when running from a subdirectory. ([AATTjonas054][])
[#]## Changes

* [#2248]( Allow block-pass in `Style/AutoResourceCleanup`. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#2258]( `Style/Documentation` will exclude test directories by default. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2260]( Disable `Style/StringMethods` by default. ([AATTbbatsov][])

Thu Sep 10 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 0.34.1
see installed
[#]# 0.34.1 (09/09/2015)
[#]## Bug Fixes

* [#2212]( Handle methods without parentheses in auto-correct. ([AATTkarreiro][])

* [#2214]( Fix `File name too long error` when `STDIN` option is provided. ([AATTmrfoto][])

* [#2217]( Allow block arguments in `Style/SymbolProc`. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#2213]( Write to cache with binary encoding to avoid transcoding exceptions in some locales. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2218]( Fix loading config error when safe yaml is only partially loaded. ([AATTmaxjacobson][])

* [#2161]( Allow an explicit receiver (except `Kernel`) in `Style/SignalException`. ([AATTlumeet][])

Sun Sep 6 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 0.34.0
see installed
[#]# 0.34.0 (05/09/2015)
[#]## New features

* [#2143]( New cop `Performance/CaseWhenSplat` will identify and rearange `case` `when` statements that contain a `when` condition with a splat. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* New cop `Lint/DuplicatedKey` checks for duplicated keys in hashes, which Ruby 2.2 warns against. ([AATTsliuu][])

* [#2106]( Add `SuspiciousParamNames` option to `Style/OptionHash`. ([AATTwli][])

* [#2193]( `Style/Next` supports more `Enumerable` methods. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2179]( Add `--list-target-files` option to CLI, which prints the files which will be inspected. ([AATTmaxjacobson][])

* New cop `Style/MutableConstant` checks for assignment of mutable objects to constants. ([AATTbbatsov][])

* New cop `Style/RedudantFreeze` checks for usages of `Object#freeze` on immutable objects. ([AATTbbatsov][])

* [#1924]( New option `--cache` and configuration parameter `AllCops: UseCache` turn result caching on (default) or off. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2204]( New cop `Style/StringMethods` will check for preferred method `to_sym` over `intern`. ([AATTimtayadeway][])
[#]## Changes

* [#1351]( Allow class emitter methods in `Style/MethodName`. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2126]( `Style/RescueModifier` can now auto-correct. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2109]( Allow alignment with a token on the nearest line with same indentation in `Style/ExtraSpacing`. ([AATTjonas054][])

* `Lint/EndAlignment` handles the `case` keyword. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#2146]( Add STDIN support. ([AATTcaseywebdev][])

* [#2175]( Files that are excluded from a cop (e.g. using the `Exclude:` config option) are no longer being processed by that cop. ([AATTbquorning][])

* `Rails/ActionFilter` now handles complete list of methods found in the Rails 4.2 [release notes]( ([AATTMGerrior][])

* [
*2138]( Change the offense in `Style/Next` to highlight the condition instead of the iteration. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* `Style/EmptyLineBetweenDefs` now handles class methods as well. ([AATTunmanbearpig][])

* Improve handling of `super` in `Style/SymbolProc`. ([AATTlumeet][])

* `Style/SymbolProc` is applied to methods receiving arguments. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#1839]( Remove Rainbow monkey patching of String which conflicts with other gems like colorize. ([AATTdaviddavis][])

* `Style/HashSyntax` is now a bit faster when checking Ruby 1.9 syntax hash keys. ([AATTbquorning][])

* `Lint/DeprecatedClassMethods` is now a whole lot faster. ([AATTbquorning][])

* `Lint/BlockAlignment`, `Style/IndentationWidth`, and `Style/MultilineOperationIndentation` are now quite a bit faster. ([AATTbquorning][])
[#]## Bug Fixes

* [#2123]( Fix handing of dynamic widths `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch`. ([AATTedmz][])

* [#2116]( Fix named params (using hash) `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch`. ([AATTedmz][])

* [#2135]( Ignore `super` and `zsuper` nodes in `Style/SymbolProc`. ([AATTbbatsov][])

* [#2165]( Fix a NPE in `Style/Alias`. ([AATTbbatsov][])

* [#2168]( Fix a NPE in `Rails/TimeZone`. ([AATTbbatsov][])

* [#2169]( Fix a NPE in `Rails/Date`. ([AATTbbatsov][])

* [#2105]( Fix a warning that was thrown when enabling `Style/OptionHash`. ([AATTwli][])

