Changelog for perl-NetAddr-IP-4.079-44.1.x86_64.rpm :
Sat May 28 14:00:00 2016
- updated to 4.079
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-NetAddr-IP/Changes
Revision history for Perl extension NetAddr::IP

Sun Feb 9 13:00:00 2014
- updated to 4.072
modify Makefile.PL to bypass missing \'pod2text\'

Fri Oct 4 14:00:00 2013
- updated to 4.071
add method \"canon\" by request from
nth documention error fixed. thanks to Anton
Lite v1.51, add new6FFFF, RFC4291 compliant ipv4->ipV6 new

Mon Jun 10 14:00:00 2013
- license update: GPL-2.0+ or ClArtistic
See COPYING and Artistic

Sat Jun 8 14:00:00 2013
- updated to 4.069
IN v1.50, add =encoding UTF-8
In v1.50
changed Makefile.PL to check for config.h when building for XS
with \'gcc\', try building with \'cc\', and check again.
If config.h is not found, force Pure Perl mode.
Kill XS in winduhs and Darwin, both of which misbehave when compiling XS code
4.067 Sat Mar 30 12:57:20 PDT 2013
Improved diagnostic message for \"die\" with bad mask for
hostenum, hostenumref, split, splitref, rsplit, rsplitref
Thanks to for pointing out the need.
4.066 Mon Oct 29 13:30:14 PDT 2012
update v1.47 to support bracketed IPv6 URI notation
as described in RFC-3986
Thanks to Quanah Gibson-Mount
4.065 Tue Oct 2 12:36:11 PDT 2012
correct format for IPv6 embedded IPv4 addresses
in InetBase v0.8
4.064 Tue Sep 25 13:54:47 PDT 2012
added support for rfc3021 /31 networks to hostenum
4.063 Fri Aug 10 11:46:18 PDT 2012
Updated GPL v2.0 text and address in all modules
4.062 Wed Jun 6 12:34:48 PDT 2012
documentation updates courtesy of
Ben Bullock
Thank you Ben.
4.061 Tue May 8 16:24:03 PDT 2012
fixed bug in Lite v1.44 that returned
$ip->num() = 2^128 for
Thanks to Sebastian for spotting it.
4.060 Fri Apr 6 16:00:02 PDT 2012
In v1.43,
fix bug #75976, change in behavior introduced in v4.050

Wed Mar 7 13:00:00 2012
- fixed typo in perl-NetAddr-IP.spec description

Mon Dec 19 13:00:00 2011
- updated to 4.058
up rev for documentation update
update documentation in InetBase v0.06 v1.40
add call to InetBase::fillIPv4 to all uses of gethostbyname
break out the code in InetBase v0.05 that expands short IPv4
addresses into dotquad format to account for broken BSD
implementations of inet_aton and gethostbyname that do
not recognize the short format. EXPORT this as sub \'fillIPv4\'
in v1.45, add \'fillIPv4\' to calls to gethostbyname to
work around broken inet_aton and gethostbyname implementations
in certain BSD implementations

Mon Dec 19 13:00:00 2011
- update to 4.056, see Changes - a lot of them

Sun Aug 28 14:00:00 2011
- fixed typos in perl-NetAddr-IP.spec

Wed Jun 8 14:00:00 2011
- updated to 4.044
added missing support for ->compactref(\\AATTlist) which is described
in the documentation but not implemented.

Thu Apr 7 14:00:00 2011
- updated to 4.043
Update documentation on the use of \"adding constants
to an IP address\".

Thu Mar 31 14:00:00 2011
- update to 4.042

* a lot of changes, see Changes

Wed Dec 1 13:00:00 2010
- switch to perl_requires macro

Mon Aug 9 14:00:00 2010
- update to 4.030

* Resolve named hosts in using gethostbyname, followed by
gethostbyname6 to determine whether to set ipV6 flag
Thanks to Dusty Mabe for spotting this bug
4.029 Thu Jul 8 18:17:38 PDT 2010

* In NetAddr::IP::Lite,
added support for the sub \"new\" to resolve host6 names
if the OPTIONAL perl Socket6 module is available
Thanks to \"Mabe, Dusty\" for spotting
this and suggesting a fix.
4.028 Wed May 12 14:18:20 PDT 2010

* In /Lite/Util/Util.xs v1.32,
changed netswap() to postincrement

* a++ = to
*a and added increment after save to mollify some
picky compilers that return possible undefined behavior.

* changed type of _128x10 to \'void\'
Thanks to David Bolt for the above two patches
- recreated by cpanspec 1.78
- removed obsolete sequence-point patch
- removed obsolete no-return-in-nonvoid-function patch
o see changes of 4.028

Tue Apr 20 14:00:00 2010
- update to 4.027

* In NetAddr::IP::Util v1.31,
ferret out shell value for Makefile.PL when calling
./configure for systems where the \'x\' bit gets lost
due to bug in Archive::Tar
- cleanup spec

* BuildReq perl

* sort TAGS

* updated Url, description

* removed Provides NetAddr

* macro usage
- added perl-macros

Sat May 30 14:00:00 2009
- update to 4.026
+ inherit method \"new_from_aton\" from NetAddr::IP::Lite add
related documentation
+ updated Lite/t/v4-wnew.t so that non-existent domains are
\"really\" not there
+ add test in inet_aton to detect overange IP dot quad values
missed by some broken Socket implementations
+ In v1.10, add new no octal method for improperly
formatted ipV4 addresses
+ added minus (-) overloading to allow the subtraction of two
NetAddr::IP objects to get the difference between the
object->{addr}\'s as a numeric value
+ added what is hopefully thread safe operation via
serialization. Must be invoked by \"--with-threads\"
+ Extended the capability of \'splitref\' to allow splitting of
objects into multiple pieces with differing CIDR masks.
Returned object list can be split from bottom to top
or from top to bottom depending on which method is called
split, rsplit, splitref, rsplitref
- rpmlint fixes