* [#2107]( Fix auto-correct of `Style/ParallelAssignment` for nested expressions. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2111]( Deal with byte order mark in `Style/InitialIndentation`. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2113]( Handle non-string tokens in `Style/ExtraSpacing`. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2129]( Handle empty interpolations in `Style/SpaceInsideStringInterpolation`. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#2119]( Do not raise an error in `Style/RescueEnsureAlignment` and `Style/RescueModifier` when processing an excluded file. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2149]( Do not register an offense in `Rails/Date` when `Date#to_time` is called with a time zone argument. ([AATTmaxjacobson][])

* Do not register a `Rails/TimeZone` offense when using safely. ([AATTmaxjacobson][])

* [#2124]( Fix bug in `Style/EmptyLineBetweenDefs` when there are only comments between method definitions. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#2154]( `Performance/StringReplacement` can auto-correct replacements with backslash in them. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2009]( Fix bug in `RuboCop::ConfigLoader.load_file` when `safe_yaml` is required. ([AATTeitoball][])

* [#2155]( Configuration `EndAlignment: AlignWith: variable` only applies when the operands of `=` are on the same line. ([AATTjonas054][])

* Fix bug in `Style/IndentationWidth` when `rescue` or `ensure` is preceded by an empty body. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#2183]( Fix bug in `Style/BlockDelimiters` when auto-correcting adjacent braces. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#2199]( Make `rubocop` exit with error when there are only `Lint/UnneededDisable` offenses. ([AATTjonas054][])

* Fix handling of empty parentheses when auto-correcting in `Style/SymbolProc`. ([AATTlumeet][])

Thu Aug 6 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 0.33.0
see installed
[#]# 0.33.0 (05/08/2015)
[#]## New features

* [#2081]( New cop `Style/Send` checks for the use of `send` and instead encourages changing it to `BasicObject#__send__` or `Object#public_send` (disabled by default). ([AATTsyndbg][])

* [#2057]( New cop `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch` checks for a mismatch between the number of fields expected in format/sprintf/% and what was pased to it. ([AATTedmz][])

* [#2010]( Add `space` style for SpaceInsideStringInterpolation. ([AATTgotrevor][])

* [#2007]( Allow any modifier before `def`, not only visibility modifiers. ([AATTfphilipe][])

* [#1980]( `--auto-gen-config` now outputs an excluded files list for failed cops (up to a maxiumum of 15 files). ([AATTbmorrall][])

* [#2004]( Introduced `--exclude-limit COUNT` to configure how many files `--auto-gen-config` will exclude. ([AATTawwaiid][], [AATTjonas054][])

* [#1918]( New configuration parameter `AllCops:DisabledByDefault` when set to `true` makes only cops found in user configuration enabled, which makes cop selection
*. ([AATTjonas054][])

* New cop `Performance/StringReplacement` checks for usages of `gsub` that can be replaced with `tr` or `delete`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2001]( New cop `Style/InitialIndentation` checks for indentation of the first non-blank non-comment line in a file. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2060]( New cop `Style/RescueEnsureAlignment` checks for bad alignment of `rescue` and `ensure` keywords. ([AATTlumeet][])

* New cop `Style/OptionalArguments` checks for optional arguments that do not appear at the end of an argument list. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* New cop `Lint/CircularArgumentReference` checks for \"circular argument references\" in keyword arguments, which Ruby 2.2 warns against. ([AATTmaxjacobson][], [AATTsliuu][])

* [#2030]( New cop `Lint/OptionHash` checks for option hashes and encourages changing them to keyword arguments (disabled by default). ([AATTmaxjacobson][])
[#]## Changes

* [#2052]( `Style/RescueModifier` uses token stream to identify offenses. ([AATTurbanautomaton][])

* Rename `Rails/Date` and `Rails/TimeZone` style names to \"strict\" and \"flexible\" and make \"flexible\" to be default. ([AATTpalkan][])

* [#2035]( `Style/ExtraSpacing` is now enabled by default and has a configuration parameter `AllowForAlignment` that is `true` by default, making it allow extra spacing if it\'s used for alignment purposes. ([AATTjonas054][])
[#]## Bugs fixed

* [#2014]( Fix `Style/TrivialAccessors` to support AllowPredicates: false. ([AATTgotrevor][])

* [#1988]( Fix bug in `Style/ParallelAssignment` when assigning from `Module::CONSTANT`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#1995]( Improve message for `Rails/TimeZone`. ([AATTpalkan][])

* [#1977]( Fix bugs in `Rails/Date` and `Rails/TimeZone` when using namespaced Time/Date. ([AATTpalkan][])

* [#1973]( Do not register an offense in `Performance/Detect` when `select` is called on `Enumerable::Lazy`. ([AATTpalkan][])

* [#2015]( Fix bug occurring for auto-correction of a misaligned `end` in a file with only one method. ([AATTjonas054][])

* Allow string interpolation segments inside single quoted string literals when double quotes are preferred. ([AATTsegiddins][])

* [#2026]( Allow `Time.current` when style is \"acceptable\".([AATTpalkan][])

* [#2029]( Fix bug where `Style/RedundantReturn` auto-corrects returning implicit hashes to invalid syntax. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2021]( Fix bug in `Style/BlockDelimiters` when a `semantic` expression is used in an array or a range. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#1992]( Allow parentheses in assignment to a variable with the same name as the method\'s in `Style/MethodCallParentheses`. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#2045]( Fix crash in `Style/IndentationWidth` when using `private_class_method def` syntax. ([AATTunmanbearpig][])

* [#2006]( Fix crash in `Style/FirstParameterIndentation` in case of nested offenses. ([AATTunmanbearpig][])

* [#2059]( Don\'t check for trivial accessors in modules. ([AATTbbatsov][])

* Add proper punctuation to the end of offense messages, where it is missing. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#2071]( Keep line breaks in place on WordArray autocorrect.([AATTunmanbearpig][])

* [#2075]( Properly correct `Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters` with escape characters in them. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2023]( Avoid auto-correction corruption in `IndentationWidth`. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#2080]( Properly parse code in `Performance/Count` when calling `select..count` in a class that extends an enumerable. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#2093]( Fix bug in `Style/OneLineConditional` which should not raise an offense with an \'if/then/end\' statement. ([AATTsliuu][])

Thu Jun 25 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 0.32.1
see installed
[#]# 0.32.1 (24/06/2015)
[#]## New features

* `Debugger` cop now checks catches methods called with arguments. ([AATTcrazydog115][])
[#]## Bugs fixed

* Make it possible to disable `Lint/UnneededDisable`. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#1958]( Show name of `Lint/UnneededDisable` when `-D/--display-cop-names` is given. ([AATTjonas054][])

* Do not show `Style/NonNilCheck` offenses as corrected when the source code is not modified. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* Fix auto-correct in `Style/RedundantReturn` when `return` has no arguments. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#1955]( Fix false positive for `Style/TrailingComma` cop. ([AATTmattjmcnaughton][])

* [#1928]( Avoid auto-correcting two alignment offenses in the same area at the same time. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#1964]( Fix `RedundantBegin` auto-correct issue with comments by doing a smaller correction. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#1978]( Don\'t count disabled offences if fail-level is autocorrect. ([AATTsch1zo][])

* [#1986]( Fix Date false positives on variables. ([AATTpalkan][])
[#]## Changes

* [#1708]( Improve message for `FirstParameterIndentation`. ([AATTtejasbubane][])

* [#1959]( Allow `Lint/UnneededDisable` to be inline disabled. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

Sun Jun 7 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 0.32.0
see installed
[#]# 0.32.0 (06/06/2015)
[#]## New features

* Adjust behavior of `TrailingComma` cop to account for multi-line hashes nested within method calls. ([AATTpanthomakos][])

* [#1719]( Display an error and abort the program if input file can\'t be found. ([AATTmatugm][])

* New cop `SpaceInsideStringInterpolation` checks for spaces within string interpolations. ([AATTglasnt][])

* New cop `NestedMethodDefinition` checks for method definitions inside other methods. ([AATTojab][])

* `LiteralInInterpolation` cop does auto-correction. ([AATTtmr08c][])

* [#1865]( New cop `Lint/UnneededDisable` checks for `rubocop:disable` comments that can be removed. ([AATTjonas054][])

* `EmptyElse` cop does auto-correction. ([AATTlumeet][])

* Show reference links when displaying style guide links. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* `Debugger` cop now checks for the Capybara debug method `save_screenshot`. ([AATTcrazydog115][])

* [#1282]( `CaseIndentation` cop does auto-correction. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#1928]( Do auto-correction one offense at a time (rather than one cop at a time) if there are tabs in the code. ([AATTjonas054][])
[#]## Changes

* Prefer `SpaceInsideBlockBraces` to `SpaceBeforeSemicolon` and `SpaceAfterSemicolon` to avoid an infinite loop when auto-correcting. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#1873]( Move `ParallelAssignment` cop from Performance to Style. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* Add `getlocal` to acceptable methods of `Rails/TimeZone`. ([AATTojab][])

* [#1851](, [#1948]( Change offense message for `ClassLength` and `ModuleLength` to match that of `MethodLength`. ([AATTbquorning][])
[#]## Bugs fixed

* Don\'t count required keyword args when specifying `CountKeywordArgs: false` for `ParameterLists`. ([AATTsumeet][])

* [#1879]( Avoid auto-correcting hash with trailing comma into invalid code in `BracesAroundHashParameters`. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#1868]( Do not register an offense in `Performance/Count` when `select` is called with symbols or strings as the parameters. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* `Sample` rewritten to properly handle shuffle randomness source, first/last params and non-literal ranges. ([AATTchastell][])

* [#1873]( Modify `ParallelAssignment` to properly autocorrect when the assignment is protected by a modifier statement. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* Configure `ParallelAssignment` to work with non-standard `IndentationWidths`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#1899]( Be careful about comments when auto-correcting in `BracesAroundHashParameters`. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#1897]( Don\'t report that semicolon separated statements can be converted to modifier form in `IfUnlessModifier` (and don\'t auto-correct them). ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#1644]( Don\'t search the entire file system when a folder is named `,` (fix for jruby and rbx). ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#1803]( Don\'t warn for `return` from `lambda` block in `NonLocalExitFromIterator`. ([AATTypresto][])

* [#1905]( Ignore sparse and trailing comments in `Style/Documentation`. ([AATTRGBD][])

* [#1923]( Handle properly `for` without body in `Style/Next`. ([AATTbbatsov][])

* [#1901]( Do not auto correct comments that are missing a note. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#1926]( Fix crash in `Style/AlignHash` when correcting a hash with a splat in it. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#1935]( Allow `Symbol#to_proc` blocks in Performance/Size. ([AATTm1foley][])

Wed May 6 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 0.31.0
see installed
[#]# 0.31.0 (05/05/2015)
[#]## New features

* `Rails/TimeZone` emits acceptable methods on a violation when `EnforcedStyle` is `:acceptable`. ([AATTl8nite][])

* Recognize rackup file ( out of the box. ([AATTcarhartl][])

* [#1788]( New cop `ModuleLength` checks for overly long module definitions. ([AATTsdeframond][])

* New cop `Performance/Count` to convert `Enumerable#select...size`, `Enumerable#reject...size`, `Enumerable#select...count`, `Enumerable#reject...count` `Enumerable#select...length`, and `Enumerable#reject...length` to `Enumerable#count`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* `CommentAnnotation` cop does auto-correction. ([AATTdylandavidson][])

* New cop `Style/TrailingUnderscoreVariable` to remove trailing underscore variables from mass assignment. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#1136]( New cop `Performance/ParallelAssignment` to avoid usages of unnessary parallel assignment. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#1278]( `DefEndAlignment` and `EndAlignment` cops do auto-correction. ([AATTlumeet][])

* `IndentationWidth` cop follows the `AlignWith` option of the `DefEndAlignment` cop. ([AATTlumeet][])

* [#1837]( New cop `EachWithObjectArgument` checks that `each_with_object` isn\'t called with an immutable object as argument. ([AATTjonas054][])

* `ArrayJoin` cop does auto-correction. ([AATTtmr08c][])
[#]## Bugs fixed

* [#1816]( Fix bug in `Sample` when calling `#shuffle` with something other than an element selector. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#1768]( `DefEndAlignment` recognizes preceding `private_class_method` or `public_class_method` before `def`. ([AATTtil][])

* [#1820]( Correct the logic in `AlignHash` for when to ignore a key because it\'s not on its own line. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#1829]( Fix bug in `Sample` and `FlatMap` that would cause them to report having been auto-corrected when they were not. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* [#1832]( Fix bug in `UnusedMethodArgument` that would cause them to report having been auto-corrected when they were not. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#1834]( Support only boolean values for `AutoCorrect` configuration parameter, and remove warning for unknown parameter. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#1843]( Fix crash in `TrailingBlankLines` when a file ends with a block comment without final newline. ([AATTjonas054][])

* [#1849]( Fix bug where you can not have nested arrays in the Rake task configuration. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* Fix bug in `MultilineTernaryOperator` where it will not register an offense when only the false branch is on a separate line. ([AATTrrosenblum][])

* Fix crash in `MultilineBlockLayout` when using new lambda literal syntax without parentheses. ([AATThbd225][])

* [#1859]( Fix bugs in `IfUnlessModifier` concerning comments and empty lines. ([AATTjonas054][])

* Fix handling of trailing comma in `SpaceAroundBlockParameters` and `SpaceAfterComma`. ([AATTlumeet][])

Wed Apr 22 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 0.30.1

Tue Apr 7 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 0.30.0

Sat Feb 14 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 0.29.1

Tue Feb 10 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 0.29.0

Mon Oct 13 14:00:00 2014
- adapt to new rubygem packaging

Thu Feb 6 13:00:00 2014
- Initial version 0.18.1